Destiny: Hilltops Series - Book One

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Destiny: Hilltops Series - Book One Page 11

by Faith Starr

  “You sound like a real pro.”

  “To each his own. Besides, your research has inspired me to do a bit of reading on the subject. I think it sounds kind of hot.”

  I smiled. “You’re crazy.”

  “It’s good I’m going to be a psychologist, then. I can rehabilitate myself. I would hate to offer advice to others if my head wasn’t screwed on straight. Please remember, just because you treat those women at the clinic, it doesn’t mean you have to live by a strict set of rules. What you do in your private time is your business. It has nothing to do with the wonderful service you provide to them.”

  She had a point. It was good my windows were tinted so no one could see my scrunched-up expression. “But it still feels somewhat hypocritical.”

  “Telling women to take care of their needs and not doing so yourself is hypocritical.”

  “Oh Cas, you have such brilliant insight.” I truly was blessed to have her in my life.

  “Yes, I know. You’re so lucky you get to benefit from my astonishing intellect.”

  “I agree. Hey, I’m pulling into my complex. I’ll speak to you tomorrow. Have a good night.”

  “You too, love.”



  Signing new members to the club, working with Claude, and taking care of business made the days seem to fly by. Tasha informed me on Saturday Jordin had called to say she’d be coming. I actually became doubtful about it, beyond relieved when I received Tasha’s text.

  Security had her guest pass ready and waiting for her since I would most likely be in the back when she arrived.

  As I escorted a threesome to a fantasy suite, I caught sight of Bo and Jordin heading my way. Damn. I had to stop and pause. How could a woman look that beautiful wearing a pair of jeans and a simple shirt, one that gave me a nice glimpse of her gorgeous cleavage? I needed those tits bobbing up and down while she rode me like a bull. Fuck. Now I was getting hard.

  A slight wave to Bo, and he was gone.

  “I’m glad you decided to come.” Sadly, it wasn’t in the way I wanted her to. “You look exquisite as usual.” Her shy smile didn’t help matters in my boxers.

  “So what’s my job description for tonight?” She stood tall, all businesslike and ready for her duties.

  “We’ll check members in and out. You’ll get to see a variety of ages, races, and sexes engaging in fantasy play together, not literally of course.”

  She smiled and nodded in silent understanding.

  “Can I offer you something to drink?”

  “Sure. How about a rum and Diet Coke?”

  “Ah. Taking a risk and going with some alcohol? I like when you take risks.” It was almost too easy to make her squirm.

  She smiled, her hands twisting up in knots. Something she seemed to do quite often.

  Using my walkie-talkie, I made the request for drinks to be brought to us.

  “What kinds of fantasies are being played out tonight?”

  To my dismay, not the ones in my mind that included her.

  “Let’s see, in room one, we have a teacher/student thing going on. Room two is hosting a threesome. Room four is hosting a few swingers. And a bondage demonstration is taking place in the viewing room.”

  “What about room three?”

  She didn’t miss a beat. Her attentiveness would get her everywhere once I had her in my bed.

  “It’s open at the moment.”

  “No reservation for tonight?”

  “Not unless you’d like to partake in a bit of fantasy play?” If her pink cheeks had anything to say about it, I’d take it as a no. “No fantasies in that quick-thinking mind of yours?”

  “All women have fantasies. Choosing to act on them is a different story.” There was no emotion in her tone whatsoever, almost as if she had rehearsed her response.

  “What fun are they if they’re tucked away in your mind? Acting them out brings them to life and makes them so much more exciting.”

  “I prefer to keep them stowed away, thank you very much.”

  She was like a hand grenade, and I wanted to be the one who pulled the pin so she could explode in ecstasy while riding my cock.

  “I think you’d change your mind if you’d permit yourself to get out of your comfort zone once in a while.”

  “I’m no saint, Noah. I’m just more reserved than all this.” She gestured to the rooms surrounding us. “And I’m taking the risk of having a drink, right?” She simpered all too timidly.

  I nodded and smiled to help ease her discomfort. I didn’t want her feeling like she had to be on guard in my presence.

  “I actually think you’re more carefree than you let yourself believe. But you need to allow yourself to get out of your head.” I tapped mine, indicating exactly what I was referring to.

  “And you need to stop thinking with yours.”

  Her glance at my cock made me grin at her double meaning. I loved that sassy mouth of hers.



  A woman wearing practically no clothing brought us our drinks. Perfect timing too, because my conversation with Noah had me feeling warmer than usual when in his presence.

  He didn’t seem the least bit fazed by her knockout body. I, on the other hand, felt extremely self-conscious. I would never be caught dead wearing something like that—fishnet stockings, short black leather miniskirt, and low-cut Lycra top with enhanced boobs nearly falling out of it. Damn. At least she had the body for it.

  Noah reached for his bottle of water and took a sip. I needed something a bit more potent. I practically chugged my entire drink down in one continuous gulp.

  Ouch. Brain freeze. I squeezed my forehead.

  “Feeling thirsty, are you?”

  His playful sarcasm and boyish smile only made me wish I’d asked for a double, with no ice. I wiped the back of my neck which glistened with perspiration.

  “It would appear that way. I guess you have that effect on me.” The alcohol went straight to my head since I rarely drank it.

  “I hope that’s a good thing”

  He was such a flirt. His eyes gleamed in hopeful anticipation. This man was inevitably going to steal my heart with all his playful suggestions and compliments.

  “The guests in room one should be finishing up in the next few minutes. A crew will then come in to clean and sanitize. It’s reserved again in about an hour’s time.” He was back to being a businessman.

  “The rooms are used more than once a night?”

  “That all depends on the amount of time the members reserve them for. There are additional costs involved, depending on extensiveness of scene preparation and length of time of play. Regulars can drop a lot of cash by indulging, so a lot of them choose to come for less time but more frequently. For others, once-a-month sessions are all they desire.”

  “Have you ever had someone from your past, like someone you know, come here as a guest?” Inquiring minds wanted to know. I tried to downplay my excitement.


  “Really?” Cool. “Don’t you get embarrassed?” I wanted all the juicy details. I’m sure my enthusiasm expressed that.

  “Why would I? All our members know who owns the club, and they also know that what happens here stays here.”

  “Kind of like Vegas, huh?”

  “Something like that.” His smile warmed me more than the alcohol did.

  “Besides working here nonstop, what else do you do with your time, Mr. Dorian?” I became more relaxed and at ease with my questions. Shit. How much rum did they put in my drink?

  “Ah, personal questions. You know it goes both ways if you open up that can of worms?”

  “I have nothing to hide.” I stood tall and proud. Maybe I should’ve chosen a different time to ask him about his private life, like a time when I wasn’t feeling tipsy, for instance. Who was I kidding? Every time I was with Noah Dorian I felt intoxicated. I giggled, finding my thought funny.

  He eyed me suspiciously
. “That’s good to know. As I already told you, I divide my time between being here and working for my uncle. When I’m not working, I’m usually upstairs in my apartment.”

  “Sounds kind of isolating.”

  “And here comes Dr. Turner.” He grinned.

  “Just sayin’. It seems like you keep yourself well hidden inside your protective cocoon.” Dr. Turner was out and ready to party.

  “I prefer it that way.”

  “No hobbies or outside interests?”

  “I have a few, but to be honest, the main interest I have right now is standing in front of me.” He stepped toward me, so I was flush against the wall.

  Shit. Is it hot in here or is it just me?

  I fanned myself, looking left then right. “I thought you said there were monitors in these hallways.”

  “I did. But we haven’t done anything to send any signals, yet.”

  Someone, please push the fire alarm call button! My body heat index was dangerously high.

  “Noah, I can’t do this here.” I slipped out of his reach and to the side. At least I still had my wits about me to do so.

  “Do what? We haven’t done anything.” He took a step sideways, caging me against the wall. “But that doesn’t mean I’m not holding back with every ounce of willpower I have not to have you right here, right now.”

  Shit. Shit. Shit. No man had ever spoken to me this way. Nor had I ever felt more desired. Noah made me feel as if no other woman existed.

  A clicking sound caught our attention. We both turned toward one of the doors.

  Whew, saved by the bell.

  “Saved by the bell, for now.” He winked.

  Did he read minds now too?

  “Room one’s finished. Please excuse me for a moment.”

  He brushed his lips against mine. Aah. Please don’t leave… He had me utterly spellbound. I consciously inhaled to steady my breath.

  “Please stay put while I attend to the guests. I’ll be right back.”

  Sweet relief. A little break from him would do me some good. My libido needed to take it down a notch and simmer down. I didn’t think I had it in me to say no to him tonight. I wanted him too desperately for words. All the fantasizing and dreaming I’d done about him didn’t do him an ounce of justice. I stood frozen against the wall, breathing slowly, while he greeted the members exiting the suite.

  A pretty young woman wearing a spandex black dress, if one could call it that, walked out first, followed by an older gentleman.

  Holy shit! It was none other than Dr. Sloan. And the woman he was with looked about twenty years younger than his wife.

  Wait a minute…

  Shit. I knew her too.

  With wide eyes and a racing heartbeat, I shifted so my back faced them, praying they hadn’t spotted me. It was kind of difficult considering I was the only person standing in the quiet hallway. I stood out like a sore thumb.

  “Jordin? Is that you?” Dr. Sloan’s voice got louder as he approached.

  Crap. I reluctantly confirmed my presence, my awkward smile probably making my face appear disfigured. “Hi, Dr. Sloan, Tammy.”

  Tammy was a student in my program, one who wanted the same internship as I did. She barely acknowledged me either, instead heading straight for the exit.

  Ha! The joke was on her. The cat had caught the mouse. Not that it would help me in this situation, especially if this was Tammy’s idea of trying to get the position. What a bitch. Dr. Sloan appeared all but ready for a confrontation, his nostrils flaring.

  “What’re you doing here?”

  Shouldn’t I have been the one asking him that question? He had a wife at home. What a dick.

  “I have a dissertation to write, remember? I’m working. How about you?” Screw him. In my mind, I was at war, wearing my camouflage and army boots. He didn’t intimidate me, especially with the alcohol in my system.

  Noah had to have sensed an impending battle. Here I stood with my hands on my hips and my feet spread slightly apart with Dr. Sloan mirroring me.

  He approached us. “Is there a problem over here?” A bit of concern filled his baby blues.

  “I would say there is, Mr. Dorian. I didn’t think Hilltops allowed guests in the club unless they were escorted by members. Ms. Turner here is a student at the university where I teach. That’s a major conflict of interest. I don’t believe in mixing business with pleasure.”

  Oh really? Then why was he here with Tammy? Hypocrite.

  “I’ve put my faith in Hilltops to protect my privacy, and now I feel it’s been compromised. I’m both surprised and angered to see her here.” He gestured at me with a look of disgust. “This is a huge problem for me.”

  What a jerk. Fortunately, he had gotten caught. It served him right. I had to stifle my appreciation at his stiff finger pointed at me in anger, veins throbbing in his neck.

  “I apologize for your disappointment, Dr. Sloan, but I can assure you Ms. Turner has completed all of the required registration and agreement formalities as would any member of the club. She’s bound by the same rules and regulations as you are. It would be the same as if you bumped into any other acquaintance. Nothing leaves the club without consequences.”

  Noah did an excellent job in assuring him, if I did say so myself. I would keep my mouth shut about our run-in, something that wasn’t going to be easy for me to do.

  A lot of energy fueled me, and I had to let some of it out. I fidgeted with my fingers.

  “Jordin, you specifically told me you found your research online and through anonymous volunteers, and yet here you are. What do you have to say for yourself?” Unlike me, Dr. Sloan wasn’t pacified by Noah’s words, so now the ass questioned me.

  “Excuse me? If you had paid close attention to what I said, you would’ve also heard me mention that I made connections from my various sources of research. Hilltops is one of those connections. Therefore, I have a good reason to be here. Can you say the same?” I took a step closer to him. I wasn’t concerned. Noah was standing with us. I knew he’d protect me if Sloan tried something stupid.

  “Remember who you’re speaking to. Your future rests in my hands. You’d better think twice about the words you choose to use when addressing me.”

  This man was going to hold this over my head.

  “I don’t think this is necessary.” Noah quickly intervened. “Like I said, Ms. Turner has agreed to protect the privacy of our members. She’s here to observe for research purposes only. Please be assured that what’s seen here stays here, like it always has.” He flashed me a look that indicated I’d better keep true to my word. “Now if you will, please allow me to escort you up front to where your guest is waiting.”

  “Remember what I said, Jordin. If Casey finds out about this chance encounter, you won’t have a job in this part of town. Got it?”

  I had to consciously think about closing my mouth, my head shaking in both shock and repulsion.

  “Hang tight here for me. I’m going to walk him out. I’ll be right back.”

  Noah’s brow creased with tension, his jaw clenched. My expression probably matched his.

  The two of them disappeared from the hallway. I leaned against the wall with impatience, waiting for Noah to return.



  “That was fun. Don’t you think?” I couldn’t believe that of all people, she ran into someone she knew from the university, especially since she’d just asked me if I had ever bumped into someone I knew at the club.

  “Loads. I’m beyond shocked. Do you know who he is?”

  Rage filled her. Her teeth clenched, her eyes closed into slits. I had never seen her like this. She was actually in my face. I found it kind of cute, sexy too.

  “Yes. I do.” I knew of him but had no clue he had any influence over her career.

  “Then why didn’t you warn me?” Her hands were back on her hips, her brows lowered.

  “I couldn’t reveal his identity prior to you being here because I
had no guarantee you would see him. Nor did I have any knowledge that you knew him personally. I apologize.”

  “Try he’s my best friend’s father.”

  “Shit.” It was even worse than I’d thought.

  “And did you hear how he threatened me? He said my future lies in his hands. And the woman he was with is a fellow student of mine. One who wants the same internship I’m applying for. The worst part is I can’t say a word about this to anyone.” She shook her head, covering her face with both hands.

  “He’s all talk.”

  “I don’t know about that. You heard him. He sounded serious to me.”

  “He won’t mess with you. I’ll take care of him if he does.”

  The evil eye she gave me didn’t suit her. I put my hand up to calm her down.

  “What’s that supposed to mean? Are you going to go all Sopranos on his ass?”

  What the fuck? That most definitely wasn’t the intention of my statement. I scratched my neck, taking a step back. “Wow. It wounds me that you think of me that way.” It really did. Just because I liked things a little kinky in the bedroom didn’t mean I was an animal.

  “I’m so sorry.” Her gaze shifted toward the floor, her shoulders slumped. “I didn’t mean it like that.”

  “I get it. Just keep it private that you saw him here for the time being.”

  “And what if Casey finds out that I kept this from her?”

  There was nobody else around, so I didn’t get why she whispered.

  “Give it a little time.” She needed to let things simmer down.

  “Why? So he can continue to screw around behind his wife’s back? I seriously doubt Mrs. Sloan is like that woman, Lacy, the one I observed, whose husband agrees to her activities here at the club with other men.”

  She practically had smoke coming out of her ears. I didn’t blame her, but there were many men like Dr. Sloan in the club. I guess I’d been doing this gig so long it didn’t faze me anymore. I kept my opinions to myself, something crucial for anyone working in this field.


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