Possessive Hunter

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Possessive Hunter Page 5

by Flora Ferrari

  I take a deep breath and prepare to grab the side of the truck and toss myself over, but the lead henchman must be reading my mind because he grabs my calf and pulls me back towards the middle.

  He makes a movement, demonstrating that I should lie down on my face.

  “Too bumpy,” I counter, trying to make hand movements that show him my face will get damaged in that position. I pretend to punch my face, as would happen from the bumps when my head bounces off the bed of the truck. “No money. Broken girl.”

  He just laughs and takes some twine instead and wraps it around my ankle, then ties it to some small U-hook type thing in the bed of the truck.

  Then he takes more twine and does the same with my other leg, tying my ankle to the other U-hook on the opposite side of the truck bed.

  I’m completely humiliated, my legs spread, but I keep my hands down low, covering me.

  I considered fighting them first, but I know he wouldn’t be able to tie very good knots, especially in these rough conditions. It’s better to wait and bide my time when I can run and hide.

  But my time may be quickly running out.

  Not ten minutes later and we approach a bigger river. The guys in the back jump out and start talking to the driver.

  They’re trying to figure out how to get across and I’m trying to figure out how to slide out of these binds without them noticing.

  They’re yelling and pointing at the water. One guy is motioning something about swimming, and the other guy seems to be pointing at the truck, as if he doesn’t want to abandon it.

  Just as I almost have one foot free, one of the men comes to the back of the truck, slides underneath, and when he reappears he’s holding two gigantic elephant tusks.

  For a moment my heart drops even further than I knew possible. These guys aren’t just kidnappers, as if that wasn’t bad enough. They’re poachers too.

  I should have known.

  A tear forms in the corner of my eye and I spit at the man holding the elephant tusks.

  He yells something at me and then takes a step towards me.

  “That’s right you asshole!” I yell.

  He hands the tusks to another of these lower than life, not even humans, and cocks his hand back.

  I don’t even care at this point.

  “Hit me tough guy. You big fucking pussy who preys on harmless animals!” I yell.

  His hand comes flying forward and I turn my face sideways, ready to take the brunt of his slap and show him just how much he hits like the little bitch that he is.



  My favorite movie as a kid, and to this day, is Last of the Mohicans, and right now I feel like Daniel Day-Lewis running along the rocky cliff, surrounded by vegetation, but in my case I’m in the middle of the wide-open plains of Africa.

  But one thing we do have in common, and that’s we protect what’s ours.

  I see that son of a bitch raise his hand to my woman and I freeze in my tracks, steadying myself as quickly as I can.

  I’ve got two choices. Reach for the tranq gun or the sniper rifle.

  Damn right I pull the sniper rifle, no hesitation.

  I’m panting from the all out sprint, but I hold my breath so I don’t rock.

  I pull the trigger back as quickly as I can, without jerking it and watch as the man’s skull explodes.

  The other members of his crew see me and, reach for the sides of the truck, ready to use the tires as steps to jump inside the bed.

  No fucking way. My woman’s back there. I know this. And they’re never getting close to her again.

  I move the barrel to the left and unleash another 7.62×51mm NATO round down range, and then another, and quickly two more on the other side of the truck.

  Four more bodies crumple as I take off running the final distance to the vehicle, knowing the tranq gun probably wouldn’t be that accurate from this distance anyways, but I’m not about to make excuses for my actions anyway.

  Once at the truck I stick my head in the bed and see my woman there.

  I’m mad as hell and quickly untie the twine they’ve used to tie her up like an animal.

  Once I get her unbound I quickly pull her into my arms.

  “I’m sorry. I’m so damn sorry,” I confess. I can’t believe I let these men lay a hand on her, but at least it’s very apparent that they’ll never bother another woman again.

  I look down and see the elephant tusks on the ground and my stomach turns even more.

  “It’s okay. You saved me. That’s all that matters now.”

  “Let’s get outta here,” I say, scooping her up out of the back of the truck and carrying her around to the passenger seat.

  In these situations there’s a high percentage chance that a civilian would be in shock.

  But she’s not a civilian. She’s like me. A warrior. A beast. Someone with the mental fortitude to withstand anything.

  And those are just a few more reasons why she’s the perfect fit for me and only me.

  I put the truck in reverse, and back away from the river, just as I see a few big crocs come crawling out. They quickly take the bodies in their mouths and back away, not to be seen from anytime soon, and I’m referring to the crocs.

  Those men just became breakfast.


  As a sniper we know killing is always done as a last result.

  From the behavior of these men, and what I just saw on the scene…I’m comfortable with what I did.

  Some prison time for these scumbags at the cost and burden of the taxpayers is a Western concept.

  Here? They’d probably be released before forty-eight hours. Unfortunately that’s how it works out here in the wild sometimes.

  And the next day they’d be right back to doing the only thing they know.

  Not anymore. Especially not when it comes to me and protecting what’s mine.

  I reach my hand over and place it on her knee as we drive back toward the camp.

  “You’re fucking amazing, woman. You know that?”

  She shakes her head and a small smile peaks at the corners of her mouth. I would say I’m surprised, especially considering how fresh this all is, but nothing surprises me when it comes to her.

  “You’re not so bad yourself,” she says. “Especially your aim.”

  “We’ll see about that when we visit the doctor.”

  “The doctor? I’m going to be okay.”

  “We should let a professional give you a quick look, just to make sure.” I pause. “But I wasn’t talking about that.”

  She squints as she tries to decipher my cryptic message.

  “I was talking about those heat seeking missiles I unleashed on your womb last night.”

  “Hunter!” she says, slapping me, but she can’t help but laugh too.

  We both bust out laughing and then she leans in and gives me a kiss as I drive. “I’ll be alright, because I’ve got you by my side.”

  “You should really play this damsel in distress thing up more, ya know? Milk it for all it’s worth.”

  “Not my style.”

  “You could be looking at multiple foot rubs here, getting your hair washed in the tub, full body massages…the works.”

  “If I want those things I’d rather just ask. It’s 2019, Hunter. I may be a woman, but I can fend for myself. I was almost out of those ropes when you came up, just so you know.”

  “I saw that when I undid them. You were damn close. I’m proud of the fight and smarts you have in you, but I already knew that about you.”

  “Thank you.”

  As we bump along across the plains I turn and look at my beautiful woman. “And just for the record you’ll never have to ask for any of those things.”

  “Oh I won’t?” she says a bit surprised, her eyebrows raising as her body pulls back a bit.

  “No. Because they’re already on the menu for tonight…and for the rest of our lives. There’s nothing I’d rather do than put my h
ands on my woman all day and all night long.”

  “That makes me happy.”

  “Me too.”

  I reach over with my free hand and pull her body into mine, kissing her hard.

  When suddenly her hand slides down the front of my pants.



  I’ve heard the saying that, “you never feel more alive than just after you cheat death.” Right now I can verify that is more than true.

  When I woke up this morning I was already thinking of ways we could have a little fun outside the tent, but that idea quickly got nixed when our unexpected guests arrived. That need, mixed with his heroic act has me aching right now.

  And I won’t be denied.

  I take a hold of his cock and slide over on the truck seat. It’s one of those old school benches. Perfect.

  With the back of my wrist I finagle down his clothes and quickly slide out of my panties.

  I mount him, cowgirl style, as he looks around the side of me, keeping his focus on the bumpy terrain.

  “Damn, you look so fucking sexy right now,” he says, staring down at my glistening middle.

  “If you think I look sexy, wait until you see how I feel,” I say lowering myself down to the point where the crown of his cock is pressing against my opening.

  “Ride me woman. Slide down my dick and take all of it like a good girl,” he commands.

  And I’m more than happy to do as I’m told, relaxing my muscles and allowing my body to slide down his rod, taking every last inch.

  I gasp at his size and he moans in return.

  His head leans back, bumping on the glass behind the seat, his body too big to be in such a small truck like this.

  “Ouch,” I say, putting my hand behind his head, trying to stop the sound of his skull hitting the rear windshield.

  “I don’t even feel it. All I feel is you.”

  He leaves one hand on the wheel and fists my hair in the other, pulling my body down after each time I rise up off his cock.

  His tugs at my long locks combined with the bumpy road have my body slamming into his as I bounce up and down on his dick.

  “Fuck,” he growls. I’m already close.

  “I’m right there,” I moan.

  The truck accelerates, his foot coming down all the way on the pedal, only increasing the already rough ride.

  My head and neck are to the side as he tugs. The feeling of my hair being pulled combined with his cock slamming into me is too much to take.

  I feel my stomach tighten and suddenly a wave washes over me and I unleash as my body is thrown wildly around the truck, never leaving my position on his pole.

  “Hunter!” I yell.

  The truck hits a bigger bump and goes airborne for a quick second, the minute it touches down, the impact sends even more of him inside me, more than I knew possible, as he explodes into my womb.

  Dust surrounds us as my body leans back, but he pulls my body into him.

  The truck comes to a screeching halt, his grip on me protecting me from whiplash or any kind of pain.

  His hand slides from my hair to the back of my head and he pulls me in closer, kissing me hard, before pulling away.

  He stares at me, his nostrils flaring as he searches for air.

  My chest heaves and my mouth drops open, my nose not able to get enough oxygen on its own.

  A long moment passes as we just take in the sight of each other. We’re practically in the middle of nowhere, acting like two feral cats…lions.

  They call this Crook’s Corner for a reason, but I quickly realize there’s a new reason for the old name.


  “You’re a fucking crook,” he says, almost taking the thought right from my brain.


  “Because you stole my heart, and now you took every bit of come from inside my body.”

  I smile, and slowly he smirks.

  “I thought you were serious there for a second,” I confess.

  “I am, but in the best way possible.”

  His lips slam back into mine and I feel the truck start to move forward slowly.

  We’re on our way now. I might not know exactly where, but it doesn’t matter.

  As long as he’s by my side the destination is irrelevant, all that matters is we’re together…forever.



  We’re in luck, most likely thanks to her.

  I swear she’s my good luck charm.

  If I hadn't been tracking her, I would have been in a different part of Kruger and would have likely gotten flooded out last night.

  Because she was such a difficult target to follow, which is surprising considering my experience tracking anyone, she lead me to this part of Kruger and now here to RETURNAfrica Pafuri Camp.

  When we pull in the owner comes running out, rifle drawn.

  I roll the truck to a stop and stick my head out the window.



  He just shakes his head. “I should have known.”

  Not three minutes later we’re being served freshly squeezed lemonade and Kieren is explaining that the truck we came rolling up in has a search party out looking for it. Apparently those particular poachers had a huge bounty on their head, although it’s going to be tough to prove we took them down unless someone speaks crocodile.

  In other words we missed out on the bounty, or did we?

  I’ve worked these parts for years, building up a sterling reputation built on trust, and the organization that put together the rewards insists on paying it out, knowing there’s no way I would have taken their truck without taking them out in the process. My reputation precedes me and no one questions my story for a second. Why would they?

  I tell them I’ll think about it, but in the back of my mind I already know the answer.

  I’ll dedicate half of it to help animals and the other half will be more than enough to buy or build a house for my woman and I.

  If this would have been just a few days ago and this would have happened, I wouldn’t accept a dime.

  But not now. Everything’s different now, not to mention without her, and her bravery and courage, we wouldn’t even be in this position.

  And are there ever some positions I’m ready to put her in in this incredible luxury accommodation located right in the middle of the wild.

  The animal in me is ready to come out. I’ll have to talk to her about the money later. It’s just as much hers as it is mine, not to mention we’re a team now. A decision like this needs to be arrived at mutually.

  Kieren shows us to our lodge, and not so discreetly mentions that he has some errands he needs to run and that he was planning on running them today since the resort didn’t have guests…and he’s going to stick to the plan.

  Translation? We have the entire place to ourselves, with the exception of the staff who stays on the other side, far away from us. We’ll be able to request food and anything we want…or nothing at all.

  And that’s exactly what I’m ready for my woman to slip into right now…not a damn thing. I want to feast my eyes on the entirety of her beauty.

  What happened in the tent last night and the truck earlier only wet my appetite. I need a bigger space to lay back in comfort and admire every inch of her.

  And that starts with a bubble bath as we watch zebras come to the river just in front of us for a drink.



  Hunter massages my scalp as I watch the zebras drink from the stream not thirty yards from us. There are moments in life where you literally can’t believe you’re not dreaming, and this more than qualifies.

  “You’re crazy, you know that?” he says as he massages the shampoo that has a earthy scent into my hair.

  “Me, crazy? How?”

  “Coming all the way down here. Hunting for me. Getting caught up with those guys this morning and standing your own. You’ve got more balls
than most men these days, and I absolutely mean that as a tremendous compliment.”


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