Riding the Waves: TEKSUEN (The Agency Book 1)

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Riding the Waves: TEKSUEN (The Agency Book 1) Page 6

by Serenity King

  “Who could that be?” she said, still panting from the exertion.

  Walking naked across the room, Tek picked his cell phone up off of the dresser and answered.


  “Did she say yes?” his brother’s voice came through the mouthpiece.

  “Takeem?” he asked. He knew who it was—he was just jiving.

  “You know who the hell it is. Did she say yes or not?” his brother barked.

  “She said yes.” Tek had to hold the phone away from his ear as his brother shouted with joy. Then he listened while he relayed the news to the guys. “Bye, Takeem,” he said, disconnecting his call—only for the phone to ring again.

  “What the hell?” he grumbled.

  “Hello,” he yelled into the receiver.

  “Well hello to you, too, son number one. Tell me, am I getting a daughter-in-law?” his mother said sarcastically.

  “Sorry, Mom. I thought you were someone else. Yes, you’ll be getting a daughter-in-law. Do me a favor—can you pass the news along? I’m turning off my phone. I would like to make love to my fiancée if everyone doesn’t mind. Love you all. Goodbye,” he said before disconnecting his cell and turning off the phone completely.

  “Oh my God! Tell me you didn’t just tell your mother we were going to be making love,” Josinia cried, smothering her face in her hands.

  “I want you to myself for a little while longer before all the family and friends crowd in on us,” he whined, getting in bed beside her and pulling her into his arms.

  “Aww, that’s so sweet. Love you, baby,” she whispered, bringing her lips to his and giving him a kiss.

  “Love you too, sweetness.”

  * * *

  “She said yes!” Sachi Montreal screamed. “Oh goodness, I have to start planning.”

  “Sachi, I do believe the bride is the one to do all of the planning,” her husband said dryly.

  “No, it’s usually the bride’s parents, and since both of her parents are deceased, I am taking on the duty. It’s my right,” she said firmly.

  “How do you figure?” her husband asked.

  “Well…well, because,” she sniffed.

  “That makes a whole lot of sense,” he chuckled.

  “Oh be quiet. Josinia won’t mind at all. I already consider her the daughter I never had.”

  “Well that would make it incest if she married your son.” He quirked a brow at his wife.

  “You’re trying to be funny. You know what I mean,” she huffed.

  “Yes, you just want another excuse to throw a party. A big party,” he said, and walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her.

  “That, too. But this is a wedding. Our son’s wedding. I never thought that either of them would get married,” she sighed and relaxed against him.

  “I know. Neither did I. We’ve raised some great boys. Have we not?” he said.

  “Of course. Hon?”


  “Just what is it that our sons do for a living?”

  He frowned. “Well I know Tek was working with the market at one point. He quit that and now they all work together at some company.”

  “Yes, The Agency, but what do they actually do there?” she asked.

  “Well they haven’t been convicted of any crimes, so I’m guessing it’s legal. Besides, didn’t we just agree that we raised some great young men?”

  “Yes, we did. Now…”

  “Now, lets have some fun of our own before you start calling everyone in the USA,” he murmured.

  “Oh. What kind of fun?” she said and turned in his arms.

  “The only kind of fun,” he responded and kissed her fully on her lips.

  * * *

  Takeem stood on the balcony of their friends’ condo, looked out over the water, and smiled. Man, my brother’s getting married. He’d found his one true love. He was happy for him. Tek deserved it, and so did Josinia.

  “I figured you’d be out here,” he heard the soft voice say. Stephanie.

  “It’s beautiful out here.” He smiled at her.

  “Yes it is. Yes it is.”

  “What brings you out here?” he asked.

  “You of course,” she said.

  “Me? Why?”

  “So did you tell your family yet?” she asked.

  Takeem sighed heavily. “No. There just may not be anything to tell. We’ll see.”

  “What are the doctors saying?” she asked.

  “I may have to have the kidney removed if the cancer’s returned,” he said quietly.

  “And you’ve never told your family that you had cancer in the first place,” she commented.

  “No. It was simple. I was going to tell my brother but he’d found Josinia, and considering the history she’s had, I didn’t want to mess up their thing.”

  “I’m surprised he hasn’t guessed yet.”

  “He suspected something, but he’s been so busy wooing Josinia, I don’t think he’s really paid attention. Not that I’ve been around too much so that he could.”

  “Intentionally, I gather.”

  “Of course.” He smiled sadly.

  “How the hell have you been able to keep it a secret?”

  “I go away a lot anyway. All I did was go away to get the treatment which was only for six weeks and come back afterwards.” He shrugged. “I didn’t lose my hair. It was such a low dosage of chemo. I was lucky. It was only stage one. My treatment was just a precaution really.”

  “But now it’s returned?”

  “Not sure. I’m having similar symptoms. I called and that is what they said. I’ll know in a week or so. No big deal. I can live with one kidney.”

  “Sure you can. Just make sure you eat healthy.”

  “I will, Mother,” he smiled.

  “I know you will, because I am going to make sure that you do. And I am going with you to this doctor’s appointment just to make sure you’re telling the truth.”

  “Oh God! Your friend just had to be my oncologist.”

  “Yes, and lucky for you. No one would be the wiser had I not ran into you at her office. And you still tried to lie about it, but fortunately for you, I’m a pretty smart woman.”

  “Yes, you are. Thanks, Stephanie, for not saying anything and for, you know…”

  “We all need somebody or a shoulder to lean on sometime, Takeem. Remember that. You can’t be the strong one all the time.”

  “I know. Let’s go back inside before our friends start to suspect something is going on between us.” Takeem smiled.

  “True,” she smiled and followed him back inside.

  Other stories by Serenity King:

  • A Tryst at Midnight (Book One: The Alesi Men series)

  • Simply Beautiful (Book One: Cameron Trilogy)

  • Through the Fire (Book Two: Cameron Trilogy

  • A Race For Redemption (The Powell’s Book One)

  • The Men of Whiskey Creek: Dillon

  • A Diamond for Rafe (Part of the Cameron series)

  • Let’s Ride

  • Memories Unleashed

  • Peaches and Cream

  • Claiming Sydney

  • A Night to Remember

  • My, My, My (a short flash)

  • Someone to Watch Over Me

  Mocha Memoirs Press:

  • The Princess & the Professor

  All stories are available at:

  • Amazon

  • Barnes and Noble

  • Apple iBooks

  • All Romance Ebooks

  Serenity King

  Author Serenity King has been reading romances ever since she was sixteen years old and her auntie first placed a Harlequin in her hands. Now King writes interracial/multicultural contemporary romance and erotic romance that feature her fierce devotion to resilient women and strong passion for family-oriented Alpha men who live, love, and fight for their women.

  She currently lives in the New York area with her husband and childr
en. King loves feedback and welcomes readers to e-mail her at

  [email protected].



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