Alice's Insurrection (Alice Clark Series)

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Alice's Insurrection (Alice Clark Series) Page 3

by Andrea DiGiglio

Alice lifted his chin, “Don’t do that; I have seen so much good in you and so much love in you. There is nothing wrong with feeling empathy toward mankind, from what I’ve heard, He does too. It’s just my kind that He hates.”

  “He doesn’t hate you, He doesn’t hate anything. Once He makes a decision it is difficult to reverse it. He either understands or He doesn’t. Make Him understand.” Briathos’s words sunk deeply into Alice, as did his healing touch beneath her skin. “You should rest until the tingling sensation subsides a bit; I’m afraid you may fall if you attempt to walk.”

  “Really? Okay, thank you. Do you mind keeping me company while the others are out?”

  “I suppose I could do that, yes,” he said uncomfortably.

  “You don’t have to. I just thought we could talk about some mundane things to get your mind off of, all of this.”

  Briathos raised a dark eyebrow at her curiously, “Mundane?”

  She laughed in response. “Have you studied mankind? Do you know about food and art and such?”

  “Yes, my entire existence is to ease suffering in dying days of mankind. It was helpful to know what things brought them joy and what brought them pain.”

  “What’s your favorite food?”

  “Pardon me?”

  Alice laughed again and for the first time she didn’t flinch from her wounds. It was infectious and he allowed a smile to show through. “I’m not sure if you have to eat or drink here, but I know the others enjoy food and drinks. I was just curious whether you ate food.”

  “For sustenance only. We do not need to, but some of us prefer it. I never wanted to come across as weak, so I didn’t try any of the cultural foods of mankind.”

  “Huh. We are big breakfast eaters here. I would make you something right now if this tingling sensation would go away. What about sleep? Do you need to?”

  “Not necessarily, but we do rather enjoy it. Though it’s difficult with a giant, ominous face staring at you,” he said, gesturing toward the guest bedroom.

  “Oh my, I am so sorry! I completely forgot about that. I’ll take care of it as soon as I’m able to walk.”

  “It’s okay, I just ignore it. You need your rest, whenever you can get to it is fine by me. Who is it, may I ask?”

  “Cole’s great-grandfather, a bounty hunter. He was a part of the group of Fallen on the other side of this war. I painted that after being attacked by him before I knew who or what I was or what he was, for that matter. I never even saw his face but I painted his likeness perfectly, as if I did. Still gives me the creeps.”

  “You’ve made a lot of enemies,” he said sadly.

  “You really feel for me, don’t you?”

  “I do. It feels as if He wanted me to, if that makes sense at all.”

  Alice smiled at Briathos with a heart filled with hope. He knew her silence was filled with it and as much as it saddened him, it also awoke a part of him he wasn’t yet prepared for. He truly cared for Alice, a feeling he was not used to feeling. He wasn’t sure if it was God’s doing or the fact that she was the Fallen’s savior. He was now, too, one of them as much as it infuriated him to think about it. “Do you mind if I ask you about the Horseman?”

  “Not at all. What is it you would like to know?”

  “You said we stopped the seals from being opened. I’m assuming that means one had been opened already. So which one and how did we stop it?”

  “That’s what I expected you to ask. A long time ago, before you were born, the Lamb opened the first seal, the Horseman of Conquest. Many humans saw the entity on a white horse carrying his bow and he was known as the false Christ to some. From what I understand, Columbus conquered the land known now as the United States of America, with the help of the Horseman known as Conquest. Many humans turned on each other and many souls died. He continues to aide in conquering the rest of the world in a less conspicuous manner.”

  “I knew politicians were shady but that’s pretty ridiculous. Wait, the Lamb! You mean Jesus, right?”

  “Yes, that is who I’m referring to, and, yes, I think it is quite corrupt, basically pretending to be a false God, wishing those beneath you to worship you and do as you say. It’s against God. As far as how did we stop it, it is said that if good does an evil deed or evil does a good deed, it basically messes up the balance and halts the process, but this doesn’t last forever.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Conquest has been roaming the earth bringing his darkness upon the world for decades, centuries even. The Fallen and I are connected to this prophecy, so we can feel the pull of it and also when it lets go. We believe that my fall from grace to save you…”

  “Was good doing an evil deed, because I’m an abomination?”

  “That’s not how I feel, but that is what has been set in motion, yes, and as horrible as that sounds, it buys us time to figure out just how it is you are to save us.”

  “Can He open another seal?”

  “Technically if the balance tips again, yes, I believe so.”

  “Is that the only seal broken?”

  “Sadly no, the second seal was also broken. During what you call World War I, I believe. The second seal is the Red Horseman of War. The Horseman fed into human’s hate, which caused them to fight each other, to the death. There were so many useless deaths of His so-called children.”

  “So there’s two horseman left?”

  “Only one, Death. Someone seems pretty keen on opening them all.”


  “It’s possible, though he himself cannot open the seals; only the Lamb can. Unless He was convinced to open them.”

  Alice’s brain felt like it was on fire. She thought the story of the Four Horsemen was a nightmare told to keep children in line. It never occurred to her that it was all real. It meant that she had four seals to go before mass destruction of the human race and the final End of Days. She felt it in her bones that Rogziel planned to rush this situation along as quickly as he was able to. She wondered if he had anything to do with breaking the first three seals so very long ago. “It seems this all happened so very long ago, what makes you think the others will be broken let alone broken in my lifetime?”

  “Because I know Rogziel, and that is his plan, to bring the End of Days. It’s a matter of time before he convinces the Lamb to open the next seal.”

  “Death? What was the third seal?”

  “Correct, and the third seal was Famine, the Horseman on a black steed. We’re getting ahead of ourselves, though. It won’t take much to tip the balance and when it does, the first three Horsemen will ride again, awaiting their brother. That war that has been threatened by the humans in power, will come to pass at the hand of mankind, provoked by the riders. When it does, the Fourth Horseman will ride and with him, Hades will follow. A fourth of all mankind will be killed by sword, by famine, by plague of mass disaster, or by the wild beasts that roam earth.”

  “I think I’m getting a headache.” Though this new information was a dark cloud hovering over her, she couldn’t help but feel hopeful. At least now she knew what she had to stop or try to stop, anyway. A part of her insisted it was possible that she could overcome these challenges and save them all. That gave her hope.

  “It’s probably best we stop; it’s a lot to take in, especially in your condition. I believe your family is home anyway.” As the Fallen arrived just outside, he excused himself from her presence. As much as he was enjoying her company, he was not yet ready for the open arms of those who chose to fall from grace, whatever their reason was.

  ALICE AND BRIATHOS FOUND THEMSELVES enjoying each other’s company more as each day passed by, each teaching the other about their worlds. Briathos would use his healing ability on her in exchange for some friendly banter while she lay helplessly tingly on her couch. She took the time to tell her story, from when she was little Jane to when she became Alice and up to the present day. He was enamored by her presence, so much so, that they each felt closer to t
he God they grew up with which was better than dwelling on the distance between themselves and the God they seemed to know now. Alice wondered which version their Creator truly was, and she couldn’t help but hope for the God that they remembered.


  “WHAT IS WITH THE GIANT ass grin?” Jake asked, punching Cole in the shoulder.

  “Nothing, man.” He stared at Jake’s confused face, deciding to let him in on it. “Alice. She’s happy. I can feel it in my bones; she’s hopeful.”

  Jake smiled genuinely, “Now that is great news. Let’s go see her.” The guys pushed each other, playing around as they walked up to the front door. “She might be able to kick my ass but I won’t take it easy on you,” he said, grabbing the back of Cole’s head in an attempt to put him into a headlock.

  You wish you were taking it easy on me, Alice thought toward them both before they burst through the front door. “Hey guys,” she shouted into the kitchen from the living room where she lay, still quite tingly. Cole became increasingly aware that she was, in a sense, frozen in that position. “I’m fine, Cole. Truly.” He felt the tension roll off of his shoulders as if a blaze were melting ice.

  “Feeling any better today?” Jake asked, as he plopped onto a nearby chair.

  “Yeah, I do, actually. Still really sore, but Briathos was just helping me with that.” She felt the shift in the room; no one was a hundred percent comfortable with the angel’s presence, except Alice, of course. Some even thought it was a trap, that he could be a spy. Alice knew Rogziel had cast him down with malice. She had seen what lay beneath him and a part of Cole could feel that, too. Though he didn’t want to be, Briathos was on their side.

  “Relax, you two; he helped me with the angel cream.”

  “The what?” Jake asked, laughing.

  “That’s just what I call it. Sure, make fun of me while I’m stuck on this couch.” She tried to stifle the laugh but was unsuccessful, which only sent them all into a large burst of laughter. It seemed that something dark was always waiting in the wings for them, but there were also times like this one, where they could just relax and enjoy life, and they all needed the change of pace if only for a short while. The sound of Alice’s laugh warmed Cole’s heart and as he, too, was laughing, all he could do was love her even more.

  “As long as you are doing better, that’s all that matters,” Cole said with a warm smile.

  “I’m sore, but I think I could take Jake,” she retorted with a challenging snicker.

  “You wish,” Jake said. They both felt it; she meant it. “You’re kidding right? Yesterday I had to carry you back in the house and today you think you can just throw me around?” Jake looked to Cole who was just as baffled by it.

  “Well, maybe not for as long as I normally can, but yeah, I think I could. You’re not going to break me and at least not any worse than I have been.” Cole could feel the faintness of the tingling diminish and felt her sincerity.

  “Absolutely not,” Jake spat.

  Alice lifted herself from the couch and crouched down in front of Jake, slightly off balance, which did nothing for her case. “I’ll even let you take it easy on me,” she joked. Briathos emerged from hiding, and they all looked up at him, surprised.

  “If she says she’s ready, she is. I’ve healed many before her. Jake, I would think you of all, would know that,” Briathos offered, in aide of her quest.

  “I remember, but they weren’t half human. Human bodies are fragile, in case you haven’t noticed the extensive healing she has needed this time,” Jake answered.

  “Can this not be a pissing contest? I just want to see how much better I am.” Alice stood up and walked outside, and Cole knew she knew what she was doing. They would always follow her, here now, to hell, to heaven. Anywhere she went they would always follow her. Reluctantly, Cole headed toward the kitchen and out the open front door, Briathos following closely behind. They stood outside for twenty minutes in silence, as Alice stretched her green and yellow body.

  “You shouldn’t be asking him to do this. He’s gone through a lot during this entire ordeal, too, you know,” Cole said, finding himself standing up for Jake.

  “That is exactly why I asked him to. I refuse to fail because of this and I refuse to let any of you do the same. He’ll come out when he’s ready,” she said as she sat down on the ground.

  “I may not understand what you two have, but I see it and I feel it as much as I don’t want to. Just be careful, you have a hold on the good in us all, don’t abuse that.” It’s not exactly what Cole wanted to say but it got the point across without saying, don’t break him and don’t break me to do it. She understood what he meant and she felt the pain the situation caused him, even if he did block it from her. That’s what years of empathy can do to a person. Your intuition is extensive and almost always correct.

  Brother? She will not let this go, you know that. Cole spoke to Jake.

  I know. She is incredibly frustrating.

  Don’t I know it. Come out here and let her heal you both. Cole sighed while watching Alice play with a blade of grass.

  I fear the worst, brother, Jake said with a heaviness in his broken, Fallen heart.

  That is your nature. Be what she needs you to be. Try not to rub it in my face. Cole said, feeling Jake’s smile emerge. He expected a smartass remark.

  I won’t do that to you after all we’ve been through. All right, I’m coming out. Jake emerged from the doorway with panic in his eyes.

  “Bought time, Jake,” Alice said with a smile as she stood up and dusted herself off. Jake approached her with sadness in his eyes, and Cole felt that crush her.


  JAKE, I’M OKAY, TRULY. WE’RE just sparing like old times. We can do this. She thought in a whisper. She smiled at him and saw a sliver of light beam in response. Trust me as I trust you. He nodded and she stepped back. They began to circle each other, waiting for the other to strike, while Briathos and Cole watched nearby. Alice’s wings still lay gently against her back as if they were searching for where they should recoil. Alice knew Jake was vulnerable and that terrified him, as she just had seen his innermost thoughts just a few days earlier and could tell he was still shaken from the exposure and reminder. She wasn’t sure who needed this more, but she hoped she could handle it as well as she thought. Jake registered that she was thinking, off in another world, and swung his leg underneath her, knocking her off her feet. Cole began to run towards them but the Angel held him back.

  “Let them finish,” Briathos spoke calmly.

  Alice stood up with a wicked grin, “Is that the best you’ve got?” she taunted. Jake threw a punch that she blocked and followed through with her own, clocking him in the jaw. “Come on, Jake!” she demanded as she swung, hitting him in the stomach, knocking him back a few feet. “Don’t make me push you.”

  He swung weakly, unable to fulfill her request, feeling her foot as it impacted into his gut, knocking him back several feet again. He stood up, breathing heavily and spiting what looked like blood. “You’re getting your ass kicked by an injured half breed,” Alice spat. Nothing was working; she needed him to let go and she needed to know she could take him if she needed to. She doubted that, when it all went wrong again, Rogziel would wait until she was at her best.

  Jake stared at her, throwing his hands up. “I know who you really are, Procel.” Cole clutched his side from the emotional pain Alice felt by pushing the one button that could break Jake. She stared into his eyes with apology and watched the light get snuffed out. She then pushed too hard, too fast.

  “Jake, easy!” Cole yelled.

  Jake ran at Alice with a guttural scream escaping his lips and launched at her ribs, knocking her to the ground. The air escaped her and she knew she was moments away from a terrible injury if she didn’t get that light back on inside of him. He punched and she blocked while pinned to the cold ground. She kicked the ground, fighting underneath him like a victim. The fear in her took hold, but she continued
to wave Cole off. She knew one way to save him, but Cole would be horribly devastated seeing her kiss him. She needed the focus of his eyes and wasn’t sure how to do that. Jake wrapped his arm around her neck and lifted her off the ground so her small frame was pressed against his muscular torso. She used all the strength she had and attempted to tap into Jake’s light. She wrapped her legs around his waist using all her strength to flip them onto his back. She held him down and kept pressure on his sides to hold him to the ground. She pinned his arms, but he was fighting too hard. She punched him in the face, causing a temporary calm, so she could gain focus of his eyes. Jake, you cannot hide from who you are. You must use that part of you for good, to help yourself and others. Procel is a version of you, not all that you are. You are loved by us all, by me. With that, the rage left his eyes and the light blared blindingly. She smiled at the tear soaked face before her and said, “Now hit me like you mean it.”

  He shoved her off of him and stood back up, ready this time to spar. She swung and he blocked, he kicked and she ducked. He wrapped his arm around her neck and pinned her in a headlock. “Now, are we done?” he said, his voice thick with sarcasm. She reached up and placed her hand on the back of his head, pulled him over her head and straight onto his back and to the ground.

  “Now we are done,” she said, reaching out an arm to help him up, which he took.

  “Can we not try to save my soul on a daily basis?”

  “I think we’re done now,” she said with a smile. He put an arm around her and they walked over to their audience.

  “You two really worry me sometimes,” Cole said running his hands through his hair.

  “We always worry you, brother,” he said, passing Alice to him.

  “Well done. Seems you both had something that needed to be dealt with. I’m glad to have helped,” Briathos said with a nod before heading back inside to his room.

  “Now what?” Cole asked, staring into Alice’s smooth brown eyes.


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