One Night More (BBW Romantic Suspense) (One Night of Danger)

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One Night More (BBW Romantic Suspense) (One Night of Danger) Page 2

by Bayard, Clara

  "Are you coming to bed?" I asked, face in a pillow.

  "In a few minutes. I need to check my messages and have someone send over some clothes for you to wear tomorrow."

  I rolled over and held out my hand to him. "Call in here, okay?"

  He sat down next to me and kissed my shoulder. "Don't want to be alone?"

  "No. Just stay until I fall asleep?"

  "Of course. Shove over."

  Sam climbed into bed with me, shoes, gun, and all. He pulled a blanket up over both of us and put his arms around me.

  I woke up with a start, and a moment of panic, expecting to be back in that trunk again. But I wasn't. I was nestled comfortably in a huge bed with soft flannel sheets wrapped around me. I smiled and sighed, reaching for Sam. He wasn't there.

  With a frown I sat up and groaned. I was sore all over. I looked down at my arms and saw tons of bruises coloring on my skin. I prodded one with a finger and said, "Ouch."

  A low chuckle sounded from the doorway. "It's a good thing you're pretty, baby. Because that's one of the dumbest things I've seen in a while."

  I brushed a lock of hair out of my eyes and glared at him. "Asshole."

  He grinned and walked over, dropping a big mug of coffee on the bedside table. "What happened to happy, perky morning Carly?"

  "She got kidnapped and woke up feeling like she went through a cement mixer."

  "Fair enough. Drink this and I'll find you some painkillers before we go."

  "Go? Where are we going?"

  "To the hospital, remember?"

  I rolled my eyes and grabbed the coffee. After a sip I let the hot sharpness sink in for a moment. "No hospital, Sam. I don't need it. They took a blood sample yesterday. I'm fine, just banged up."

  "How do you know for sure?"

  "I know." I put down the mug and slid closer to him, my legs dangling off the side of the high bed. "Please, I just want to rest."

  "Fine. But you're not getting out of that bed until you feel a lot better, okay?"

  "Works for me. Now, are you going to join me?"

  "Sure, but aren't you hungry? I could fix you something."

  "No, I…" I paused to think, and aside from something sweet from the vending machine at the station I hadn't eaten in more than a day, but I wasn't hungry at all. "Not right now."

  "All right." He climbed in bed with me again, this time in just pajama pants.

  I wrapped my arms around his wide chest, wincing as bruised parts of me touched him, but enjoying the steady rise and fall of his breath and the raspy pelt of hair.

  "Do you want to sleep?"

  "Not really," I replied, twisting a long piece of his hair around my finger. "It's good to just be here with you."

  "Yeah. This isn't exactly how I thought I'd get you to my place for the first time."

  "Well, dating me is a life full of surprises. Go out for groceries and I disappear altogether."

  I said it lightly, but felt bad as a shudder went through him. "Sorry."

  "No, I…I can't tell you what it was like. Coming back to your place. The door was hanging open, things tossed around and you were gone. Just gone."

  "Oh, Sam," I breathed, tucking my face into his neck.

  His hands, spread across my back, were shaking.

  "It's okay. I'm okay. Wait, did you say things were tossed around?"


  "But why? They drugged me in the bathroom and I was out in a second. How would my apartment get messed up in the struggle if there was no struggle?"

  "That's a very good question. They must have tossed the place after they had you. Looking for something."


  "I can't even guess. But don't worry about that right now. Now we rest."

  "Yeah, okay." I agreed and closed my eyes, but my mind kept churning.

  This whole thing had started when I accidentally dropped myself into the middle of some kind of illegal prescription medication business. My boss at the messenger service was sending the guys out with who knows how many packages full of pills from at least one local doctor. I had no idea how big the operation was or who was even involved yet.

  Which is why it made no sense for anyone to abduct me or search my apartment. There must be something else to it. Some reason or angle I wasn't seeing.

  Sam sighed.

  "What?" I asked quietly.

  "Your gears are turning so fast they're making me dizzy."

  "How could you tell I was thinking about everything?"

  "I'm a cop, Carly. It's my job."

  I looked up at him incredulously.

  "You're biting your lip again. Chewing, really. You do that when you're worrying about something."

  "Gah, how do you know me so well already?"

  "Like I said, I'm a cop."

  "Handy in some situations, annoying in others."

  He grinned. "How does it balance out?"

  "I'm not sure yet."

  Sam laughed. "Well if you're not going to rest, why don't you tell me what you are thinking about."

  "I was just trying to understand why this is happening. The only people I've implicated in anything are Mitchell and Dr. Kent. Aside from them and the place I did the delivery too, I've got zero potentially useful."

  "True, but they don't know that. With Mitchell in custody, whoever he's working for wants to see how much damage has been done. For all they know, you've broken the whole thing wide open. You had access to his office, his papers, all of the customer information. Something in there could help us catch them and they want to do everything possible to prevent that."

  "Right. Of course." I thought back to all the mindless days at Courier Express, organizing and scheduling, filing and answering calls. Maybe there was something there. Something that could help us solve the puzzle.

  "Speaking of The Slug, what's he saying?"

  Sam chuckled. "You call him 'The Slug'? It fits him."

  "I know. So, anything?"

  "Not yet. But he's a creep and a coward. He'll break. Probably turn on his own mother if they ask him to."

  "I have no doubt he would." I shuddered at the memory of him, my boss, advancing on me in his office, his hand rising to strike me. "Anyway, I hope he gives something up soon."

  Sam ran his fingers through the snarled mess of my hair. "Don't worry. I won't let him or anyone else hurt you again. Never again."

  I blinked away tears and squeezed him tight. "I know."

  "Look," he said, eyes full of concern. "Try to sleep a little more. Your clothes and some other stuff will be here soon. When you get up we can eat something and have a shower."

  "Together?" I wasn't in the mood at all, but a chance to get all hot and wet with Sam was too good to pass up.

  "Maybe." A flash of hot arousal flared behind his eyes. "But only if you sleep first."

  "Fine, fine, bossy."

  He smiled and slipped out of the bed, pulling the sheet up to my chin. "Sleep."

  Easier said than done. I tossed and turned for a while and then gave up. I hopped down from the bed with a groan and padded into the bathroom warily. But the only frightening thing in there was my own reflection. My face was pale and drawn with huge bags under my eyes and a purpling bruise by my hairline. As I'd expected, my hair was a tangled nest. I yanked at it a little but realized it would need a real shower and shampoo. It had to be a sign I was feeling better that I didn't want to get under the water alone.

  In just the t-shirt I made my way back towards the front of Sam's house. It was a split level, with his bedroom and a few other closed doors on the main floor, and the living space down a short flight of stairs.

  I found him at the kitchen table, poring over a pile of files. His hair was almost as messy as mine, but the house around him was neat and tidy, if a little plainly decorated.

  "Hey," I said softly.

  He jumped a little and stood up. "Hi. Sorry, you startled me."

  I shrugged, picking at the hem of the shirt. "Must be my catlike grac

  "Probably. Do you need something?"

  I was moved by the care in his voice and the look of concern on his face, but I didn't want either for a little while. I wanted to forget everything.

  "Just some help scrubbing my back."

  I briefly considered pulling off the shirt and walking back to the bathroom naked, but that just wasn't me. A body covered in bruises and jiggly bits was not especially alluring. Of course, Sam knew every inch of me, but still. I wanted a little romance, not embarrassment.

  "Just your back?" he asked impishly.

  "We'll start there, see how it goes."

  He growled low in his throat and came around the table. Watching the muscles in his arms and chest flex with every motion made me realize I might be in the mood for something more after all.

  Back in the bathroom, I flipped off the overhead light to leave us only illuminated by the soft bulb over the mirror while Sam turned on the water and tested it.

  "After you," he said smiling.

  I tugged the shirt off over my head and stepped into the tub. When Sam joined me his bulk filled the small space and I noticed his face was more than a few inches above the shower head. It was silly, but being big and pretty tall myself, there was something novel and exciting about a man who made me feel small next to him.

  I went to kiss him but Sam held my arms gently. "Carly, look at you."

  I looked down and saw the bruises on my shoulders and arms, my thighs and knees. "It's fine. They barely hurt today."

  He sighed. "Turn around."

  From the muttered curse he let out my back must have been even worse than my front.

  "Are you sure all of this is from the trunk?"

  "I think so. I don't know."

  "If someone hit you I'll destroy them," he seethed.

  I turned back and twined my hands behind his neck. "I'm not in pain. I'm cold and lonely, Sam. Help me with that."

  He raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you."

  "Be gentle. We'll do fine."

  I could see warring impulses run across his face. Desire and concern. Worry and heat.

  "But Carly-"

  I kissed away any further conversation, sucking at his lips, prodding his tongue with mine. As Sam sank into it, his arms circled me and I felt his arousal rising between us. The hands on my back slid over my butt, feather-light touches that sent waves of pleasure radiating through me.

  Steam filled the space and the water hissed around us. It was precisely what I needed. Even without having sex we were closer than ever. Naked, with all my bruises visible and caressed gently by him, I let Sam inside my heart, knowing he would do anything to keep it, and me safe.

  Chapter Three

  After the shower we dressed and went back to the kitchen. Sam fixed a couple of sandwiches and I found I actually was hungry. I scarfed them down quickly while he watched and grinned.

  "What are you staring at?"

  "You, of course. It's kind of sexy watching you inhale food like that."

  I kicked at him with a bare foot under the table. "Be quiet or I'm coming after your food next."

  We shared a laugh and went back to eating. It felt so comfortable, so right. So perfect that what had brought us to this moment dimmed in comparison. So, of course, Sam's phone rang, ruining the moment.

  "What?" He paused and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, okay. Give me an hour." He hung up and frowned.

  I bit my lower lip and put down the rest of my sandwich. "Duty calls?"

  "Unfortunately. The task force working on my UC operation wants a briefing on your case."

  I looked at him blankly. "What does that mean in English?"

  "It means I was right. Your boss's little operation is connected to the other case I worked on undercover. This is big."

  "Good big or bad big?" I asked, stomach roiling.

  "Both. Look, there's a car posted outside but I don't want you to stay here alone. Come to the station with me?"

  I shook my head. "Pass. I'm sick of that place for a while. Can Anna come over here to keep my company?"

  "Of course. That's a great idea." He pointed at the phone on the kitchen counter. "Call her and I'll get changed." I looked at the sweat pants that hung low on his hips and thought it was a shame to cover him up. But it wasn't exactly a professional look for the modern police detective.

  "Great. Um, where am I?"

  Sam grinned and gave me the address. "Yell if you need anything else."


  Anna screeched at me for a few minutes, voice full of anger and love. She'd seen a news story about Mitchell's arrest and had been worried sick. I told her I was at Sam's, but left out some of the details about the day before. I'd tell her in person when she could see I was safe and fine.

  By the time she arrived Sam was ready to go and an officer had dropped off a bag full of my stuff. Clothes, brushes, some makeup, two pairs of shoes and underwear. I blushed at that, but thanked him.

  Sam opened the front door to Anna and she descended on me like a tiny tornado. I yelped as she slammed against me and she jumped back. "Oh my god, what happened to you?"

  "On that note," Sam said, "I'm off. Ladies, Officer Morse is outside. His cell number is on the fridge, as is mine. If you need anything, just call." He kissed me lightly on the lips. "I'll be back as soon as I can, baby, okay?"

  I nodded.

  Anna eyed him. "Got a kiss for me too, handsome?"

  He smiled and kissed her on the cheek. It was funny to watch him almost bend over double to reach her face.

  "That's it?"

  I rolled my eyes. "Yes, that's all you get, slut."

  She giggled and grabbed my hand. "Bitch."

  "Bye, girls," Sam said on his way the door.

  Anna pulled me in for another hug and I caught his eye over her head. I knew he was thinking about what happened the last time he left me alone. I tried to reassure him with my eyes and it must have worked because he did actually leave.

  I dragged Anna over to a couch and sat down. "I'm really glad you're here."

  "Me too. Now, tell me what's happened."

  I told her, dragging through every terrible detour. She clasped my hand in both of hers and squeezed tightly the whole time. When I got to the mysterious death of Darius, the messenger for my company who I knew was involved in the drug deliveries, her face went white. By the time I got to my abduction from my apartment she was a statue of terror.

  "My god, C." She hugged me tight again and I managed not to groan from the grip on my aching body. "You could have been killed. Again."

  "But I wasn't. I'm fine now."

  "For how long? If these people found you once they'll find you again."

  "No way. I've got Sam now. He knows all about this stuff."

  She nodded, but looked unconvinced. "Maybe. But what are you going to do, hide here forever?"

  "Of course not. I'm just staying here until I can go back to my place."

  "Okay. So what about Sam? You two look pretty cozy."

  "Well, we've been through a lot together in a short period of time. I feel good when I'm with him. Safe."

  She stood up and started pacing. "That's nice. You trust him?"

  "I do."

  "Have you told him about Phillip?"

  "Of course not," I spat out more harshly than I intended.

  She stopped pacing and faced me, hands on her hips. "Why not?"

  "Because he doesn't matter anymore. And I don't want Sam to know about that. Know who I was back then."

  "Carly," she began.

  "No, no." I held up my hands. "I mean it. I'm not that girl anymore. She's gone. I've dealt with it and moved on. A million hours of therapy and a few years' time have changed me. I'm older and wiser now. And braver.

  "When I was in that trunk I was terrified. But I didn't freeze up. I didn't try to placate the men who took me. I got out of there myself and went for help."

  Anna sat down next to me again and wrapped her ar
m around my waist. "Yeah, you did. You were so brave. But if you care about Sam he should know about what happened."

  "No. Not now. Maybe after all of this is over."

  She sighed. "Okay. So, new subject. What are we gonna do this afternoon? Snoop through his closets? Check what pay-per-views he's ordered?"

  Through my little speech my mind was turning. I was different. And brave. And I wasn't going to sit in Sam's house all day doing nothing. Taking action had freed me from the trunk of that car; maybe it could free me from this mess in general.

  "I have a better idea."

  "Check his internet history for kinky porn?"

  I laughed. "Even better than that."

  Anna crossed her arms. "That's hard to beat. What you got?"

  "There's a place I want to check out."

  "Aren't we supposed to stay here where it's safe?"

  "Oh come on. I just want to swing by the building I made that delivery to. See if there's anything I forgot about it."

  "Can't Officer Sexy Pants do that?"

  "Detective Sexy Pants, A."

  "Whatever. Can't Sam handle that?"

  "No," I said emphatically. I stood up. "He's got a million things to do today. I'm not getting into a shootout or anything. I just want to see if I can jog my memory. Be a help to Sam for once."

  My best friend stared up at me for a long time and knew I wouldn't be dissuaded. "What about the cop outside? I'm pretty sure he won't let us just drive out of here."

  "That's easy. The garage lets out in the alley out back. You can drive around and pick me up."

  "How do you know all this? Did you case the joint?"

  I snorted a laugh. "No, but remember Darlene West from school? She used to visit her dad in this neighborhood and all the houses are the same."

  "Okay, Nancy Drew. But if you get killed I'll never forgive you."

  "Fair enough," I replied, smiling. I hadn't realized how much I needed to see her until she arrived. Now we were off together to take a little control of my fate and it felt wonderful.

  Getting out of Sam's house went perfectly and we were pulling up to the warehouse I'd delivered the package to before I knew it.

  Anna slid into a parking space and looked around. "It's not as seedy as I imagined. Or scary, unless peeling paint frightens you."


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