Fueled by Lust: Maxim (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Fueled by Lust: Maxim (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 4

by Celeste Prater

  Unable to help herself, Skylar reached out and placed her palm to his thick chest. The word “military” flew threw her brain, making perfect sense given his size even though he looked nothing like the troops she’d ever seen. His skin was warm, and his heart beat at a steady rate beneath her fingers, immediately calming her. He vibrated with banked energy and was undeniably powerful. She cleared her throat.

  “You’re so beautiful.” Why did I say that? Did he just growl?

  Skylar’s eyes flew up to his. She could barely get her words out.

  “Who are you?”

  Sensuous lips lifted into a devastating smile, revealing even, white teeth. He leaned down and whispered into her ear.

  “I’m yours.”

  The deep, heavily accented words and warm breath tickling her cheek sent tingles shooting up her spine, and she lost the ability to think straight. He slid his warm palm down her arm and rose back to his full height, immediately snapping her back to reality.

  “What? Oh, wait. There’s danger here…a fire.”

  His brows drew together, and he shook his head. “You’re safe with me. Don’t worry.”

  The lights in the hallway began to flicker, and Skylar heard the bulbs exploding one by one. She yanked her hand away from his chest and clutched her shoulder. What’s stabbing me? Another sharp pain claimed her side. Frowning, she looked up when he spoke. His thickly lashed eyes were wide in concern.

  “Don’t leave me, mellis.”

  * * * *

  Skylar jackknifed up from the seat and yelped when her purse rolled off her lap and promptly slammed down onto her sandaled foot. Goddamn stone! Why in the hell didn’t I wear my jeans and boots? She felt a hand land on her forearm.

  “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to shove you so hard. You were dead asleep, and everyone is getting ready to leave. You okay?”

  Blinking rapidly, Skylar tried to reason why she was back on the plane and the guy with the laptop carried a worried look on his face. Reality slammed into her frontal lobe. Shit! I was dreaming. Snatching her purse from the floor, she rose when he did.

  “No, it’s okay. Thanks for waking me up. Most people would’ve just left me there.”

  He smiled and pushed his way into the narrow aisle. She followed him out of the plane and down the ramp. When the wide doorway leading into the airport appeared, sweat broke out on the back of her neck. If a man stepped up and blocked her path, she was going to faint dead away. It was that simple. They could just drag her happy ass down the corridor. She wasn’t going through that again.

  Skylar snorted and couldn’t help the stupid grin pulling her cheeks tight. However, I wouldn’t mind meeting that hunk at the end of the hallway. Damn, he was one fine specimen. He looked like a Greek god and spoke in the language just before she came back to reality. He’d called her “sweetness.”

  Yep, he’s definitely a figment of my imagination. I don’t even know Latin. Maybe my libido’s telling me I need to get laid. She chuckled and hurried down the walkway. The faster she got past that doorway, the better she’d feel.

  When no one flagged her down and she got through customs without a hitch, Skylar took a deep breath and walked into the busy airport. She was so looking forward to getting back to her apartment and diving under the covers. She needed to think and get her shit together. She was positive that the spirit had more plans for her. The heaviness of her purse was a constant reminder of that fact. She prayed her new friend would leave her alone long enough to deal with Tullius and attend Dr. Martin’s funeral. She felt her shoulders slump. Just the thought made her want to burst out crying again. Steady, Skylar, you’ve already got crazy stamped on your personal record, so let’s not give them any more ammo.

  Unable to find an obvious sign for baggage claim, Skylar walked over to the customer service desk. A young woman with a pixie haircut and big green eyes answered a ringing phone, smiled sweetly at her, and held up an index finger. Nodding, Skylar leaned against the wall and closed her eyes. They quickly opened in surprise when she heard her name announced overhead. She watched Pixie-girl’s lips move to each word.

  “Skylar Grey, please come to the customer service desk at Gate ten. Skylar Grey, please report to Gate ten.”

  Unsure if she should take off running or just accept the inevitable, Skylar decided to err on the side of curiosity. Rapping on the counter, she waved at the clerk.

  “That’s me, anything wrong?”

  Pixie’s eyes widened.

  “Oh! Wow, okay. No, not that I’m aware of. You have a call. He said it was urgent. I’ll transfer him over.” She pointed to a black phone on the wall. “Press the second button.”

  Gut churning, Skylar lifted the receiver and placed it to her ear.


  “Skylar, is that you?”

  The deep, accented voice sounded familiar, but she couldn’t quite place where she’d heard it before.

  “Yes. Who is this?”

  “Cerano Tullius. I was hoping that I could catch you before you left the airport. You’re not answering your phone.”

  “Oh! Mr. Tullius. Sorry, I haven’t turned it back on. I just stepped off the plane.” Please don’t ask about the jewel…please don’t ask about the jewel!

  “Are you okay, Skylar? I was so worried after receiving the call about Nathan. It’s tragic. I still can’t believe he’s dead. The police told me that someone had been in your room right before Nathan’s discovery. I really can’t say that I’m surprised that you decided to come back to the states so quickly. Is there anything that I can do for you?”

  “No. I just want to get home. I’m still in shock, I think. I’ve known Dr. Martin all of my life. He was close with my family. His wife died many years ago, and they didn’t have any children. I believe he has a sister in New York, but I’m not sure how to get in touch with her.” She knew she was rambling and bit her lip to slow her roll.

  “Don’t worry, Skylar. I’ve already contacted her. He’d listed her in his personnel records. The Rome authorities plan to release his body in four days. They conducted an autopsy since the death is suspicious. The sister said she’ll have the funeral in New York, but I’m not sure of the exact date yet.”

  Skylar felt tears stinging the back of her eyes. “Oh, okay. That makes sense. I won’t be able to attend the funeral. It’s too far away, and I’m really not in a position to purchase airline tickets.”

  “I’ll handle all of that, Skylar. I can tell by your voice that I’ve upset you by bringing it up. I’m sorry.”

  “No, it’s not your fault. I thought I was all cried out, but I guess not.”

  “Skylar, I…well, I hate to do this to you so soon. I know you’ll want to take a few days to recover from your ordeal, and that’s perfectly fine. But, will you come to the office tomorrow? We need to talk. It shouldn’t take long.”

  Skylar felt her breath catch.

  “Sure…yeah, I’ll be there first thing in the morning. Uh…will I still have a job? You know…with Dr. Martin gone, I’m not sure what use I am to you.” His slight chuckle eased her panic.

  “No need to think like that. Your job’s safe. I just wanted to talk to you about what happened. The police wouldn’t discuss the case with me. I only know about the break-in and his death. When was the last time you spoke with Nathan?”

  Skylar knew she had to be careful how she answered. It needed to stay consistent with what she’d told the authorities.

  “We ended the dig around the same time we did every day and returned the tools to his office. He was at his desk when I left at five.” Okay, that wasn’t a lie. So far, so good.

  “Did you or Nathan ever take any artifacts back to the hotel? Perhaps the thieves learned your pattern.”

  Skylar felt the blood leave her face. This was his first foray into discerning if she knew about the jewel. Fuck! She fought to keep her voice at an even level.

  “Per protocol, any artifacts discovered were to be logged into the registr
y and turned over to the host committee for safe keeping. Do you think that Dr. Martin may have carried something back to the hotel? Can you think of any reason he might do that? When was the last time you spoke to him?” There! Your turn, mister.

  “I can’t imagine Nathan skirting protocol, but I haven’t spoken to him in over a week. What was the last discovery made?”

  Any hope that he was trustworthy flew out the window. He didn’t give a shit about Dr. Martin. The jewel was his priority. She could feel her legs begin to tremble from the increasingly dangerous conversation. She hoped her next words wouldn’t give him a corner to pin her.

  “The last things picked up by the committee were the votive implements. I believe it was the hammered bronze horse and the amber beads. That happened a little over a week ago. Did he inform you of the items?” Or anything else of significant value, you asshole?

  “Yes, he sent the registry and photos.” She heard him release a heavy sigh.

  “I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable with the questions, Skylar. I’m just trying to figure out why the thieves would target both of you at the hotel. I’m glad that you’re okay. Get some rest. If you think of anything that might shed light on this, please let me know. Even an innocent conversation tidbit could be valuable.”

  “Do you still want me to come into the office tomorrow? I’ve told you everything I know. If something comes to me I’ll call you.”

  “You’re right. There’s no need to come in. Take a few days off and I’ll let you know when I hear word about the funeral. Take care, Skylar.”

  “I will. Thank you.” Skylar replaced the receiver, leaned back against the wall, and begged her limbs to quit shaking. She needed to get her things and get the hell out of here. She took a deep breath and looked around. “Okay, spirit. What in the hell do you want me to do with this jewel? The faster it’s out of my life, the better chance I have at living.”

  Chapter 5

  Skylar was actually happy to feel the small tickle in the center of her stomach. She smiled when it remained a low-level hum and didn’t make her want to run to the nearest restroom. Thank you. Now lay it on me. What next? Trying to open her mind for any messages was an exercise in futility. The craziness of the airport wouldn’t allow her to relax enough to pick anything up. Sorry. I’m only human, so just let me get outside and I might be able to understand you.

  The urgency to stop and look up overrode her forward progress. Gaze lifting, she spotted the flight arrival and departure board. What? The electronic green lettering announcing a multitude of flight times might as well have been in Greek. She had no clue what she was looking for. Seconds later, she had her answer. Texas?

  The Southwest Airlines LA to Austin flight scheduled to leave in forty-five minutes stood out from all the others. The letters would fade and then quickly brighten. You want me to go to Texas? That can’t be right. What on Earth is in Austin? The pressure in her stomach increased. Okay, okay. I got it. Texas it is. Grumbling, she walked back to the customer service counter. Whoever you are, you’re going to owe me big time. Skylar gave a little wave to the pixie-cut representative.

  “Hi. Me again. I need to book a flight to Austin as soon as possible. Could you help me?” She received the great customer service smile and a nod.


  Skylar leaned on the counter and listened to the clack of the keyboard, mind reeling about her impromptu trip. This whole damn thing was getting ridiculous by the minute. Her brows rose when a grimace came over the representative’s face.

  “I’m so sorry. The next flight out just flashed a delay warning. I might need to find you another route. Hold up. Let me make the announcement, and I’ll see what I can do.” Skylar finally got a glimpse of pixie-cut’s nametag. It suited her.

  “No problem. Thanks, Allison.”

  “May I have your attention, please? Southwest Airlines Flight 286 Los Angeles to Austin direct has been delayed. I repeat. Flight 286 is delayed. Please remain in the boarding area and we’ll keep you apprised of the situation. If you’d like to arrange for a different flight, please bring your ticket to the customer service desk. We apologize for the inconvenience, and thank you for your patience.”

  Skylar heard the collective groans of the waiting passengers and felt their pain. She wasn’t surprised she’d encountered another snag in finalizing her journey with the spirit. She was suddenly glad she’d already situated herself at the counter. Within minutes, she had a wall of people at her back. It looked like Allison was going to be busy. She plopped her purse on the counter and tried to find her wallet. Of course, she had to drag out half of the contents to find it and glared at the stone the third time she scraped her knuckles across it. She glanced up when she heard Allison gasp.

  “Oh! Are those Tarot cards?” She had a huge grin on her face as she stared at the counter top.

  Glancing down at her mother’s dogged-ear Rider-Waite deck, Skylar couldn’t help but smile. She had a flash of the day her mom had sat her down and taught her the skill. She looked up and grinned. “Yes. You believe in them?”

  “Definitely! Hold up.” Allison pounded on the keyboard again and then addressed the crowd. The computers are updating to determine alternatives. Please be patient.” She turned back to Skylar, a mischievous grin on her face.

  “Would you do a reading for me?”

  Skylar felt her brows rise in surprise.


  “Sure, if that’s okay with you.”

  It had been a while since she’d done a random reading. Well, it wasn’t as if she had anything better to do. Shrugging, Skylar removed the hairband keeping them together and handed the deck to Allison.

  “Ask the cards a simple question while you shuffle and then hand them back to me. I’ll do a quick three-card spread.” Skylar realized the crowd was pressing closer. She guessed anything was better than staring at the ceiling.

  Allison made a big display of shuffling and wasn’t shy about sharing her current dilemma with the world.

  “Should I let my boyfriend get a dog? If he asks me one more time, I’m liable to punch him.”

  A few people in the crowd chuckled. Skylar joined them. She took the offered deck and placed three cards on the counter, face up.

  “Okay, let’s help the poor guy out then. The first card represents your past, the second your current situation, and the third is the suggested future outcome. Let’s go through each one and see what spirit is trying to tell you.” Skylar let her mind relax and remembered the lazy days in her mother’s shop as they read to those that had just wandered in for candles.

  “Your past shows a ten of cups. As you can see, the man and woman are clasping each other’s waist and raising their free arms into the air. This signifies contentment within the vicinity of your home or heart. You feel like it’s almost perfect. You’re very fortunate, Allison. The second card, your current situation, is the hanged man.”

  Allison laughed and rolled her eyes. “Does that mean I’ll want to hang him if he brings a mutt inside my house?”

  The crowd laughed, and Skylar grinned as she tapped the card.

  “I don’t see prison in your immediate future, so you can rest easy. No, the card is in an upright position, which is good for your situation. It shows self-sacrifice or enlightenment. It’s a time for pausing and trying to figure something out. That’s what you’re doing right now by asking for the cards help. You’re torn. You want to maintain your happy home, yet you feel like you might have to give something up. You’ve thought about this, but still can’t make up your mind. I have a feeling you’ve had a bad experience with a dog in the past. Did you get your shoes chewed up once?”

  Allison’s eyes widened and she leaned closer. “It wasn’t my shoes, but my roommate’s dog tore my new couch into shreds. You’re good. So what do I do?”

  Skylar lifted the third card so the crowd could see it. They were practically breathing down her neck now.

  “You got the nine of pen
tacles as your future card. This is a nice one to have in this position. The woman easily carries a bird on her wrist while she stands among a very healthy garden next to her beautiful home. She’s in tune with nature and all is well with her life and emotions.” Skylar tapped lightly on the card and revealed the message she saw within the cards.

  “You have this buried fear of losing your possessions to the potential beast that your boyfriend wants to bring into your home. Since this one also represents security and safety, I believe the cards are trying to tell you that you’re going to be fine if you get a dog. However, you need to be prudent and selective of your pet. Get one that will become a guardian of your home. You might even want to send it to obedience school. He’ll protect your sanctuary.” Skylar was surprised to hear some gentle clapping. She picked up the cards, slid the band back around the pack, and patted Allison on the hand as she gave her own little slant on the outcome.

  “Worst case? If your boyfriend doesn’t listen to you and lets the dog run wild, you can always send your man to the class.” By the sound of the laughter, Skylar figured she’d done her civic duty and kept the mob at bay while the computers did their thing.

  “Thank you so much. I’ll tell him tonight. Hey! Good timing. The updates are in. Let me see, we have an alternate route through Delta. You’ll have a two hour wait. Will that be okay?”

  “Sure.” Reluctantly, she handed over her credit card and grimaced. She’d been so close to paying it off. It was back to square one. Shoving everything back into her purse, she paused when Allison moved away from the computer, slid the card next to her wallet, and leaned close to her ear. She kept her voice low.

  “There’s a problem, Skylar. The card was reported stolen. Do you have another one that I could use?” Skylar threw her hands up in surrender and started laughing.


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