Euahlayi people
European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) Laboratory
evidential (conjectural) knowledge
executive functioning
Finney, Ben
fMRI research
focal things
Frake, Charles
Freud, Sigmund
Friesen, Max
Frobisher, Martin
Gage, Rusty
Gallistel, Charles
Gammage, Bill
garden warblers
Gatty, Harold
career of
Nature Is Your Guide
Gell, Alfred
Genesis (story understanding system)
Genz, Joe
geolocation technology. See also GPS
Gibson, Eleanor
Gibson, James
Ecological Approach to Visual Perception, The
ecological psychology
Senses Considered as Perceptual Systems, The
and wayfinding
Gibson Desert
Gillen, Francis
Ginzburg, Carlo
Gladwin, Thomas
Glenberg, Arthur
Golledge, Reginald
Golovnev, Andrei
Google Maps
Gooley, Tristan
Gould, Carol Grant
Gould, James
GPS devices
and caribou hunting
and cultural identity
effects on brain of
used by Syrian refugees
user statistics
and wayfinding as meaning
Guugu Yimithirr (Aboriginal language group)
H.M. See Molaison, Henry
Hai||om San
dead reckoning skills
!hus (classification system of ecological landscapes and people)
and language
and “topographical gossip”
Hall, Charles Francis
Hall, Granville
Hallendy, Norman
Harney, Bill (father)
Life among the Aborigines
Harney, Bill Yidumduma (son)
Born under the Paperbark Tree
Dark Sparklers
Haviland, John
Heaphy, Charles
Heft, Harry
Heidegger, Martin
Hercus, Luise
Heyerdahl, Thor
Higgs, Eric
Higgs boson
and Alzheimer’s disease
and childhood development
and cognitive mapping
and depression
and episodic memory
as grand organizer of the brain
grid cells
head-direction cells
and natural selection
place cells
pyramidal neurons
role in spatial memory
volume of
Hofer, Johannes
Hōkūleʻa (Polynesian voyaging canoe)
Holm, Gustav
Holmes, Tommy
Holt, E. B.
Homo sapiens
Hore, Peter
Horton, Travis
Hudson Bay Company (HBC)
Hume, David
hunter-gatherer societies
Neolithic Revolution and de-skilling
San people (formerly known as “Bushmen”)
hunter-gatherer theory of spatial ability
Huth, John
Hyndman, Will
Hyperloop One
Ibn Battuta
Igloolik, Nunavut
Indigenous Peoples’ Bio Cultural Climate Change Assessment Initiative
Industrial Age
inertial navigation. See dead reckoning
Ingold, Tim
Inhelder, Bärbel
Innuksuk, Nyla
Institutio oratoria (Quintilian)
Inuit Heritage Trust
Inuit people
and Christian missionaries
facial tattooing
forced relocation of
history of contact with qallunaat (white people)
and Hudson Bay Company
and Igloolik (island)
and post–World War II social engineering programs
pragmatism of
and residential schools
routes and trails
scholarship on Inuit navigation
speed of transition to modernity
and Thule people (Neoeskimos)
transition from subsistence activities to fur trading
See also Awa, Solomon; dogsledding and dogsledders
inuksuit (Inuit structures made of stones)
aluqarrik (marks spot to kill caribou)
aulaqqut (used to frighten caribou)
nalunaikkutaq (“deconfuser”)
niungvaliruluk (with window used to align oneself)
purposes of
turaarut (points to something)
Ishikawa, Toru
Istomin, Kirill
James, William
psychologist’s fallacy
Jawoyn people
Jeffery, Kate
Joel, Korent
Johnson, Vivien
Jomornji, Joe
Kaku, Michio
Kalahari Basin. See also San people
Kāne, Herb
Kant, Immanuel
Kelen, Alson
Kerwin, Dale
Khanty people
Kirschvink, Joseph
Kublai Khan
Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth
Kumar-Rao, Arati
Kunuk, Zacharias
and absolute frame of reference
evolution of in humans
and gender
human protolanguage
and relative frame of reference
See also storytelling and story understanding
Large Hadron Collider (LHC)
Lavenex, Pierre
Lawford, Putuparri Tom
Lawton, Carol
LeBlanc, Sylvie
Leibniz, Gottfried
Levinson, Stephen
Lewis, David
Shapes on the Wind
Lichtman, Jeff
Liebenberg, Louis
Lindbergh, Anne Morrow
Lindbergh, Charles
Lohmann, Kenneth
Lord, Albert
Low, Sam
Lubinski, David
Luce, Henry
MacDonald, John
MacRury, Ken
magical thinking
magnetic fields, magnetism
Maguire, Eleanor
Malaurie, Jean
Marinetti, Filippo
Maroadunei (Ngandi man)
Marozzi, Elizabeth
Marshall Islands
Irooj (chiefs)
and Pacific War
ruprup jokur (lost navigational training, “breaking open the turtle shell”)
and U.S. nuclear weapons testing
wave piloting
Matthews, Luke
Mauro, Ian
Mazzullo, Nuccio
McBryde, Isabel
McLeman, Robert
McCoy, Mike
McLuhan, Marshall
McNair, Matty
Mead, Margaret
Meehan, Betty
memory and memorization
and Greek myth of Ariadne’s thread
The Knowledge London taxi driver test
method of loci
rote memory
semantic memory
“super memorizers”
See also amnesia; episodic memory; semantic memory
memoryscape, definition of
mental map theory
Mercator, G
Merlan, Francesca
Meta Incognita Peninsula
Mick, Wintinna
Middendorff, Alexander von
annual and multiyear
of aphids
of Arctic terns
of Bermuda fireworms
of birds
and circadian clocks
and climate change
and DNA
of dragonflies
early human
and hippocampus size
of humpback whales
international statistics for, 2015
of Inuit from Baffin Island to Greenland
and magnetism
of monarch butterflies
and nostalgia
of Pawnee
of zooplankton
migratory syndromes
Milner, Brenda
Minotaur (mythological figure)
Minsky, Marvin
Moana (Disney film)
Molaison, Henry (H.M.)
monarch butterflies
Musk, Elon
musk ox
Musker, John
Myers, Fred
Nadel, Lynn
natural selection
and bio-compass theory
and convergent evolution
and executive functions
and hippocampal volume in humans
and novelty-seeking or risk-taking
and tracking
and wayfinding
Naumann, Johann Andreas
Nelson, Richard
Nenets people
Neoeskimos (Thule people)
Neolithic Revolution
Newcombe, Nora
Newell, Alison
Newton, Isaac
Niffenegger, Audrey
Noble-Nowdluk, Sean
nonegocentric cognition. See also allocentric perspective
Norris, Ray
North Star
Northwest Passage
novelty-seeking traits and behavior
Nunavut Arctic College
Nunavut Research Institute
Nunn, Patrick
Nuttall, Mark
Nuttall, Peter
Caroline Islands
and colonialism
dilep (wave patterns between islands)
etak (Pulawatan star-based navigation system)
Hōkūleʻa (Polynesian voyaging canoe)
Marshall Islands
Marshallese wave piloting
migration to
Polynesian Voyaging Society
Waan Aelon in Majel (Canoes of the Marshall Islands, WAM)
O’Keefe, John
Packard, Mark
Parry, William
path integration. See dead reckoning
Patterson, Dudley
Pawnee people
Pederson, Eric
Peplinski, Lynn
Pernau, Ferdinand von
Phaedrus (Socrates)
physical exercise
and neurogenesis
in preadolescence
Piaget, Jean
Piailug, Pius Mau
hippocampi in
homing pigeons
passenger pigeons
Pitjantjatjara people
place cells
Pliny the Elder
Pollack, Lisa
Polo, Marco
Polynesian Voyaging Society
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
practical mastery theory of navigation
practical space
Private Universe, The (documentary)
qallunaat (white person)
qamutiik (open sled)
qimugiuk (tapered ridge)
Qitdlarssuaq (Inuit shaman)
Rakosi, Carl
Rasmussen, Knud
Raymond, Elsie
and climate change
World War II
Reid, Nicholas
Roggeveen, Jacob
Rose, Deborah Bird
Ross, John
route knowledge
Rubin, David
Rundstrom, Robert
Sacks, Oliver
Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de
Sami people
San people (formerly known as “Bushmen”)
Hai||om San
restricted mobility of
Santschi, Felix
Sapir, Edward
Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
sastrugi (windswept snow patterns used for navigation)
nigiq (east-southeast wind, male)
uangnaq (west-northwest wind, female)
uluangnaq (new snow in soft mounds)
uqalurait (hardened snow that keeps its shape)
uqaluraq (tongue-shaped snow)
scene-construction theory
Schooler, Jonathan
Schulten, Klaus
Scott, James
Sea Hero Quest (video game)
semantic memory
definition of
episodic memory compared with
and hippocampus
Sen, Gertrude Emerson
Sharp, Charles Andrew
Shaw-Williams, Kim
Sherlock Holmes (fictional character)
Shultz, Susanne
Simonides of Ceos
Small, Willard
snow. See sastrugi
Society of Woman Geographers
Souman, Jan
South Pacific. See Oceania
Spencer, Walter Baldwin
Spiers, Hugo
Stanley, Julian
Stanner, W. E. H.
Stewart, Mick
Stilgoe, John
stimulus-response memories
stimulus-response navigation strategies
stones. See inuksuit
storytelling and story understanding
and Dreaming tracks
Genesis (story understanding system)
and hunter-gatherer societies
merge hypothesis
and social trackways theory
story maps
Strong Story Hypothesis
Street, Jawurji Mervyn
Sugiyama, Michelle Scalise
survey knowledge
Sustainable Sea Transport Research Programme
Sutton, Peter
Tarrago, Isabel (Arrernte elder)
Tatarinow, Sotnik
Taukie, Daniel
taxonomy, Inuit
anirniliit (those that breathe)
nunarait (things that grow)
uumajuit (everything that moves)
Teki, Sundeep
Theseus and the Minotaur (Greek myth)
Thompson, Nainoa
Thule people (Neoeskimos)
Tindale, Norman
Tjakamarra, Freddy West
Tjakamarra, Long Jack Phillipus
Tjampitjinpa, Anatjari
Tjangala, Jeffrey
Tjangala, Uta Uta
Tjangala, Yapa Yapa
Tjapaltjarri, Billy Stockman
Tjupurrula, Nosepeg
Tolman, Edward
as oldest science
in San culture
social trackways theory
Transylvanus, Maxim
Travaglia, Alessio
Tuan, Yi-Fu
Tukturjuit (Inuktitut word for Big Dipper)
Tulving, Endel
Tungilik, Dominique
Tupaia (Tahitian priest and navigator)
Turing, Alan
Turnbull, David
Uexküll, Jakob von
umwelt (environment)
Ussak, Leo
uumajuit (Inuit taxonomy classification: everything that moves)
pisuktiit (walkers, such as human, caribou, and musk ox)
tingmiat (things that fly)
van Vledder, Gerbrant
Vanhoenacker, Mark
Vinogradova, Olga
virtual reality
von Frisch, Karl
Vycinas, Vincent
Wachowich, Nancy
Wangkajunga people
Wangkangurru people
wave piloting
and age of Inuits
and climate change
dead reckoning compared with
definition of
and ecological psychology
and gender
mental map versus practical mastery theories
and natural selection
and place-names
and topophilia
turn-by-turn directions compared with
Wehner, Rüdiger
Weil, Simone
Weltfish, Gene
Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic (WEIRD) societies
Western Desert Art Movement
White, Norman
Whorf, Benjamin Lee
Widlok, Thomas
Willkie, Wendell
Wilson, Matt
Wiltschko, Roswitha
Wiltschko, Wolfgang
Winston, Patrick Henry
Woollett, Katherine
World War I
World War II
Wrangel, Ferdinand von
Yarlott, Wolfgang Victor Hayden
Yates, Frances
Yibuluyma, Ludi
Zola-Morgan, Stuart
Resurrection Science:
Conservation, De-Extinction and the Precarious Future of Wild Things
M. R. O’CONNOR’s reporting has appeared online in the New Yorker, Foreign Policy, Slate, The Atlantic, and Nautilus. The author also of Resurrection Science: Conservation, De-Extinction and the Precarious Future of Wild Things, her stories have received support from the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, The Nation Institute’s Investigative Fund, and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. In 2016 she was a Knight Science Journalism Fellow at MIT. A graduate of Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism, she lives in Flatbush, Brooklyn. You can sign up for email updates here.
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