Beverly Hills Prep Academy The Complete Boxset : A Light Bully Romance

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Beverly Hills Prep Academy The Complete Boxset : A Light Bully Romance Page 51

by Melissa Adams

  And judging by the way Alex is looking at her, I think he's picked up on the same vibe I just did.

  Anyway, we’re all seated and Pryce brought breakfast for everybody but no one’s eating.

  Everybody's sipping on their coffees and looking at me.

  “Ok, so first of all, guys, I’m really sorry about all this. Had I known that Dad had told you fuck all, I’d have approached this whole thing in a completely different way. My name is Aubrey Ann Richmond, I’m seventeen and I was born in LA but until about a month ago, I thought that my family consisted only of Mom and Dad and Mom’s parents and my cousins from her side of the family.”

  Alex interrupts me.

  “You’ve known for a whole month and you never thought about reaching out to us? I don't know, sending me and Abi a fucking Facebook friend request or something?”

  I nod.

  “You're right. That was my intention as soon as I learned about you guys, but Dad ...”

  “He threatened repercussions if you made contact with us before he could ‘handle the situation’.”

  Alex knows exactly what Dad said: maybe they'll understand more than I think they will.

  “Guys, I know that this is a lot to take in and I’m sorry. Especially, I’m sorry about your mom. I’m not even sure that I know everything about this whole situation but I’ll tell you everything I know. My mom and our dad met about eighteen years ago on a flight to Hong Kong. She was working on that flight as a stewardess and apparently it was love at first sight. I was the unexpected result of that encounter and ...”

  Alex interrupts me again.

  “And your mom didn't fucking know that the man she was fucking was married and had two kids? One possibly a newborn baby? That was even before our mom began having problems with alcohol and drugs. What kind of woman fucks a married man and has a child with him and takes him away from his family ...”


  Abi and Ayla stop my brother's tirade in unison and Ayla apologises to me.

  “I’m sorry, sweetie. My boyfriend here gets carried away and forgets everything about how to speak to others.”

  Abi nods.

  “Yeah, Alex. Ayla's right. I’m sorry, Aubrey, I won't lie to you, I’m not particularly loving what I’m hearing about your mom either so far, but I wanna make it clear that it's not your fault. Please, go ahead.”

  I feel tears pushing violently at the edges of my eyes and I swallow a couple of times because I don't wanna cry in front of them.

  Or at least not yet.

  This past month has been a fucking rollercoaster of emotions for me.

  “Dad spent a lot of time in Hong Kong and that's where I grew up for the most part. I went to school there and I’d come back to LA to spend the summers with my grandparents. I never knew that I had siblings. Or that my parents weren't even married. I’ve always wanted a sister. Then about a month ago, Mom and Dad sat me down and told me everything. They said that your mom had been seriously ill since she had an overdose that almost killed her about two years ago and that the doctors said that all her organs were failing and she had weeks to live. They told me that when your mom passed, they’d get married. So we all moved here to LA and I got transferred to Aylesbury Preparatory Academy where I’m a junior. I swear that I wanted to call you guys as soon as I heard about you and tell you how sorry I was about your mom. But Dad ordered me not to make contact with you until he had the chance to talk to you about me. Last night we moved in and I assumed that you must've known everything. After all the wedding is on Thanksgiving Day ...”

  Alex shakes his head the same way Dad does when he's furious and his dark blue eyes are hard, like two cold sapphires.

  I noticed straight away how Abi and Alex have my same eyes.

  “This gets better and better! I wonder if Mom's fall was an accident or if Daddy Dearest paid someone to get rid of her so he could get married to his mistress and play happy families with the daughter that he hasn't pawned off to strangers or to a boarding school!”

  Abi comes to my defence again.

  “Alex! Trust me, I wanna punch Dad in the face as much as you do, but there's no reason to treat Aubrey as if she has any responsibility for all of our parents shitty choices. She's a victim of their behaviour just as much as me and you are. I have a sister! I’ve always wanted a sister too! No offence Alex!”

  Abi rises from her chair and hugs me tight.

  I know I’ve just met her but when she wraps her arms around me, for the first time in my life, I feel like I’m home.



  Actually he kept himself in check and Ayla stopped him before he could say something irreparable to our newly found sister.

  I know it’d be easy to be mad at her but really, what has she done?

  It's not her fault if she was the product of adultery.

  That's definitely our dad's fault and maybe her mom's if she knew before she got involved with him.

  I won't lie, the fact that Dad was actually in her life really hurts.

  Alex and I didn't grow up with a family but Aubrey did.

  It would be really easy to take it out on her and hate her because she had what I’ve always wanted and cried myself to sleep wishing for more nights than I care to remember.

  At Christmas other kids would ask for the latest toy, I’d ask for my parents to fly me home and to spend the holiday with my family and not with the nuns in an empty boarding school.

  But Aubrey was a kid and she had no say in what happened, no more than Alex or I did.

  So if I’m mad at someone, it's my father and maybe Aubrey’s mom.

  What I really want is to get to know my sister and maybe salvage some semblance of the family I’ve always yearned for.

  Pryce and Chaz look concerned about me and I want nothing more than to be in their arms all day and forget about the last few days entirely.

  I haven't even scratched the surface of my emotions yet: I know I didn't grow up with my mom, that she was a delicate blonde woman in a framed photo that hung above my bed.

  But the last couple of years, for as much as we didn't see each other, we talked.

  She’d tell me the story of when I was a baby and about how Alex was a doting big brother, albeit a bit jealous of the new baby.

  Her stories hurt, they gave me a glimpse into things that I once had but that I had no memory of.

  And then there's a terrifying thought: did Dad orchestrate Mom’s ‘accidental fall’ in order to marry his mistress?

  What kind of monster would ever do that?

  Wouldn't it be more normal to file for a divorce? Especially since Mom hadn't been a wife to him or a mother to us in years?

  I know Alex will talk to him and if there was any foul play involved, he’ll find out.

  And God help our father if he did something wrong.

  I hate him for choosing a path where Alex and I grew up without a family.

  The only good thing about this horrible situation is that we have a sister we knew nothing about.

  We have a chance to build something out of the pile of smoking rubble that my dad leaves behind everywhere he goes.

  I try to call Reece one more time and it goes straight to voice mail: he’s been texting me a few times, telling me how he's going from one convention to the other, from one electoral event to the other and how much he’s hating every minute of it.

  He especially hates the fact that his father is nice and affectionate in front of the cameras and has nothing but praise for his smart, gorgeous, athletic son but as soon as the cameras aren't looking, he's back to being distant, withdrawn and downright hostile.

  I know that aside from my brother, Reece is the only one who’ll understand how I feel.

  I leave him a message and then open the patio door to let Chaz into my bed.

  Aubrey has been given a bedroom in the main house and for now, I’ll let her be there and get used to her new life.

sure she doesn't know that there's cameras everywhere in the mansion and that the only place where we can have a shred of privacy is the pool house.

  Dad and her mom haven't been around today but Alex and I are both bracing ourselves for the unavoidable confrontation with our father and meeting our future stepmother.


  Mothers And Daughters


  NORMALLY I’D HAVE BREAKFAST with Chaz and Pryce and I love starting my day with my boys by my side.

  But tomorrow is Mom's funeral and we received a request from my dad to have breakfast as a family.

  What a novel concept!

  This will be the first time we see him after we said goodbye to Mom and since we met Aubrey.

  And maybe we’ll get to meet Aubrey's mom: Eva Langley.

  I’m nervous about the whole thing, I won't lie about it. I don't know what to expect but I wanna keep an open mind.

  After all, Aubrey couldn't be more amazing.

  I know that I just met her but my sister is a breath of fresh air, we hung out yesterday afternoon and then she came to the football game with me, Alex and Ayla.

  We had so much fun!

  I know that we’ll be good friends but the fact that Aubrey is so sweet and amazing, makes me even madder at my dad for keeping her a secret.

  Alex enters the room in a blue button down shirt and dark slacks, he bends down to give me a kiss and puts a hand on Aubrey's shoulder when walking behind her chair to get to his seat.

  Since we first met her, he has relaxed a lot around our new sibling.

  I’m grateful that he realised that none of this situation is our sister’s fault and I’ve caught Alex looking at her with a barely contained indulgent smile on his face.

  That's the thing with Aubrey: she's really funny and easy going and it's impossible not to warm up to her, even for my control freak brother.

  “Is Ayla joining us?”

  Alex shakes his head.

  “No. She thought that this ‘family reunion’ would be better with only family in attendance and I don't blame her. She decided to go out for breakfast with her mom and her brother, Ben. And I’ve got somebody looking into the events surrounding Mom's accident for us, Abs. So far it seems that everything checks out but I’ll let you know if there's anything suspicious. By the way, Ayla and I are gonna leave tomorrow, straight after the funeral reception.”

  Aubrey intervenes.

  “Will you be back for the wedding?”

  Alex sighs at our sister's hopeful tone.

  “I’m not sure yet. But probably not. Don't take it personally, Aubrey. I’ve got nothing against you. And I’m sorry if the shock of finding out about you at first made me act like a complete ass. But you’ll find that I act like an ass most of the time anyway. You're not at fault in any of this unpleasant situation, the one who's got a lot of explaining to do is our dear father.”

  And as if summoned by Alex’s words, Spencer Richmond walks into the dining room in a perfectly tailored dark blue suit that probably costs more than a supercar.

  He’s in his early forties and the resemblance between him and my brother is uncanny.

  “Good morning to you too, Alex. And what is it that you feel needs explaining?”

  Typical Dad! Always on the offensive.

  Alex has his hardest gaze trained on him and doesn't let our father intimidate him.

  “Well, aside from the obvious ‘elephant in the room’, what's this I hear about a wedding?”

  He looks at Aubrey when he says ‘elephant’ and if the tension wasn't unbearable, I’d be on the floor rolling with laughter at the expression on my little sister's face.

  “Hey! Ok I’m not a size zero, but elephant is a little excessive, don't you think?”

  Alex winks at her for a brief moment but then returns to stare at our dad to signify that he won't get out of this one by refusing to engage or throwing money at it.

  But there's no sign of guilt or apology in our dad's eyes or in his tone.

  “There's nothing to say. There's three of you, now that you’ve all met it's up to you to get along with one another. Especially the girls since Abilene now lives here. And yes, I’ll be marrying the woman who's been by my side for the last eighteen years and you and your sister are both invited to the wedding, if you wish to attend. Also, Eva doesn't feel comfortable living in this house in its current state. So after tomorrow’s funeral reception, my decorator and her team will take over the main house for a full scale renovation that will be completed in time for us to move in after the wedding. Abilene, I have hotel suits for all of us if you wish to join us, otherwise the pool house won't be renovated and you can stay there.”

  For once in his life, my brother is speechless at Dad’s indifference and at how clinical he is with emotions.

  But Alex’s shock is short lived and he glares at our father with such contempt that I feel the temperature drop several degrees in the room.

  “Is it that easy, seriously? Have you got nothing to say about how you kept us from each other for Aubrey's entire life? And how about cheating on our mother well before she started using? You weren't always a cold hearted asshole, Dad. I remember times before Abi was born when we were a family. We were happy. You cared about us. What happened, Dad? When did you start treating us like assets and not your own flesh and blood? I don't even blame you at all for having another woman. At least when Mom began having problems. I don't even wanna judge you if you started cheating before. I know that relationships can be complicated, I’ve seen it first hand when my stupidity and selfishness almost made me lose Ayla. What I can't condone is the way you washed your hands of me and Abi once you got a ‘replacement’ family. We’re all your children ...”

  Dad interrupts him and there's something so bitter, so cold in his blue gaze that my palms start sweating with anxiety and I find it hard to catch my breath.

  “How dare you? You little spoiled brat! How can you say that I washed my hands of you two? Didn't you get the very best education money can buy? Cars, vacations, designer clothes. You got everything you wanted and what paid for it was my hard work.”

  Alex isn't done arguing and his retort is uttered in a low, menacing voice.

  “Sure. You’d erogate essentials and amenities in exchange for a top performance in our studies. But like I had nannies, why did you ship Abi off to England? Why couldn't we grow up together? Why couldn't we grow up with Aubrey? Even if your new woman didn't want us, why keep us always at arm’s length? We grew up without a family because of you choices!”

  Dad glares at Alex with the coldest stare I’ve ever seen.

  “Very well. If this is how you feel, I won't be the one stopping you from being on your way. After all, you can pay for your studies with your trust fund and you don't need me anymore.”

  “I’ll go after the funeral. I’m here to support my sister.”

  Alex's words seem to remind Dad that I exist and I’m actually in the room.

  “And what about you, Abilene? Do you feel that I failed you as much as your brother does? Or is at least one of you grateful for the fact that I made sure you wanted for nothing?”

  “Dad, I’m not ungrateful and neither is Alex. But even if you didn't want us, why keep us in the dark about having another sister? Do you understand that we resent you for not giving us a family?”

  His voice trembles as if he were fighting to keep from raising his voice.

  “I spoke to you monthly. I’m a busy man. I did the best I could.”

  I feel fury mixed with hurt and betrayal but I try to keep my voice as devoid of emotion as Dad’s is when I ask him one simple question.

  “Can I ask you only one question? And then for me this conversation is over.”

  He nods.

  “What's Aubrey's favourite ice cream flavour?”

  He answers without hesitation.

  “Rocky road. What does this have to do with—?”

  I interrupt him.

�What's mine?”

  He’s at a loss for words, he stares at me unsure about what point I’m trying to make.

  “My favourite ice cream flavour is strawberry. This alone tells you what Alex has been trying to get you to see. Aubrey's your daughter and you know this kind of stuff about her. You didn't fail me as a guardian because you provided for me and gave me a top notch education but you weren't my father. Nor Alex's. As a father you failed us both.”

  For what must be the first time in his life, Spencer Richmond doesn't have a winning argument to throw in his opponent’s face.

  We all stare at each other quietly for a long moment: we all have identical blue eyes and while I see animosity in Alex's and Dad’s, I know mine must show how empty I feel inside, but when I see the tears shining in Aubrey's, I grab her hand under the table.

  This is isn't about her.

  I’m not mad at her for being the only child Dad actually wanted.

  She's my sister and we’ll get to know each other whether Dad likes it or not.

  I’m about to reassure her about that when we hear light footsteps coming into the dining room and one of the most stunning women I’ve ever seen enters the room.

  Eva Langley is tall and thin, like a top model.

  She has shiny, long black hair and the most vibrant green eyes I’ve ever seen: they've such an intense hue that I wonder if she's wearing coloured contacts.

  She crosses the room with an elegant, light gait, if I didn't know that it’s not possible, I’d think that she's gliding.

  She stops behind Dad’s chair and places a possessive hand on his shoulder but her eyes are trained on me and Aubrey the whole time.

  “Abilene, Alex, I’m very sorry for your loss. I know right now it might be hard to believe it, but I truly am. And please, let's not say things we can never take back at a moment when emotions are running high. Mistakes have been made on both sides and I mean us, the adults. You kids have paid the price and for this I’m very sorry. Your father has to go now, he has a few last minute arrangements to take care of for tomorrow’s memorial. But I’d be delighted to have breakfast with you and explain what I can.”


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