Spirits In the Trees

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Spirits In the Trees Page 21

by Morgan Hannah MacDonald

  She’d never gotten used to wearing a thong. Everyone said you couldn’t feel them, but to her they felt like butt floss. So, in the interest of concealing panty lines, she chose the high waisted numbers commonly known as granny panties.

  She dropped down, snatched them up, then slipped them into her pocket before anyone could notice.

  Too late.

  When she raised her head, all eyes were on her. Jane giggled. Tim looked away, embarrassment showing on his features, and Doug just stood there dumb-struck. She thought she was going to die. Her face was so hot, she expected it to burst into flames at any moment.

  “Maddy, why don’t you start the coffee while I run up and finish dressing,” Doug said, valiantly rescuing her from her shame.

  “Good idea.” Maddy let out a pent up breath and thanked him with her eyes.

  Jane glanced from Doug to Maddy, then back to Doug again before he took off like a shot up the stairs.

  “So how was the rest of your evening?” Jane chuckled as she followed Maddy into the kitchen.

  “Fine.” Maddy kept her back to her friend as she grabbed the coffee tin off the counter and prepared the pot.

  “Did you sleep well?” Jane prodded.

  “Yes,” Maddy answered firmly. She spun around and stared Jane down, hinting to let it rest, which she did, for now. There was no doubt in her mind that Jane would find a way to tease her later.

  Tim sat down on the opposite side of the picnic-like table and kept silent. Smart man.

  When Doug returned he was fully clothed down to his shoes. He poured himself a cup of coffee before joining everyone. He slid down on the bench next to Maddy and faced their friends. “So how did your night go?” he asked to no one in particular.

  “I was just asking Maddy the same question,” Jane replied with a grin.

  “Oh?” Doug raised his eyebrows and looked at Maddy. “And what did she say?”

  “Nothing, yet,” Maddy replied to Doug before she faced her friends across the table.

  “I had that dream again, only this time I was able to get a little more detail.” Once again she had everyone’s attention, but in a good way.

  “Did you see her face or get her name?” Tim asked, excitedly.

  “No, and I didn’t see the man’s face either. But…” Maddy rehashed the dream while they listened intently.

  “So she could be this Lacy girl, right?” Doug asked.

  “Maybe,” Maddy answered.

  “She could be trying to identify her killer,” Jane said.

  “I think I’ll go to the police station on the mainland today. I’ll see what information I can get on the Seaside Strangler case and find out whether or not they ever captured him,” Tim said.

  “I want to get back to those journals. I spent most of the night reading them. They’re fascinating.” Jane said.

  “I’ve got some business to take care of in town,” Maddy said.


  Maddy returned to the house to find Doug hard at work chopping wood. She could hear The Foo Fighters playing from a portable CD player on the porch, even though her windows were closed. He hadn’t noticed her yet, so she watched him work from the privacy of her car. He’d taken off his tee-shirt and stuffed it in the back pocket of his jeans. His shoulders were red from the sun, and sweat glistened on his bare chest.

  She watched in awe as the hard muscles of his biceps flexed with each swing of the ax. He bent down to pick up another piece of wood and a vision of him naked flashed into her head. She bit her lower lip with irrepressible hunger.

  Doug laid the ax down, slipped off his gloves and picked up a bottle of water. His hand was still wrapped in gauze. How could he use it so soon? Men, they liked to work through the pain. He squirted water into his mouth, before pouring the rest over his head, then ran his fingers through his hair to shake off the excess. He wiped his face and hands with the tee-shirt before stuffing it back into his pocket and resumed his work.

  The image made her grab her iced tea and run the plastic cup along her cheek and neck. The cold condensation tamped down the heat she felt building, barely. Damn, she could watch him all day. Instead, she slipped out of the car and headed toward him. The moment he noticed her, he set the ax down, took the gloves off his hands, then dropped them to his feet. He whipped out the tee-shirt and wiped his face off, then ran it the length of his chest.

  Maddy’s eyes followed as the cloth slid over his hard pecs, then down his six-pack abs before he tossed it aside. She was certain every one of her naughty thoughts played across her face for him to see.

  “Hey you,” his gravelly voice enticed. “Come over here.”

  She raised her eyebrows in mock surprise. “Why?”

  “Come over here and find out.” A puckish grin played at his lips.

  She couldn’t resist his allure. With slow measured steps she approached, but stopped short, just out of reach. Dramatically, she placed her hands on her hips. “What?” she said teasingly.

  Doug whipped out his arm, grabbed her around the waist and pulled her close. She leaned back, taunting him more.


  “This.” He slipped his other hand behind her head, pulled her face to his and claimed her with his lips. The kiss turned deep, passionate. Her pulse quickened, her body hummed. Her hands came up around his neck showing her surrender. She kissed him back with matching fervor.

  Her need for him insatiable.

  When he ended the kiss, she was breathless, ready. Without a word, he lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist, then he marched up the porch steps. With a kick of his boot, the front door swung open, another kick and it closed. He carried her up the stairs nipping at her neck. When he reached the top, he stopped and kissed her again.

  Her fingers threaded through his hair and he moaned into her mouth. He stumbled toward the nearest wall and pressed her back against it. She couldn’t wait any longer, she had to have him inside her. She lowered her hands to his nipples and pinched them at the same time. He groaned and broke the kiss, piercing her with heavily lidded eyes.

  “Now,” she responded.

  He walked them into his room and tossed her on the bed. She toed off her shoes and wriggled out of her jeans while she watched him. The moment he shoved down his pants, his erection popped free and she grabbed his cock and pulled him toward her. He sucked in a breath and came to her willingly. She took him into her mouth and teased the tip of his cock with her teeth. He moaned loudly and pulled her head away.

  “Hell, you’re a little devil, aren’t you?”

  With his pants around his ankles, he inched his way to the side of the bed and plopped down. He had to get his boots off before he could be free of his pants. Maddy discarded her blouse and bra, then slid up behind him pressing her naked body against his back. She rubbed her wetness against him showing him she was ready.

  “Dammit, woman, you’re killing me here!” he said over his shoulder while he fiddled with the damn laces on his hiking boots.

  “Then hurry up!” She giggled, then got up on her knees and nibbled on his ear.

  One boot flew across the room, then he hurriedly loosened the laces on the other. “You are so going to get it when I get these freakin' pants off!” He kicked off the other boot, stood, then discarded his clothes.

  “I’m counting on it.” She grinned.

  He pulled her legs forward, being careful of her bruised ankles and shoved himself inside of her. “Sweet Jesus, you feel good,” he said through clenched teeth. His eyes widened. “Shit!” He pulled out.

  “What?” She lifted herself up on her elbows.

  He raced to the side of the bed and pulled out the drawer on his nightstand. “Condom.” He sheathed himself and was back within seconds. He pulled her legs up in front of him, a leg on either side of his head so her pelvis was lifted high enough off the mattress that he could enter her standing up. He plunged himself deep within her and she cried out.

  He thru
st a few times and stopped, his eyes clenched.

  “Oh, no you don’t,” Maddy said.

  “You don’t know how hard it is to hold back,” he hissed. “I swear to God, it’s like I’m seventeen all over again when I’m with you.”

  “Good.” Maddy was at a disadvantage in this position, so she wrapped her legs around his waist. “Then fuck me good and hard as if you were seventeen, dammit!”

  Doug’s eyes flew open and stared at her.

  She’d shocked him. Good. Maybe now he’d give her what she wanted. Make that needed. Now!

  He drove himself into her with wild abandon holding onto her hips. She cried out with each deep thrust. Her hands gripped the sheets, there was nothing else within reach. She felt the orgasm build quickly. She’d never been more vocal during sex. The most unnatural noises were coming out of her mouth and she couldn’t stop them if she tried. Her body bucked uncontrollably, then she screamed out his name before she fell back on the mattress spent. Doug tilted his head back and roared his release.

  A moment passed before his eyes found hers, a sheepish grin crossed his face. “Well, as the boy rabbit said to the girl rabbit, that won’t take long. Did it?”

  Maddy laughed and slapped his arm.

  Doug took off toward the bathroom and Maddy climbed up the bed to the pillows. Her cheeks were wet. She brushed her eyes and was surprised to find tears. So that’s what they mean by mind-blowing sex. A satisfied smile graced her lips. She heard the toilet flush, then Doug appeared. He climbed on the bed next to her and placed her head on his chest.

  * * *

  Maddy found herself standing off in the distance watching a bunch of teenagers sitting around a fire pit on the beach. They were passing around a bottle of Strawberry Hill wine and a joint. The Doors played loud on an eight track. It was just like a movie she’d seen from the 1960’s.

  The dream was back.

  But this time she was inside the man. Experiencing everything he did and thought, like two people inhabiting the same space. There was nothing she could do to control the situation. She was simply along for the ride.

  He was watching one girl in particular. His girl. He had been spying on her all summer. She was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. Her long golden hair reached her butt. Her aqua-blue eyes still held that touch of innocence. So much like his bride before she betrayed him. The mere thought brought the fury back and he fisted his hands at his sides.

  A guy with long brown hair and a handlebar mustache stood up and offered his hand to the girl. He wore beads around his neck, a vest with no shirt, and bell bottom pants. She smiled up at him and let him pull her up. They headed down the beach, hand-in-hand. He followed at a safe distance, keeping to the shadows.

  He heard their murmured voices, but not what they said. She giggled occasionally. They were heading away from the water, up the incline toward the woods. They stepped just inside the tree line, then the long-haired hippie-freak started kissing her.

  The man hiked up the beach a little further, then doubled back. He had to get closer so he could get a better look. He tip-toed up behind a tree and watched the couple making out. The hippie’s hands were all over her, touching her breasts, her butt.

  The man’s breathing started to hitch.

  The hippie stepped back, slipped off his vest and tossed it aside. His fingers started fumbling with the buttons on his pants, then stopped. He stared at the girl. She said something softly the man couldn’t hear. The hippie’s face went from confusion to anger in seconds. He re-buttoned his pants, snatched his vest off the ground and pulled it on. He grumbled something before he stormed off, leaving the girl behind.

  She dropped down in the sand, pulled her knees up to her chest and started to cry. The man wanted to get closer. He stepped out from behind the tree and snap! Damn pine needles, he couldn’t see the twig underneath.

  The girl jumped, her head turned in his direction. He ducked back behind the tree. His adrenalin pumping. He didn’t move again until he heard her bawling her eyes out. She was making such a racket he knew she wouldn’t hear him this time, so he crept closer. Just then the moon came out from behind a cloud and reflected off her head in a halo effect.

  It was a sign from God, she was his angel.

  He wanted to touch her hair, feel it between his fingertips. He had to know if it was as soft as it looked. He reached out his hand and suddenly the girl stood. He jumped back behind a tree and watched her brush off the back of her dress before she started down the beach.

  Away from her friends.

  That was good.

  He followed her a bit, keeping to the trees.

  Without warning, she stopped and turned back.

  He halted dead in his tracks.

  “Hello, is anyone there?” her tiny voice trembled.

  She stared right at him, then took off.

  Her long hair billowed behind her as her legs pumped furiously. She looked so magical, as if everything she did was in slow motion. The man’s breathing became haggard and he had a stitch in his side. But panic drove him on.

  He was losing ground. The girl was fast. Much faster than he’d anticipated. She took a hard left away from the water and headed up the hill toward the trees. Dammit, he might lose her. The girl slipped and went down. The man found a second wind. He was close now. But just as quickly, she was back on her feet sprinting again.

  His anxiety mounted as the woods closed their protective arms around her. His steps faltered, he was getting tired. He changed direction and trudged up the sandy incline after her. He was sweating profusely, his shirt now glued to his back. He wasn’t in as good a shape as he used to be. But he would not give up. She could identify him.

  From the deep abyss of the forest he heard a scream.

  He picked up his pace. He entered the woods cautiously in case it was a trap. Standing still, he waited for his eyes to adjust to the gloom. Thunder crackled, then he heard a muffled cry. He inched his way in that direction. The woods flashed with bright light, that’s when he spied her on the ground up ahead. The woods darkened again, but it didn’t matter, he knew where she was. He plodded his way toward her.

  She lay on the ground coddling her leg. She must have fallen. Like a rabbit caught in a snare. This was too easy. He wanted to laugh, but all he could manage was a smile while he tried to catch his breath. He was wheezing like a damned asthmatic.

  For no apparent reason, she let out a blood curdling scream. Shit! He dropped to his knees and covered her mouth with his hand. He hadn’t been prepared for that. She tried to pull his hand away and clawed at his face. The pain shocked him. He hauled back and slapped her hard.

  While she was momentarily stunned, he reached into his pocket, pulled out his handkerchief and shoved it into her mouth. Her breathing turned to shallow pants. He gazed into her eyes and witnessed her fear. His dick grew hard.

  That’s when he knew what he really had wanted to do. He struggled with his belt; his fingers fumbled with his zipper in their haste. When at last his cock sprang free, the girl’s eyes widened like saucers. He grinned in satisfaction. Obviously she was impressed by the size of his penis.

  The girl inched her way backward with her hands in a pathetic attempt to crawl like a crab, all the while shaking her head no. He laughed out loud. She wasn’t going anywhere. Lightening lit up the sky, the sound of thunder rumbled as if God were urging him on.

  He straddled her and plopped down on her legs. She screamed into the gag and tears streamed down her face. He had her right where he wanted her. With one hand, he held her arms above her head while the other slid down the length of her body and up under the hem of her dress. His fingers clutched her underwear and slid them off. He brought them up close to his face where he could get a look at them.

  White cotton panties, such a thing of purity.

  He sniffed the crotch and held his breath. The scent so sweet it sent his head reeling. Excitement surged through him like never before. They were wet.
  “You bad girl,” he murmured gazing down at her. An unintelligible sound escaped her. He pocketed his prize, then turned his attention to the dress.

  It had to go.

  He had to see the sheer perfection of her body. So young. So supple. So ready for him. He lifted his body a bit and raised the garment above her waist. She started to buck like a wild bronco. Immediately he sat back down, stifling her movements. Although her jerking body was subdued, she continued fighting all the same. He’d had enough. He slugged her to show he meant business. His fist landed squarely on her jaw.

  She went out like a light.

  Relieved, he guided himself into her. She was so tight it reminded him of his bride on their wedding night. She was a virgin. He pushed harder, felt her body finally give way. His elation surpassed only by his pleasure, he felt himself swallowed in a vise-like grip.

  Thunder and lightening rent the sky. The storm was here. Rain pitter-pattered on the leaves, occasionally dropping on his head.

  The man thrust only three times before his body exploded in the greatest orgasm he’d ever experienced. He grunted once before his sweat riddled body fell on top of the girl, his energy spent.

  He must have dozed off because the next thing he knew he felt movement beneath him. He shook himself awake, then realized where he was. She was coming around. What should he do? He pushed off the ground, yanked up his pants and fastened them, then bent down to brush the pine needles and leaves off his trousers.

  When he looked up, the girl was watching him with those big round eyes. It unnerved him. Nervously he ran down the slope toward the beach. He tripped and righted himself, then turned around to see what had foiled him. There was a rock sticking halfway out of the dirt. He got an idea.

  He dropped to his knees and feverishly dug around it. Before long, he reached in and hefted a large boulder out of the hole. It had to weigh a good ten pounds at least. He rushed back to the spot where he had left the girl.


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