Book Read Free


Page 23

by Max Monroe



  Good Lord, it was a long way, but I was doing it. I was owning this blow job. Completely rocking out with Quinn’s cock out.

  But before I could start doing a victory dance with my tongue, my throat abruptly decided things weren’t working out.

  Oh, no…

  My gag reflex kicked in, and then, worse than just gagging, my throat outright spasmed against the foreign object—aka Quinn’s dick—blocking its entrance.

  Asthma flared. My chest tightened, and my eyes felt like someone had just poured a gallon of water directly into them. With tears streaming down my cheeks, I tried to stay strong, keep sucking, and reeducate my lungs on how to breathe. But they had gone on strike, tightening and wheezing in response.

  Oh, fuck. This isn’t good…

  This was like freshman year and Jimmy Wallace all over again.

  But worse. Way, way worse.

  Deep and wide, her mouth opened farther to take more of my cock inside. I was lost to the sensation, so fucking into it that I had to close my eyes and drop my head back onto the top of her headboard.

  She was warm and wet, and with every passing second, her nails dug harder and harder into the flesh of my thighs.

  Sweet merciful Jesus.

  And then, her grip got painful.

  One second it was hot and lusty, and the next I was considering if I’d need a blood transfusion once she got done draining me.

  “Cat,” I choked, trying to ease into telling her to let up on the grip a little, but the feel of a tiny drip of moisture hitting my balls pulled at my awareness. Am I actually bleeding?

  Blinking rapidly and fighting for some visual focus, I reached forward to pull the curtain of hair away from her face so I could look into her eyes.

  Every muscle in my body pulled tight as it hit me that she was crying.

  “Jesus, Cat,” I called, pulling her off me and trying to lift her to my chest.

  She fought me, though, choking violently as my dick popped free and air filled her lungs.

  I chased after her as she crawled on all fours to the other side of the bed.

  This is horrifying.

  What the fuck had I done?

  She’s crying!

  She pushed me away but held up a finger as she scrambled to the nightstand, yanked open the drawer, and came back with an inhaler in hand. With practiced ease, she put it to her mouth and pumped to inhale while I watched. Life bleeding back into her face, she pushed to inhale again and took another hit of the fast-acting medicine. I didn’t know what I could do to make it better.

  Finally, her breathing came more evenly and her coloring returned, so I took a chance by pulling her into my naked lap.

  She didn’t fight me this time, cuddling into me as I rubbed at her back.

  The skin was smooth, but the more I rubbed, the more pebbled it became. Goose bumps ran rampant, and the longer we sat in silence, the longer I feared she was too cold.

  I grabbed the comforter from the side of the bed, where we’d thoroughly balled it up through activity, and wrapped it around us like a cocoon.

  “Are you okay?” I asked, rubbing at her through the blanket and using the other hand at her jaw to lift her face to my own.

  Embarrassment overwhelmed her, changing the shape of her face from its normal happy heart to a sad little triangle.

  “Why do you look like you just killed my puppy, kitten?”

  She shrugged, but I wasn’t having it.

  I pushed. “Cat, come on.”

  The twist of her head was violent, mortification turning to anger at my persistence. “Are you kidding? How can you not know what’s wrong? How can you not know how fucking horrified I am that I just…that I couldn’t even… Oh my God! I tried to give a simple blow job, and I fucking choked, Quinn! How am I ever going to get over this? How are you? It can’t make you feel good things that I can’t seem to fit you in my mouth.”

  I laughed, even though I knew it was dangerous.

  If I hadn’t had the blanket so tight around us, I think she might have slapped me.

  “Baby, my dick is so big you literally choked on it. I’m trying really hard to see the horrible, upsetting part of this, but it’s just not happening.”


  “My dick is literally too big for your mouth, kitten. I feel like I can die now. Like I’ll be remembered for millennia. Like my purpose has been forever fulfilled.”

  She slapped at me, pushing me in the chest so hard that I fell to my back with a laugh.

  “This isn’t funny! This is… I can’t even—”

  I cut her off. “Interestingly enough, I know something that is big enough for my dick.”

  “I can’t believe you’re joking right now,” she grumbled. I eased the line between her eyebrows with a kiss to her lips.

  “Best time to joke is when you feel like crying, Kitty Cat. That’s a fact. I can’t stand to see that sad fucking look on your face, and I’ll do exactly what I have to do to change it.”

  Finally, her affliction turned to affection. “Quinn.”

  “How about that pussy?” I asked, and she roared, my blunt delivery taking her all the way to amused. “Can I get some? Is it open for business? It’s been a few days.”

  She shook her head with a smile. “You’re terrible.”

  “I’m fucking aching,” I corrected.

  Her smile turned coy.

  I was seconds away from getting some, I could feel it, when my phone started ringing on the nightstand.

  I was gladly prepared to ignore it, but Cat was too curious not to look. I guess it went with the name.

  “It says Denver,” she remarked, picking it up, and in the process, her finger accidentally tapping the green icon button. “Oh, shit,” she muttered and quickly handed it to me with a cringe sweeping across her face. “I didn’t mean to do that,” she whispered, and I just smiled in response as I put the phone to my ear.

  Happiness suffused me. I knew without a doubt he was the only caller in the universe that didn’t make me feel murderous thanks to his poor timing.

  “Hey, brother. To what do I owe this honor?”

  Cat’s eyes widened at the mention of my brother, her fingers raking frantically through her hair, so I clicked the button to put it on speaker. Her cheeks were pinker than normal, and I had a feeling I knew why. Leave it to a woman to get nervous about being presentable for a meeting with a family member over the phone.

  “Oh, not much. Just that Skeletor and her burly friend decided to pay a visit this weekend for our Crimson versus White game, and you’ll never guess who they brought with them,” he announced, voice rising with each word. But before I could even attempt to guess who our parents—yeah, Skeletor and her burly friend was their given nickname of the moment—Denver answered for me on a shout. “Gerdie freakin’ Hawthorne!”

  The Crimson versus White game was an Alabama preseason tradition where we played ourselves, usually a mix of second and first string on both sides, and the fans came to watch for fun. Families often came up, intermingling in the stands with students and other diehards.

  “Jesus,” I whispered. “I’m sorry, Den. Why would they do that?”

  “Why wouldn’t they do that?” he yelled hysterically. “This is the exact kind of thing they do!”

  Cat bit her lip and gestured to the phone, obviously uncomfortable that I was allowing her to listen without his knowledge.

  “He won’t care,” I told her immediately, just to ease her mind.

  “Who won’t care about what?” Denver asked. “Who are you talking to?”

  I laughed. “Den, meet Cat. Cat, meet Denver.”

  “Cat?” he asked. “Are you in bed right now?”

  I looked around at the covers and down at our naked bodies. Busted.

  Cat blushed as I answered, “Maybe.”

  “Oh my God! Tell me you interrupted the bang-bang to answer my call?”

  “The bang-bang?�
�� I coughed through a laugh.

  Denver’s yell made me laugh. “You know what I mean! I was trying to be polite to the mixed company on the phone by not saying fucking.”

  “But it’s polite to ask us if we’re in the middle of it?”

  Cat rolled her eyes as we went back and forth, learning pretty quickly that if she wanted to get a word in, she’d have to force it. “Hi, Denver. Nice to meet you telephonically.”

  “Oh, shit, Quinndolyn!” he hooted. “Telephonically. You found yourself a smart one.”

  I shook my head and changed the subject. “Her friend Casey is the one I wanted to set you up with.”

  “The random gay man Quinn bonded with so easily belongs to you?” Denver asked Cat immediately.

  “Guilty.” She smiled. “But, I should add here, when it comes to Casey, Quinn isn’t an exception. He pretty much bonds with everyone. He’s a charismatic kind of guy.”

  Denver sighed and then sat silent, likely considering it. “Fine. Set it up.”

  I pulled Cat to me and smashed our lips together, catching her by surprise. She had no idea how many times I’d tried to set my brother up with someone and been shot down. She’d officially turned the tide.

  “Sweet Jesus, a miracle has just occurred,” I teased.

  Denver’s grumble was comical. “Yeah, yeah. Live it up. I gotta go anyway. You can continue celebrating when I get off the phone. I just called to complain.”

  My face softened at his words. “You know you can call anytime, Den. I’ll always listen.”

  “I know. Go fuck your girlfriend, you big softy.”

  Cat’s laugh was the last thing he must have heard before the line went dead.

  Her eyes were alight with warmth. “I love your brother,” she said as I set my phone back on the nightstand, turned out the lamp, and scooted us down in the bed.

  “I know,” he replied. “If he weren’t gay, I have no doubt he’d be stealing all my women.”

  “All your women?” she asked carefully with a raise of her brow.

  I kissed it smooth. “Well, just the one now.”

  And I meant that. Ever since I’d met her, I had zero interest in other women.

  Silent and reflective, we both lay in the dark for long moments before a random thought made me laugh.

  “What?” she asked, her invisible picture on my chest almost complete.

  “Nothing.” I smiled into the darkness and gently moved my body over top of hers. She was warm and soft, and my cock started to ache once it glided across the apex of her thighs. “That blow job text message just makes a whole lot more sense now.”

  I’d never seen a woman glare and moan at the same time as I slid inside her. It was mesmerizing.

  Just like Cat, she did everything better than anyone else.

  And the instant I filled her to the hilt, I knew, without a doubt, she felt better than anyone else too.

  “Good morning, kitten,” a warm voice whispered into my ear, and I fluttered my eyes open to find Quinn sitting on the edge of my bed, wearing only black boxer briefs and a smile.

  “Mornin’,” I squeaked out past the sleepy cobwebs in my throat. I rubbed at my eyes and sat up, resting my back against the headboard. “What time is it?”

  “Breakfast time.”

  “Huh?” I quirked a brow. “Like, actual food?” Unless he managed to bring the breakfast in, the odds of finding anything remotely resembling breakfast foods were slim to none in my kitchen. It wasn’t for lack of eating, though. I blamed it on the five-day work stretch I’d just gotten done with the day before.

  “I snuck out for a little bit and grabbed us some rations from that mom-and-pop shop up the street,” he updated. “Which, by the way, you’re running low on food, Kitty Cat.”

  “Trust me, I know. The grocery store is on my to-do list for today,” I said and internally groaned at the thought.

  Why was the mere idea of going to the grocery worse than getting a tooth pulled?

  Consider it an affliction, but I’d hated grocery stores and grocery shopping all of my life. Unless it was Target. Then, I could make an exception. Although, my bank account always felt the aftereffects.

  “Good plan.” He grinned and rubbed his hand up the bared skin of my thigh that peeked out beneath the sheets. “Now, are you ready to eat something?”

  “Yep.” I nodded. “I just need to throw on some—”

  Before I could finish, Quinn slid his arms under my body and lifted my naked ass straight out of bed. “No need for clothes,” he said with a wink as he carried me out of the bedroom and toward the kitchen.


  He completely ignored my squeals of protest, moving us into the hallway, past the living room, and into the kitchen. He sat my bare ass on the counter covering the small island in the center, and I squealed.

  “Oh my God! That’s cold!”

  “Here,” he said and slid a kitchen towel toward me. “Lift that cute ass up, you little complainer.”

  “Oh, hell no,” I retorted and hopped off the counter. “I refuse to cover my kitchen towels with my ass. Pretty sure that’s unsanitary.”

  Quinn just laughed, and with his arm wrapped around my waist, he pulled me back toward him like a fish on a line. “Fine. Fine,” he said through a chuckle. “I’ve got an even better solution. Close your eyes.”

  “I’m not sure I trust you…”

  “Close your eyes, kitten,” he demanded, and this time, I listened. “Stay right here, okay?”


  “I mean it,” he added. “Don’t move an inch. Or try to peek.”

  “I said okay,” I answered, and my lips creased at the corners in a half-annoyed, mostly amused smile. “My eyes will stay closed until you say so.”

  The sounds of his bare feet trodding across the hardwood floor filled my ears until they disappeared completely. And moments later, he was back, his footsteps moving toward me. “Hold up your arms, kitten,” he instructed once his voice got closer, and I assumed he’d closed the distance between us.

  With eyes still closed, I listened and held both arms up in the air. Carefully, Quinn placed something soft and cottony over my arms and head, until the material slipped down the rest of my body and landed just below the cheeks of my ass.

  “Oh, yeah,” he stated. “That’s perfect.”

  “Can I open my eyes now?” I asked and put my arms down.


  Fluttering my eyes open, I found Quinn standing there, smirking at me like the devil. He waggled his eyebrows. “My kitten is so fucking sexy. Especially in my number.”

  I glanced down at my new shirt to find the word Mavericks scrolled across my chest.

  “And if you could see the back, you’d find out that you’re wearing my number on your back.”

  “And what number is that?”

  “What the fuck, kitten? You don’t know my number?”

  “Uh…” I paused and bit my lip with a little shrug to my shoulder. “I’m not big on sports, remember?”

  “I can’t believe my girlfriend doesn’t know my number,” he said with a frown, but I didn’t miss the teasing tone highlighting his voice. “I’m number nine, by the way.”

  “Wait…” I said once his words sank in. “Did you just say girlfriend?”

  “I did,” he responded, tone precise, eyes certain.

  “So…I’m your girlfriend?”

  “Well, I hope you’re my girlfriend, kitten. Otherwise, I just lied to about three million people on Instagram this morning.”

  “You…what?” I questioned. “What do you mean you lied to three million people on Instagram this morning?”

  He moved toward me and wrapped his arms around my waist, lifting me off my feet. “I posted about you this morning. My adorable, sexy, beautiful girlfriend.”

  “You posted about me?”


  I prayed to God he didn’t post something that included my current state of bed head.

  “Tell me it wasn’t like an up-close shot of me asleep and drooling…”

  “Nah.” He grinned and wrapped my legs around his waist. “It wasn’t anything like that,” he said and squeezed my ass beneath his T-shirt.

  “Then what was it?” I asked and tapped his nose with mine.

  “You know what I think is even more important than whatever I posted on Instagram?”


  “That whole thing about you being my girlfriend,” he whispered into my ear. “Are you my girlfriend, kitten?” He leaned back and looked into my eyes. “I’m really hoping you say yes to that question.”

  “I guess that depends.”

  “On what?”

  “Are you my boyfriend?”

  “Hell yes.” He leaned forward to press soft as silk kisses to my lips, my cheeks, and my nose. My skin tingled where his lips touched, and my heart beat erratically in my chest, so hard that I thought it might fly straight out of my body.

  Without hesitation or doubts, when Quinn’s eyes met mine again, I whispered, “Then, hell yes, I’m your girlfriend.”

  His grin grew wide and all-consuming, raising his cheeks and lighting up his eyes. He spun us around the kitchen a few times until he stopped, set my ass on the island again and kissed the hell out of me.

  Boy, oh boy, I liked him.

  It’s way, way more than like…

  “So we’re giving this, us, a shot?” I asked, and he nodded.

  “I’m all in, baby,” he said, no hesitation or doubt revealed in his words or expression.

  “I’m all in too.”

  “I just want you. Only you.”

  His words hit me straight in the heart, and I couldn’t stop myself from saying exactly what was on my mind in that moment. Approximately.

  “I-I think I l-ick you.”

  Holy God. I’d almost just told him I loved him. Panic made my heart race and my cheeks turn red. Christ, Cat. Nice save…I think I lick you. Fuck.

  Eyebrows drawn, Quinn pulled his lips up into the most adorable smile. It was too bad I was too busy dying of embarrassment to get a chance to fully enjoy it.

  Quinn pressed another kiss to my lips and then whispered against them, “I think I lick you too, kitten. I think I lick you a lot, and I think I need to do it more.”


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