Beverly Hills Prep Academy The Complete Boxset : A Light Bully Romance

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Beverly Hills Prep Academy The Complete Boxset : A Light Bully Romance Page 72

by Melissa Adams

  He pulls me closer, crushing his lips on mine and taking my breath away with a hot, consuming kiss.

  Our chests are touching and he’s exploring my mouth as if with every stroke of his tongue against mine, he could know something new about me.

  As if with every taste of me, he could see deeper into my soul.

  I feel his kiss everywhere, my body’s on fire and I don't even know if I pushed myself closer to him or if he pulled me tighter into his embrace but it doesn't matter because I never want this kiss to end.

  And it doesn't end for a long time, not even when lightning lacerates the soft grey clouds above us and rain starts pouring down on us.

  We keep kissing, because right now nothing else exists but the taste of each other.

  The only thing that eventually interrupts our kiss is a loud, scary flash of lightning followed by the loud, rumbling noise of thunder.

  We’re already soaking wet but the rain starts falling more violently.

  Teague tries to shelter me from the worst of the rain.

  “Get inside, princess. I’ll see that you're safe in your house and then go home.”

  He starts walking to my front door holding his leather jacket over my head.

  “You can't ride your bike in this storm. Come inside until it stops raining or it eases off. It's way too dangerous to ride a bike in this weather.”

  I offer thinking about his safety first of all, but the fact that we’ll be alone in an empty house isn't lost on me.

  “Wow! We’re drenched.”

  He laughs, hanging his jacket on the coat rack by the door and running a hand through his wet, blonde hair.

  My sundress is sticking to my body but thankfully this time it isn't white, so I’m not flashing him again.

  He must be thinking the same thing because a slow smile spreads on his face and his dark blue eyes are bright with amusement as he takes in my wet dress and hair.

  I slip out of my flip flops that make that hideous squelching sound when I walk in them and my feet leave a few prints on the wooden floors as I lead Teague into the living room.

  He follows me quietly, looking around and taking in the black furniture and the decor all in tones of grey and black with white and light grey as softening hues that create a sharp contrast.

  There's the biggest home cinema screen I’ve ever seen and two huge black leather couches.

  In further contrast with the modern and edgy decor, the art hanging on the walls depicts the beach, the sea and my favourite one with a lighthouse perched on a cliff.

  “Your house looks different than what I expected. It's very ... I don't know.”

  I smile.

  “Like the furniture was picked by a teen boy with a penchant for rock and roll?”

  He nods.

  “Exactly like that.”

  I giggle.

  “Maybe because it's exactly the case.”

  I explain that I moved into Chaz's house after I had a falling out with my parents.

  “Ah, I’m sorry about it. So are you and Chaz Atwood close?”

  He says it with a wary note in his deep voice and I smile at the fact that he seems jealous.

  “Yeah. I’ve had a huge crush on Chaz since I was thirteen but obviously he’s so in love with Abi, that I’d have had no chance. But yeah, we’re close. He, Reece, Pryce and Max treat me like a little sister.”

  Teague nods at my explanation.

  “They're cool guys. I’ve never believed those rumours about sexual assault.”

  I feel the need to defend them, even though I know that Teague wasn't trying to imply anything.

  “It was a huge misunderstanding. That Emily girl lied about the whole thing.”


  SHE INVITES ME IN WHEN the rain starts falling vehemently, pounding on everything with the fury that only a late summer storm can have.

  When she tells me that she lives alone in this huge house, I look at her differently.

  No, I’m lying.

  Aubrey can look soft and a little klutzy, with that bright smile always bubbling under the surface but I felt her underlying strength from the very first moment we met.

  I can see the steely resolve she applies to things when she wants something, her determination.

  Like when Devon teased her about not being cheerleader material and she went on to prove to him how wrong he was by making the team.

  I can't blame Knox for going after her, she caught my eye immediately when I kept her from being run over by Devon’s corvette.

  Now we’re in her living room and she looks so sexy with that dress sticking to her body and her wet, dark brown hair.

  We’re looking at each other, both lost in our own thoughts when she shivers and I see goosebumps dotting her arms and chest.

  I close the distance between us with two strides and place one hand on each of her biceps.

  “Princess, you feel so cold ... if we don't towel you off, you'll get sick. Come on, if you show me to a bathroom, I’ll help.”

  She takes my hand in hers and guides me to a large bathroom on the ground floor.

  I’m surprised about how small and delicate her hand feels in mine but I like the feeling of holding onto it.

  She opens a cabinet under one of the double sinks that occupy most of one wall and extracts two fluffy grey towels and hands me one, starting to rub the towel over her dripping wet hair.

  I smile and start to use my own towel on her arms.

  “Teague, I appreciate your help but I gave you the towel for yourself.”

  I shrug.

  “I’m all right. I just wanna make sure that you don't catch a chill.”


  I sound like my grandma right now!

  Her eyes travel down my body, as if she's evaluating something and then she says:

  “Your clothes are soaked, I think you should change into dry clothes and I can put your wet ones in the dryer. I’m sure there's something of Pryces that will fit you.”

  She looks serious and I find her concern for me very sweet but I can't help from provoking her.

  I take my wet t-shirt off, dropping it on the floor with my most confident smile: I know I look hella good when shirtless.

  “Aubrey Richmond, are you asking me to take my clothes off?”

  She rolls her eyes.

  “You're impossible, you know that?”

  “Well, forgive me for noticing that once again, we’re soaking wet, in a bathroom. And if memory serves, last time I was able to convince you to take your shirt off ...”

  I say it with an exaggerated wiggle of my eyebrows and she can't stifle a smile.

  “You make it sound so dirty! It was only my shirt!”

  I chuckle.

  “Yeah, right, only your shirt. You had a white bra that was also wet and practically see through. Have you any idea how fucking hot you looked? Prime spank bank material!”

  For a second, I fear that I’ve said too much because Aubrey gasps in surprise at my bold statement.

  “You didn't!”

  She looks surprised but not mad, so I admit the truth.

  “Of course I did! You’ve been the star of all my ‘private time’ for the last two weeks. I couldn't believe how lucky I was that you’re my rally girl. That's why I asked you for a kiss on Friday. If I had to wait another minute to kiss you, I’d have gone insane.”

  She looks straight into my eyes and her voice is low, just a little more than a whisper.

  “I like your kisses too.”

  That makes me lose the precarious control I had on my urges and I lift her, depositing her on the bathroom counter and crush my lips on hers in a hot, demanding kiss.

  I’m standing between her thighs when my tongue invades her mouth and I kiss her until we’re both breathless.

  Her hands explore the plains and valleys of my chest and abs and she isn't shy about showing me that she wants my kiss as much as I want hers.

  When I torment her bottom lip with my
teeth, she moans and scoots closer to me, bringing my crotch closer to hers.

  I’m so fucking hard that I know she must feel it and the softness of her body against mine doesn't help me calm down.

  I stop kissing her lips to begin dragging my own lips down her neck and when I get at the base of it, I bite softly on her shoulder, eliciting another moan from her.

  “Teague ...”

  The way she says my name is thick with the same desire I feel for her, so I dare and lift her sundress off her hips and all the way over her head, revealing black lace panties and nothing else.

  She isn't wearing a bra and her tits are the most perfect thing I’ve ever seen.

  For a second I don't touch her, even if that costs me all my self control, I look into her blue eyes, to see her reaction, to make sure that she wants this.

  And she gives me permission in the sexiest possible way, by taking one of my hands and placing it on the swell of her breast.

  Her skin there is the most soft and velvety I’ve ever touched and for a moment, I just revel in the feeling of the weight of her breast in my hand, never taking my eyes off of hers.

  But when my fingers move and come into contact with her nipple, already hard under my touch, I feel as if my restraint is about to leave me all at once.

  So before this goes any further, I need to know that this is something she wants and that I’m not taking advantage of her, when she offered me shelter from the storm that's still raging outside.

  “Aubrey, I want you so fucking much ... if this is where you wanna stop, I need to know—”

  Her response is a soft bite to my bottom lip and a breathy declaration that makes me instantly harder than I already was.

  “I want you too, Teague.”

  All of a sudden, the bathroom seems too constricting for what I have in mind, so I lift her off the counter placing my hands under her thighs and she wraps them around my hips while I walk us back to the living room and its oversized couch.

  I set her down on the couch as gently as I can, taking in her beautiful body, clad only in see-through black lace panties.

  Before I can lower myself down between her legs, Aubrey opens my belt buckle and helps me get out of my jeans by dragging them down and off my hips.

  My eyes keep darting from her dark blue eyes to her nipples as I finally lower my head and take one into my mouth, licking it.

  She moans softly again, wrapping her thighs around my hips and making our crotches come into the closest contact we’ve had yet, since the only barrier left is the thin fabric of our underwear.

  She grinds against me and I’m beginning to lose all my resolve to take this slow, so I graze her sensitive nipple with my teeth, making her gasp.

  “Oh God!”

  She seems to really like it, so my kisses become a little rougher, I use my whole mouth on her soft skin: lips, tongue and teeth, and after showing her tits the devotion they deserve, I travel down her ribs and towards the soft skin of her stomach.

  I pepper gentle but hot kisses around the seam of her panties, under her belly button and then grab the sides of the lacy material and begin dragging them down, to expose her completely to me.

  She inhales sharply and her eyes darken with something that looks like worry, so I exercise all the restraint I have left and stop.

  Her panties are still on, halfway down her hips.

  Whether she wants to go all the way or not, I didn't bring any condoms with me, because I simply didn't wanna presume that we’d be doing anything other than having brunch and talking and possibly kissing.

  Ok, I was hoping to kiss her a lot but that was all I’d allowed myself to wish for.

  Aubrey isn't shy in any way but there's something in the way she conducts herself that tells me that she doesn't hookup randomly with a different guy every weekend.

  So I do the only thing I can possibly think of and ask her if this is ok: this is fucking uncharted territory for me, the girls I’m used to hooking up with are way more assertive and normally by now I’d be pounding into her, in search of my release.

  But with her it's different.

  Of course I wanna come, but it isn't only about me, I want her to get as much pleasure as I will from being together.

  “Princess, I wanna taste you. Is that ok? I wanna kiss you and lick you and make you come.”

  Her eyes widen, as if my words come as a surprise and I become suspicious that this might be completely new to her.

  “Aubrey, is this your first time?”

  She blushes and nods.

  “Oh, fuck! Are you a vir—”

  “No. I’ve had sex before. Once. But he never ...”

  She looks down, towards my hands, still holding her panties on their way down.

  “No one’s ever gone down on you?”

  She shakes her head and this time, I don't wait for her permission, I take her panties off and lower my head onto her soft, smooth skin.

  She's wet, so fucking wet!

  I wanna tease her a bit and I begin kissing on both sides, around her centre, making her breathing speed up.

  I know where I should kiss her but I wanna give her time to get used to the feeling of my mouth on her, so I work around that perfect little nub, using mostly my lips to kiss her skin, breathing softly on her at the same time.

  When I begin using my tongue, licking from her opening all the way up to my target, she gasps softly and I know she's ready.

  My first lick was soft, light, with almost no pressure but now I start licking her more intensely, my tongue delivering firm brushes against her soft centre.

  When I feel that particular spot harden under my mouth, I start to alternate licking and sucking at her and as her hips thrust towards my face, I enter her with one of my fingers, making her cry out and clench around it.

  I continue working her with my tongue, moving my finger in and out of her, hearing her breathing become faster and every time I lick her after sucking on her, she moans softly and desperately.

  I know she's close because she's so incredibly wet and her inner walls are starting to tighten around my finger, so I keep kissing and licking until she begs:

  “Oh my God, Teague, don't stop!”

  And then she shudders and I can feel each wave of pleasure claim her in the tightening of her core around me, while our eyes are locked together and I almost lose it too, because I fucking swear that this is the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.

  This was really hot and I’m surprised that despite being harder than steel right now, my priority isn't to get her to return the favour but to hold her and kiss her, to feel her body against mine.

  When she comes down from her high, Aubrey kisses my lips and says ‘thank you’.

  I smile at her, thinking that I really enjoyed what happened and I’m about to tell her, when her hand travels down my chest and stomach to stop on my hard-on.

  She closes her hand around it, through my boxer briefs, squeezing gently and I can't stifle a groan because all my senses are on high alert, trying to keep my excitement under control.

  What I really want right now, is to flip her on her back and take her, to plunge deep inside of her and not stop until I hear her scream again, until I feel her writhe underneath me.

  But aside from the lack of condoms and the fact that she just admitted to having had sex only once, I like her too much to rush things and treat her like every other meaningless hookup.

  I know that there's the risk that she might choose Knox or Landon but she doesn't strike me as the meaningless sex kinda girl and I wanna see how things could be, if we take the time to get to know each other.

  So I let her explore me with her hands, closing my eyes into her touch when she removes my underwear.

  She strokes me as she kisses down my jaw and behind my ear.

  I feel her naked body against mine as she's tucked against my side and when I feel myself tighten, ready to explode, I do flip her over and straddle her.

  I look into her blu
e eyes and ask:

  “Can I come on your tits?”


  The End Of The World


  I FELL ASLEEP REPLAYING the hot moment when Teague came on my boobs.

  It was warm and I don't think I’ve ever seen anything hotter in my life.

  Not that I’ve had any hot moments before yesterday afternoon.

  The thing with Devon was exciting until we got to the act itself, which was a huge let down, it was painful and it never felt good.

  It didn't even last long enough for me to get used to the feeling of having someone inside of me like that.

  I told Teague all of that when he asked me more details about my past, but I just said it was a summer fling, I never mentioned who it was with.

  I’m a little mad at myself for doing what Devon asked, since he doesn't really deserve it but if I wanna put that heartbreak behind me, I need to learn to ignore him if I can't forgive him.

  And I guess it’d make things pretty awkward between him and Teague, since they play football together.

  Teague wanted to stay the night, he swore that he just wanted to hold me in his arms and I believed him, but he got a phone call from his parents who’d been let down by their sitter and didn't wanna cancel their dinner reservation.

  He was reluctant to leave me but the storm had passed and the way he talked about his three year old twin brothers was so sweet that I actually liked him even more for being a doting big brother.

  I missed out on growing up with Alex but I know that if we had grown up together, despite being only three years apart, he’d have been there for me whenever I needed him.

  Teague still called me after he put the twins to bed to tell me how he couldn't stop thinking about me.

  It’s completely mutual and his light citrus scent is the first thing I smell when a pair of strong arms hug me from behind while I'm getting my Latin Literature book from my locker.

  He places a soft kiss behind my ear and whispers:

  “It's the first time ever in my whole school career that I looked forward to Monday morning. You look fucking hot by the way.”

  He pulls me backwards, closer against his solid chest and I relish that feeling: he makes me feel excited and protected at the same time.


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