Toying with The Boss: Bundle Edition: Stories 1-3 + Bonus steamy story (Adult Toy Fun Erotica)

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Toying with The Boss: Bundle Edition: Stories 1-3 + Bonus steamy story (Adult Toy Fun Erotica) Page 3

by Carley Rose

  "Hmm, yeah, I was thinking about that too, but if we add too many that wouldn't it be harder for people to use?" Taking another sip, I decided to bring up something we've argued about a few too many times, hoping that the sunny weather would make Jake more receptive to new ideas.

  "Then… how about we film it?"


  Sighing, I set my water down and looked up at Jake, who suddenly seemed to find the clipboard very interesting.

  "Jake, I don't see why this is such a big deal. It's my body, and you won't be anywhere near the screen. No one will see you or know you're there."

  "That's not what bothers me!" I raised my eyebrows at the outburst, not sure where his anger came from.

  "Then what does?" I asked, starting to feel a bit angry myself but keeping quiet so that I wouldn't alert any of the neighbors to our argument. Even though I wasn't being fucked right now, I did not need anyone else seeing the chair covered in straps with a dildo machine that still had lube dripping from it in my backyard.

  Instead of answering, Jake let out a huff of air and marched over towards the house, opening the screen door.

  "It just isn't happening, okay?" He said, his body still tense without even looking at me. It was moments like these that I remembered he was my junior. "There's food for you in the microwave, I'll be downstairs."

  After he closed the screen door a bit harder than needed, I got up and tied the robe around myself. Food sounded good, but a shower first. Even though I hadn't even moved the whole fifteen minutes I was strapped down, I still worked up quite the sweat taking in the relentless dildo machine. Maybe Jack could make a wireless remote to control the speeds better. That would be nice.

  My sore vagina agreed.

  Of course, it would be even better if we actually filmed it to help people understand the products. Sometimes Jake was impossible to work with, not wanting to ship something out if he felt like it was anything but perfection.

  While I admired and encouraged that work ethic, sometimes it got in the way when he wouldn't even accept a small speck of tarnish on one of his creations. It meant that shipping them took a while and we hadn't even started thinking of mass production.

  Sure, we had a steady stream of customers and even a few regular clients that ordered custom-made stuff, but we weren't putting out enough to build the company any further than what it currently was.

  It was frustrating to my business senses, knowing that we could be earning three times, no, ten times as much if Jake would just trust his toys in the hands of someone else. He could only work so much, and I felt like our dream of an adult toy empire was getting further and further away.

  Perhaps if I could just get him to agree on the videos he was so against about for whatever reason, we could get more interest and he would have to start hiring others to help with production. A slightly dirty tactic, but then I didn’t become the CFO at Toys Company by doing everything like an angel.

  As I entered the bathroom a smile spread over my face. There was already a bath prepared for me and covered to keep the heat in. I let the robe fall from my body and rolled up the tub mat before settling in. My strained muscles sighed in relief as the hot water soothed them, letting me relax in places I didn't even realize were tense.

  There were even some candles in protective glasses around the tub, filling the bathroom with the exotic scents of peach and mango. I sighed and allowed my body to soak deeper into the water.

  It wasn't until my stomach started complaining that I finally got out of the heated water. Jake was nowhere to be seen, so that meant he was tinkering away downstairs, probably on new straps.

  The food in the microwave was some of the home cooked lasagna Jake made last night, placed on a plate separate from the salad for easy heating. I took out the salad bowl and turned on the microwave before digging into the leafy greens. Jake was a surprisingly good cook, which was one of the best parts of him living here. I mean, being able to constantly test all of the sex toys was an awesome part of the job, but his food was to die for.

  I finished off the salad before the lasagna was even done heating, my body hungrier than I thought. There was still an ache between my legs, sore and beaten but my body was overall satisfied, as if I had a good workout.

  The first bite of the lasagna was like ascending to heaven, and the second was like getting an all-day pass there. As I ravished the meat and cheese dish, I tried to think of new ways to discuss the idea of doing a video with Jake.

  Maybe he just needed to relax; I mean, I was getting pounded by toys everyday but he was probably blue balling it, having no time to do anything other than work and test stuff out on me.

  Maybe if I let us take the rest of the day off and de-stress, he would finally see reason and help me make the videos. And then we would be able to sell more and hire others to help with toy production so that Jake didn't have to work all the time.

  I just had to get him to relax first.

  After I finished eating, I went down to the basement, or our company's main production site. There were all sorts of materials spewed around the large room, Jake's sorting system hard to understand at the best of times. Still, we had decided from the get go that he had control over the creation and I was in charge of all the paperwork. So far it was working. Except for the video idea, that is.

  "How's it going?" I asked. Jake jumped from his seat at the sound of my voice. He looked back at me, the white of his eyes visible. If a simple greeting freaked him out that much, he definitely needed to relax.

  "Okay. How are you feeling?" Jake said, clearing his throat and obviously trying to act like he wasn't just scared half to death. I walked around the pieces of equipment on the floor to look at what he was working on. It was the straps.

  "Good, thanks for the bath," I told him, leaning on the edge of the table as I watched him work. He kept his eyes on the straps.

  "Hey, don't you think you need a break or something?" I asked, still watching his hands as they skillfully worked with the material, cutting and setting it. Why did he ever settle for graphic design when he could create things so beautifully?

  "Hm, maybe after this," Jake replied, not pausing for a moment. At this rate he would be working on it all night. It was great for production but I wasn't about to burn out my partner if I could help it.

  "Or we could go relax and take the rest of the night off, maybe watch a movie or something?"

  "Nah, I want to finish this first." Frowning, I allowed myself a silent sigh before reaching out and setting a hand on his shoulder.

  "Jake, I think-." Jake jumped when I touched him, the chair rolling away as he slipped out of my grip.

  "Jake, what's wrong?" I asked, startled from his own surprised reaction. It wasn't like a moment ago, when I caught him unaware. I was sitting right next to him. Something was up.

  "N-nothing. Sorry, but can you go?" He asked, turning the chair away so that he wasn't looking at me.

  What the fuck? Is this the same guy that suggested we go into business together and got us to the point where we quit our jobs and moved in together?

  "Jake, seriously, something's up. What's going on?" I asked, walking over to him. He was hunched over, avoiding my eyes. Okay, I was seriously starting to get worried.

  "Jake?" I asked again, quieter this time. His silence scared me. Did something happen? He seemed fine earlier. It was moments like these that I forgot our age difference, if however slight it seemed during most times.

  "I'm sorry, just, I can't look at you right now." The words cut deep, deeper than I ever thought such words could. Backing up, I took a shaky breath and swallowed down my emotions.

  "There's some toys that need to be tested in that box." Jake pointed at an innocent looking box, still not bothering to look back at me.

  Without a word, I took the box off his work table and went upstairs, too pissed to trust myself to speak. What? He didn't want to look at me? Well, it's a half a year too late for those sorts of thoughts.

bsp; Grabbing a bottle of wine, I headed in to the living room so I could get started on the toys. He didn't usually give me some after a workout like this morning. Generally, when I tested new toys he wanted to watch and explain the objects to me to make sure they were being used to their full potential, but seeing as he can't even be bothered to look at me, I guess it doesn't matter.

  The wine was almost half empty by the time I actually got to looking in the box. There were some normal looking dildos, but I was sure he put something special in them. I found a remote and decided to find out what it did after I stuck the dildo it worked for in.

  My hands were a bit sloppy from drinking nearly the entire bottle of wine in less than thirty minutes, but I managed to attach the first dildo, a double penetration one made from silicon, to the simple rocking mount Jake made specially for me.

  Slathering on the lube, I struggled out of the robe and stretched for a few clumsy seconds before standing over the two dildos that were sticking straight up into the air, ready whenever I was.

  For a second, my mind gained a bit of rationalized thinking. Really, I should probably wait so I could give a real report on these toys, or at least to avoid any accidents, but then I took one last swig of the wine and decided what the hell, this was my job and I was going to do it.

  Putting down the wine bottle, which was mostly empty at this point, I finally began to lower myself over the dildos.

  Opening up my bottom lips, I worked the first one into my vaginal entrance, flinching at the soreness that remained from getting thoroughly fucked by the machine earlier. I stopped for a second, knowing a short rest could help reset my body, but then my stubbornness won over and I continued down until I felt the shorter dildo poke me in the back.

  Now, I hadn't done much or really any anal play before meeting Jake, but we had plenty of clients that were into it so I had to start learning all about the wonders of it. Mostly, it involved a lot of lube and making sure you weren't constipated.

  I lined the tip with my back hole, holding it in place so that could get past the tight ring of muscles protesting the intrusion before it finally slipped in, joining the other dildo in my body.

  They were both barely halfway in, but my clit still hurt from earlier, so I took it slowly, rocking my hips back and forth to take them both in inch by inch, my breathing soon turning into gasps as they filled me up.

  The chair rocked slightly, swinging with my movements and helping the dildos get further inside. My mouth was open wide, breathing hard as my body started to heat up.

  There were handles on either side of the special chair, which I gratefully took advantage of as my hips began to move on their own accord. There was something about being so full, about having both holes filled up, that I found myself getting lost in.

  The two toys worked into me, bending slightly until they were nestled fully inside and my ass rested on the chair. My hips were still swinging forward, wanting just a bit more, wanting to feel them thrust up or something. Of course, perhaps the extra thing Jack added to it would have want I was currently craving.

  Feeling around the floor next to me, I grabbed a hold of a remote and pressed one of the buttons. Instead of feeling something happen to the dildos I currently had shoved up in me, the box containing all of Jack's prototypes started violently rocking around.

  Taking a look inside, I found one of the giant dildos propelling itself forward, not unlike the toy rocket that Jack had brought me so many months ago, except this one was definitely a dick and had a vibrator making the plastic buzz. My mouth watered, wondering just how nice that would feel.

  Clicking the button on the remote, I turned it off, shaking my head at the slight drunkenness I was still feeling as I grabbed what I hoped was the remote I needed from the ground. One push of the button and I knew it was.

  The dildos had vibrations running through both of them, pulsing at a constant pace, strong but not overwhelming. I moaned, the pulses working against my inner walls like a massage, something I certainly welcomed after the work out earlier.

  Eyelids fluttering close, I drank in the sensation, my hips still rolling forward to get the chair to rock back and forth, not pulling the dildos out but getting them to press more heavily at different parts inside of me.

  It was very nice, relaxing even. I clicked the button again.

  The pulses were shorter now, with more vibrations centered near the base of the larger dildo, right over my clit. Drooling, I pressed myself closer to the bottom, not allowing any space between myself and the chair as my clit took as much of the vibrations as it could. What a lovely feature; certainly one to advertise as a focal point when putting this product up.

  A shudder ran through my body as I came, losing my grip on the handles for a moment, causing my clit to rub right up against the base of the dildo as my cum poured out of me. I sighed, happy and content but knowing cleanup would be a bitch since I forgot to put down a cover on the floor. Oh well.

  The vibrations continued, and so did my testing. The next setting had my eyes rolling into the back of my head as the actual dildos started twisting around inside of me, some sort of mechanism inside of them getting them to stretch and press against my walls in different ways. I forgot how to breath, at least, until it all stopped, both the vibrations and the movements. Ah, it died.

  Making a mental note about how long it had lasted before dying, I slowly rocked myself up, easing my body off the now very wet dildos before they finally popped out. My legs were shaking as I took the set off the chair, setting them aside on the floor to be cleaned and have notes done later.

  Despite still feeling drunk and now tired, I reached into the box for another dildo. My hand came back with the one from earlier, the one that reminded me of Jack's original 'toy'.

  My breath hitched, remembering that fateful day in the office. We had come so far, worked so hard to build what we had. If it wasn't for Jack and that damn toy rocket, I would probably still be sitting at that desk, dealing with the old coots on the board in a job I just barely tolerated.

  My hands were shaking as I attached the dildo to the middle of the chair, which was still slightly wet from the lube and cum from its last use.

  This wasn't the right way to test these products at all, but I still threw a leg over the chair and straddled it, slowly lowering myself down on the realistic looking dildo. It hadn't been painted yet, but I knew right away that the template Jack used was created from his own erection.

  My cheeks heated up as I remember the night we worked on that together, helping him stiffen up and create the cast so we could have more realistically shaped dicks to use for the products. It was still towards the beginning of our venture, but the heat between us blurred lines of professionalism. It was one of the few times we had slept together after the first one, in my old office at the Toys company.

  The tip of the dildo was edging into my already abused hole before I remembered lube, quickly stopping myself to grab the bottle I had discarded earlier.

  How out of it was I? Nearly a whole bottle of wine, obviously, but it felt like something more.

  It had been months since we last slept together. We had been testing out a new toy that involved strap ons, and given that it was meant to be fitted on a woman, Jack was the only one available to test out how it felt to be fucked by it.

  I poured the lube onto my hands, making them a mess of gel before fisting the toy, its hardness only off-set by the bit of flexibility it had and cushy material it was made out of. Not a lot, but enough to let me squeeze and pretend it was the real thing.

  It had taken Jack a while to be convinced to try strap on, even going as far as to suggest hiring a sex worker to test it instead, but it was towards the beginning of our partnership and we didn't have expenses to spare. Plus, it was one of the first custom orders from a new customer that didn't seem to flinch at spending hundreds. It had to be perfect, and who else would know if it was perfect other than the creator himself?

  So, I fucked Ja
ck, I fucked him with a dildo casted from his own dick and he loved it. I had never gotten the opportunity to peg someone before and the power I got from watching him unravel beneath me was worth the time it took to actually get him to do it.

  Licking my lips, I could still taste the sweat on his skin as he had cried my name, his body flushing red in embarrassment as he begged me to be harder or faster. He ended up adding some discrete ribbed parts, right where the toy was supposed to hit the prostate and send a guy straight to Heaven. We only tested it twice, the second time being supposedly perfect. He looked like he enjoyed it pretty thoroughly both times, to me.

  The dildo was covered in lube now, shining from the few lights I left on before I started drinking earlier. Sighing, I put myself back into position again, promising myself that after this I would take another shower and finally pass out.

  I let out a low groan as I sunk onto the dick, biting my lip as it pressed into me and filled me up. My ass was still sore from the last dildo, but I had been vigorously fucked in my vagina for most of the day. I would certainly be feeling it all tomorrow.

  Still, I continued down, working on my breathing as it opened me up, a familiar shape taking hold inside of me.

  The remote was right where I last left it, sitting innocently on the floor. I picked it up, licking my lips as I sunk down the last few inches. The chair swayed slightly, but I kept my hips still, wanting to feel just how much the toy Jack made had to offer.

  My finger hesitated over the button.

  Perhaps I should wait until tomorrow, when my body had time to rest and repair itself? When I could more fully enjoy the toy and give a complete analysis of it so we could make the best product possible. That would be the smart, responsible thing to do.

  Then I thought of earlier, how Jack had been ignoring me, not even wanting me around- like I was a distraction. My eyelid twitched as I leaned forward and grabbed the wine bottle, effortlessly draining the rest of it before letting the empty bottle roll away.


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