Fueled by Lust: Maxim (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Fueled by Lust: Maxim (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 7

by Celeste Prater

  Kallon pulled his notes out and verified the accuracy.

  “That’s it. I actually think I’ll fall over if we get any hits.”

  Luna took the device from him and stared at the screen. “Wow. It’s not every day that you get to take a peek at your own DNA strand.”

  Cato bent over and kissed her on the temple. “And it’s a very beautiful strand. I think it’s sexy as hell.”

  Luna laughed and slid it back to him. “You say the nicest things. Stop spoiling me.” She glanced over to Kallon.

  “Cato has the first search point to start at the top level government sites and then it’ll filter down through the less common sources. The more levels we get through without a hit, our chances dwindle significantly. If we’re lucky to find anyone, we’ll need to figure out how to clue them in on the race and convince them to come to Insedivertus for the transition.”

  Kallon nodded and tapped his pocket.

  “Maxim just brought that up, but in relation to stumbling across a mate. The story has to be told, and right now everyone is pretty much winging it. We need to establish some organized way of getting the knowledge across. Maxim suggested including it in the training program.”

  Cato grunted. “Well, until then, it’s a crap shoot. For those definitively identified by DNA, revealing ourselves has less risk. Regarding ones identified by the mark, we can’t force them to turn over blood as further proof, so some subtle convincing will be necessary. It’ll have to be simple, fast, and very conclusive.”

  Ulixes spoke up. “When does the search for the marks begin? That’s daunting in itself.”

  Cato caressed Luna’s cheek and smiled.

  “My very intelligent mate came up with a good idea. The advertisements for her book research are going out to the major media outlets in about three weeks. However, instead of traveling to meet any that claim to have an unusual marking, she’s asking them to upload a photo of the area to the website I’m creating for her.”

  Luna’s eyes lit up with excitement. “We thought if we offered a small reward for providing a photo first, then we’ll have a larger response and can weed out those just trying to seek attention. They’ll have to use a UV light to cause the mark to reveal itself digitally and might ignore the ads because of the effort to take them. Once we have image confirmation of a pigmentation difference, we’ll send a warrior out to verify by sight. That’s how we’ll get their true locations. Cato can capture where their computers are, but for all we know, they could physically be in a completely different area. They’ll be given another reward if proven valid, no matter if it’s an actual Insedi mark or not.”

  Kallon chuckled.

  “Very good, but I can just imagine some of the strange things you’re going to see uploaded, and I bet some of them aren’t…what’s wrong?” Cato’s thunderous expression had him leaping from his chair. The male was receiving a mind call, and it wasn’t a pleasant one.

  “Kallon, would you drive Luna home? Caelius just shot me a call for assistance. He’s got a nut bag with a knife trapping him and Rhia in her house.”

  Luna grabbed his arm, her face a mask of concern. “Take someone with you, baby.”

  He pulled her close, kissed her hard, and then pulled his phone out.

  “Don’t worry, Angeli. I’m calling the cops first. I’m just the innocent bystander that gives them a reason to show up.”

  Chapter 8

  Skylar felt relief wash over her. The way Maxim had stared at the sandwich, she’d thought she made a big mistake. He was obviously a bodybuilder, if not a football player. She had no clue what they preferred to eat. Since the food court didn’t offer steak, bacon was her alternative. The way he was gleefully tearing into the sandwich, they were going to get along just fine. She’d get no grief on her bacon addiction. That was one big point in his favor. Hell, who was she kidding? He’d already chalked up about ten.

  “How old are you, Maxim?” Those gorgeous gray eyes flipped up to hers. He finished chewing, wiped his mouth with a napkin, and gained another point.

  “Thirty-four. I’d ask you, but I think that’s a big no-no.”

  She chuckled. “I’m thirty-two. You look younger. I thought you might be in your mid-twenties. Maybe it’s because you’re in such good shape.”

  He grinned. “I’m not blowing smoke up your skirt when I say that I thought you were younger, too. You’re very beautiful, Skylar.”

  Her eyes widened at the compliment.

  “Oh. Thank you.” Divert…divert…divert. “Um…the flight that got delayed was going to Austin. You live there or someplace close by?”

  “Austin. I’ve been there for over five years. Where do you live?”

  “Here in LA. I just got back from Rome.”

  He sat up straight, and his eyes widened.

  “Rome? What were you doing there?”

  “Work. My company, HAB, sent us over for the archeological dig at Sant’Obomono. Your accent makes me think you’re from that part of the world.”

  “Yes. Greek…my original language.”


  “You’re an archaeologist? That’s impressive.”

  She snorted.

  “I’m not an official one by any means. I was going to school for geology and then life got in the way. A friend hooked me up with the job. I think he took pity on me.”

  “So, you said ‘us.’ Where’s the rest of your group?”

  “I’m it. My boss, the friend I mentioned, was killed over there. We were supposed to be in residence for another month, but everything changed in a blink of an eye. I left as soon as it happened.”

  He set his sandwich down and shook his head.

  “Ah, hell, Skylar. I’m sorry.”

  “Thanks. I…uh, needed to get away. That’s why I’m just grabbing the next way out of here with no particular agenda.”

  “I don’t blame you. So, how about your family? Are they from around here?”

  “Yes, but the ones that count have all passed away, mom when I was sixteen, Granny when I was twenty-six, and Daddy about a week after I turned thirty. The rest of them are a bunch of nosey, backstabbing idiots. I steer clear of them now. They’ve done me no favors.” She looked up, surprised to see sadness in his eyes. His voice was low when he spoke.

  “You’ve experienced a lot of death. So have I. My mother died six years ago. I’ve lost many female relatives. Very sad.”

  She nodded.

  “Yes. It leaves some holes that can’t be filled.” Skylar cocked her head and stared at him. He leaned forward.

  “What? I can see you have a question.”

  “You didn’t ask me to explain about the relatives I despise. I usually get grilled about that…like there’s something wrong with me for turning my back on family.”

  “Not my business. If you had wanted to share you would’ve. Everyone has reasons that make perfect sense to them alone. Who am I to question?”

  She smiled and watched him take another bite of his sandwich.

  “I think I’m going to get along with you, Maxim.” Geez, he’s even gorgeous with mustard stuck to the side of his lip. She reached up and wiped it away with her finger. He hadn’t shaved yet and the sparse hair along his chin made him look devilish and sexy.


  “No problem. So, what do you do for work?”

  “I’m a stripper.”

  “Interesting. I had you pegged for a football player.” Maxim burst out laughing, which only made her grin like an idiot. “What?”

  He pushed his food aside and rested his crossed forearms on the table.

  “You didn’t even blink fast when I told you what I do. It doesn’t bother you?”

  She looked at him in confusion.

  “Why should it? You definitely have the body for it. Flaunt it while you got it, I say. Are you any good?” She could listen to that rich, throaty laughter all day long.

  “I do okay.”

  She snorted.

“I bet you have them trailing after you like a dog looking for a water bowl…or maybe more like fleas looking for the dog.” She laughed when he dropped his forehead against his arms. He was doing that soundless laugh her dad did when he completely lost it. She had an insane urge to run her hand along his braid, but thought better of it. Eventually, he came up for air and rubbed at his eyes.

  “What is it with you and dogs? I’m liking you more by the second, Skylar. I love to laugh.”

  “Me, too. I haven’t had enough of it lately. This is nice.”

  “I’ll say.”

  This time, it was his turn to cock his head and study her for a few quiet beats.

  Shit. She hoped whatever he asked was easy to answer. She liked this open communication. “Go ahead. I’ll spill it if I can.”

  He nodded and leaned on his elbows.

  “Why did you say ‘you’ when you spotted me in the passenger area? Do I look like someone you know? I’m going to cry if you tell me it’s an old boyfriend.”

  Skylar couldn’t help but smile. He had a very simple way of making her comfortable. Her sudden decision to share a part of herself with him seemed easy. If he was going to give her the look she’d grown used to seeing, she hoped it happened soon when the only memory she’d have of him was of this lovely meal and a few laughs. She took a deep breath and dove right in.

  “I have visions.” She got a look all right, but it was interest. In fact, he looked positively intrigued. That was a first.

  “Tell me more.”

  “Well, it’s been happening since I was little. My mom was very open-minded. She said it was a gift from spirit. It tapered off shortly after my father passed away. Most of the time it’s feelings or premonitions, you know, small things like knowing my granny was going to yell out for me right before she did it, or telling a friend not to go hiking or she’ll sprain her ankle. Of course, she did it anyway and blamed me for planting the idea in her head. Just small stuff. But, since Rome they’ve returned with a bang and much more vivid. This is the only reason that I so easily agreed to travel with you. When you said ‘don’t leave me’ in the vision and after I fell on you, I realized I was supposed to hang out with you for some damn reason.” Okay, good so far. He’s still sitting down.

  “I said ‘don’t leave me’ in a vision, too?”

  “Oh, yeah. Guess it would help to explain that bit of info. It was right before I got poked in the rib and yanked out of the last dream. I was on the plane, but thought I’d gotten off already. It felt so real at the time. Some official-looking airport guy made me go down a bunch of long corridors and each one was marked by a big letter and an arrow. When I got to the end, the letters were painted on a door. I looked back and saw a wall of rolling smoke rushing down on me, and I thought the place was on fire. I beat on the door and when it flew open, more smoke billowed out. I finally determined it was mist instead of smoke since it smelled fresh…and then you stepped out of the doorway.”

  Skylar made a split-second decision not to reveal the loincloth image or his statement that he belonged to her. That was too much of an awkward conversation to have. His eyebrows rose when she hesitated. She took a quick drink of her water.

  “When I told you that there was danger, you said that I was safe with you. Now that I think about it, the letters on the door make more sense. MST. It had to stand for mist. Dreaming of mist can signify a lot of things like confusion, loss, or even a form of protection. Wow, Maxim. You just went totally pale. Are you okay? Do I need to call the medics back?” His eyes searched her face and he appeared to struggle in finding his words.

  “No…no…I’m fine. Sorry. It’s just that…the letters MST on the door are my initials, Skylar. My name is Maximus Spears Telarius.”

  Skylar sat back, crossed her arms, and nodded. She knew she had a satisfied smug look on her face, and she didn’t even care.

  “See. No way am I going to laugh that one off. You just got tagged by a spirit. Lucky you. Trust me, they can be a pain in the ass.” His color was coming back, but he still looked a little shell-shocked. She cocked her head and shrugged.

  “Okay, Maxim. Here’s your chance to haul ass. I won’t blame you. We’ll just shake hands and part friendly.” She was surprised when he reached forward, untangled her arms, and clasped her hands. He was warm, and she liked how he was softly rubbing his thumbs across her skin.

  “No. I wouldn’t do that to you. I completely believe in messages from spirit. Nothing silly about it. That inner voice I told you about earlier? Its spirit, perhaps even our ancestors. I called it gut instincts just so you wouldn’t think I was a nut bag.”

  Skylar couldn’t help herself. She burst out laughing, partly from sheer relief or as a way to keep from crying like an idiot. It was the first time that someone other than her parents had accepted her ability at face value. She’d never forget this moment. She took a deep breath and collected herself.

  “Okay, then, Maximus Spears Telarius. You ready to get out of this damn airport?”

  He squeezed her hands and smiled.

  “Definitely, but I need to know one thing. What’s your full name?”

  She chuckled and rolled her eyes. “Ah, yes, the full name. Skylar Dove Grey. Don’t laugh.”


  * * * *

  “Okay, that pink bag has gone around five times and I still don’t see mine. It’s not here. Either someone stole it, or it’s heading back to Rome. Damn! My laptop and iPod were in there.” Skylar watched the baggage carousel make another round trip and wanted to kick the side in. Maxim’s calm voice kept her from acting on the insane thought.

  “Let’s go to customer service. Maybe they can get someone to look for it.”

  Skylar snorted.

  “You’re kidding, right? I won’t see that thing for another two weeks. That’s how long it took to get it back the last time I flew.” He shrugged, and she reluctantly followed him back to customer service.

  After a comforting pat from Allison, three forms filled out, and a frantic scurry to find the car rental place, Skylar was ready to drop on her ass. Her legs had tapped out thirty minutes earlier. She chose to sit on a bench in the walkway instead of following Maxim inside the rental office.

  Skylar couldn’t help but laugh as she watched Maxim negotiating for a big vehicle. He told the young woman behind the counter that he wouldn’t be caught dead in a minivan and had her wrapped around his finger and coyly batting her eyelashes in under five minutes. He carried a triumphant smile when he walked over and dangled the keys in front of her face.

  “Red Hummer H3. She had to call it in from across town. I have one like it at home, but its silver.”

  Chuckling, she let him help her up from the bench.

  “That suits you.”

  “Damn straight.”

  As promised, the H3 was sitting in front of the airport doors within thirty minutes, and she was relieved to feel the soft leather conforming to her backside. Skylar rolled her head against the cushioned headrest when he hopped into the driver’s seat.

  “Can you take me by my apartment first? I’ve got to pack again.”

  “Sure. Plug your address into the navigation system.”

  Skylar startled awake at the sound of Maxim’s voice.

  “Hey, there, you drifted off before I even got out of the parking lot. We’re here. Which one’s yours?”

  She pointed down the long row of apartments. “2281-B, second floor on the end. I’ll be right back.”

  “Nope, going in with you. You’ve been gone too long. You might have squatters.”

  Skylar didn’t even pretend to put up an argument and quickly handed over her keys. It was dark, and she hated navigating the shadowy walkways by herself, which was most of the time. She’d never even thought about someone taking over her abandoned apartment. If she ever got enough money stashed, she was going to upgrade her living arrangements. It was an okay neighborhood, but a gated community would be nice. Silently, they strode
through the courtyard, the only sound coming from Maxim’s big boots striking the sidewalk. He followed her up the stairwell and caught her arm as she approached the door.

  “Where’s the light switch?”

  “Across the room. The table lamp’s directly ahead. Watch out for the little footstool by the couch.” She caught his appreciative smile.

  “Stand behind me sweetness. Don’t come in until I tell you. Got it?”

  Skylar nodded, and he easily slipped the key into the lock, moving into the darkness without hesitation. The living room light came on, and she released her held breath. He signaled for her to enter.

  “Close the door. I didn’t want to leave you out there while I check the back.”

  As soon as he disappeared down the narrow hallway, Skylar moved into the kitchen and retrieved her stash of money hidden behind the cleaning supplies under the sink. It wasn’t much, but it’d buy a bus ticket if she didn’t have any other choice. She hoped it wouldn’t come to that. She heard her closet doors open and made her way to the bedroom. It looked so small with him in it. If something jumped out at them, it was going to be toast in three seconds. That image made her feel ten times better. She hovered in the doorway until he called the area clear.

  “I’ll be in the living room when you’re ready.”

  She nodded, and he slipped past her. He was in full protection mode, which didn’t bother her in the slightest.

  Grabbing a duffel bag from the top shelf, she grimaced at her clothes options. All of her baggy jeans were flying to god knows where, so she had to settle for her tighter ones. Well, he’s definitely going to know how big my butt is now. Stripping off the skirt, she slipped on a pair of black jeans and her boots. A purple Grateful Dead T-shirt was next. Digging through her drawers, she paused when she stumbled across the lingerie she just had to have but couldn’t afford. Shaking her head, she shoved them aside and snatched up a handful of socks. Hesitating, she grimaced and grabbed a few thongs.

  Get a grip, dumbass. He’s just a guy that spirit sent to protect you. Don’t get any bright ideas. He’s probably pacing the living room wondering why he’s diverted his life for someone he’s just met.


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