The Collective

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The Collective Page 12

by David McCahan

  Yes we are one on this.

  Columbia exited the Heliosphere and transitioned to Grav Focus without incident. The probe data was updated at that point and now the Senior Staff was assembled for an update.

  Captain Anderson reported “The probe data shows the ship is using Ion propulsion although not a particularly powerful or efficient design. This may be due to conserving fuel to cover the interplanetary distance but it is currently powered. Additionally, it detected passive sensor arrays and what could be missile and laser targeting nodes. This is a bit of conjecture at this point but our best estimate is that this is a large and heavily armed battle cruiser.”

  “Thank you Captain. I take it that there is still no sign of life from that distance.”

  “No Sir. No sign of any active emissions or any active control such as any course correction or anything of that sort. Of course that could be because their initial course was astoundingly accurate. They were exactly on intercept course when we noted them three plus months ago.”

  “Either they are exceptional navigators or there may be some technology advantages weed need to be wary of.” Jeff concluded. “Colonel Callaghan, have you prepared plans to prepare for the combined visit to the ship?”

  “Yes Sir. While we cannot leave the Columbia while in FTL we will sync our sleep schedules for those that are going together. We have split the Collective into two parts and then matched them with half that many human crew. So we have created two sleep schedules. Also any other crew sensitives will be on one of those schedules so that they will have help with nightmare prevention. However, we will be able to meet in spirit form during these sleep schedules and practice moving within the ship together.” Glory reported.

  “We won’t know how best how to proceed until after the visits to the ship, so continue with the preparations. When we drop back to Ion Drive we’ll hold relative position at about 10 million miles from the ship. That should be plenty to keep Columbia out of danger yet close enough to allow easy transit for the visit teams. What is the Collective’s view on this plan?” Jeff asked.

  “We feel the distance is adequate for both purposes. We can cover the distance in a relatively short time, even with members of your crew following, and give us much time on their ship. We will be ready when we arrive.” Saoi said.

  “Excellent. When we arrive onsite we’ll update the probe information and use Columbia’s sensor suite to gather as much information as we can before your first visit. Now a few housekeeping items …………..

  The scheduled time arrived for the first sleep session. The purpose here was twofold. They needed to practice joining together as a team and move together around the ship as they would have to when they arrived at the alien ship. Also there were many members of the crew that suffered with nightmares badly on the year-long travel to Eden. It was hoped that now those crew members were able to use their sleep time to separate their spirit form and use the time to meet and improve their Psi abilities while their physical forms lay in a sleep state. Not understanding this sleep state is believed the cause of the nightmares. So Glory was slightly apprehensive at this first sleep session in FTL since the year-long nightmare she encountered on the trip to Eden. She went to sleep in her room and quickly separated from her physical body in Spirit form. She focused on the location of Saoi. His presence was familiar, easy to find, and reassuring. Moving to join him was easy for her to accomplish. She thought of joining him and then she was there.

  We listen to you. We are one this.

  They greeted each other. It had been decided to gather together in one space and so one of the empty cargo bays was chosen as the meeting place. Twenty of the Collective were already there. Ten of the Columbia crew was chosen to pair up with ten of the Collective. This pairing would continue for the active missions. Currently the other ten Collective on this shift would concentrate on helping the rest of the Columbia sensitives deal with the disruption of dreaming in FTL that caused so much angst during the crossing. In the actual mission these ten would move as a group in the alien ship which is natural for them. The concentration for mission prep then is with the human/Collective pairings working together.

  All ten of the Columbia crew for the pairings has arrived. We can begin to investigate this ship together. Saoi thought to Glory.

  “We agree, you lead and I will follow.”

  They moved off together through the cargo bays towards one of the parks. As they approached the park Glory felt many presences ahead. She could sense their thought or at least an impression of them. She felt excitement and eagerness.

  It is good that you are finding their thoughts. The more you practice the more specific and detailed those thoughts will be.

  “I think we are about to see a baseball game. A contest and entertainment we enjoy.”

  You think of the game and that will explain it to me.

  “It’s a very old game that is not played anymore. The crew has begun to play it as a sort of nostalgia, even going back to wooden bats as it was first played. Ancient Earth history is an interest of mine and had a part in bringing the game to the crew as an exercise and entertainment. Let’s see how the game is going.”

  They continued into the park and gathered in one end were two teams and about twenty observing in the stands. She stretched to feel the people there. It was apparently a close game, a pitcher’s duel. That meant good defense backing up strong pitching. Many used to think these were boring games but as a student of the game Glory respected the skill and tactics that it took to win these tight contests. Reading the thoughts of the spectators she could feel most did appreciate the nuances of this type of game and were enjoying it. She would have liked to just stay and watch but felt Saoi urge her on. They wanted to move to the command areas and get used to feeling thoughts of a more tactical nature.

  They passed through the dining hall and then med center nearest C&C and then entered Command and Control area itself. The feeling of the thoughts in this area were different. Focused, serious and structured. Fifteen crew monitoring ships systems, navigation, and tactical plot. She stretched to try to pick-up actual thoughts but couldn’t quite make them out. She did get feelings of concern and longing but nothing specific.

  The impressions you feel are good progress. You grow stronger the more you extend. Let us continue in Engineering.

  Glory followed Saoi as they moved to the Engineering area and listened there. She was closer to understanding but still just strong impressions of feelings. They lingered there for the remainder of their time away from the gathering area.

  Time to return to the landing bay.

  When they got back to the gathering Saoi moved off to one corner of the bay. There were some small boxes there.

  Before you wake you should practice moving objects in this form. Set one box on top of another. This is the same as when you moved walls at the settlement. No different.

  “Wise man once said there is no try, only do or do not.” With that Glory focuses on one of the boxes and felt the box at the molecular level. Felt the elements be lighter and then thought the box on top of the one next to it. The box moved and set just where she wanted and then she withdrew from the box.

  Very good. You learn very quick. Do a few more then.

  Glory set four more boxes on top and then it was time to return to her physical form and awaken and allow the next shift to gather. All in all, a very successful first lesson.

  Jeff, Glory and Saoi are gathered in Jeff’s office for a final strategic review of the intercept mission.

  “Our plan remains to use the Collective in two shifts of 20 each. In each shift 10 of the Collective will be paired with a Columbia crew member. Each shift of humans has been selected not only for their Psi abilities but also for a proper mix of areas of expertise. Each human/Collective pairing will be tasked with a specific area to probe based on the human area of expertise. We have made sure that we have someone from engineering, propulsion, medical, command staff, navigation, Astrom
etrics, security, environmental sciences, computer sciences, and psychiatric sciences. Each pairing will concentrate on their areas to learn as much as possible. The ten Collective not paired with a crew member will be free to concentrate on the thoughts of the ships other crew. We’ll deploy as a six hour shift and then the next shift for six hours. We’ll regroup, compare notes and then probably redeploy for another shift each to complete our investigation.” Glory summarized the tactical plan for exploring the alien ship and discovering their intent and any means to communicate with them, assuming they would be willing to communicate. The hope was to avoid a shooting conflict.

  “On the Columbia side we will have the shuttles on high alert and keep half of them hot with crews in the bay for immediate launch at all times. I see no reason not to continue as planned and hopefully resolve the situation peacefully.” Jeff commented and then turned to Saoi for any comment from him.

  “We also hope to resolve the matter without bloodshed. After all we at first thought you were invaders and tried to end you before we found you as friends. Perhaps we could be wrong here as well.” Saoi said through the vocalizer.

  “We can only hope but we have to be prepared for the worse and if it comes down to it we’ll be prepared for them.” Jeff concluded. “Now with two hours to intercept I suggest we adjourn to the dining hall and get something to eat while we can enjoy it and then back to C&C for the drop from FTL.”

  “Oh, the chef said he was making some of that pumpkin pie today. I think this is a very good idea!” Saoi said as he got up from the table.

  “Doesn’t take much arm twisting to get this one to the dining hall Jeff.” Glory said with a laugh.

  “General approaching intercept point in 30 seconds.”

  “Roger that Nav, Drop FTL at your discretion and place us at 10 million miles from the alien ship.” Jeff replied to Eva.

  “Confirmed Sir.” She replied and then a pause as the countdown completed. “Dropping Grav Focus, activating Ion drives for final positioning.” She kept a running commentary as she slowed the Columbia and positioned her the requested distance from the target ship. “Holding position at 10 Million Miles Sir.”

  “Shuttles on active alert. Astrometrics alert me as soon as you have updated data from the probe. Colonel Callaghan, update from Columbia sensors on the target vessel as soon as you have it please.” Jeff directed the update on the tactical situation and the crew did not disappoint in the efficiency.

  “Probe data updated Sir.” Came the reply from Bonnie Anderson.

  “Thank you Captain, add to the main plot please.” Jeff replied

  The latest information was more detailed. The ship was basically cylindrical with a rounded nose and the aft section flat except what had to be ports for the Ion drives. Of particular concern was the hatches on the nose of the ship that had to be missile ports. Lots of them. At least 24 hatches, but also an equal number of what looked very much like laser batteries.

  “I would say that she is quite capable of defending herself. That amount of firepower classifies her as a ship of war but we shouldn’t judge them just on that. After all we have armed shuttles and some capabilities of our own.” Jeff commented while reviewing the data.

  “We’re getting a read on the hull and while we can’t quite find a match for the alloy the hull thickness appears to be over a foot thick and also a plasma field is encompassing the ship. At present it is enough to deflect cosmic radiation but I suspect that if needed the plasma shield could be amped up and provide a fairly capable shield to augment that armored hall. Looks like she can dish it out and take it in return. Tough bugger to stop.” Glory commented.

  “We are listening for their thoughts now that we are this close. We hear the same from them as we heard the whispers from the invaders. This would seem to be the same ship. We will know better when we are in their ship though.” Saoi and the Collective were opening themselves up and listening to any whispers of thought emanating from the ship. “The impression we feel though are those of conquest, not of peace or friendship or exploration.”

  “Like you said, we will know better when you are over there.” Jeff interjected. “I don’t see any indication that they have seen us. I believe you two are paired in the first shift, so you are cleared to go. Hit the sack, join up with your shift and go find out what you can.”

  “Yes Sir on our way.” Glory acknowledged.

  Glory messaged the rest of the crew assigned to the mission with the Collective that final authorization was given and Saoi did the same with the Collective. All were meeting in the Med Center so that Doctor Evans and her staff could monitor vitals while they were separated. Quickly everyone was positioned in a bed and then they all separated and joined in spirit form. With the practice over the last few days this had become easy and as they began to travel together she could also catch a glimpse of the sensation of truly being one with the Collective. It was like being wrapped in love. Always together and in constant communication. One could certainly lose themselves like this and not want to be alone in their body. The communion was there as well but separated from the body the unity was much stronger.

  It would take them about two minutes to cross the void between the ships. How cold and lonely space looked but also awesome to be free like this. The Milky Way was impressive when viewed from an observation dome but now there was nothing to obscure the view in anyway. What a magnificent sight!

  “That is how one of the Collective gets lost from time to time.” Saoi thought in her mind. “One could get lost exploring and never return.” There was a touch of sadness to the thought.

  “Well then I had better keep my focus on you until we make it to the ship.” Gory responded.

  “I welcome your focus anytime.” Saoi thought.

  “Thank you friend.” She was a little unsettled by the personal tone of his thought but then again they have worked together for months and their personal rapport was very friendly and easy. They have learned a great deal from each other. Finally, they arrived at the ship. The ten pairs headed for their assigned tasks and the remaining ten Collective went to search for the crew.

  Saoi and Glory thought of the Command and Control facility and got a distinct feeling of a location in the center of the ship and they focus on that location. The location said protected against attack to Glory. A Battle Cruiser would locate the command staff in the center to protect them. A peaceful vessel would locate the command where they can get a direct view ahead if at all possible. The ship would still have a fallback auxiliary control center in case of attack but with this ship her sense was this was the primary control center.

  When they first came onboard they could barely sense any thought of the crew. Just whispers really. Now the ship appeared to be coming alive. Angry thoughts assailed her senses. As they continued to move to the control center the thoughts they were picking up were “Battle Stations” and “Enemy Threat” and “Arm Weapon Systems” and “Plasma Shields Full!” The immediate assumption from them was to battle and not to make contact.

  The crew must have been in stasis for the long journey. Now as the ship had detected Columbia they were aroused from their sleep and prepared for battle. The crew began to arrive at the C&C station consoles, then a 3d plot in the center of the room activated and three of them walked over to it to view the tactical plot. They were large physical specimens. Well-muscled and their clothing appeared as more armor than covering. Not the powered armor of the marines but her impression was an active armor and personal body shield. The alien at the center controls of the plot appeared to be their commanding officer. He was issuing orders to the rest of the staff. Looking at the plot she could see the globe shape of Columbia magnified in the plot. In the plot there were different designations on the image of Columbia. Judging by their placement she could see they were identifying drive ports and landing bays as well as the Gravity Nodes. Of particular concern to Glory was that there was a red blinking icon over one particular node. Node 45. Their abili
ty to find a weakness like that was truly impressive and very upsetting.

  “Let’s focus together on the one in charge to understand his thoughts.” Came a reassuring thought from Saoi that brought her back on task.

  They moved closer and focused on his mind. Trying to find the center of his higher processes. Finally, thoughts, images of enemies destroyed, plans to cripple and destroy the enemy in their path, and then words…

  “How dare they delay us from our prize?”

  “Prepare for battle speed.”

  “Target a full salvo of missiles on Ion drive ports except four to circle past and target the damaged section behind.”

  The plan had merit and was truly a danger to succeed. With twenty of their missiles homing in on Columbia and four laying back slightly and then at the last second veering around Columbia in two directions to target the damaged node 45 they could possibly inflict heavy damage.

  “We must warn the ship.” Glory thought.

  “The ten unpaired Collective are doing that now. We must continue to observe and learn more. Perhaps find their weaknesses.” Saoi reassured her.

  “I do not understand why they attack just because we are there without even considering communication.” Glory was astonished.

  “Now is the time to find out.” Saoi’s thoughts of reason brought her back to task again.

  They pressed to the commander’s mind once again. Looking for memories. Looking for reason. They only found memories of battle and conquest. Twin worlds in a star system locked in battle. Exploring neighboring star systems and wiping out primitive cultures when they found them. They knew only the warrior life. They knew nothing of peace. Anyone not of their race they knew only as enemy. Only they were worthy to survive.


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