Chaos (Kings of Carnage Book 1)

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Chaos (Kings of Carnage Book 1) Page 8

by Hilary Storm

  He stills, allowing me to take everything in as I experience an orgasm of heights I’d never felt before. Yeah, I was a virgin… but I’ve done other stuff before. But none of it compares to this.

  “Fuck, you’re hot when you come. I wish I could see your eyes.” He kisses me again. This time on the lips. Slow and needy. “How am I going to get us out of here with a hard on?”

  “Finish, so you don’t have one.” I encourage him to keep going, for selfish reasons over doing it for show. “If I might die trying to escape this place… at least let me have this.” And with that, he moves inside me. Pushing deeper than before and filling me up until I’m stretched around him in every way.

  “Damn, you’re tight as fuck. It’s not going to take much.” About six more thrusts for me to ramp up once again and another three to send us both over the edge. He’s got his hand back over my mouth just before I feel the hot spurts of him deep inside me.

  “Fuck. That wasn’t supposed to go that far.”

  I’m glad it did. This time he doesn’t stop me from touching his face. I hold him for a few seconds before he snaps to reality and shoves my arms back against the wall.

  “The pill I gave you would’ve kept you from getting pregnant if anyone else had taken you. I wasn’t sure what had happened to you before you were brought in here. I was imagining the worst.” He sets me on my feet just as a song ends and the next thing I hear is his zipper going back up.

  He leans in to my ear and gives me some hope that my life may not be over like I thought it would be when I first came to.

  “Now, let’s get the fuck out of here.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  Fuck. That was not supposed to go like that. She was supposed to hate me and be terrified, hiding in the fucking corner… not be so fuckin’ perfect.

  Although, this way made my job easier, not that Vic or any of the fuckers watching that camera will believe I took that girl against her will. That wasn’t part of the agreement though. It isn’t my fault the girl he chose for me didn’t require force once she knew who I was.

  I need to talk to Elaina and make sure she’s really safe. Vic promised me we’d keep her protected and he has officially gone back on that if what Cambri said is true, and I have no reason not to believe her.

  I know who the Australian she was referring to is; he’s a hitman we use when I can’t be there to do a job. It’s not like him to mess up and not get both of the girls if that was his job… so if Elaina was left behind that probably means Vic didn’t put the order for her to be brought in. But as far as I’m concerned, kidnapping her fucking best friend isn’t keeping Elaina safe and clear of the club bullshit.

  I know what I have to do now. It’s not going to be easy… and I might die in the process, but at least she won’t have her own fucking father putting her in harm’s way once I’m done with him.

  I wish I could take her blindfold off, but Vic would kill her on the spot. It would make it easier for us to escape… but I’m going to have faith that the guys are ready and watching for my signal to get the fuck out of here.

  Before I make my exit from the room, I decide to give Cambri some last minute instructions that will save her life. I press her against the wall, facing away from me and talk near her ear at the same time I cover her mouth once again.

  She knows I’m being gentle, but to anyone looking it will seem as though I’m driving home my dominance over someone I just took advantage of. “Remember what I told you. Do everything I say and I promise to get you out of here or die trying. Do you understand me?” She nods through her whimpers. “I need you to stay in here. I’ll be back for you. Do not leave this room until you hear my voice or someone tells you Travis sent them.” I lightly squeeze her hip on the side opposite of the camera and then push off of her and walk out the door.

  The clank of the door echoes through the empty haul and I exhale with relief that I wasn’t met at the threshold by Vic or Bates.

  I immediately go to my room and dig for the burner phone I have hidden in a drawer. One text to Bash to let him know I’m on the move is all it’ll take.

  Me: Elaina may be in danger. I need to handle Vic can you check on her?

  Bash: She already texted me, said you gave her my number. Bouncer is in route to pick her up because he was still close by and he’ll wait for instructions.

  Me: Shit’s about to go down. Be ready. When all hell breaks loose, go get the girl out of the cell. Tell her Travis sent you and then get the fuck out of here. I’ll meet up with you later.

  Bash: Not a chance. I’m not leaving here until you do.

  Me: Yes. I need her safe.

  It takes him longer to respond this time. He’s no doubt debating this request.

  Bash: Brothers before all others… no exceptions.

  I struggle with my response. He’s right. I’m going to need him, just like I’ll need North, Sly and Jinx. Fuck, I’m gonna need about fifteen other guys that I won’t have on my side because they’re all going to be confused when they see me go at Vic.

  But she will have no one. And the chances of me surviving this to keep my promise to her are slim to none. And for some fucking reason… my promise to her seems more important than anything else right now. I don’t have time to contemplate what that means, so I just respond.

  Me: Until her. I need one of you to get her and get out. Use the chaos I’m about to start as a distraction and go to safety.

  I have two options. I can go at Vic tonight when he’s probably expecting me to react to what he just had me do. Or I can try to get out of here tonight and then come back for an element of surprise at a later time. Either way, I’m going to change the club completely after I see Vic.

  Shit will never be the same. The foundation has been cracked and if we’re lucky, part of it will still be standing once this is over.

  I decide to walk into Devil’s Den acting like I’m not pissed off in the slightest. Gracie hands me a beer as I lean against the bar and look across the room at Vic and Bates, both with a set of some of the club whores sprawled across them. Spike and Gus are nowhere to be seen, but neither is Poe. Church is here, but I’m not worried about him supporting my decision to fight against the club going in the direction of raping women. We haven’t even talked and I know he doesn’t agree with that shit.

  There’re pretty good odds right now if I act quick. I can’t think of a more perfect time to approach them but move to get my phone before I do. Holding two fingers at my side, I signal Bash knowing he will understand my intentions.

  Once I reach my phone and turn it on, everything changes. Countless messages come across as the vibrations rumble in my palm. The last text message I received sends my world exploding into fucking insanity.

  Bouncer: Elaina was not at the pick up location and she’s not at her apartment.

  I scan quickly to see if Elaina texted anything. A quick glance and rage explodes through my blood like I’ve never felt in my life.

  Elaina: Trav… I’m being followed. It’s one of the old guys from your club. I’ve seen him before in some of the pictures Mom had. I don’t know what to do.

  My phone vibrates again with a message from Bash.

  Bash: Church will have your girl. She’s safe. He came to me wanting to help you get out of there.

  I don’t take the time to look at any of the other messages. They don’t matter. I have everything I need to know exactly how to take care of Vic and anyone who takes his side in the direction the club should go.

  A simple nod and Bash is pressing a knife against Vic’s neck, right beside North doing the same to Bates. “Listen the fuck up.” My yell resonates how I feel, and the gunshot I send into the ceiling gets everyone’s fucking attention.

  Club Ass begins to scurry all over the place, picking up their clothes and running for the door. Between Jinx, Sly and myself waving guns around in both hands and the other two guys holding our Pres and his sidekick by knifepoint… I have
everyone’s attention.

  “No one moves. I’m only here to handle a family matter with Vic. I’ll only have beef with any of you if you try to intervene.” One of the prospects starts to lean forward on the couch he’s sitting on. Sly moves his left hand to aim directly at his head. “Make your move very wisely… because we will shoot first and not ask questions later if any of you try to move for your weapons. I only ask that you all hear this out and then you can decide who you want to follow.” I don’t tell them following Vic will mean following him to death.

  “Vic… where is Elaina?” He doesn’t even try to answer, so Bash literally puts him in a choke hold and yanks him up from behind the couch.

  “He asked you a fucking question, Old Man.” By this time, I’m moving closer with my gun aimed at both Vic and Bates. I still haven’t seen Spike or Gus, and I need to be concerned about both of them.

  “Where did the fuckin’ Aussie take her?” He still refuses to answer me, and Bates makes a shitty attempt to grab North’s knife. North mirrors Bash’s move and pulls him up, swiftly switching to a pistol against his temple over the knife at his throat.

  “Before this goes any further, I’d like everyone here to know that thirteen years ago I made an agreement with this fucker right here.” I step in front of Vic and shove the gun in my left hand in his direction. “I agreed to give my life to the club under one condition… the safety of my family.”

  Bates moves quickly, failing in his effort to over-take North but pissing me off at the same time. I decide it’s time to make an example out of him and show Vic I’m fucking serious. “Bates, I’ll give you the same question. Where is my sister?” He spits toward me, hitting my boots and the dirty floor below me. “On her way to becoming my bitch. Kings… overtake these fuck heads and get us out of here.”

  Sly and Jinx move around the room, watching everyone for any movement but none comes, so I continue my path to Bates. With one abrupt yank of the collar of his shirt, I’ve got him up against the wall right before I send a bullet into his chest and let his lifeless body fall to the floor. The gunshot echoes in the bar and so does the sound of him gurgling as he drowns in his own blood.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Everyone listen closely as I share some secrets of the club… Vic, Bates, Spike and Gus have all decided to take the club in a new direction. One where we condone the raping of women. Where we kidnap them and sell them to the highest bidder, who will be a sex deranged fuck every single time. They’ve gone so far as to kidnap my sister and her best friend on their first fucking round of kidnappings.” Bash drags Vic to a chair and forces him to sit in it while North moves to the door, all of them still on full alert allowing me to plead my case to the club.

  “Vic will die tonight. If any of you move to stop it, Bash will pull the trigger instantly. But I’d really like to do the honors myself once he tells me where they took my sister, Elaina.” I take a few steps to come face to face with Vic. “What kind of fucking father kidnaps his own daughter to sell into a fucking sex ring?”

  “You think you have everything figured out. You have no clue what it takes to keep a club like this in the black.”

  “We don’t hurt women. We don’t kidnap women. We don’t fucking rape women. And we mother fucking don’t do any of that to our own goddamn family members.” I’m screaming at this point, madder than hell that he’s sitting here so smug after what he’s done.

  “Where is Elaina?” I speak slowly, shoving the end of my pistol into his temple. Bash is still holding his position, just waiting for me to either do what I’m here to do or give him the signal to do it for me. It’s out of courtesy that he’s waiting for my lead.

  He’s never going to tell me what I need to know. In fact, I already know the possibilities of where she is. She’s either already been given to Ramirez or she’s on her way. I’m wasting time and taking a chance that I’ll never be able to find her if I stay here and let him play his games with me.

  “One more chance, Dad. I’m giving you three fucking seconds to tell me what I need to know to find her, or I’m going to put a bullet in you just like I did Bates.” He shakes his head and refuses to answer me.

  “I’m hereby removing you from your seat at the end of the table. I may never sit in it myself, but at least this club has a chance to right the wrongs you’ve started.” Bash steps back, knowing what’s coming.

  It’s easier to pull the trigger than I thought it would be. There’s no sadness. No grief. Just fucking anger as I turn and walk away.

  “If any of you agree with raping women, stand up now.” No one moves. They’d be an idiot to after what they all just witnessed. I know doing that in front of them is risky and will probably land me in jail if anyone wants to avenge either of them, but I’m not concerned with that right now.

  “I’m leaving here to find my sister and if I’ve ever made an impact on you, I’m asking that you take the right side of this, so we can turn the Kings of Carnage around. Come with me. We can bust the operation up and free the girls who are scared out of their fucking minds. Then if you want to kill me for executing your President, I’ll stand there and willingly let you.”

  “I’ll follow you anywhere Chaos. Tell me what you want me to do.” One of the prospects speaks up.

  “Same here.” Another.

  “Here too.” Yet another.

  The room erupts in offers of help and that’s when I finally have hope that I’ll be able to get Elaina out of Ramirez’s clutches. “We’re going to need guns. Lots of fucking guns. Everyone go to the supply room and get what you need. We’ll be going in hot, so get something that you can actually handle. I need six of you to take care of these bodies.”

  “I’ll make sure this is handled correctly. We don’t need anyone fucking this up.” North offers to head up the trash disposal and with a simple nod from me, he starts pointing at who he’s going to take. I appreciate that he’s taking some of the smallest guys in our club. A few of the older guys step up to help him as well and I don’t have to tell him a single thing. He handles it like a boss.

  The rest of us move to load up on enough guns and ammo to start a fucking war.

  The true test of everyone’s loyalty to myself over Vic is blatantly confirmed when they’re all holding weapons of mass destruction and not a single person is trying to use them.

  “Earlier tonight, they were in the old abandoned Peterson warehouse. It’s no longer empty; giant crates cover the west side of the building and then they’ve built some cheap ass little rooms on the east. The girls will most likely be chained and possibly even knocked out. They will be naked and scared out of their fucking minds. There are going to be at least twenty men in suits watching from every angle, just as armed as we are. They will probably see us coming unless we use the trees on the northern edge of the property to hide. We can snipe a few of the suits before we take off toward the warehouse.”

  “Any questions?” I look around and see a room full of about twenty men that I’ve spent my entire adult life getting to know. Men I’ve gone to battle for and killed with. Men I’ve gone on successful supply runs with men I’ve gotten slosh fucking drunk with. There’s not a single man in here that I haven’t personally gotten to know.

  “Should we get the police involved? That’s gonna be a lot of fuckin’ bodies to deal with.” Sly comes forward with a great point.

  “I’ll call Brett and tell him what’s going down. I’m sure he’ll want to be there right at the end to take the credit.” I’ve got a good working relationship with the local authorities, but especially Sheriff Brett Davis and I know he’ll be foaming at the mouth to be able to say he took down a sex trafficking ring that had just moved into the county. The evidence won’t all point in the right direction, but that’ll be his deal to figure out.

  “Alright. Just in case we don’t all make it back here. Thank you for helping me with this. Please don’t hurt any of the girls. Make your shots count and treat them right when you rescue them
. They will be fragile.” I open my phone and pull up a picture of Elaina. “This is my sister. She’s the reason for this run tonight, but I want to save as many of them as we can. Wear all black to hide and take off all club gear. If you don’t have black… there’s some in the back-store room closet. When you’re ready to go, pile into a truck; we leave the bikes here tonight. Phones go on silent.”

  We have a small convoy of four trucks to hide once we get there. The thick tree row makes it easy to do just that. “Ok, everyone. We stay low and silent. Stay in groups of four like you’re standing now. Move on my mark and these two teams stay behind the first surge forward and cover the others until they’re in the building. Spread out and everyone here with a dick dies unless they’re standing right here with you boys and that includes Spike, Gus and the fuckin’ Aussie who kidnapped my sister. Got it?” They all nod and just like that we’ve assembled a small army with enough crazy to blow up some shit and not look back, which is exactly what I needed to make this happen tonight.

  We’re all low and moving toward the warehouse in our groups of four when we see a big box truck starting to pull in. I signal to freeze in place, stopping the group of guys with me.

  It’s obvious they’re not expecting us or even suspicious of their surroundings when they slide open the back of the truck and start pulling out even more girls than they had here before. It’s hard to watch them throw them around, but then again maybe these guys here with me need to see this. That’ll make them understand why I’m so against this that I killed my own damn father for it.


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