Beverly Hills Prep Academy The Complete Boxset : A Light Bully Romance

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Beverly Hills Prep Academy The Complete Boxset : A Light Bully Romance Page 94

by Melissa Adams

  “Michelle, are you busy tonight?”

  “I might be, why?”

  The way she says it makes me think that she isn’t but she doesn’t wanna sound too available.

  “Would you like to go to a party with me tonight?”

  One corner of her lips lifts defiantly.

  “It depends. Where’s this party?”

  “The ΓΔΤ (Gamma Delta Tau) house on the UCLA campus.”

  “Oh, are you a frat guy?”

  When I tell her that I’m the frat president, she doesn’t look impressed like girls normally do.

  I almost wanna work into the conversation that I’m also the starting QB on the college football team but I’m sure she’ll see all the photos and trophies at the house.

  She smiles and extends a perfectly manicured hand towards me.

  “Yeah, ok. I’ll put my number in your phone, so you can text me what time you’re picking me up. It should be fun to start meeting people before I start at UCLA this fall.”

  “Oh, I had no idea we were gonna be going to the same college. Are you a freshman?”

  “Sophomore. Transferring from Yale.”

  The way she says it makes me think that it must be a lie but I don’t call her out on it.

  I’m excited about taking a hit girl like Michelle to the party and it’s not lost on me that seeing me with Michelle will send a clear message to my ex-girlfriend Maya: the president of ΖΘΒ (Zeta Theta Beta), our affiliated sorority and the reason why I’m here in first place.

  We hear the supervisor yelling for everyone to get on the bus to our next stretch of highway that needs beautification and Michelle dumps the empty bottle on the ground.

  “Hey! We just finished cleaning this area!”

  She smirks.

  “Yeah well, we must make sure that the next few losers who ‘volunteer’ or are ordered community service have something to do. See you tonight, Alex.”

  “I’m not—”

  I walk behind her and look at her toned ass: if things go the way I hope, Alex isn’t gonna be the name she’ll scream, that’s for sure.

  Office Chair Merry Go Round


  I LOVE THE WAY THE guys and I do everything together, we’re a tight knit unit and today’s no different.

  Chaz has been offered a contract with a record label as a song writer and he just signed a very lucrative deal.

  I’m so proud of him for finding a way to resume his music career, even if it’s no longer on stage.

  The record label exec who just gave us the contract had to rush off because of some big meeting and we’re left sitting at the big mahogany boardroom table, where someone has just laid out a spread with sandwiches and salads.

  “It feels weird to eat without the guy ...”

  I muse spinning around in the office chair I’m sitting on.

  “He said he had an emergency meeting and to help ourselves.”

  Pryce has already grabbed a plate. Out of my four boyfriends he’s the one that eats constantly.

  I look at his six foot four frame that consists of nothing but hard, chiselled muscles and think that it must take a lot of fuel to maintain that kind of body, especially since Pryce works out constantly, being in the starting football team at Stanford.

  My eyes meet his silver gaze and I’m about to say something but my attention is diverted towards something small and grey that darts across the floor scurrying over my feet.

  “What the heck—”

  The creature stops on the floor on the other side of the table, right behind Reece.

  It’s a mouse!

  “Omg, omg, omg!”

  I shriek in horror and my first instinct is to climb onto the chair, trying to put as much distance as possible between my feet and the vermin.

  Max corners the mouse and scoops it up in his hands.

  “I’ll set this little dude free, rally girl.”

  He says with a wink of his sexy brown eyes, walking out of the room.

  I release the breath I was holding and prepare to climb off the chair but I stop mid-action when I feel warm hands on the back of my legs, moving up my naked skin.

  Up the back of my calves, knees and thighs, until long, agile fingers begin playing with the edge of my panties under my red floaty skirt.

  I know it’s Chaz, I’d recognize his touch anywhere, as the tips of his fingers are slightly calloused from playing the guitar for years.

  “God angel, your ass looks even sexier than normal from this perspective.”

  His hands cup my buttocks and I gasp when his face follows the trajectory of his hands and I feel his lips on the dimples between my butt cheeks and my upper thighs.

  I close my eyes, suddenly forgetting that we’re in a boardroom in some office in Hollywood, lost in the feeling of Chaz’s hands and mouth on me.

  “You’re right, dude. The view from here is breathtaking.”

  I reopen my eyes to see Reece standing in front of me, his dark blue eyes filled with desire as his hands skim up my thighs and settle on my hips.

  I’m about to protest that this isn’t the place, that anyone could walk back in here any moment but the words die in my mouth when Reece’s face meets the thin lace of my panties and I feel his warm breath on my centre when he whispers only one word.

  “Abi ...”

  The vibration of his voice ripples through me and I can’t fight the gush of wetness that dampens my underwear.

  I know that Reece and Chaz can’t possibly miss the effect they’re having on me and that makes me even wetter.

  “Jesus you’re fucking soaked, baby.”

  Reece’s voice is a low grumble as he put his lips on my most sensitive spot and sucks on it, taking the small bundle of nerves between his lips and using the increased friction provided by the fabric of my underwear to torment my skin.

  I close my eyes and remember the first time the guys were with me at the same time: the circumstances were totally different as there was distrust and animosity between us but the thrill of their attentions is always the same and it never fades.

  Like a well oiled machine, Reece and Chaz work in unison grabbing the lace of my panties and dragging them down my hips and legs.

  I hear a groan coming from across the table and from my elevated position, I turn my head to spot Pryce sitting at the table behind me, grabbing a very obvious hard-on through his dark slacks.

  Chaz throws my panties at Pryce with a devilish grin and a flash of lust in his hazel eyes.

  “Have fun, bro!”

  And like in a dream, a dirty dream for sure, Reece continues to tease the sensitive skin of my front with expert dedication, using his lips, teeth and tongue to deliver jolts of pleasure that make me shake all over and fear that I’ll fall off the chair.

  I wobble, unsteady on my feet and my boys immediately understand my predicament.

  “Don’t worry, angel. We’ve got you.”

  They tighten their hold on my legs and on the chair, trapping it between their powerful bodies.

  Reece knows exactly where I like to be kissed and all it takes is a few swipes of his tongue to make me shudder, overwhelmed by a pleasure so intense that I’d definitely fall off the chair if the guys weren’t keeping me locked between their arms.

  “Fuck, Abi!”

  Chaz teases the soft skin around my opening from behind me and after coating his fingers with my wetness, he enters me briefly with one finger, feeling my inner walls immediately clench around the welcome intrusion.

  “I want to taste you so bad, angel ...”

  He takes the finger out of me, sleek with wetness and puts it in his mouth, moaning while he licks it clean.

  “That can be arranged for sure!”

  Reece’s smile is hungry when he spins the office chair around on its wheels, so that Chaz is now in front of me and Reece behind me.

  And my eyes meet Pryce’s while I take in one of the hottest scenes I’ve ever seen: he’s stroking his hard sha
ft with my panties in his hand.

  I’m beyond speechless, so excited that I can’t avert my eyes from him. This is when Chaz’s mouth clamps on the throbbing skin of my centre, still sensitive after the orgasm Reece just gave me and Reece fills me with two fingers.

  My boys work together on me and the sensory overload is out of this world: Chaz licks me and sucks me greedily, while Reece thrusts his fingers in and out of me in a tantalising rhythm that brings me to the edge of another climax.

  I’m trying to be quiet, I really am, but I lose my battle when Pryce pants:

  “I’m so close ... Come with me sweet girl, let me watch you fall apart. I need you.”

  And his voice is my undoing, I scream as my core explodes in a series of waves that shake my whole body while Pryce’s pleasure gushes on the dark lace of my panties.

  When the intense rush of sensation ebbs away, Chaz and Reece help me off the chair and Chaz sits on it dragging me onto his lap.

  I thread my fingers through his dark hair, offering him my lips for a soft, languid kiss.

  This is when the office door opens and Max comes back into the office.

  “All done.”

  His eyes take in Pryce trying to clean himself up using my panties, Reece trying to brush his fingers through his blond hair that is tousled by the way I grabbed onto his head while he was going down on me and Chaz’s still laboured breathing as I squirm under his obvious excitement.

  “What did I miss?”

  Reece chuckles.

  “I think we should order a few office chairs, and then we can show you exactly what you missed, bro.”


  The other books in the series are:

  If you enjoyed my writing, you might want to check out my debut contemporary series trilogy Lake Emerald Chronicles:

  The First Summer

  A Winter Tale

  Fall In Love

  My RH paranormal mystery romance series: Dreams

  My next release will be the Christmas novella Onyx, within the multi author series of Jewels Cafe.

  Also my stand-alone Reverse Harem Christmas novella, part of the Jewels Cafe shared universe series:

  For the latest news, games and teasers about my writing, follow me on my Facebook page and readers group and on Instagram.

  And Instagram: melissa.adamsr

  And you can join my newsletter:


  I would like to thank all my readers first of all: your messages of encouragement and appreciation, and your useful feedback, your support is what keeps me writing.

  A super special thank you goes to my Alpha readers: Mary, Tammy, Kat and Melissa.

  A special mention to Gabbie who always keeps me grounded.

  You all know how special you are to me and you get to hear all my crazy ideas and discuss them with me, and don't judge me when I talk about my characters as if they were real.

  Jutta, thank you so much for proofreading and for always encouraging me to write, you are a superstar.

  Another special thank you to: Heather, Hayley, Mae, Jessica, Jennifer, Sarah, Kaitlyn and Nicole for beta reading and their important feedback.

  Lastly, but most definitely not least, Natasha Williams of Dazed Designs Graphic Arts: you are a fantastic and talented artist, thank you so much for making the gorgeous covers for my books.

  You will go very far, my friend.

  My tea's gone cold, I'm wondering why

  I got out of bed at all

  The morning rain clouds up my window

  And I can't see at all

  And even if I could it' d all be grey

  But your picture on my wall it reminds me

  That it's not so bad, it's not so bad

  Read more:




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