The Pyrette Queen and the Clockwork Codex

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The Pyrette Queen and the Clockwork Codex Page 8

by S. S. Engle

  “I remember from when we were younger. He loved that place. It was a port for Dreadcranks wasn’t it?”

  “Yes. I assumed he’d be trying to pull on some old friendships of our fathers.”

  “Why didn’t you leave with him?”

  “I couldn’t turn my back on this city again. I did it once, but you know I couldn’t stay away. I had too much invested here. I had too much invested in you.”

  “You make me so happy hearing you say this.”

  “I just miss being the reason you smile again. Well, aren’t you going to open that up and read it?”

  “The code can wait until morning. You’re more important than everything else.”

  “Asa won’t be mad at you? I don’t want to get you into trouble.”

  “To hell with Asa! To hell with all this mess! And to hell with Luca! He’s such a fool for leaving you behind. I could never do such a thing. I was in that hospital for hours during the past nine days and not once did I ever see him in there waiting for you. What kind of man does that to a woman he loves?”

  “Luca didn’t love me. He couldn’t have.”

  “It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter what he did or didn’t feel for you because I love you and you love me. That’s all we need. Isn’t it?”

  “You have no idea how badly I needed to hear you say that!”


  “Shouldn’t you be getting that Tommy?”

  “No. It’s just Silas.”

  “Do you have to leave tonight to go on patrols?”

  “I think the city will be fine if I take one night off to stay here with you.”

  “You’d do that?”

  “You’d be amazed by what I would do for you.”

  Kassidy smiled and kissed Blue’s cheek before jumping up off of the couch. When he was worried about where she was going, she assured him it was just to go grab some of her stuff. Blue liked the idea that she had planned on staying with him and let her go out of the room. Upon closing the door, she took a deep breath and sighed. It was all she could do to keep form holding back tears. She couldn’t even be positive it they were tears of anger, guilt, or disappointment. But they sure weren’t happy tears. She twisted the ring around her finger and it felt like it weighed a thousand pounds. She’s gotten herself in deep this time. She could feel the crushing weight of her lies pulling her down into the depths. She would accept whatever consequences this would bring. She could only let Blue make assumptions of their newfound relationship for so long before she’d actually have to say the words herself. She gagged in the hallway. Placing a hand on her throat and the other on her hip, she was startled when Silas ran back across her view. He didn’t want to talk to her, but Blue. He was understanding now that was going to be hard and left. Kassidy quickly chased him down and tugged on his shirt to get her to follow him into some art gallery of a room. He was visibly uncomfortable and new to what her reuse was and kept his eyes peeled for any stray Ringer that might misconstrue him sneaking off with Blue’s fiancé.

  “Calm down Silas. I just needed to ask you a few things.”

  “We shouldn’t be in here.”

  “I shouldn’t be anywhere. But here I am.”

  “You’re with Blue now. You’re his. I can’t be seen with you.”

  “Why not?”

  “If anyone thought…”

  “If anyone thinks what you’re thinking I’ll stab them myself.”

  “You and Blue are perfect for each other.”


  “You share the same amount of patience. None.”

  “How flattering. Anyways, I didn’t mean to interrupt your nightly patrols. But Blue insists on staying in tonight.”

  “I thought so. I just wanted to know what I should do now. I have to avoid Asa.”


  “Because Asa will know if I’m lying. And if Blue doesn’t want him to know about you then…”

  “Tell him.”

  “Tell who what?”

  “Tell Asa I’m here.”

  “But what about what Blue wants?”

  “Blue will support what I want. And I want Asa to know I’m here.”

  “Aren’t you worried about that bounty on your head?”

  “As soon as Asa knows Blue and I are back together there won’t be a bounty on my head. How would that look to the public if his right hand’s man fiancé is a wanted criminal?”

  “That wouldn’t look very good.”

  “And if it’s one thing we know, Asa loves looking good. So, go run and tell Asa I’m here. The sooner he knows, the better.”

  “And Blue won’t get mad at me?”

  “Let me worry about Blue.”

  “If anybody can handle him, it’s you. Let me the first to say, welcome to the Absynthe Ring, Mrs. Edwards.”

  “I’m not Mrs. Edwards yet.”

  “You might as well be. The ceremony’s just a formality. I knew you kept his ring all this time for a reason. Blue’s a lucky man. I’m just sorry I didn’t stand a chance with you. I’m going to go find Asa now.”

  “You do that. I’ve got to be getting back to Blue anyways.”

  “You two have fun.”


  Hours passed by as Blue and Kassidy talked through the night. They covered everything from childhood up to the present day, with a few embellishments on Kassidy’s part to keep up her charade. They were exhausted by the time the sun began peeking through the windows. The fire had long since gone out and they’d been surviving on candlelight, forcing them into close quarters. Blue couldn’t help but hold onto Kassidy to make up for lost time, but she was slow to reciprocate. It actually played out well since she’d never been the one to really forcibly push the physical relationship they had had in the past. It was difficult for her now to overlook everything that had happened. It just kept playing back in her mind like a terrible nightmare. All the people he had killed, they’d all been friends and family of the Dreadcranks. Her family. But she knew this was worth it. She knew to keep ones friends close and enemies closer. She knew this. She really did. But there had to be a line, something to keep her sane.

  Come morning Silas knocked on the door with a sheepish grin. He seemed a little put out when Kassidy answered the door as fully clothed as she had been the last time he saw her. Before they could get anything established Blue came up from behind Kassidy and wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her in tight against him. She reciprocated this time, leaning e rhea don his chest and rubbing her hands up and down the buttons on his shirt. Silas was momentarily paralyzed seeing such a jarring image right before is very own eyes. Blue cleared his throat, standing in the half open doorway, indicating Silas needed to get on with whatever it was he had to say.

  “It’s early Silas.”

  “I know. But Asa wanted me to tell you about the recruitment dinner tonight.”

  “What recruitment dinner?”

  “For the new Ringers.”

  “Oh, that dinner. Of course.”

  “He and Natasha are really looking forward to you bringing Kassidy.”

  “You told him!”

  “It’s alright Tommy, I told Silas to do it.”

  “You’re alright with this?”

  “I have nothing to be ashamed of anymore. I think this dinner will be the perfect way for everyone to see that we’re back together again. Don’t you? I mean, you’re not ashamed of me, right?”

  “No! No, it’s nothing like that.”

  “Then what is it?”

  “I just, I wanted to be selfish for a few days. Keep you all to myself.”

  “As sweet as that is, I think it’s better that the Ringers get used to me being around. Don’t you?”

  “Yes. The sooner the better.”

  “You look worried Tommy?”

  “Silas, will you excuse us for a moment?”

  “Of course Blue. Will you be coming down for the morning meeting?”

  “Yes. Don’t I always

  “It’s just, it starts in ten minutes.”

  “I’ll be there!”

  “You really shouldn’t yell at him like that Tommy. He was only doing what I asked him to do.”

  “I know! I know, but you really should have told me what you were going to tell Silas before you went and talked to him.”

  “I never needed your permission to have a conversation with a man before.”

  “Some things have changed since we were together. There has to be an adjustment period for us.”

  “I suppose you’re right.”

  “I am?”

  “Yes. I should have told you I talked to Silas last night. If we’re going to do this, we need to do it right from the beginning. No secrets. Step out on the right foot and all of that. I just thought, nevermind.”

  “No, what is it?”

  “I just thought you’d be so happy so show me off to everyone. That’s all. Maybe I’m just a little more excited about us being back together than you are. And that’s alright, it is what it is.”

  “I am excited to have you back Kassi. So excited.”

  “Then what’s the problem?”

  “I’m not so oblivious to be aware that Asa has had his eyes on you since you came back to me all those years ago. He’s always been jealous of us together. Now will be no exception.”

  “He has Natasha.”

  “You know he doesn’t want her the way he lusts after you.”

  “He has a funny way of showing it.”

  “There’s nothing funny about it Kassi. I don’t want him anywhere near you. You’re mine.”

  “And you are mine. Nobody is going to come in-between us. Don’t worry.”

  “How are you so confident?”

  “Did you notice how defensive you were for me just now? That’s how I know we’re going to be fine. Now go to your meeting. I don’t want you being late on account of me. We have to send out a good impression tonight.”

  “I’ll be back soon. These things usually last about an hour.”

  “Don’t hurry back. I’m not going anywhere.”

  “I love you.”

  “I’ll see you soon Tommy.”

  As Blue hurried himself out of the room his head was so scrambled he didn’t pick up on the fact that Kassidy skirted saying she loved him. And when he leaned in to kiss her she pretended to trip up on her skirt, resulting in him kissing her forehead. She could only be so deceptive for so long before some real proof started to solidify her position. But for now, she was in the clear. As the house was emptied of Ringer traffic with the meeting Kassidy was allowed to move much more freely in the O’Brien mansion. She caught herself staring out the glass windows in the front, she could take a moment. For once, she was actually expected to be there. She snickered to herself, what an oddity that was. A man behind her cleared his throat and she spun quickly on her heels. It was Harlan. He was cleaned up and in fresh, unstained clothes. She ran over to her old friend and tackled him into the wall with a hug. His arms were full of a fancy dress that trailed onto the floor. It was for her to wear to the dinner tonight. Harlan was staying well informed in his part of the mansion, and more importantly, still playing along with Kassidy.

  “How did you manage to get your hands on this?”

  “I sto-sto-stole it from Natasha. It’s too small for her any-ny-nyways. But I tho-tho-thought it’d fit you per-per-perfectly.”

  “It certainly looks like it’ll fit. And it’s all black too.”

  “So you li-li-like it?”

  “I love it. At least I’ll have that much going for me tonight. So, walk me through what I’m getting myself into. Have you ever been to one of these recruitment dinners before?”

  “Lots. But I don’t think y-y-you have anything t-t-to worry about. Usually Na-Na-Natasha is the only wo-wo-woman there, and she ne-ne-never gets to talk. Y-y-you probably wo-wo-won’t have to say anything.”

  “I know better than to think I’d get off so easy. But I could try my best to play too infatuated to think straight. Blue is already overly protective me. He’s playing into this just as I thought he would.”

  “Don’t g-g-get yourself in t-t-too deep Kass.”

  “I won’t. But it’s hard ball right now with these guys. I think we should do something big tonight at this dinner. Really sell my commitment to the Ringers. Blue believes me, but I need everybody else to believe as strongly as he does.”

  “What d-d-did you have in mi-mi-mind?”

  “You have to do something. They know we’re close. So, your word is gold here. If we staged an argument or something…”

  “I’ll han-han-handle it.”


  “Just play alo-lo-long when you get the sig-sig-signal.”

  “What signal?”

  “I’ll sneeze. Then wh-wh-when I get the ne-ne-next chance to talk, I’ll g-g-go off on y-y-you. My bro-bro-brother hates me. He’ll ne-ne-never believe I’ve co-co-come over to his si-si-side. So, if he thin-in-inks I’m mad at y-y-you…”

  “He’ll have to accept I’ve changed. He’d accept me way before he’d accept you. Harlan you’re a genius! You just may have saved us both!”

  “I sho-sho-should get go-go-going now.”

  “Right. It probably wouldn’t be beneficial to our charade if we were seen being so friendly with each other. You watch your back alright?”

  “You too. I’ll see y-y-you tonight.”

  “If you can’t find me I’ll be the one in the gorgeous black dress you stole!”

  For the rest of the day Blue was tied up with Ringer business. It was ideal from Kassidy’s perspective to spend so much time away from him. He was too important to steal away even five minutes with her at any given time when the sun was up. She feigned remorse when they passed each other in the halls, but that was about it. She had to set herself up in the proper state of mind for the evening. A Ringer recruitment dinner. Political rhetoric and brainwashing were going to be at an all-time high. She’d have to keep her mouth and ears closed off to it all if she was to survive the night. Of course she’d survive, she didn’t have another choice. And the sun went down fast enough as Kassidy had scenario after scenario rolling through her head. Escape plans, alibis, alibis for her alibis. She put on the black dress that Harlan had brought to her and it fit like a glove. She was surprised he’d gotten so lucky. Long sleeves that came down to a point on her hands. It covered up her burn. She had to leave her stripes behind for this one tonight. It was bittersweet, because she felt like she was leaving her true self behind as well. But she was not abandoning it for good. She kept telling herself that as the dress trailed on the rich carpet underneath her feet. Blue met her in the foyer, in his best suit and tie, his top hat knocked down tight on his head, cocked off to one side, just like his smile. He was such a character. Kassidy’s laugh escaped her lips and she was startled to realize it was genuine. Blue came up close now and reached up to her face to push back a strand of hair that had fallen out of place. Coming up so fast though with his hand, Kassidy instinctively jerked away.

  “What was all that about Kassi?”

  “What can I say? Once bitten twice shy and all.”

  “That’ll never happen again. I promise. Now look alive.”

  “What have I gotten myself into?”

  “A room full of jealous men angry that you’re with me and not them.”

  “Then I guess I’m lucky I have you to keep them all away.”

  “I have my work cut out for me. You look absolutely stunning in that dress.”

  “Oh, this old thing?”

  Blue put out his arm for Kassidy to take, and she wound her arm through his. They descended into the room like royalty, and the crowd of new recruits hushed to a low murmur. The attention was a bit much and Kassidy buried her face behind Blue’s arm as much as she could. Once on the ground level of the mansion all the men had something they needed to say to Blue. He was swarmed. A shift in the room left Asa and gravitated towa
rds Kassidy. In fact, most of the new men were more eager to meet her than the legend that Blue was. Lots of congratulations swirled through the men as they noticed Kassidy’s engagement ring. And many of those sentiments were quickly followed by condolences between the men that they had missed out on such a prize as the Pyrette Queen. Her reputation had preceded her, and they considered themselves lucky to be fighting alongside her in the days to come. She could feel Blue swell with pride as the men and Kassidy talked of long term plans. She was planning on staying; it was really happening.


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