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Ruby Page 4

by Amelia Wilson

  “How far to Tomlin?” Charles yelled down from where he’d climbed up into the top of the ship. The gun was small and Ruby really hoped it worked. She was answered when she saw a small purple beam strike the front of the Craintor ship. It smoked a little but didn’t make a dent. She put the shields up on their ship and pushed it towards the planet.

  “Less than five minutes away if we can hold them off,” Ruby yelled back.”

  Another beam rocked the ship but the shields held as Charles sent another pitiful purple beam back at them. She readied the com and tried to find the Tomlin frequency.

  “This is Ruby coming in hot Tomlin, do you read me?”

  “We read you, Ruby, explain quickly. You’re in a Hallaw registered ship.” A voice came back through the radio.

  “Damn it,” she said. “My party and I were on a flight headed from Manta Ray to Sarta. The trip was intercepted by Craintor who sold us to Hallaw. We escaped in a Hallaw ship and are now being pursued by Craintor. They are entering the atmosphere with us, can we count on support.”

  “Confirming such a breach happened,” the voice came back.

  Another beam flew out at the ship. She pulled up right before it struck.

  “We have confirmed the story, sending air support in sixty seconds.”

  Ruby breathed a sigh of relief as they entered Tomlin’s atmosphere. The Craintor ship did not back down until a dozen Tomlin fighter ships rose and came after them. Then they decided to run for it. Ruby was able to land on the base parking deck before the ship gave out completely.

  “Thank you, Tomlin, air control, we’ve landed safely.” She let go of the breath she’d not realized she had been holding.

  After such a harrowing experience, finding a planet with a hotel they could afford was the best thing that could have happened. Tomlin was mostly hotels and restaurants. At least, the place they’d landed was. They checked into two rooms and Ruby and Rori took one. Sammie needed immediate help so Ruby called the front desk for an ambulance when they got to their rooms. Sammie had insisted they wait so she could tell Mawri goodbye before they took her. Ruby knew if she got to the body scanner and there wasn’t a lot of internal damage, she would be okay.

  Their hotel rooms adjoined and Mawri ran into hers excited they were all staying together. She tucked the girls into one of the beds and turned on the large holopad to cartoons. They snuggled down and happily watched. Charles walked in and hugged her. His nerves were frayed and if she was being honest, hers were, too.

  “I’m going to stay here with the girls, take a shower and get some rest. Let me know when you guys get back. She will be ok, Charles. You guys will be back within the hour,” Ruby said to Charles, just as the ambulance shuttle driver knocked on the door. Charles nodded and opened the door for them. The men wheeled a bed into the room and helped Sammie onto the white rolling bed. Sammie looked exhausted, and her skin was pale. They had probably arrived just in time.

  “We’ll see you when you get back. You’ll be just fine,” Ruby told Sammie, and kissed her on the forehead. The men wheeled Sammie out of the room, and Charles followed behind them, closing the door.

  The food Ruby ordered when she checked in arrived and she let the girls eat in their bed while she took a much-needed shower. The water was amazing as it ran over her aching body. She felt like a new person when she came out. Sitting down to a delicious dinner and laughing with the girls almost made her feel normal. She knew there would be some discussion when the couple returned. She knew she wanted to be with them, but she found herself nervous. She climbed into bed with the girls and fell asleep.

  The communicator rang in their room sometime later. She looked over to see the girls were completely asleep. Charles was on the other end, they were on their way back. She took a deep breath and crept out of the bed to go into the bathroom. Ruby fixed her hair and dressed in a clean jumpsuit she had purchased from the hotel store. She looked completely beat up with bruises she didn’t even realize she’d gotten, but it was the best she could do.

  Chapter Eight

  Ruby entered the room to find the couple sitting together on the couch without a word she walked over and stood in front of them. They smiled and made their way into the back room where the bed was.

  Charles sat on one side of the bed, and Sammie sat on the other—silently urging her to choose who she wanted to go to first. That was easier said than done.

  Ruby made her way over to the side closest to her and sat next to Sammie. Charles narrowed his eyes a bit, his face alight with humor as he stared her down. Instead of sitting still, she scooted further back, turned over on all fours, and then slowly crawled to the head of the bed before turning over to lie in the middle of the huge bed. Her heart was pounding and her mouth was slightly dry.

  She placed her hands under her head and crossed her legs at the ankles, giving both of them a smile. She liked the cat and mouse game. Before she could even see what was happening, Charles was on top of her, his legs on either side of her waist as he straddled her. He was bent at the waist, his hands now wrapped around her wrists. He leaned down and brushed his lips against hers before pulling away without a kiss.

  “Oh, no,” Charles said. “I don’t think so. Not yet.”

  He leaned forward and lightly kissed her cheeks, and then her forehead. With Charles occupying her attention, she hadn’t noticed the shift in the weight of the bed. Sammie’s hands wrapped around her ankles as she pulled her legs apart. She moaned as Sammie began massaging her right leg.

  Charles released her hands and pulled away.

  He moved to sit at the foot of the bed next to Sammie. She watched as Charles wrapped his thick fingers around her other leg, massaging it deeply. They both stared into her eyes and studied her as they slowly—almost painfully so—moved their way up her legs. When they reached her thighs, they leaned over and began placing kisses on them.

  They bent her legs at the knees, spreading her open wider. They began placing open-mouthed kisses on her knees before slowly licking her all the way to the top, carefully missing what she needed most, and stopping at the sensitive juncture between hip and thigh. Ruby was caught between painful need and glorious pleasure.

  Ruby fought the urge to beg them for what she really wanted with every teasing kiss. She forced her hands to still by her head as she watched them move across her stomach and up to her breasts. She felt like screaming but didn’t want to risk them stopping.

  Her patience after everything wasn’t that strong.

  Instead, she did her best to relax, watching their every move, biting her lip when the urge to beg became too much. Her body flushed and her temperature rose with every lick, every kiss.

  Charles sucked her right nipple into his mouth while Sammie positioned herself between Ruby’s legs. Charles nibbled and played with it while her mind raced, thinking if what was about to happen.

  “Please!” she gasped, unable to hold it in.

  “Please what, gorgeous?” Charles asked.

  “Please don’t stop. I need you. Both of you. Please… Just—don’t stop.”

  At that moment, Sammie pushed her hands into Ruby’s legs, leaning in and taking a long, slow lick of her sweet wetness. Ruby growled, her head falling back as she lifted her hips to meet her gifted mouth while Charles continued massaging and tasting her breasts.

  “Is that what you wanted?” Charles asked.

  “Yes!” she cried out.

  Sammie pulled away long enough to slide a finger deep inside her, earning another gasp from her.

  Charles pushed up onto his knees and pulled off his shirt. Ruby’s hand was immediately on his hot skin, touching every curvature of his hard chest and stomach. She focused on the way Sammie’s tongue felt with every flick against her, and the second finger she thrust into her heated body.

  The pleasure had become too much. She felt the need to move, to scream. She tugged at Charles’s pants, trying to get them undone. He laughed lightly at her enthusiasm and helped her.

  In moments, his cock was freed from his jeans and in her hand. Sammie’s fingers pressed hard against her g-spot as her lips circled her clit, causing her hand to tighten hard around Charles hot erection and her breath to catch in her throat.

  When she could finally breathe again, she gasped for air and cried out as Sammie played her like an instrument. Charles moved closer and her mouth closed over him, a growl of his own escaping his throat then. His pleasure-induced sounds only pushed her on. She tightened her lips around him and moved her tongue against his solid shaft as she sucked, long and hard.

  Unable to handle it, he collapsed over her on all fours while she moaned both from the need to taste more of him and from Sammie’s skill. Though his arms were shaking, Charles put all of his weight on one while the other moved to massage her breasts. Having so much happen at once was proving to be too much for Ruby, and when Sammie shifted, she once again pressed hard into her spot—causing her to lose control. She involuntarily kicked her legs.

  “Fuck!” Charles called out as she began furiously using her mouth and hand in unison with muted screams as her climax seized her. Seeing her experience so much sent him over.

  Ruby continued to make noise as her climax began to wane. The pleasure was still very intense, and she could feel Charles expanding in her mouth. She knew he was close.

  Sammie rapidly flicked her tongue against her while fucking her with her fingers as she rode out the rest of the orgasm. Ruby took Charles as deeply into her mouth as she could, driving him over the edge. His hips thrust into her as a groan ripped its way up out of his chest. She swallowed everything he had to give her.

  Ruby had only barely taken her mouth away when she was flipped over onto her stomach and pulled up on all fours. Sammie moved to the head of the bed and laid before her as Charles then moved to the foot. She licked her lips as she watched Sammie slowly pull her panties down and flipped them to the floor.

  She crawled forward so she hovered over her hips. She moved to touch her, Sammie pulled her hand away, smiling at her. She wrapped her fingers through her hair and pulled, as Charles entered her from behind. They had gotten very good at keeping her distracted enough to surprise her—and it only added to the intensity.

  Ruby slapped Sammie’s hand away and leaned forward, tasting her just as she’d done for her. It took a lot of work to steady herself on one arm while Charles filled her from behind, his hips slamming into her hard with every thrust. His large size coupled with the strength he used to fuck her, she knew that it wouldn’t take long to send her over the edge again.

  She licked Sammie’s sweet, wet folds and softly pushed a finger in and allowed Charles’s speed to determine hers. Sammie’s eyes rolled back as her head hit the pillow. Her face was incredibly expressive, and she loved to see how she was affected by her.

  Charles pulled free of her, giving her a spank before ordering her to sit upright. She did as she was asked, taking one last long lick of Sammie before sitting up on her knees.

  Ruby nodded toward Sammie. “I want to watch you fuck him.”

  Charles smiled as he straddled Sammie and Ruby touched herself, slowly pumping his already rebounded shaft. He steadily lowered onto Sammie, sheathing himself inside her. Sammie’s smile faded as he delved deeper inside. He bucked his hips, earning a sharp gasp from Sammie’s pink lips.

  He wrapped his arms under hers, his hands placed on her shoulders as he used them for momentum to fuck her even harder. Sammie wrapped her fingers in Ruby’s hair and pulled her up far enough that she could kiss her. Sammie moaned into Ruby’s mouth as Charles fucked her relentlessly, his heavy breathing matching hers. Her entire body began to shudder as an orgasm began to take her.

  “Come for him,” Ruby said.

  Sammie could only respond with a nod as she built towards orgasm. Ruby ordering her to come seemed to have the desired effect. It turned her on far more than she’d expected.

  Charles pulled Sammie up so that she was sitting straight up. Ruby kissed her hard as Charles grabbed hold of her hips and began moving her exactly how he wanted her. Heat rushed through Ruby’s body as she watched them. Charles threw Sammie back and climbed on top, folding her body in half before burying himself deep inside her again.

  He moved with purpose. The speed and depth finally driving her over. She grabbed onto Charles, pulling him down so he was across her once again. Ruby watched as they came together and moaned loudly as they moved faster and faster.

  The three of them fell to the bed entangled and soon all were sleeping soundly.

  Chapter Nine

  The next morning when she woke up she was happy. It had been a long time since she’d had feelings for anyone and now had feelings for two. The girls were clinging to her and she realized she was going to miss Rori, a lot. She could only imagine her father missed her something terrible. He probably didn’t even know what had happened to her. Still, Ruby had grown attached to the girl and would be sad and happy to see her go.

  “Today, we’re going to find your dad,” Ruby told her.

  Rori looked up with wide eyes.

  Charles walked in and smiled at them.

  “What's the plan now that we're all safe and better?” he asked.

  “We need to get this sweet, little girl back to her father,” Ruby said. “We’re going to take her back to the mall where she was taken. I was actually on my way to Sarta for school before of all this happened. I know my way around there.”

  “How are we supposed to find her father once we're there?”

  “I don’t actually know. I guess go back to the mall.” Ruby hoped her parents hadn’t given up hope. She didn’t know how long Rori had been missing. Time passed differently for small children. It was possible it had been over a year. She just really hoped the Craintors hadn’t killed her mother.

  “You know some of my parents are from Sarta,” Ruby said as she sat in the bathroom while Rori bathed. She felt like it was a luxury the girl hadn’t been given recently.

  “Some of your parents?” She looked up at her.

  “Oh, Yes. I have more than one mommy and daddy,” Ruby said, wondering how far she should take the explanation.

  Ruby nodded.

  “Like how my mommy wasn’t my real mommy. She married daddy later.”

  “Yes, kind of like that.” Ruby decided

  “I’m going to get to see Rowan!” Rori said excitedly, splashing water all over the floor.

  Ruby laughed. “Who is Rowan?”

  “He’s my twin brother. Daddy says I’m a minute older than him. He likes trucks and I like princesses.”

  Ruby’s heart broke all over again. She had a twin. Her poor family probably missed her terribly.

  Before they left the hotel, Ruby put in a call to a mechanic who was near the hotel. He said he would take a look at the ship for her. She was running low on funds since she’d only had enough to get started on Sarta so she hoped he wasn’t expensive.

  “I’ll help pay for fixing the ship Ruby. Don’t worry about it,” Charles said.

  “Thank you, but let’s wait and see how much it is.”

  “Where were you going when you left Manta Ray? I don’t think I’ve asked,” Ruby said. They were walking towards the ship and Sammie was behind them skipping with the girls.

  “We were running away.”

  “You were. From what?” Ruby asked inquisitively.

  “Earth Two. It is a very conservative planet. We didn’t really fit into their society’s norms. There were other polygamists like us, but they ultimately would get scared into changing their ways. Once that happened, they would become our enemy.”

  “Oh, no. Charles. I’m so sorry.” She placed a hand on his arm.

  “After moving around to so many different towns and finding them all the same, we decided we wanted a fresh start. We didn’t want Mawri growing up on such an intolerant planet. We were searching for a planet that would accept us as we are.

  “That’s a beautiful dream.

  “We weren’t even sure there was such a place out there, but now that we know your planet exists we have hope.”

  He was so excited. She debated if she should tell him it was just her family on the planet. There was a tribe of natives that lived simply from the land on one side and the other there was a tribe of evil men with bad intentions. That was it on Adna, it was basically uninhabited.

  The men in the evil tribe had run-ins with her parents several times. Her mother had told her there were women in the tribe. Two to be exact. They were evil, too, as a condition of their surroundings. Ruby tried to imagine what it was like to live in their fortress and be stuck forever. She imagined it would feel a lot like being in the Hallaw prison.

  It was hard to imagine Sammie and Charles wanting to come to Adna. They did have a lot of houses. They had only lived in the two houses they occupied now for her whole life, but there were a ton more. Baston called it their own little ghost town. Power could be run to any of them.

  The past few days had been full of terror, and it had become dark in her world, but there was also comfort, and love, and sex. All of her emotions ran together.

  When they got to the ship, the mechanic said he could fix it but it would be about an hour.

  They all decided to go for ice cream. Mawri was incredibly excited.

  My treat, Ruby. We wouldn’t have survived without you, in more ways than one.” He smiled at her and took a bite of his ice cream.

  Her stomach filled with warmth again and she smiled despite herself, he made her giddy. She remembered how she’d felt with his hands all over her.

  They made their way back to the ship and she paid the mechanic. They were able to take off again.

  She set a course for Sarta and reveled in the fact they'd have Rori safe and at home very soon. Once they were in the air, she relaxed a bit. A couple times within the first couple of hours she did see a blip on the radar behind them. It was a ship but kept disappearing and then after the third time she saw it, it was gone for good. It was hard to imagine the Craintors had given up their pursuit, but she felt certain the ship she saw now was much smaller than the one that had been after them earlier. They were probably just traveling in the same airspace together. She had to assume the Craintor thought they were staying on the planet a while. Who would leave so soon after being pursued?


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