Callum's Love [Men of Crazy Angle Ranch: 5]

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Callum's Love [Men of Crazy Angle Ranch: 5] Page 7

by Bellann Summer

  * * * *

  Ryan watched Graham usher Tyler out of the office. Love was definitely in the air at the ranch house. Before Tyler batted his eyes at Graham, gaining his attention, Elliot had walked into the office and whispered something into Adam’s ear. Adam sure could move fast when he wanted.

  Shaking his head at the other men’s antics, Ryan switched his thoughts to his own man. A few days had passed since the boa-kitchen incident and his revelation that he loved Callum. Ryan didn’t know if it was the steamy, naked nights, or the days dealing with Callum’s toys, but lately Ryan seemed less clumsy.

  Today he had a tiny plug with a wide head lodged in the slit of his dick. Yesterday Callum had put a plastic cage around his dick. Ryan didn’t bother to object to these crazy ideas. Heck why would he? In Ryan’s lifetime, he had never been so in love and turned on all at the same time.

  A short knock on the door brought Ryan out of his daydreams. Tyler’s father, Glen Hayward, walked into the room.

  “I thought I’d come in and see how you were settling in at the ranch,” Glen said as he sat in a chair on the other side of Ryan’s desk.

  Ryan liked Tyler’s dad. He was still a pleasant-looking man in his sixties, and he always treated Ryan well. Since Glen arrived back at the ranch from his vacation, Ryan noticed he was pale and quiet. Ryan had to wonder if it was because Tyler had a chance to talk to him about his feelings, or if Glen had something else going on.

  “Things are great,” Ryan answered. “Thank you for helping me get this job and the opportunity to come here.”

  “You were hired because of your office skills, I just brought you to Graham’s attention,” Glen responded. “How’s your dad doing?”

  “He’s good. I talk to him every couple of days. I sure do miss him. I’ve never been away from him this long before,” Ryan admitted.

  “That’s understandable. Your dad always said it was just the two of you against the world after your mom died.” Glen’s expression was so kind that Ryan felt tears form in his eyes.

  “Yeah, it was.” Ryan choked the words out.

  “Hey, I have an idea. Why don’t you invite your dad here to the ranch? I’m sure Graham and Tyler wouldn’t mind, and I would love to visit with him.” For the first time since he entered the room, Glen’s face had a bit of color.

  Ryan’s heart started pounding hard at the thought of his dad at the ranch. Callum wouldn’t know what hit him when his protective father started questioning his intentions.

  Looking at Glen, Ryan didn’t want to pry, but he decided to ask anyway. “Glen, are you feeling okay?”

  The older man sat back in his chair and let out a deep breath. “To tell you the truth, I’ve been having spells of light-headedness and shortness of breath. While I was in Florida, I went in and saw a doctor. He ran some tests. I’m still waiting for the results.”

  “Does Tyler know?” Ryan asked.

  “I told him when I got back on the ranch. He insists that I take it easy until we hear what the doctor has to say.”

  “Good,” Ryan said.

  Glen smiled and was going to say something, but the sound of a phone ringing echoed through the office. Frowning, Glen pulled his cellphone out of his pocket and looked at the screen.

  Ryan stood up at the sight of Glen’s suddenly ashen face. Glen put his hand up and stopped Ryan from rushing over to the man.

  “Ryan, I hate to do this to you, but I’ve decided to file a restraining order against Tyler’s mother. I’m going to put this call on speaker phone, so you are a witness to her vileness. Is that okay?” Glen asked as the phone kept ringing.

  “Okay,” Ryan answered. He braced himself. That woman scared the ever-living daylights out of him.

  Glen pressed a button on his phone and said, “Hello, Janice.”

  Janice Hayward’s high-pitched, screeching voice came through the speaker. “It’s about time you answered your phone. Do you think you can avoid me? That’s not happening.”

  Ryan felt his shoulders rise up near his ears. He wondered if there was a way to get Tyler in here. Then he decided Tyler had been through enough with that woman. He could do this—maybe.

  “How many times do I have to tell you? The divorce is over, there’s nothing we have to say to each other anymore,” Glen said. Tyler noticed the man’s voice had become weaker and raspier.

  “Glen, I need more money. That stupid monthly allowance isn’t enough. It doesn’t cover half of my needs. As usual you’re trying to control me,” she accused.

  “Stop it,” Glen yelled. “It more than enough covers your living expenses with a little left over for whatever you want, within reason.” Glen wiped sweat off the side of his face.

  “I gave you four children and did my best to see they were given the opportunities to make it big in the world. Unfortunately, they took after you and became worthless maggots of society. I should have divorced you years ago and stayed in my affair with Richard McNabb. He would have given me children that had some value in this world.” Acid dripped from every word Janice spoke.

  Silence encompassed the room. Ryan’s mind was racing. Richard McNabb was his father’s neighbor. He had a lot of money and went through women like water. He also was known for slapping his women around if they didn’t do what he wanted.

  “Janice.” Glen’s calm, low voice broke the silence. “I wish you would have left me for Richard. Do you really think I didn’t know about him, or every man you played with after that? I had a standing doctor’s appointment to test for STDs every six months for years.”

  Ryan watched Glen take a deep breath while his too-pale face took on a determined look. “You called our precious children worthless. You have that wrong, my dear. You were the one that was worthless. If I hadn’t hired people to come in, the house wouldn’t have been cleaned, and food wouldn’t have been bought or cooked. You only made sure they were eating and bathing so they would be at their healthiest to make you famous. You, Janice, are a vile, evil bitch of a woman, and someday you will have to meet your maker and face what you have done.”

  “How dare you?” Janice screamed. She began shouting, “I hate you. You will pay for that. I know people that will take care of you. You better start sleeping with one eye open. Otherwise, you’ll wake up to someone holding a knife at your throat. I’ll make sure I’m there to watch your blood drip out until you’re dead. I…hate…you.”

  Through the speaker, Ryan heard Janice take a deep breath before there was a sound of air whooshing out. Next, grunting choking sounds came through the speaker.

  Alarmed, Ryan looked at Glen. The pale, sweating man was slightly bent over and had a hand clutching his chest.

  “Ryan,” Glen wheezed. “I think you’d better call someone.” Glen tipped over and fell to the floor.

  “Tyler, Graham, Adam,” Ryan screamed.

  Ryan raced to Glen, his knees crunching as they hit the tile floor next to the older man. Rolling Glen over onto his back, Ryan saw blood dripping from a wound on his forehead. Ryan put his fingertips to the side of Glen’s neck. His heart dropped when he couldn’t find a pulse.

  Reaching deep inside and praying with all his might, Ryan began to try and resuscitate Glen. The year before his dad had dragged him to CPR classes. At the time he had thought they were a waste of time, now he was grateful. Hearing the echoes of the instructor’s voice in his ear, Ryan fell into the rhythm of chest compressions and rescue breathing that he had been taught.

  “What the hell?” Adam’s voice rang out.

  Ryan ignored him, keeping the lifesaving rhythm going and counting his compressions out loud. He felt Adam drop down next to him.

  “I’ll take over the breathing,” Adam said. Together they continued to work on Glen.


  “No, Tyler, we need to let Adam and Ryan help him. Elliot’s calling 9-1-1,” Graham’s voice said.

  Ten minutes later, Ryan couldn’t go on. His arms felt like spaghetti, and he couldn’t catch his
breath. A person knelt down at his side.

  Callum’s beautiful voice said, as he placed his hands next to Ryan’s on Glen’s chest, “I’ll take over for you. On three, one-and-a-two-and-a-three.”

  After Callum had taken over, Ryan collapsed onto the floor, struggling to pull air into his lungs. He could hear sirens getting closer to the ranch. Abruptly they stopped, and there were footsteps racing toward them. Turning his head, Ryan watched two EMS crouch down next to Glen.

  Callum’s big body blocked his view, and warm arms lifted Ryan into the air. He was carried out of the office and into the living room. There Callum sat on the large leather sofa, with Ryan securely on his lap.

  “You were wonderful in there,” Callum whispered into his hair.

  Ryan relaxed in Callum’s arms, thinking that the man smelled so good. He was exhausted. The next minute he sat straight up and grabbed Callum’s vest.

  “We need to call 9-1-1,” he yelled.

  “What? The ambulance is here, Ryan,” Callum answered, looking confused.

  “No, I mean for Tyler’s mother.”

  “What are you talking about?” Adam asked from a chair next to the sofa. Elliot was sitting on his lap.

  “Glen was on the phone with Tyler’s mother and they were arguing. Something happened to her. She was choking and making weird sounds,” Ryan tried to explain.

  “Oh shit,” Adam said.

  Chapter Nine

  Ryan sat between Callum’s bent knees and leaned against his wide chest. The sun was shining, and there was a slight breeze keeping the heat manageable. Every once in a while the sweet wind blew hard enough to make the branches of the tree Callum was leaning against sway back and forth. Before them, Maggie was walking around the small pasture, checking out any grass that might suit her tastes.

  She was looking so pretty today. Trace and Xavi had worked on her feet earlier, clipping her ragged, painful hoofs so that she was much more comfortable. After they were finished, Ryan had given her a much-needed bath.

  Now her coat shone under the sun’s rays, and she looked alive and happy. The skeletal husk of an animal that Ryan first saw was replaced by a still slim but healthier mare. Callum told Ryan he thought her foal would be born in a few months. Ryan hoped Maggie and the foal would make it through the birth okay. Maggie may have looked better, but it would be a long time before she would be one hundred percent healthy.



  “Do you think Tyler and his brothers and sister are going to be all right?” Ryan asked.

  “I think so. Glen will be out of the hospital and back at the ranch by the end of the week.”

  “Have you ever seen the ranch house so full?” he asked.

  Tyler’s brothers and their partners descended on the ranch after hearing about their father’s heart attack and subsequent heart surgery. This included Brian’s twin toddlers and new twin babies. The place was rocking on its foundations.

  “Sometimes I imagine I can see the house trembling with all the excitement.” Callum chuckled, obviously on the same wavelength as Ryan.

  “Well, I’m glad you suggested we stay clear of the ranch house and keep to the farmhouse. They need the time to come to terms with everything that happened,” Ryan said.

  “Yeah, me, too,” Callum answered, kissing the top of Ryan’s head.

  Quiet descended, and Ryan’s thoughts returned to Tyler’s family. After hearing that his mother was already dead by the time the police arrived at her house, Tyler shut down, refusing to talk to anyone. The autopsy revealed that she suffered from a fatal brain aneurysm. Their sister, Stephanie, chose to go to their childhood home that their mother retained after the divorce, to see about funeral arrangements. She was met at the door by their aunt, who was their mother’s sister. That was when Stephanie learned their mother left all her belongings to her only sister, with specific instructions that none of her children be allowed into the house or attend the funeral.

  A stunned Stephanie listened to everything their sympathetic aunt had to say. When she finished explaining what their mother had done, Stephanie had turned around and walked away. She was welcomed with open arms at the Crazy Angle. The siblings together were coming to terms with their mother’s death and subsequent actions, and spending a lot of time with their father at the hospital.

  Ryan could see the family was becoming a tightly knit family now, something he hadn’t seen while he was growing up in the same neighborhood.

  “How would you like to go out and have a drink tonight?” Callum asked.

  “Really?” Excitement raced up Ryan’s spine. He hadn’t gone out in a long time and had missed it.

  “Yeah, I think it would be fun,” Callum said.

  Ryan tipped his head to the side and looked up over his shoulder. “Are you asking me out on a date, Mr. Leeman?” he teased.

  A large hand covered the back of Ryan’s head and held it still while firm lips covered his mouth. Ryan’s tongue slid against Callum’s, becoming lost in the kiss. Ryan loved it that they could take a little time out from the rest of the world, and enjoy the sunshine and each other.

  All too soon the kiss ended, and Callum’s serious, sapphire-blue eyes looked at him. “Will you go out with me, Mr. Timmons?” he asked.

  Somehow it almost felt like Callum was proposing. Looking deep into Callum’s eyes, Ryan answered, “Of course I will go out with you.”

  Callum blinked, breaking the moment. Pulling Ryan close and forcing him to turn back around, Callum held Ryan tight while they continued to watch Maggie explore the pasture.

  * * * *

  Callum was ready. Dees was covering for him if an emergency came up. The truck was washed and cleaned out. He had showered, shaved and made sure he was wearing his best jeans and a blue shirt that the sales lady told him accented his eyes. More importantly, he had the rings in his pocket. Tonight he was going to tell Ryan that he loved him and ask him to commit by wearing his ring.

  Sitting in the small sitting room of his suite of rooms, Callum waited for Ryan to come out of the bathroom. The cutie had spent at least an hour playing in the tub, and now Callum was ready to go out and show him off. He also decided to avoid looking into the bathroom until after their date. That would be soon enough to clean up any mess Ryan made. Callum was still trying to figure out how a man could be OCD obsessed by the contents of kitchen cupboards, yet create chaos and messes everywhere else.

  “I’m ready,” Ryan announced.

  Callum was bedazzled. The smaller man had styled his hair gorgeously. If Callum wasn’t mistaken, there was a tiny bit of eyeliner enhancing his pretty, mismatched eyes. Ryan’s pink, cupid bow of a mouth enticed Callum to taste it.

  Thin, tight, black jeans molded Ryan’s slim hips, and he had topped them off with a dark blue, long-sleeved shirt with three buttons at the collar.

  “You look gorgeous,” he said, opening his arms.

  Ryan never hesitated, and walked right up to him. Leaning down, he took Ryan into his arms and lifted him until they were eye to eye. He liked the feel of that lean body plastered against his.

  “You don’t look so bad yourself. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you without your vest, except naked, of course,” Ryan teased.

  “If it turns you on, sometime I’ll wear nothing but the vest and play doctor with you,” Callum teased back.

  “Now that I have to see.” Ryan’s laughter rang out.

  Callum could only stare at the beautiful man that he had fallen head over heels in love with.

  “Are you ready to go have that drink with me?” he asked.

  “Yeah,” Ryan whispered, seeming to be caught up in the moment just as Callum was. They had been getting lost in each other’s eyes a lot lately.

  Callum pushed aside the little voice that was telling him now was the moment. It urged Callum to tell Ryan that he loved him and give him the ring. But instead, Callum slid the cutie down his body until his feet touched the floor.

  “Let’s go,” he said, taking Ryan’s hand and leading him out the door. Callum told himself that a look of disappointment hadn’t covered Ryan’s face for just a moment.

  Callum kept Ryan close on the drive to The Crossways Bar and Grill. He made sure he had a hand on the small of the cutie’s back when they entered the bar. Quite a few people called out to Callum when they entered. It was a nice place for the locals to grab a bite to eat and have a few drinks to catch up with the neighborhood.

  By the second drink, Ryan was snuggled up next to him, and they were talking with a couple of the Crazy Angle’s part-timers.

  “What do you think about Schulky’s wife filing for divorce?” Luke asked, taking a drink of his beer. Luke worked at the Crazy Angle part-time while he attended tech school in town.

  “I hadn’t heard that one,” Callum said.

  “The gossip mill said she knew about Schulky’s women, but hadn’t realized how much money he was losing at the blackjack tables. She wanted no part of being connected to the collection farm and filed for divorce before taking off to her sister’s in Wyoming,” Larry, the other part-timer and Luke’s brother, said. He, too, was going to technical school in town.

  “That’s crazy,” Ryan exclaimed.

  “What’s crazy is the crowds of animal rights activists surrounding the Much farm. The talk is that it got so wild a couple of times the sheriff had to be called out,” Luke said.

  “Wow, I saw some of it on television but hadn’t realized how big it had become,” Ryan said. Callum had to laugh at the look of mischief on his cutie’s face. No doubt Ryan loved it that he was the one who made the anonymous phone calls. He and Graham had been holed up in the office for a good hour making phone calls one afternoon. When the two men emerged they both had looks of triumph on their faces.

  “The news people are nuts,” Larry said. “They’ve swarmed the old Much farm and the Schulky ranch looking for any dirt they can dig up. I saw all three of the big morning shows’ equipment vans parked there.”


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