Full Moon: Second Chances, Book 2

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Full Moon: Second Chances, Book 2 Page 5

by Mari Carr

  When her pussy muscles constricted, signaling her second climax, Jake was there. With her. In her.

  He groaned as he came, his body stiffening with each hard pulse.

  For several breathless moments, neither of them moved. Then Josie slowly lowered her legs, fighting to find her balance and grateful for Jake’s support, wobbly though it was. She suspected they were holding each other up. Jake’s soft cock slipped free and she lowered her skirt as he removed the condom, tossing it into a nearby dumpster before fastening his jeans.

  “You okay?”

  She nodded, touched by his concern and numb with the realization of what she’d just done. She’d pledged something to him she shouldn’t have. One night with Jake had been deadly to her libido as she’d spent the past few weeks in a haze of unending horniness—fantasizing and reliving every moment spent with him.

  Tonight’s adventure had only strengthened that bond, making him harder to resist. If she gave him another night…

  “Jake,” she started.

  He shook his head. “You promised, Josie, and I’m holding you to it. Have you ever experimented with anal before?”

  “No, not really.” Tony hadn’t been interested and she’d always been afraid to suggest it. Worried he’d think she was twisted, kinky or even a whore. God, had she really been such a weakling?

  “Would you seriously want to try something like that with someone you didn’t know and trust?”

  She hadn’t considered that. Hell, apart from writing down every unfulfilled fantasy she’d ever had, she hadn’t really thought about how she would achieve them. She’d simply looked at the next one on the list and headed out with a single-minded determination to get what she wanted. It had worked with the stranger sex and even the sex in public, but Jake raised a good point. There were more than a few things on her list she would never attempt with someone she didn’t know.

  He had her over a barrel and his cocky smirk proved he knew it.

  She sighed heavily. “No. I wouldn’t try that with a stranger. I’ll come back next month.”

  Jake grinned. “Don’t sound so excited.”

  “I don’t like being coerced. You’re forcing my hand and—”

  She didn’t have a chance to finish, when Jake turned her quickly, pushing her face toward the wall of the bar. His hand dipped beneath her skirt once more. “Open your legs.”

  She reacted without thought, feeling her body heat up again despite the fact she’d just come—twice.

  His fingers slipped along her slit, gathering moisture from her pussy, dragging it back to her anus. He pressed the tip of one finger inside her ass and froze.

  Josie’s breathing became ragged, her heart racing with anticipation. And desire. “God. Jake.”

  He pressed a little deeper, the pressure pinching, but not in a completely painful way. Her interest in pursuing this fantasy was sparked even more.

  “Next month, I’m going to lay you facedown across my bed. I’ll put a pillow under your hips, lube up this tight little hole and show you exactly how good this fantasy is going to feel.”

  Josie wiggled closer, forcing herself not to beg him to take her home right now. “Yes,” she hissed.

  Jake pushed the slightest bit deeper, then withdrew.

  Josie pressed her forehead against the cool siding, gasping for breath. Jake wrapped her in his embrace, providing warmth and support.

  “I’m not going to let you back out of this.”

  He’d made his point. Perfectly. He’d whetted her appetite for more, made sure there was no force on earth that would keep her from seeking him out on the next full moon. “I won’t break my vow. One month. I’ll be back here then.”

  “Let’s skip a few steps. Meet me at my house on March twentieth. I’ll make you dinner.”

  She stiffened her spine and turned to face him. “This isn’t a date, Jake. It’s just sex.”

  He shrugged off her argument. “Semantics.”

  She narrowed her eyes, but he cut off her argument. “Just be there. Okay?”

  Josie nodded. “Okay.”

  He kissed her one last time. His lips pressed against hers sweetly, hotly. Then he muttered a quiet goodbye and walked back into the bar.

  Chapter Three

  Josie’s Howl List—March

  1. Sex with a stranger

  2. Sex in public

  3. Anal

  Josie stood outside the door to Jake’s apartment. She’d been standing there for several minutes, trying to get up the nerve to knock. For weeks, she’d considered blowing this full moon off, dropping the whole damn second-chance idea and crawling back into her safe little shell.

  Ever since agreeing to this third meeting with Jake, Josie had struggled to sleep through the night—waking up in either full-blown panic attacks or so fucking horny she had no choice but to dig out her vibrator. She was losing her mind.

  This damn list was supposed to be easy, uncomplicated, fun. And while there was no denying the actual doing of the deeds was off-the-charts amazing, her emotions were running riot and wearing her out.

  “Fuck it,” she muttered, turning to leave. As much as she wanted to see Jake again, it would be a hell of a lot easier to break the connection now. If she went into his apartment tonight and accepted the little slice of heaven found in his embrace, she’d be setting herself up for yet another month of second-guessing and uncontrollable arousal. She couldn’t take any more of that.

  She took two steps and stopped. Dammit. The pull was too strong. There was no way she could leave. She wanted Jake too much.

  The door opened.

  “Chickening out?”

  She faced Jake and grimaced. “No.”

  He grinned. “You’ve been pacing outside my door for five full minutes.”

  She glanced at the wood, spotting the peephole. “You’ve been spying on me?”

  Jake shrugged, his face showing no remorse. “Wanted to see if you’d knock or leave. I have to admit I’m a bit disappointed.”

  “You should have held your post, kept playing Peeping Tom. Because if you had, you would have seen me coming back.”

  He reached out and she took his hand. It was so easy to be with him, to go to him. All her doubts and worries melted away the second he touched her. Jake pulled her close, kissing her in the doorway. It was hard to find anything wrong with this feeling.

  Josie wrapped her arms around his neck. Let the cards fall where they may. She was finished fighting this.

  “Hungry?” Jake asked when he broke the connection.


  He chuckled. “I meant for dinner.”

  She blinked a few times, trying to clear her lust-riddled thoughts. “Oh.”

  Jake led her inside, shutting the door. “Damn. You keep looking at me like that and I’m pitching the barbeque ribs in the garbage and dragging you straight to bed.”

  She ran her hand along his chest flirtatiously. “I wouldn’t complain.”

  He captured her hand and raised it to his mouth, kissing her knuckles in an old-fashioned gesture that could charm her out of her pants any day.

  “Come on. Food. Then sex. Or maybe food and sex. We’ll play it by ear.”

  Josie started to laugh, then released a gasp of surprise when her gaze landed on the special spread he’d laid out for her. His dining-room table was covered in a checkered tablecloth, set with simple white dishes. A candle burned in the center and a bottle of wine sat chilling in ice. “It looks like a picnic.”

  He nodded. “Good. That’s what I was going for.” He pulled out her chair and she sat, flattered and touched by the time and effort he’d put into making the dinner special.

  She’d lied to herself, insisting this wasn’t a date. But as he carried two salads from the kitchen, there was no denying that was exactly what this was.

  Jake claimed the seat next to hers and picked up his fork. “Dig in.”

  They ate in silence for a few moments as Josie savored the salad
. “This is good. Did you make it yourself?”

  “Yeah. When you’ve been a bachelor as long as I have, you either give in to the lure of non-stop take-out or you learn to cook. There are just so many pizzas and buckets of chicken one man can eat.”

  She understood the lure of taking the easy way out in terms of cooking. It had taken her a little while to get used to cooking for just her and Tommy after Tony left. Her finicky son ate like a bird and there had been more than a few months following the divorce when it had been simpler to pick up McDonald’s chicken nuggets for him on the way home from work or to open a can of soup and throw together a couple of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. She’d had to force herself to stop sacrificing a healthy diet in favor of sheer laziness. “It’s hard cooking for one.”

  She hadn’t told Jake about her son. She didn’t want to. As soon as they started sharing personal details about their lives, this whole thing stopped being a fantasy.

  “I made the dressing myself. My mom sent me the recipe when I was bitching about not being able to find a French dressing as good as hers. Makes a big batch and doesn’t go bad. I’m a big salad eater, so it’s worth the extra effort.”

  “It’s delicious.”

  Jake obviously took care of his body, eating right and exercising. While she’d started cooking healthier meals for her and Tommy, she still hadn’t managed to squeeze time into her schedule for working out. She was on her feet all day at the department store. By the time she got Tommy from school, made dinner, tidied the house, helped him with homework, gave him a bath and got him to bed, she was too exhausted to do much more than fall onto the couch and watch an hour or so of TV before crawling into her own bed.

  Jake put his fork down and poured them both a glass of white wine. “So what do you do for a living?”

  She hesitated a second too long.

  “I don’t intend to start stalking you, Josie.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I know that. I’m the assistant manager at one of the department stores at the mall. How’s that for a boring job?”

  He shrugged. “Doesn’t sound that bad to me. Do you enjoy it?”

  She considered his question seriously. “Yes and no. I’ve worked there long enough that I have pretty good, consistent hours. Except over the holidays, which suck. I only have to work one Saturday and one Sunday a month, so that’s cool. But no, it’s not exactly a dream job.”

  “What is?”

  She took a sip of the wine. “Honestly, I have no idea.” She’d gotten married too young, her after-school job becoming a full-time one. There’d been no money for college and Josie hadn’t been the world’s greatest student anyway. She worked because she needed money to pay the bills, not because it brought her any sort of fulfillment or happiness. “Actually, I have an interview for a new job next week. They’re hiring a secretary at my—” She cleared her throat, catching herself just before she said son. “At a local elementary school. I’d love that job.”

  She’d been thrilled when the principal had called her. If she got the job, her hours would be very close to her son’s and there was before and after care right at the school. They could ride together every day. She’d have the same holidays as Tommy, and the pay and benefits were a little better than what she was currently making. So, she supposed, that was her dream job. “Did you know you always wanted to own a bar?”

  Jake leaned back. “I wanted my own business. I started at Blue Moon as a bartender right out of high school. My great uncle owned it. He taught me the ropes, then when he was ready to retire, he sold it to me. This may surprise you, but I’m a hell of a lot better at giving orders than taking them.”

  Josie laughed. “No. Really? That’s not obvious at all.” She didn’t add that she’d take more of his sexy bedroom commands any day.

  “Ready for the main course?”

  She nodded, laughing when he walked out with the hugest platter of barbeque ribs she’d ever seen. “Holy crap.”

  Jake put the plate in the middle of the table, then walked behind her, taking her napkin off her lap.

  She glanced up when he tucked the end of it in the top of her blouse. One of his fingers dipped beneath the silk a little more than was necessary, grazing the top of her breast.

  “Copping a feel?” she teased when his hand went even lower, his palm engulfing her and squeezing.

  “Yep. I think I like the idea of food and sex after all.”

  She restrained a groan when he removed his hand and returned to his seat. He followed suit, tucking his own napkin in his shirt.

  “You couldn’t pick a stickier, messier meal to prepare?”

  “Nope. I’ll admit ribs are my favorite, but all I could think about was licking the sauce off your fingers.” He reached for her hand, dragging two of her fingers along the top of one of the ribs. Then he put them into his mouth, sucking all the sweetness off. Josie squirmed in her chair, thoroughly aroused by the sexy move.

  “Take off your pants, Josie.”

  She was surprised by his request, but too turned on by his hungry look to refuse. She rose to obey, then paused. “Take yours off too.”

  Jake stood and together they pulled off their jeans—Josie added her panties to the pile, while Jake went commando—before resuming their seats. Jake pushed his chair closer, tugging at Josie’s knees until they were wide open, allowing him to put his legs between. His knees rested against the insides of her upper thighs. They were facing each other, beside the table.

  If Josie hadn’t been so hot, she would have laughed at their half-dressed states. Both of them looked odd with their napkins tucked in their shirts, while completely naked from the waist down. “We look ridiculous.”

  “We’re being smart. Like you said, ribs are sticky business. We’re just protecting our clothes.”

  “Is that what we’re calling this? Smart?”

  Jake picked up a rib and pulled off a juicy piece of the meat. He lifted it to her mouth. She took the bite, chewing slowly. Then she grasped his wrist and licked the sauce from his fingers.

  Jake’s gaze darkened with need. Josie imitated his movements, grabbing her own rib from the pile and feeding him. They continued to take turns, sharing bites, sucking the sauce from each other’s fingers. It was the most erotic meal she’d ever eaten. The wine girls would have a field day with this story.

  She’d finally filled them in on her first two full-moon adventures last Thursday when Shelly mentioned her upcoming date with Jake. Zoey had praised her for her bravery, while Georgie had looked downright envious. Especially when Shelly told them all how hot Jake was.

  Jake tossed a bare bone onto his plate and chuckled at the pile. “Damn. Not sure I’m ever going to be able to eat ribs again without thinking of you.”

  She laughed. “I must admit I’ve never considered barbeque a particularly sexy food. But…”

  She ran two fingers along the edge of the platter, scooping a dollop of the sweet sauce. Reaching down, she dragged a sticky smear of it along Jake’s erection. “Oops.”

  Josie pushed her chair out, allowing enough room so that she could kneel between Jake’s outstretched legs.

  “Damn,” he murmured, when she ran her tongue along his length, cleaning up the delicious mess she’d made. Then she encircled his cock with her palm, stroking the hard flesh.

  Jake pulled the napkin from her neck, his fingers hastily tackling the buttons on her blouse. She only released him long enough to strip off the silky material and drag her bra off. Then she reached for him once more, taking his cock in her mouth.

  Jake’s hands landed on her shoulders as she drew him deeper. “Josie.” Her name sounded as reverent as a prayer. It made her want to give him more, show him how touched she was by his dinner, his kindness, his efforts on her behalf.

  He continually gave her exactly what she asked for without demanding more.

  After several moments, Jake gently pushed her away. “As much as I love your mouth on me, that’s not what tonight�
�s about.”

  He was right. She’d asked to experiment with anal sex. While she’d gone after her first two fantasies with enthusiasm, without hesitation, this one scared her a little.

  Jake placed his fingers beneath her chin and lifted her face, forcing her to look at him. “Be brave, Josie.”

  “What if I’ve changed my mind?”

  They’d only known each other a short time, but she sensed he was very good at reading her expressions, her thoughts. It was somewhat unnerving. “Have you?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know.”

  He rose from his chair and took her hand, helping her stand. “We’re sticky. What do you say we take a quick shower, give you some time to think about it?”

  “Okay.” Once again he’d known the right answer. She’d been a complete basket case all day, waiting to get here, to see him again.

  She’d thought she could rein in her emotions, but one look at Jake’s romantic dinner and his laughing eyes had destroyed that restraint. It was becoming clear that she was in serious danger of falling for him.

  Time to regroup was exactly what she needed.

  Jake led her down the hallway to the bathroom. She stood near the doorway as he closed the shower curtain and started the water. He tugged his shirt over his head, then reached for her.

  She stepped into the hot water with him, enjoying the sensual feelings his hands provoked as he rubbed her skin with soap, cleaning off every trace of the sticky barbeque sauce.

  Josie took the soap from him and washed him, enjoying his labored breathing when she slowly scrubbed his rock-hard cock. As always, Jake kissed her, long, hard presses of his lips against hers.

  Once they were clean, he turned her away from him, pushing on her shoulders until she was bent over, his dick brushing against her ass cheeks.

  Jake ran his fingers through her slit, slick with water and arousal, and then pushed two inside her pussy.


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