Renewing Lost Love

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Renewing Lost Love Page 13

by Karen Ward

  Once they are a short distance from the house Scoot and Goose untie the boy’s hands and feet and hurry toward the road where they are to meet the other team members. Just as they reach the road they hear one of the men hollering, “The kid’s gone! Find him!”

  Scoot and Goose move deeper into the shadows of the trees along the road and squat reminding Timmy to be very quiet and very still.

  With the advantage of their night vision glasses they see two of the men heading their direction and prepare for combat. Then one of the men says, “I don’t think the kid would have come out to the road. I’ll bet he ran out across that pasture. I just hope he doesn’t fall in the pond and drown. Then all of this will be for nothing. I’m going back and get the truck.” He turns and heads back to the house.

  The other man continues coming toward them. When he gets close enough, Goose gets him in a choke hold until he slips into unconsciousness. Then they bind his hands and feet with a plastic cable ties and stuff a handkerchief in his mouth. They drag him into the deep shadows of the trees where they leave him and head further down the road.

  When they are far enough away, Scoot radios the other guys, “We have the boy and he is unhurt. Three of the four men are still at large. They know Timmy’s missing and they are looking for him. Stay on your toes. We are moving east in the trees down the side of the road.”

  Pinky breathes a sigh of relief and a tear slides down his cheek. He and the other three team members are moving west on the road toward the house. When they see a truck turn out of the drive headed toward them he says, “A truck just turned out of the drive onto the road.”

  Scoot says, “We see it. We’re in the trees.” After the truck passes Scoot and Goose’s location Scoot says, “It looked like only one man in the truck.”

  Pinky says, “We’ll get him.” As the truck draws near them Pinky throws his knife burying it in the right front tire causing the truck to veer into the ditch. The three team members surround the truck with guns drawn and remove the man from the truck binding his hands and feet with the plastic cable ties. They leave him in the ditch behind the truck and proceed down the road toward the house.

  When they finally reach Scoot and Goose’s location, Timmy runs to Pinky and is enclosed in a warm embrace. Pinky asks, “Are you all right Sport?’

  “Yes, Daddy, I knew you would come save me!” Timmy replies clinging tightly to Pinky’s neck.

  The FBI agent radios Scoot, “We’ve got two men in custody at the house but we didn’t find the boy. Where are you guys?”

  Scoot replies, “We’ve taken out two others and we have the boy. One of the prisoners is in the trees just outside the gate and the other is down the road next to the SUV. That is all of them as far as we can tell. If you don’t need us to tie up loose ends we’re going home. You can come to the ranch tomorrow to interview the boy.”

  The FBI agent says, “We’ll take care of things here. Thank you for your help. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  The Drake Security team and Timmy head back to the helicopter and fly home to the ranch. Pinky calls Jasmine on their way back to the bird and says, “Hey Babe, Timmy is fine. Do you want to say hello?”

  Jasmine breathes a sigh of relief and says, “Please. Timmy? Are you all right Baby?”

  Grinning, Timmy says, “Yes, Miss Jasmine. Uncle Scoot and Uncle Goose saved me.”

  Jasmine, tears streaming down her face says, “They did? Did you give them a big hug and tell them thank you?”

  Timmy replies, “I sure did. They are the best, next to you and Daddy. I love them too!”

  “I will see you in a little while, all right?”

  “All right Miss Jasmine, I love you,” says Timmy.

  When the men arrive back at the ranch, the women are all waiting on the patio. When the men come walking back from the helipad Timmy is clinging tightly to Pinky’s neck and they walk straight to Jasmine.

  Jasmine kisses Pinky and then kisses Timmy on the cheek. She says, “Timmy, Miss Sam is the one that told the guys where to look for you. Can you tell her thank you?”

  Shocked by her words, Sam blushes. Timmy looks at her and says, “Thank you Miss Sam.” Then he leans over reaching for Jasmine whose heart expands with love for the child.


  It has been over a month since they have heard anything from James Bixby. He disappeared after he chased Jasmine running her off the road. The FBI tells Pinky they have not received any reports of recent sightings but they are still searching for him. The red pickup was found abandoned in Cody. Pinky now accompanies Jasmine anytime she leaves the ranch and insists they both wear a Kevlar vest anytime they are out in public.


  A few days later, Pinky has to take Timmy back to Tennessee for a deposition in the trial of John and Adrian Fisher for the death of his parents. Samantha Wells also has to go to give her deposition at the same time. Pinky is worried about leaving Jasmine at the ranch but Goose, Bear, Stump and Scoot have promised to keep a close eye on her and her brother, Leaf will be helping them keep her safe.

  Jasmine is dreading Keith being away from the ranch for several days. She is dreading even more, his being gone with Samantha Wells. She knows Keith loves her but she doesn’t know what the woman might do. She seems very impetuous to Jasmine, the kind of woman that acts without thinking things through first.

  The day before they are scheduled to leave Pinky approaches Scoot, “Hey Scoot, can I talk to you for a minute?”

  Scoot answers, “Sure, what’s up?”

  Pinky replies, “Well, you know I have to go to Tennessee tomorrow to take Timmy to give his deposition and that Sam is going with us. I was wondering if you could spare one of the other guys to go with us. I’m not really expecting any trouble but I would be more comfortable if I didn’t have the responsibility of watching out for both of them by myself.”

  Scoot answers, “I think we can manage that. Who do you want to go with you?”

  Pinky says, “It doesn’t really matter ... except, I’m not sure I could stand to listen to Stump and Sam bickering continuously for three or four days.

  Laughing, Scoot says, “I don’t blame you for that. I’m looking forward to a day or two of peace and quiet myself. How about if Bear goes with you? Goose is scheduled to do a security assessment in LA and I’m tied up with designing the system upgrade at our client in Arizona.”

  “Bear will be great, thanks,” replies Pinky.


  Early the following morning, Pinky, Bear, Sam, and Timmy climb aboard Barry’s jet for their trip to Tennessee. They arrive in Tennessee at mid-morning. Everything goes smoothly during their first day with the lawyers. Timmy answers all of their questions thoroughly and more directly than you would think for a six year old little boy. The more opportunity Pinky has had to observe the child the more he realizes just how smart the boy is. His grades in school also indicate he is bordering on the genius level. He is so proud of him.

  While Pinky, Timmy, and Bear are waiting in the outer office for Sam to finish her deposition, Bear asks Pinky, “Have you and Jasmine set a date for the wedding yet?’

  Shaking his head Pinky answers, “No, we can’t do anything until after we see what is going to happen with Bixby. She is married to him.”

  Surprised Bear says, “I didn’t know that. That really puts a kink in things, doesn’t it? What’d he do force her into it?”

  Pinky replies, “Yeah, he threatened to kill her if she didn’t marry him. He forced her into it right after he kidnapped her and she was scared to death. Then when she turned eighteen he made her marry him again. I guess he wanted to make sure it was legal. I didn’t find out until the night of the party after I asked her to marry me. She said she didn’t remember until that night. It is one of the memories she’d blocked.”

  “Wow man, that’s tough. Maybe it will all be over soon,” replies Bear.

  When Sam completes her testimony the lawyer tells them that as far as he is co
ncerned they won’t need anything else from them until the trial and they are free to return to Wyoming. Excited they head to the airport. With luck they should be home by midnight.

  As they are waiting for the plane to be readied for departure, Bear’s cell phone rings and he answers, “Bear.”

  “Clarence, this is Jesse. Do you have any idea when you guys are coming home?”

  “Hey Sweetie, we lucked out. We should be home by midnight.” Pausing he then asks, “Why, is something wrong?” Bear glances over at Pinky and Timmy.

  Jesse replies, “Jasmine has had a breakdown of some kind. Melanie found her in her room right after lunch crying hysterically. When we couldn’t get her to calm down we called an ambulance. They sedated her and she’s been admitted to the hospital in Cody. She won’t talk to anyone, not even Leaf or the doctors. All she’s saying is she needs to see Pinky. And Clarence, one more thing, Melanie found one of those home pregnancy tests in the bathroom, it was positive.”

  As Jesse is talking, he looks over at Pinky who is watching him questioningly, apprehension plainly showing on his face. Bear says, “Like I said, Sweetie, we should be back at the ranch by around midnight. I’ll let Pinky know.”

  Pinky is watching Bear as he talks. He knows something is wrong, something has happened to Jasmine. He feels it deep in his soul. As soon as Bear disconnects Pinky asks, “What is it? Did Bixby get to Jasmine? Is she all right?” His heart is pounding with dread and he can’t breathe.

  Bear says, “Calm down, Bixby isn’t part of this. Jasmine is all right, at least physically. Jesse said that she’s had a breakdown of some kind. Melanie found her in her room crying hysterically. When no one could get her to calm down they called the ambulance. They sedated her and carried her to the hospital in Cody. She won’t talk to anyone, not even Leaf or the doctors, and she is asking for you.” He looks down at his hands, takes a deep breath, then continues, “The last thing Jesse told me is that Melanie found a home pregnancy test in the bathroom, it was positive.”

  Waves of fear wash through Pinky. He doesn’t know what could have upset Jasmine so much that she had a breakdown.

  Timmy asks, “Mr. Pinky, Daddy, is Miss Jasmine all right?”

  Keith pulls the little boy into his arms, tears gathering in his eyes, “Miss Jasmine is going to be fine, Timmy. We’ll make sure of it, won’t we?”

  Nodding, Timmy says, “I love Miss Jasmine.”

  Pinky says, “I love her too Timmy.”

  Pinky’s imagination is running rampant and he has conjured up all types of scenarios that could have caused her to become hysterical. Is being pregnant with his child so abhorrent to her that it sent her over the edge? Is being pregnant at all so frightening it sent her over the edge? Is she having flashbacks or something similar to something that happened at the compound? His heart is pounding heavily and he prays that she is all right, that nothing has happened that might take her away from him again. He’s not sure he could bear losing her a second time.

  Samantha Wells observes Pinky as he watches Bear on the phone. She sees his fear and she knows something is wrong too. When Bear explains his conversation, Samantha’s heart hurts for Pinky. It is so obvious to her how much he loves Jasmine. She prays for his and Timmy’s sake that Jasmine is all right.

  When the plane lands at the ranch in Wyoming, Barry meets them at the landing strip and drives them back to the main ranch house. Pinky says, “How is she? Is there any change?”

  Barry offers, “No change. Jesse is at the hospital with her.” He takes a sleeping Timmy from his arms and hands the keys to the SUV to Pinky, “Drive carefully. The last thing she needs is for you to have an accident.”

  When Keith walks into the emergency room at the hospital in Cody, he approaches the information desk and asks what room Jasmine Leblanc is in. The young girl behind the desk smiles and says, “I’m sorry sir, but visiting hours are over and I can’t give you that information.”

  A dark rage flows through Pinky and just as he is about to grab the young girl and shake the information from her he hears, “Pinky? Come with me.”

  He looks to see one of the nurses he knows from Jesse’s PTSD program. He has met her several times during parties at the ranch. He takes a deep calming breath and follows the nurse down the hall. When they reach the far end of the hall she says, “Miss Leblanc is in here. Jesse is with her.”

  Pinky says, “Thank you,” and pushes open the door to the room she indicated. The lights are dim and he can see Jasmine asleep on the bed. She looks very pale with lines of worry between her eyes. Jesse is sitting in a chair beside the bed dozing. He walks over to the bed and whispers, “Jesse?”

  Jesse nods and then whispers “Come with me.”

  She leads him a few doors down and into the nurse’s lounge. When the door closes behind them she says, “Pinky, she’s been sedated so she probably won’t wake for several hours yet. I want to tell you what we know. Jasmine didn’t come down to lunch today so Melanie went up to check on her. She found her in her room crying hysterically. None of us could get her to calm down or tell us what is upsetting her so we called the ambulance. She was screaming about how sorry she is and how you will never forgive her. Then after the ambulance left with her, Melanie found the pregnancy test on the floor of the bathroom. We don’t know what to make of it.”

  Pinky shakes his head, “I don’t know either Jesse. I’m not sure if she’s upset because she is pregnant or if it’s something else. I don’t guess we will know until she talks to me. I just hope she will talk to me. I know she’s been having some blocked memories return, maybe it has something to do with one of those although the ones she’s told me about haven’t ever upset her.”

  Jesse smiles and says, “I’m going to lie down in the room next door and try to get some sleep. Call me if you need me.” She turns and walks out the door and Pinky returns to Jasmine’s room. He sits beside her bed praying once again that whatever has upset her is not something that will take her away from him a second time.

  Just as dawn is breaking, Jasmine starts to stir. Pinky rises from the chair and takes her hand in his, bringing it to his lips and pressing a soft kiss in her palm. He softly says, “Jasmine?”

  Slowly opening her eyes, she sees him and tears fill her eyes. She pleads, “I am so sorry Keith. I tried to stop him. I didn’t want him to kill our baby! Please, please forgive me!” She starts sobbing uncontrollably.

  Stunned by her words, he sinks down on the side of the bed and pulls her into his arms rocking her back and forth and stroking his hand down her back. He takes a few minutes to absorb what she said holding her while she cries, then speaking very softly he says, “Sweet Jasmine, please, calm down and talk to me. Tell me what you’re so upset about.”

  She hiccups as she tries to control her sobs, “Our baby, Keith, he killed our baby.” Then she begins sobbing uncontrollably again.

  Rage like Keith has never felt before flows through his veins. He takes several calming breaths and then he asks, “James Bixby killed our baby?”

  “Yes, he killed him. He was so perfect Keith. He had your eyes, and your nose, and my hair. Oh God, I couldn’t stop him. I am so sorry!” sobs Jasmine.

  “Jasmine, is this another memory that you had blocked?” he asks.

  Nodding she says, “Yes, I remembered when I saw the results of the pregnancy test. I saw him holding our baby by his feet and lowering him head first into the water bucket. He had me by the throat and I was begging him not to hurt our baby. He made me watch him hold our baby under the water for a long, long time. Then he threw him on the bed and laughed. He said he wasn’t about to raise your bastard. Then he stormed out of the cabin. Oh Keith, our baby was so blue, so cold. He was dead. Our baby was dead.” Sobs wrack her body again. He continues to rock her back and forth gently stroking her while she cries.

  Keith asks, “Jasmine, what happened to our baby then?”

  Jasmine says, “I don’t know. James came back into the cabin and took
him away. I don’t know where he took him.”

  “Oh Jasmine, Sweetheart, I am so sorry I wasn’t here for you when you remembered. I know you didn’t want him to kill our baby. I know you tried to stop him. This is not your fault,” he whispers as tears stream down his face for their lost child. “I promise you that James Bixby is going to pay for this. I am going to make sure he pays.”

  After they have both cried themselves out grieving for their lost child, Jasmine asks, “Can you ever forgive me?”

  Squeezing her gently he says, “I have nothing to forgive. I know you didn’t want him to hurt our baby. I know you tried your best to stop him. Let’s be thankful we have been blessed with Timmy and now we are going to have another baby too.” He brushes his lips against hers and says, “I love you Jasmine.”

  Smiling through her tears she says, “I love you too, Keith.”

  After explaining to her doctor the reasons for the breakdown Jasmine is released from the hospital. The doctor sends her home with a prescription for tranquilizers in case she has any more distressing episodes.

  When they arrive back at the ranch they are faced with curious looks from everyone so Jasmine and Pinky tell the story to Barry and Melanie and ask them to spread the word so they don’t have to repeat the story over and over.

  Later that afternoon while Jasmine is napping, Pinky calls Scoot and asks him to go for a walk with him. As they are strolling across the pasture to the river Scoot says, “Barry told me about the baby. I’m really sorry, Pinky.”

  Tears in his eyes, Pinky says, “That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. I want to hire a search team to scour the area around that compound in Idaho and see if they can find his remains. I want to bring him here and give him a proper burial. Can you recommend someone?”

  Scoot says, “Yeah, there’s a group out of Texas that does that type of work. They have a team of dogs trained to sniff out human remains. I’ll contact them this afternoon and get them started.”


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