Amelia's Awakening: Expect the Unexpected (Erotic Novella Series: Ultimate Control Book 2)

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Amelia's Awakening: Expect the Unexpected (Erotic Novella Series: Ultimate Control Book 2) Page 9

by Maggie Carpenter

  “Wait, no, what are you doing?” she gasped.

  “You pussy is drowning in need, but you have decided it has to wait,” I calmly replied.

  “NO! I’m so sorry, I really am, I’ll listen, I swear, ow,ow,ow, my thigh hurts so bad.”

  In spite of her dilemma and her urgent pleas, her eyes had remained closed; she’d suddenly learned that my consequences count and she wasn’t taking any more chances.

  “I warned you,” I sighed. “Please remove your hand from your thigh and put it back above your head.

  Her knickers were resting above her knees, and as she groaned, reluctantly moving her arm out of the way, I slid them up.

  “Raise your hips, please.”

  Lifting herself, enabling me to put them back in place, I heard another muttered plea for forgiveness.

  The first lessons are significant; as much as I wanted to explore her inviting depths I would have to wait, and stretching out next to her I pulled into me, rubbing my cock against her belly.

  “What can I do to change your mind?” she breathed.

  “I won’t change my mind,” I said softly, “but you can hasten the time your hungry pussy will be out of bounds by pleasing me, and that means…tell me, Caroline, what does that mean?”

  “Doing as I’m told, behaving myself,” she murmured, pressing her breasts against my chest.

  “Exactly. Lesson number one, disobedient girls get punished, obedient girls get rewarded.”

  Lifting her head she kissed me, a warm, sensuous kiss that sent the blood straight to my loins.

  “I’m so sorry,” she whispered, “I’ve get it, I swear. I’m a very quick learner.”

  “I have no doubt,” I smiled, “but we both know there’s a naughty brat inside you, and she’ll want to make sure that the rules still apply from time to time.”

  “I’ll control her,” she promised. “See, my eyes are still closed, and when I kissed you just now I didn’t bring my arms down and I really wanted to.”

  “That’s a good start,” I said warmly, and dropping my lips to her neck I began to kiss and nibble.

  As she moaned in gratitude I gently pushed her on to her back, then lowered my mouth over one of her puckered nipples, settling in for a long, delicious snack.

  I’m not sure how long I dallied there, moving from one breast to the other, toying and lightly tonguing, then deeply devouring, the entire time teasing my fingertips along the inside of her thighs. I knew with each minute that ticked by her pussy was becoming absolutely soaked; her lesson was being hammered home.

  “Please,” she whimpered, “please, James, I’m begging you, I can’t stand it, please.”

  Lifting my head from her chest I stared up at her, and seeing her pained expression I moved my hand and cupped her gusset-covered crotch.

  “Please? Please what? Tell me what you’re asking me for?”

  “I need you,” she groaned, “I need you inside me, I need you to make love to me. I’ve never felt so desperate, never, ever.”

  “I’ll be the judge of how desperate you are,” I said firmly, and moving my hand inside the elastic band I pushed my fingers forward; she was saturated. The exploratory touch elicited a loud cry, and she squirmed wildly against my hand.

  “Ooh, James, James, please, please fuck me, please.”

  “You’ve learned your lesson? Next time I tell you to keep your hand away you will?”

  “Yes, yes, yes, I will, yes.”



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