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Beverly Hills Prep Academy The Complete Boxset : A Light Bully Romance

Page 63

by Melissa Adams

  “But you can't! It's tradition that the King and Queen dance together!”

  Reece looks completely unperturbed by her heated reaction.

  “Fuck tradition! I dance with my girl or I don't.”

  She sneers at me as she walks away muttering something about speaking to the principal about it.

  Gabbie observes that she didn't like the gleam in Lissa's eyes.

  “Someone should teach her a lesson. She’s made so much trouble for you guys ...”

  I repeat the same words I told Aubrey earlier.

  “Karma is a bitch.”

  Gabbie’s gaze is fixed on Lissa, who’s talking animatedly to the principal and gesturing in our direction.

  Then she walks out of the ballroom, followed by Marlene and Kylie.

  “I think karma might need some help. Let’s go.”

  She drags me out, hot on their trail, shushing me when I try to protest.

  The three mean girls enter the girls bathroom and after a few moments, we follow them in.

  Gabbie drags me into a stall and signals to be quiet.

  Lissa: I told Principal McArthur that Reece refuses to dance with the Queen if he’s elected king. The principal said he’ll make him or he’ll take the title away from him. I’m gonna have that fucking dance with him tonight, if it's the last thing I do. The yearbook will have a photo of me, wearing that fucking crown and dancing with my man.

  Marlene: You act as if you had the victory in the bag. Kylie or I could win ...

  Lissa laughs as if the whole idea was ridiculous.

  Lissa: Whatever! Kylie’s a nobody, no offence. And you? You're even a worse skitch© than Abi! Of course, I’ll win. See you out there, I need to practice my acceptance speech.

  The cheerleaders’ captain walks out of the bathroom followed by Kylie and Gabbie pushes me out of our hiding place when we hear the water running at the sinks.

  We flank Marlene and begin washing our hands.

  “That Lissa’s a dirty girl! She left without even washing her hands.”

  My friend observes casually and Marlene just gives her an annoyed look but doesn't talk.

  “The nerve on her saying that she’s better than you two! I’ve always thought you should've been captain, Marlene.”

  The other girl nods but doesn't smile, still livid about the spat with her bestie.

  Gabbie insists.

  “And she definitely doesn't deserve Prom Queen. Especially because she's been playing dirty all along.”

  Now Gabbie has Marlene's full attention.

  “What do you mean?”

  Gabbie opens her social media account on a bunch of private messages she received from Lissa.

  She shows the screen to the other two girls.

  ‘Marlene is pathetic. She's only popular because she's been blowing the whole football team. But I have it on good authority that she can't even suck dick properly and the guys only go to her when they're really horny and the alternative is that or their own hand.’

  Marlene lets out a shrill, outraged scream.

  “Fucking skitch©! She's always pretended to be my friend!”

  Gabbie looks sympathetic.

  “I’m sorry. I know you’ve always been a loyal friend to her. But she’s been badmouthing you with anyone who’d listen. She’s been spreading rumours about you and sharing unflattering photos of you.”

  She shows Marlene a few photos where the red headed cheerleader has huge pimples or isn't wearing a bra.

  The captions are really mean: ‘pizza face’ or ‘before she got a boob job, Marlene's tits looked like floppy dog ears.’

  “How is it possible that I haven't seen any of this shit?”

  Gabbie shrugs.

  “Easy. She changed the privacy so you wouldn't see them. She thinks that this way, no one will vote for you. She’s sure she’ll be Queen. And all because Reece said that you're prettier than her. She’s so sure to win that she’s been bragging about it for weeks.”

  Gabbie shows her another private message.

  ‘If I don't win against that pathetic loser, I swear I’ll give EVERY guy at school a blowjob!’

  “Oh my fucking God! I’ll kill her!”

  My friend shakes her head.

  “If you touch her, you risk getting expelled.”

  Marlene wants blood.

  “She can't get away with it!”

  “Why don't you beat her at her own game? Ruin her reputation!”


  Gabbie smiles.

  “I’ll forward you the message. You just need to post it as her status.”

  I watch in shock as Marlene posts a photo of the message that clearly has Lissa's profile name and photo on for the whole school to see.

  She exits the bathroom holding her head high and feeling vindicated.

  But I still don’t understand.

  “How did you get those messages? I had no idea that you and Lissa were so close that she’d confide in you ...”

  My friend giggles.

  “Because we aren't friends. But we used to be besties until I realised how mean she really was. Those messages are from sophomore year when Marlene and Lissa were competing for cheerleader captain.”

  I’m a little bit in awe that my quiet, sweet friend thought of a plan like the one she just carried out.

  “That's so devious!”

  She shrugs.

  “What can I say? I use my evil powers for good and not for evil. After all, she really did post all those photos and write that stuff ... two years ago! Let’s go and see if the BHPA male student body can pass up on a blowjob from the cheerleaders’ captain!”

  We link arms and walk back to the ballroom.

  “SO IT WAS GABBIE TO trick Marlene into posting that statement that if she didn't get crowned Prom Queen, Lissa would blow every guy in the school?”

  Chaz is amused and shocked at the same time.

  “It sure was! She used a message Lissa had sent her two years ago. I mean, it was an old message and the context was different but Lissa did badmouth Marlene while pretending to be her bestie to her face. So...”

  “Wow! After how she treated you, I’m glad she didn't get voted Prom Queen. And seeing Lissa inundated with text messages from guys who wanted to claim the promised blowjobs was priceless!”

  Max emits that sexy, dark chuckle that makes me wanna tear his clothes off.

  But I can’t resist teasing him.

  “Did you wanna claim one too? Pryce can always turn the car around ...”

  This time Max laughs out loud.

  “No, thanks. If anything, I’m getting a hard on for Gabbie! I didn't think she had it in her but she gave Lissa what she deserved. Her reputation is in tatters and every boy in school voted for Marlene!”

  I keep ribbing my boyfriend: teasing Max is my new favourite thing these days. He falls straight into my traps every time.

  “So, you don’t wanna get a blowjob from Lissa, you want one from Gabbie?”

  He sets me straight.

  “There's only one girl whose mouth I want wrapped around my cock.”

  Reece whines grabbing my hand and placing it on his crotch.

  “Can you stop talking about blowjobs, please? I’m so hard that I’m gonna pass out if Abi doesn't take care of me ...”

  I smile, about to promise him some relief when Chaz chimes in.

  “Yeah, me too!”

  Then Pryce.

  “Me too!”

  And finally Max.

  “Me three ... or four. Whatever!”

  I look at all my boys, thankful for the privacy partition that isolates us from the limo driver.

  “Does it mean what I think it does?”

  They all nod in unison.

  “Yes. We’d all like to spend tonight with you, if you’ll have us.”

  I feel excitement flare between my legs and my heart beat in my throat.

  I lower the privacy partition and ask the driver:

an we go faster?”

  I get a positive response but I have no time to dwell on it because my phone rings and Aubrey's name flashes on the screen.

  I’m immediately worried about some trouble but when I answer she’s squealing, excited beside herself.

  “Sweetie, sweetie. Slow down. I can't understand a word you're saying.”

  “Ask the driver to turn the radio on.”

  “Which station?”

  “It doesn't matter. Any station.”

  I ask to have the radio on and I can't believe what I’m hearing.

  Radio Host: So, we’re here with Chaz Atwood, former frontman of Torn Stars. The most famous pop band of all times. Chaz, does it mean that we’ll see you perform again?

  Chaz: No, Darren, my performing career is over. But I might write music from now on.

  Radio Host: Do I have my facts right that this song has been inspired by someone special in your life?

  Chaz: Yeah. By my angel. The one who saved me, the only one I love.

  Radio Host: Ok, then. Written by the awesome Chaz Atwood and performed by his former band Torn Stars, let's listen to ‘Abilene’.


  She's the girl that I love

  This I’ll scream and shout

  That she's mine and I’m hers

  And I can't live without ...

  Her love


  The look in her eyes

  The dream that she is

  When I see her smile

  She makes me believe

  The touch of her skin

  The kiss of her lips

  The tease in her sway

  The way that she quips

  She's the girl that I love

  This I’ll scream and shout

  That she's mine and I’m hers

  And I can't live without ...

  Her love


  Her beautiful soul

  Her big loving heart

  Not even my flaws

  Will keep us apart

  She loves like she lives

  She doesn’t hold back

  Her innocent kiss

  I’ll never forget

  She's the girl that I love

  This I’ll scream and shout

  That she's mine and I’m hers

  And I can't live without ...

  Her love


  I pray all the gods

  The ones from above

  That she chooses me

  And gives me her love

  She makes me feel whole

  When she calls my name

  Her beautiful love

  Erases my shame

  She's the girl that I love

  This I’ll scream and shout

  That she's mine and I’m hers

  And I can't live without ...

  Her love


  Stay always with me

  I swear I won’t lie

  I love you too much

  Without you I’ll die

  I look at Chaz with tears in my eyes.

  “Honey, that's so beautiful ...”

  “You're beautiful. You saved me, you saved all of us. Our friendship. We owe you everything.”

  “We’d never thought you’d even look at us.”

  Says Pryce with a soft light in his silver eyes.

  “But you did and you ignored all the gossip, all the bullshit. You saw us for who we are.”

  Max’s eyes caress me with their warm, dark gaze.

  “You loved us and you didn't let others tell you who we were. You found out for yourself. You didn't care about our reputation.”

  Reece takes my knuckles to his lips and I’m trying my hardest to overcome the tears of happiness that threaten to spill and ruin this moment.

  So I look outside for a second and I realise that we’re there.

  We’re home.

  The Retribution

  A Beverly Hills Prep Academy Novel

  WARNING: This is a Light Bully Romance. This means that the men in Aubrey’s harem won't always behave nicely and will sometimes be harsh and often be victim of their own flaws.

  Every sexual act or situation described in this story is completely consensual and takes place between two adults.

  Possible trigger warnings might be: mild violence, underage (21) drinking and drug misuse.

  Finally this book’s spelling is British (like the author): so if you see neighbours instead of neighbors, centre instead of center and a few other different spellings it's because of that, they aren't typos.


  Summer Loving


  Hilton Head, South Carolina

  Two weeks ago

  “HEY ABI, CAN I BORROW your peach pink lipgloss?”

  My sister lifts her blue eyes from the book she's reading and takes in my pale lilac summer dress, the white ballet flats with a matching little bag and nods.

  “Yeah, of course. Where are you off to?”

  I avert my gaze from hers and tell her that Devon’s taking me out to dinner.

  “Aubrey ...”

  She just says my name once and the disapproval in her tone makes me look at her again.


  “You know that we’re leaving tomorrow morning, right? We’re going

  back to LA.”

  She says that as a warning and I plop myself down on the bed right next to her and pout.

  “I know! I just ... I think I might be in love with him, Abi. I’ve had the best summer of my life.”

  Even I can hear how dreamy my voice sounds and I really can’t help it.

  I met Devon two weeks ago, I was walking back to the house after a swim and I was taking a shortcut by walking on some rocks.

  My feet were wet in my flip flops and the edge of my foot got caught in a crevice between two rocks, sending me literally flying.

  I put my hands forward, bracing myself for a really hard and painful landing but two strong arms kept me from falling.

  When I was helped back on my feet, I found myself staring into the most gorgeous green eyes I’d ever seen.

  I invited Devon to Chaz's summer house for a thank you drink and we’ve been hanging out ever since.

  We’ve been spending every free minute we have together: he works as a lifeguard for one of the five star resorts on the other side of the island.

  Devon is absolutely gorgeous: over six feet tall, and so well built that he rivals Abi’s boyfriends in the hotness department.

  He’s the quiet type but in all honesty, we haven't really been talking much.

  The day we met, he asked me out and we’ve been spending most of our time together making out on the beach or in his room.

  I didn't have the courage to bring him to Chaz's again because Abi’s guys have practically adopted me and treat me like their own little sister.

  And while Chaz and Pryce would probably behave, Max and Reece don't know how to turn their intensity off and they’d probably scare Devon to death.

  Abi sighs at the dreamy expression on my face and takes my hand.

  “Look, sweetie, I don't wanna be the patronising big sister here but it's only been two weeks. Try not to do anything stupid?”

  “I ...”

  I know what she means and Devon has been more and more daring every time we’ve been together.

  But despite having kissed several boys in my eighteen years, I’ve never let any of them go beyond second base and Devon hasn't been an exception.

  The last few nights though I’ve seen the signs of our relationship heating up, his hands becoming more and more feverish, his kisses harder to resist.

  I’m not a prude and I’ve never liked anyone more than I like him but the reason why I haven't let things go further, is that I know that our relationship has an expiration date.

  When I look away from Abi again, she yells.


  And my sister's boyfriend appears on the threshol
d of his own bedroom in seconds.

  It’s uncanny how his ‘summer house’ is a huge twelve bedroom mansion and whenever Abi shouts one of the boys’ names, they appear immediately.

  It’s like they have superhuman hearing or something.

  “Yes, angel?”

  “Do we have any condoms?”

  Her question makes me swallow wrong and I start coughing and sputtering whilst trying not to die of embarrassment.

  “What the fuck? Why?”

  I ask but the conversation between them proceeds as if I weren't sitting right here, trying to regain a normal colour after almost choking to death at my sister’s question.

  “Uhm... I can look in the master bathroom. There might be some we left there last summer. They should still be good.”

  Then he seems to realise what Abi asked for because he asks:

  “Why do we need condoms?”

  And seriously I get it that she has no secrets with her boys but I’m standing right here, fucking dying under the gaze of my former pop star crush.

  “They're for Aubrey.”

  I try to make it clear that this is all her idea and I didn't ask for them but the damage is done.

  “Aubrey? Why do you need condoms? Are you and this guy, Devon fucking? But you barely even know him!”

  “I ...”

  Abi intervenes.

  “Look, I’m not saying that you should do anything tonight but ... better safe than sorry, sis. Ok? Please honey, can you get the condoms?”

  I take the two condoms Chaz hands me, not daring to look at him and put them in my little purse.

  “Aubrey ...”

  My sister is obviously not done embarrassing me, so I abruptly stand up and blurt out that I’ve gotta go and literally flee out of the room.

  HE TOOK ME OUT FOR a fancy dinner at the Country Club and I’m worried this must've cost him a good chunk of what he earned all summer.

  But in all honesty, I’m too distracted by those vibrant green eyes and by the feel of his hand covering mine on the table.

  So distracted that I barely notice my purse vibrate next to my arm on the table and when my ringtone starts blaring from inside the little white leather bag, I jump in surprise elbowing the purse off the table.

  The magnetic clip that keeps it closed snaps open when the bag hits the ceramic tiles of the terrace the restaurant is situated on, and of course the fucking condoms slip out together with my cell phone.


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