Lords of Passion

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Lords of Passion Page 9

by Virginia Henley

  Anne went off in search of Albemarle. She was looking forward to dancing.

  Sarah made her curtsy to Princess Caroline. “His Highness commandeered Charles the moment we arrived.”

  “Ah, the Prince of Wales heard about the horses your husband sold the king. You know how competitive George and his father are. He won’t rest until he, too, owns some of those incomparable Thoroughbreds.”

  Charles is selling horses? Goodwood horses? Sarah was shocked. He must be desperate for money!

  “I have some new musicians I’m trying out tonight,” Princess Caroline declared.

  Prince Frederick held out his arm to Sarah, and everyone followed to the ballroom. Anne and Albemarle were there before them. “I believe congratulations are in order. When may we celebrate the nuptials?”

  Anne showed the Princess of Wales her ring. “We have decided on July fourth. The Countess of March has generously invited us to hold the wedding at Caversham Park in Oxfordshire. It’s far more convenient for everyone than Goodwood.”

  The musicians began to play and Frederick partnered Sarah in the first dance.

  It wasn’t long before the Dowager Duchess of Marlborough arrived with Lady Diana Spencer in tow, and her grandson, the Marquis of Blandford, trailing behind.

  While Anne proceeded to make young Diana toad green with envy over her ring, Sarah asked Blandford to dance. Though he was eager to partner her, she found him less eager to answer questions about her husband.

  “William, did you know that Charles was selling some of the Goodwood horses?”

  “Mmm, I may have heard a vague reference to it.”

  “He must need money,” she prompted.

  “Don’t we all? Raising money for a project is akin to squeezing blood from a stone.”

  “Does this project have anything to do with paying off gambling debts?”

  “My dear Lady March, Charles don’t confide his private affairs to me. He plays his cards close to his chest—he wouldn’t appreciate my discussing his business with his wife.”

  “Forgive me, William. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”

  When the dance ended, Blandford left the ballroom, and Sarah chatted with his grandmother about the upcoming wedding at Caversham Park.

  “Lady Anne has made a good match with Albemarle. He’s a solid fellow with a noble title, but it’s the man that matters, not the rank.”

  Sarah hid her amusement. The rank will certainly matter when it comes to a match for Lady Diana.

  “Sarah, my dear, would you mind chaperoning Diana? I prefer the company of the big dogs in the gaming rooms. Can’t do much business in the ballroom.”

  The moment the dowager duchess left, Sarah steered Diana toward Prince Frederick. His eyes lit up at the sight of the pretty young lady, and he asked her to dance. A match made in heaven. Even the duchess cannot cavil at a royal prince.

  Promptly at eleven, Charles came to escort Sarah to the supper room. She was rather surprised to see that he had the Dowager Duchess of Marlborough on his arm.

  “I’ve brought your godmother to join us. I’ve been bending her ear for the last hour and think she’s in need of a drink.”

  On the way to the buffet, Sarah’s suspicions mounted with every step. “I was under the impression you didn’t indulge in gambling, your grace.”

  The old girl gave a bark of laughter. “There’s frippery gambling, then there’s real gambling! I prefer the latter … business, stocks, shares, trading. Neck or nothing is my motto. That sort of gamble takes far more guts than betting on cards.”

  Charles handed Sarah a flute of champagne, but he secured Scotch whiskey for the duchess. Her Grace raised her glass, “Bottoms up!”

  Sarah felt his hand stroke her bum and drew in a swift breath.

  “I promised my wife I would take her home early. There are some things that even take precedence over business.”

  “Ha! Funny bloody business,” the duchess chortled. “You are a devil, Charles Lennox.”

  “And then some,” he said with a grin.

  Chapter Eight

  “I won’t be a minute. Wait for me,” Charles said when they arrived home. He went into the library and emerged a couple of moments later.

  He took something to his desk. She was wildly curious about what it could be. Her thoughts evaporated, however, when Charles swept her into his arms and carried her upstairs.

  Sarah blushed. “Molly! You shouldn’t have waited up for me.”

  Charles winked at the maid. “Lady March won’t be needing your services tonight.”

  He set Sarah’s feet to the carpet, removed her cloak, and dropped a kiss on her bare shoulder. She took a deep breath. “Anne said Albemarle would bring her home. Everyone was so happy for her; it was a rewarding evening.”

  Charles dipped his head and whispered in her ear, “It isn’t over yet.” He lifted her arm and began to remove her evening glove. He dropped a kiss into her palm and reached for the other glove. This time his lips didn’t stop at her palm. They kissed the inside of her wrist, then trailed up the inside of her bare arm, making her shiver.

  When his lips touched her throat, she remembered the pearls and reached up to remove them.

  “No, no, I’ll do the undressing.” He turned her about and unfastened her gown. When the violet silk pooled at her feet, she stepped out of it. He undid the ribbons of her petticoat and let it fall to the carpet; then he unfastened her corset strings and lifted it off. Charles turned her to face him before he reached up to remove the pins from her hair. It fell over his hands in silken splendor and it was his turn to shiver.

  He unlooped the double row of pearls so that they fell in a single long loop between her naked breasts. “I want you to leave them on. Their black luster turns your flesh luminescent.” He held her at arm’s length as his gaze swept over her from head to toe.

  When you look at me like that, I feel beautiful.

  “I’ve been waiting all night to see you in your pretty stockings and garters. I want you to leave them on.”

  That’s why you gave them to me. You want me to wear them to bed!

  She tossed her hair over her shoulder and felt it whisper against her back. She knew she made an erotic picture with her golden curls cascading about her shoulders, the black pearls decorating her pale breasts, and the black stockings embroidered with violets.

  Sarah knew with the age-old knowledge of Eve that tonight he would take her virginity. This was the time she had been waiting for. She savored the inevitability of the act. The climax was fast approaching. It would be followed by the denouement when he plunged into the abyss, and then she would take her revenge.

  Sarah didn’t get into bed; instead she walked across the chamber and poured herself a glass of wine.

  His eyes never left her as he removed his clothes.

  She came toward him slowly, swaying her hips. She dipped a finger into the wine and sucked it provocatively. Then she painted his nipples with the wine and licked them.

  Charles groaned. “You are tempting as sin, my beauty.” He took the wineglass from her and set it down. Then he lifted her against his heart and carried her to their bed.

  He pulled the covers aside, laid her down gently, and worshipped her with his eyes. “You fill my senses, sweetheart.”

  She watched him slip into bed beside her and felt his tenderness as he gathered her into his arms. When the kissing began, her thoughts of revenge floated away as pleasure engulfed her. He began with quick kisses to her temples, her eyelids, her nose, and the corners of her mouth. Then his lips trailed down to brush against her throat, and she longed for his mouth to take possession of hers.

  When his lips sought hers, they lost themselves for an entire hour in slow, melting kisses. The tip of his tongue tempted her to open her mouth and invite him inside. When he thrust in and out, imitating what his body was about to do, she moaned softly.

  With his lips against her throat he murmured, “Your skin is so delicat
e and fair against my dark body, it makes me long to devour you.” He brushed the golden tendrils from her forehead and threaded his fingers into her curls. “Your hair is so wondrous, it tempts me to touch it every time you come near me.” His other hand cupped her breast, and his thumb caressed its pink tip.

  Sarah loved the feel of his hands on her body. His touch thrilled her. He has such beautiful hands. His fingers are long and slender like an artist’s. She sighed and arched against him. She felt his hard erection brush against her thigh, and her lashes fluttered up so she could watch his mounting desire turn his eyes dark with need.

  Charles rose up and straddled her with his knees. He gazed down at the exquisite picture she made. The black pearls lay in the valley between her upthrust breasts. The bare flesh of her thighs above the black stockings and the honey-colored tendrils on her high mons made his senses reel.

  He took her hand and brought it to his cock. He drew in a swift breath as her fingers encircled him. “Sarah, you are so precious to me. I’ll try not to hurt you, my love.”

  Charles slid his shaft back and forth in the cleft between her legs so she could get used to the feel of him. Sarah dug her fingers into his shoulders and arched against him.

  “Wrap your legs about my back.”

  She obeyed without question and felt his cock thrust inside her slowly and firmly.

  She experienced a sharp pain that took her breath away. But as he held still inside her, the pain quickly subsided and was replaced by a fullness that made her feel like a real woman for the first time in her life.

  He began to move in a tantalizing rhythm that sent her desire spiraling high through her belly and breasts, deep into her woman’s center. Heat leaped between them, arousing a thousand pulsing pleasure points when he unleashed the fierce passion he had been holding in check for weeks.

  She cried out his name, shattering the stillness of the night. At that moment, nothing in the entire world mattered to her but the feel of him inside her. When he felt the first flutter of her orgasm, he allowed his own release. They climaxed together, then lay entwined as their bodies softened with surfeit.

  He took his weight from her and gazed down at her with adoration. “You consume me. I love you, Sarah.”

  He curved his long body about her back and tucked her head beneath his chin.

  She lay in a warm haze feeling safe and protected. Above all she felt loved. Sleep beckoned, and unable to resist it, she succumbed.

  Hours later, Sarah awoke and opened her eyes. Their bodies were no longer touching, and she lay absolutely still as she contemplated what she would do. She had gone over her plan many times and even rehearsed the cutting words she would say.

  In the dark, a wave of guilt for what she was about to do washed over her. Charles had told her he loved her, and she wished he hadn’t opened his heart to her. She firmly pushed away the gnawing self-reproach. This is the moment you’ve been waiting for. The timing is perfect. You’ve thirsted for revenge. Have the courage of your convictions and settle the score!

  Sarah inched slowly to the edge of the bed and set her feet to the floor. Quietly, she moved to the adjoining bedchamber and closed the door. Her pulse raced and her heart hammered as she lit the lamp. She removed the black pearls and laid them on the dressing table beside the rubies. Then she peeled off the embroidered stockings. She poured water into the bowl to wash, and then she dressed.

  She glanced toward the adjoining door and the chamber beyond. Don’t look back! Don’t ever look back. She opened her wardrobe and began to fold her clothes. Her thoughts strayed to the events of last night, and she knew she would not be satisfied until she found out what Charles had put in his desk.

  Silently, she made her way to the library and lit the lamp. Her heart was in her mouth as she slid open the desk drawer and pulled out a handful of papers. She saw two bills of sale for horses—one to the king and the other to the Prince of Wales. She gasped at the amount of money they had paid for the Thoroughbreds.

  She picked up a piece of paper and saw it was a bank draft in the amount of ten thousand pounds, payable to Charles Lennox and signed by William van Keppel.

  Christus! He is extracting payment from Albemarle to marry Anne. William should be receiving money for Anne’s dowry, not paying money. How on earth did he persuade Albemarle to hand over ten thousand pounds? She had never dreamed that Charles Lennox could be so crass. It was tantamount to selling his sister.

  Sarah picked up the last piece of paper, which was another bank draft. She was shocked to her core to see the signature. It was from Sarah Churchill, the Dowager Duchess of Marlborough, in the amount of fifteen thousand pounds.

  Her anger flared. “That devil! How did he coerce my godmother to hand over her money?” He has a dark attraction that females cannot resist. His smooth charm could lure the ducks from the pond.

  Sarah flung the papers back into the desk drawer and closed it. She looked up quickly as a shadow fell across the doorway.

  “Are you looking for something, Lady March?” Henry Grey asked in a puzzled voice as he came into the library.

  “Thank you, Mr. Grey. I found everything I was looking for.”

  “Is something amiss, Lady March?”

  “Nothing … everything! We met once before, Mr.


  Henry’s brows drew together. “I’m sure I would have remembered, my lady.”

  “It was more than three years ago aboard the Green Lion. I am the idiot girl who barreled into Charles like a bloody baboon.”

  She watched his expression turn to horror as he recalled the incident aboard ship.

  “I humbly beg your pardon, my lady.”

  “You have nothing to apologize for, Mr. Grey. You stopped the Earl of March from savaging me. I thank you for your gallantry.”

  Sarah swept past him and went back upstairs to her bedchamber. With each step her outrage mounted. If he wanted to sell his sister, it had nothing to do with her. But extracting money from her godmother was another matter entirely.

  By the light from her window she saw that it was dawn. When the adjoining bedroom door opened, she was waiting for him, ready for him.

  Charles, clad in hastily donned breeches, stepped into the room. “Sarah, what’s wrong? Did I hurt you?”

  “Yes, you did.”

  His eyes filled with concern. “I’m so sorry. I tried to be gentle.”

  “I’m not talking about last night. I’m referring to the hurt you inflicted on me the day I was forced to marry you. You were a brute. You treated me with utter contempt. The words you threw at me were vile.” Sarah raised her chin. “I vowed to even the score. The only reason I came to live with you at Richmond House was to seek revenge.” She saw the concern in his eyes turn to pain.

  He said with disbelief, “You used my love as a weapon against me.”

  The truth of his accusation goaded her to inflict more pain. “I’m glad the weapon I chose found its mark and wounded you.”

  His look became guarded as he masked the hurt he felt.

  “I’m leaving. From now on we’ll live apart. I won’t stay under the same roof with a man without morals. Where money is concerned you are exactly like your father. You have sold Goodwood horses to pay off gambling debts.”

  She saw him clench his fists, and she tossed her head in angry defiance. “I don’t really give a damn that you have sold your sister, because it is none of my business. But taking money from the Dowager Duchess of Marlborough is my business. To use the affection of my godmother in your manipulative schemes sickens me. If you have an ounce of integrity you will return her money immediately.”

  She saw his black brows draw together and his jaw harden.

  “I’m going to Caversham Park to help Mother prepare for Anne’s wedding. Once she is married, I will be living at the Cadogan town house.”

  A dreadful silence stretched between them.

  “I shall put the carriage at your disposal.” He turned, went into th
e adjoining bedchamber, and shut the door.

  Sarah’s knees turned to water and she sank down on the bed. She should have been triumphant that she had taken her revenge, but all she felt was a sinking sensation and her heart was heavy. He deserved every word, she thought, forbidding herself to dwell on the hurt she had seen in his eyes.

  She stood up and squared her shoulders, then rang for Molly. When the young woman arrived, Sarah said, “We are leaving. Pack your things and get a footman to find my trunks. Better get yourself some breakfast; we are going to Caversham Park.”

  Molly noticed Sarah’s pale face and stiff back. She refrained from questioning the young countess. It was plain as a pikestaff she’d had a row with her husband.

  Downstairs Sarah penned a note to Anne explaining she was going home to Caversham to help her mother prepare for the wedding. She did not mention that she was leaving Charles permanently. Anne was her friend, and the last thing she wanted to do was upset the bride-to-be. She left the envelope sitting in Anne’s place at the table.

  * * *

  “Sarah, we only left London yesterday. If we’d known you were coming to visit, you could have driven down with us.” Margaret eyed the trunks and the large amount of luggage the servants had carried in. “You must be intending to stay for a while.”

  “Yes, I’m going to help plan the wedding festivities. There will be a lot of work involved preparing for the guests, to say nothing of the expense you will incur. This is extremely generous of you, Mother.”

  “Your husband is shouldering all the expenses. Charles insisted. He gave your father the money when we were in London.”

  Sarah was surprised. “Good. It’s only fitting that he pay.” She removed her cloak. “You remember Molly? I took her with me to Richmond House as my lady’s maid.”

  Molly bobbed a curtsy. “Lady Cadogan.”

  “I thought she could have the room next to mine.” Sarah beckoned a male servant. “Please have the luggage taken up to my old chamber.” She had no idea how polished and confident she appeared to her mother and Caversham’s servants.

  “Here’s Father.” She dutifully kissed his cheek.


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