Fueled by Lust: Maxim (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Fueled by Lust: Maxim (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 15

by Celeste Prater


  “The first time the spirit visited, it asked me to take the jewel away from Dr. Martin because it needed to go home and then basically ordered me to annihilate the painting. It almost killed me to do that. I beat it to ashes and tossed it into the Tiber. That’s why I took the photos beforehand. It was too beautiful and rare not to have some type of record of it, even if it was just for me.”

  “Why did you follow the spirit’s instructions if this meant so much to you? I don’t know much about archeology, but I’m sure both of these items are worth a fortune. You’d be famous.”

  She snorted and sat back in the chair. “Call me a sap, but when it sounded so sad and whispered, ‘help them,’ I knew I had no choice. Spirit’s need was much bigger than my desire to be recognized.” This time, he looked up, his gray eyes burned with intensity.

  “It spoke to you? Was it a female?”

  Skylar chuckled. “Well, I’m not sure. I only hear my own voice in my head, but I know the thoughts and emotions aren’t mine. I’m not positive what gender it is. Why?” She was surprised when Maxim set the phone aside, lowered his head, gripped the edges of the mattress, and took a cleansing breath. His voice came out low, almost a whisper.

  “Ah, you’re such a worthy female, Skylar. I’d wondered how I’d gotten so lucky. All of this makes sense now.”

  Skylar’s confusion mounted. “Well, I’m glad you figured it out. Care to clue me?” She prayed he wasn’t being sarcastic.

  When he continued to stare down at the carpet, shaking his head and lost in whatever thoughts were rushing through his brain, she reached forward and patted him on the knee.

  “Look, I know I just stepped you way off into La-La land, and I wouldn’t blame you one bit if you wanted to leave right now. I’ll understand.”

  Maxim surprised her further by dropping to his knees in front of the chair and clasping her hands to his chest. His expression was serious, and his eyes never wavered from hers.

  “I’m not going anywhere. You can make bank on that. I have something to share with you, baby. I know what all of this is and exactly where we need to go. I’m your message.”

  Chapter 17

  Skylar felt Maxim’s heart thundering against her palm. Whatever he was saying didn’t make sense.

  “How could you know? Were you visited, too?” Her brows drew together when he didn’t answer, but pulled her up from the chair and set her next to him on the bed. He grabbed the phone and handed it to her.

  “Bring up the first single panel. Flip through each one, and I’ll explain these to you. Then we have to talk.” He gave her an encouraging look, and she did as he asked. His voice was all business as he deciphered each of the panels.

  “This waterfall is twenty miles on the other side of the Tiber River, east of Rome. It’s called the Primique Vestibulum—the first entry. It’s very hard to get there, but someone found it one day.” He motioned for the next image of the couple standing in front of the black supernatural doorway.

  “The emperor is Lucius Tarquinius, and the female is the empress consort, Tullia. The Roman senate and the revolting populace had expelled them hours earlier. Fearing for their lives, they fled into the forests. In their need to hide from their most ardent pursuers, they stumbled upon the falls and hid behind the rushing water. They waited for hours, but the area filled with those that wanted to see them dead. They pushed further back under the falls and discovered the doorway. They had no choice but to jump in or expose themselves to the hunters.

  Skylar flipped to the next picture. She slid a finger across the multitude of twinkling lights arcing along the horizon. “The artist depicts them being transported away from the falls. I wasn’t sure where they landed.” She pulled up the next image.

  Maxim pointed to the scrubby looking bushes. “This is at the base of the Chinati Mountains in west Texas, about two miles in. There’s not much around there at the time they landed, other than a few hunting and gathering tribe societies. It was the transitional archaic period, around 300 BC, and very isolated. Still is for the most part.”

  Skylar chuckled. “I think you got your time period or the emperor messed up, Maxim. It would’ve been the late archaic period and exactly 510 BC when the last Etruscan king was expelled. In the time-period you mentioned, it was a republic and the Roman Consul ruled. I believe a consul member was appointed dictator around 301 B.C. and was named Marcus Valerius Corvus.” Maxim’s soft chuckle surprised her.

  “Ah, that tidbit of historical timeline continues to be a constant battle where I’m from. No, it was 300 BC and it was a Tarquinius. Trust me.”

  Skylar shrugged. “Okay, we’ll agree to disagree.” She looked back to the phone. “So, in 300 BC, they end up in what will become Texas, step into this eerie doorway, and it sends them to another world. I get that part, but what is the foggy substance surrounding them in the eighth frame?”

  “That’s the Nubis coming to greet their new visitors. This pure energy life form took a liking to the skeletal structure and capabilities of the humans. So much so, the alpha male and female separated their energy and mimicked the couple’s essence in order to enjoy the benefits. You were right on your first instincts, sweetness. This is a depiction of a new alien race’s creation. The remainder of the Nubis left the planet with the emperor to take on the new form with other humans and then returned home. You can see there are more of them on the last frame.”

  Skylar nodded and moved to the final image. “If I’m looking at this correctly, the artist shows there’s some sort of relationship between the new race and the emperor. He’s brought some bound books and a replica of the Curia Senate House stone reliefs to the leader.”

  Maxim took the phone from her hand and zoomed in on the image. “The emperor gifted the Insedi with a multitude of things, but the reliefs are the real ones. The Curia has the duplicates. It was his last bash at the Romans for making him look like an idiot and rewriting his history. Look at his hair. It’s not as black as the first panel. He’s older now.”

  Leaning closer, Skylar felt her eyes widen. “You’re right. He is older.” She frowned and looked up to Maxim. He was staring at her now. His face appeared calm, yet she could see that he was breathing heavier, almost as if he was preparing himself for something. What, she had no clue.

  “So, let me get this straight. You said you didn’t know anything about archaeology, but you have an exceptionally detailed explanation on the artist’s intent. I can only assume you’ve seen it somewhere before. I thought it was a one-of-a-kind fiction art, but obviously not. Have you studied Art History?”

  “It’s the first time I’ve ever set eyes on this painting, and I can promise that it’s historically accurate.”

  Her eyebrows rose. “What do you mean? That makes no sense.” She let Maxim take her hand and looked forward when he moved the phone in front of her face.

  “You see that beautiful world, Skylar? It’s called Insedivertus. The artist did a fantastic job of painting this, but it doesn’t come close to capturing how spectacular it really is. That’s my home, and I’m a product of that accidental meeting. I’m Insedi.”

  She felt him squeeze her hand and then the phone dropped heavily into her lap. Glancing over, she felt like she’d lost her damned mind. Maxim was gone.

  * * * *

  Maxim kept his eyes on the road and tried to keep from grinning. Skylar was staring straight ahead and steadily sawing the straw in and out of her drink cup. He knew as soon as it stopped she’d have another question for him. He’d already answered three—the capabilities of the Insedi, how many there were, and why they were here. She just nodded and continued to worry the straw after each response. He could practically smell her brain burning as she added more to her list. Silence. Three, two, one…

  “So, this Basilius guy, he killed your females and forced you to come to Earth to find more. How are you going to keep him from doing it again?

  “He’s dead.”

“Ah, that’s good.”

  Maxim flicked his gaze over and watched her mouth open and then it snapped shut. She pursed her lips, and her eyebrows drew together. He prayed that she wouldn’t ask him about his own mate pursuits. That wasn’t a conversation he wanted to have anytime soon. She’d flip if she knew he’d already bonded with her. Any trust that his feelings were genuine would fly right out of the window. Nope, he still had some work to do. The straw stopped moving, and he focused on the road.

  “The vortex, what is it exactly?”

  “Other than a fast way to get back home, I have no idea.”

  “You willingly walk right in and have no clue what the thing is capable of?”

  “Not much choice.”

  “True. Okay, so you got any ideas on who this entity might be? Obviously, it’s trying to protect your race.”

  “I think it’s an ancestor. Sometimes they return to guide and pass along messages. I’m just not sure which one. Might be one of mine, but who knows? Since you’re blocking one of my abilities, that’s probably why it can’t give me the full deal on what’s going on. Has it ever passed its name to you in your thoughts?”


  Maxim glanced back over to her. She was lounged back against the seat, lazily twirling one of her long curls around a finger, and wearing a calm expression on her face. His gut lurched, and her eyebrows immediately drew together. She straightened in her seat.

  “What? You just looked like something scared you. What is it?”


  “How did I scare you? I’m just sitting here.”

  “I know. You’re too calm.”

  She chuckled. “You’re a weird man, Maxim. Most guys freak when facing the hysterical woman, not the other way around.”

  “My point exactly. Why aren’t you…you know…hysterical? You’ve been extremely peaceful since we’ve left the room. You act like we’re just talking about the weather.” He was surprised when she laughed, stretched her legs out, and flopped back against the seat.

  “Geez, let me see here, Maxim. I’ve been visited by some entity that I have no idea what it is, which isn’t my first by the way, and decided to go along with this one’s road trip demands. If I stop and really think about the enormity of what’s happening to me, I’ll probably turn catatonic, so I’ve decided to just roll with it and trust this thing isn’t going to let anything happen to me. It obviously sent you to protect me, right? So, I don’t think anything is going to surprise me for a long time. I’m pretty saturated right now. On the bright side, at least I can see you. Well, except when you misted for me. That was pretty righteous, by the way.”

  Maxim felt his muscles melt back into a normal position, and he burst out laughing. “Damn, female. I’m so glad I was sitting in that airport.” He caught her hand when she reached out to him. She gave him a shy smile.

  “Me, too, Maxim. Me, too.”

  He jumped when she yanked her hand away and pointed toward the windshield.

  “Hey. We’re coming into El Paso. Can we stop for the night? My butt is definitely dead right now, and I just saw a sign for a mall. I need to pick some things up. Is it okay?”

  “Sure. I could use the break. We can grab something to eat before we find a hotel.” Maxim’s chest warmed at the huge smile she gifted him.

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  * * * *

  Skylar almost felt normal as she walked through the mall. Maxim held her hand, only dropping it when she browsed through a pile of T-shirts. He was very attentive, and she was starting to enjoy something she hadn’t felt in years—peace. She’d thought she’d messed it up by jumping his bones, but if anything, she felt closer to him. He’d experienced the worst side of her abilities and hadn’t once looked like he was going to haul ass. Whoever raised this incredible man should be commended. When he’d gone ghost on her in the room and then reformed from the foggy mist that she’d seen in her vision, she’d actually been relieved. She wasn’t nuts, and everything he’d said was real. If anyone could understand her crazy life, this was definitely it. She startled when his deep voice drifted over her shoulder.

  “I saw you looking at the black one, Skylar. Go ahead and get it.”

  Glancing up to him, she felt her face flush. Damn it.

  “I’m fine, I only need these two.”

  He reached over, pulled the shirts from her hand, and placed the black one on top. He strolled over to the register and dropped them on the counter. He wouldn’t look at her as the clerk rang up the items. She tried to glare at him, but couldn’t maintain it when he grinned and handed the bag over.


  “No problem. I enjoyed that. Are you hungry yet?”

  “Yes, but I have one more stop to make.”

  “Okay, lead on.”

  Skylar couldn’t help but notice that Maxim immediately commanded attention. Without a doubt, he got his share of jaw-dropping looks from every woman that passed, but even the men seemed surprised by him. She chuckled when realizing that he was completely oblivious to the attention.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “You’d think you were a movie star the way you’re getting eyeballed.” She was astonished when his cheeks flushed.

  “Maxim, are you blushing?”


  “Okay, lie all you want. However, just so you know, it only makes you more handsome.”

  He glanced down to her and smiled.

  “You think I’m handsome?”

  She gave him what she knew was the perfect “you’ve got to be kidding” look, and he rolled his eyes. She poked him in the ribs.

  “Good grief, you really don’t realize it do you? Hell, I think I just fell for you a little more.” She squeaked when he swiveled her around and gently pushed her back up against the wall. He leaned down, eye to eye.

  “Oh, my beautiful female, you keep talking like that and I’m going to find us a secluded spot so I can kiss the hell out of you.”

  Unable to stop herself, Skylar leaned forward, gently placed her lips against his, and then drew back. He actually looked surprised.

  “Be careful what you ask for.” She pushed gently against his chest until he backed up enough to let her slip past him. Grabbing his hand, she dragged him across the courtyard and pointed to a bench.


  He plopped down and cocked his head.

  “What now? You want me lie down or just let you crawl on my lap. I’ll go either direction.”

  She laughed and pointed over her shoulder to the sign high above their heads.

  “I’m going in there, and I’ll be right back.” She loved the shocked look on his face. His words came out on a satisfied moan.

  “Specialty lingerie. Hell, yeah. Can I help you pick something out?”

  “Nope. It’s going to be a surprise.”

  “I like surprises.”

  “Good.” She turned and sashayed into the store. She could see from the glass display window that he was eyeballing her ass. Damn, he actually looked enthralled. It was the first time she was glad she’d taken after her mom in the booty department.

  Slipping inside, she stared at all the offerings and sighed. It was just like the one back in Los Angeles. Pulling out her wallet, she double-checked for the store card and found it still nestled inside. The girl at the register verified it was active and she had full credit.

  Grinning, she dove into the selections. Finally spotting something that triggered a shiver in her girly parts, Skylar tried it on and was immediately satisfied with her choice. If this didn’t knock his boots off, then she’d obviously misjudged him.

  He jumped up from the bench as soon as she stepped through the doorway. He stared at the big bag she carried, and a huge grin split his face. “I want to see.”

  Shaking her head, she grinned and kept the bag out of his reach. “No, food first. I’m in the mood for meat.” As soon the words left her mouth, she burst out laughing.

l, a rib eye first, anyway.”

  Shaking his head, he groaned, snatched her free hand, and dragged her down the walkway. “You’re killing me, Skylar.”

  Ten minutes later, they were sitting in a surprisingly nice restaurant and handing their menus back to the waiter. She took a long sip of her water and waited until they were alone.



  “I wanted to tell you something that I think you should know before this goes any further.”

  He leaned forward, a concerned look on his face.

  “What is it sweetness? You can tell me anything.”

  “I know, but this is a biggie.”

  He reached forward and clasped her hand. “Spill it, Skylar. You’re giving me heart palpitations.”

  She squeezed his hand and tried to keep her eyes locked to his. She hadn’t shared this with anyone, and it was difficult to release the words.

  “I was locked up in a psychiatric unit for six months after my father died.”

  Sucking in a breath, Skylar waited for his mood to swing and his eyes to start looking for the exit.

  Chapter 18


  Leaning forward upon hearing the unexpected response, Skylar tried to discern what he was thinking. He looked too calm. Now she knew what he’d felt in the Hummer.

  “What do you mean?”

  He squeezed her hand and sat back in his chair. “Just like I said, I don’t care if you were locked up for twenty years. I’m completely sure that you’re not crazy, so there has to be some type of explanation for you being in there. Tell me about it.”

  Skylar felt her jaw drop. That was the last thing she expected to hear coming out of his mouth.

  “That was a fast conclusion.” She watched him snatch a roll out of the basket and tear a chunk off.

  “Not really.” Popping the bread into his mouth, he chewed, and shrugged.

  Skylar sat back and stared at him.

  He swallowed, took a sip of his soda, and gave her a sad, little smile. “Damn, Skylar. I can’t believe you’d think I’d bolt for the exit. I can see it all over your face. You have got to start trusting me, baby. I know you. Granted, it’s only been a short while, but I can say, without a doubt, that you are an exceptionally smart female. You’re wise and tough as hell. I’ve seen crazy, and you ain’t it. You’ve been sucked up into something that would’ve cracked a weaker mind long ago. So, you can quit chewing on your lip, even though I find it sexy as hell, and spill the details so you can get past this.”


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