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Truth Page 22

by Prax Venter

  Sasha stopped at the edge of the bed and put a hand on her hip.

  “It better be something perverted…” she said, narrowing her beautiful eyes.

  “Uh, well, I’m trying to make you feel good- just get over here.”

  Mark took hold of her hand and pulled her forward. The succubus got on her hands and knees on the bed.

  “Do you want me like this?” She waved her taut, round ass in his face. “Is it butt stuff?”

  “We can try butt stuff later, I promise. Now, I want you to lie down and relax.”

  Sasha’s eyes twinkled with sexual anticipation as she lowered herself down onto the white sheet of Audra’s bed. Mark got on his knees by her legs and laid his hands on her firm ass. The air was cold, and he found her pink skin tight with goosebumps under his fingers. He rubbed her perfect bottom and watched her tail sway in the air.

  “Mmm, it’s not as exciting as I imagined, but it’s very nice.”

  “No,” Mark said, summoning his magic club. “This is what I wanted to try.”

  Keeping one hand on her ass, Mark touched the solid tip of his ethereal weapon to the back of her reflective metal thigh.

  “Oh! What?” she said, looking back and her wings unfurling. Mark could see that she was not used to feeling much from this part of her body.

  “No peeking!” he said, then slid the translucent, blue club down the back of her thigh. He put more pressure into it and saw small magical sparks spurting away from her metal skin as if he were holding a welding torch.

  She moaned a long “Oh” noise that was so deep, it reverberated in Mark’s chest.

  He was on to something.

  Mark continued to press the magic club of pleasure into her toned legs, but it was a bit unwieldy, and he wished for something… wider. His summoned club fizzled out and then reappeared, but shorter and fatter.

  That wasn’t quite right, but a giddy smile grew on his face. He could change this into anything, right? Even armor.

  With intense focus and Sasha’s frustrated grunt at the break in pleasure, Mark reshaped his allotment of ghostly physical energy. As the club faded from existence, he forced a translucent glove to appear over his right hand instead.

  With a devilish grin, Mark grabbed the back of Sasha’s metal leg and squeezed.

  “Maaark…” she moaned, and he proceeded to submerge his succubus in a sea of tingling pleasure. He used his glove to grip, squeeze and slide down both of her legs to her sharp, black hooves. Under the energy coating his hand, he could almost feel her chrome skin give a little as he worked her neglected legs. She groaned particularly loudly when he squeezed her rock-solid calves.

  After several long minutes, Sasha reached her hands around and pulled open her thick, fleshy cheeks. With a pop of her hips, she expertly pointed her open pussy toward him.

  “Look how wet I am,” she demanded, her tail moving to pat the tip of his erect penis.

  She clearly wanted him inside her, and his throbbing dick agreed.

  Mark canceled his glove and lifted her ass up. The completely malleable succubus kept her face in the pillow as she pointed her crotch upward. His swollen head found her slippery lips, and he pressed himself into Sasha from behind.

  It was as if they were meant to be.

  The way his cock felt stuffed deep in his voluptuous succubus was like no other sensation. The sex-demon whimpered into Audra’s pillow as he enjoyed every hot inch of her succulent pussy.

  “Rub… my clit with it,” Sasha gasped as he hammered her.

  Mark thought it was a great idea, so he took his right hand off her smooth, round hip and summoned a smaller version of his bumpy, ethereal club.

  He reached around her narrow waist, leaning close, and pressed it slightly above where his shaft was buried deep inside of her.

  “Oh-!” Sasha gasped and then inhaled sharply as orgasm after orgasm ripped through her body. Her wings snapped open, stretching at least five feet across, and her legs began to twitch uncontrollably. Mark smiled, knowing she was conscious through every turbulent wave of ecstasy absolutely annihilating her pleasure center.

  “I love you, Sasha,” he whispered in her ear before he pressed his magic club hard against her sensitive bundle of nerves and resumed pounding her clenching pussy from behind.

  He looked down and watched as her gripping inner flesh clung to his shaft while he slid in and out of her. Her emotional waves changed frequency, and Mark knew she’d hit a new level of pure bliss.

  The echoes of unending pleasure coming from his Enthralled succubus were too much to resist. Mark locked into her a state of constant erotic euphoria as he pumped the last of his stored essence deep into his loyal succubus.

  After his own burst of unimaginable ecstasy passed, he pulled out of her, and she slumped over onto her side.

  “I- I can’t. I never… I love you so m-much,” Sasha stammered as Mark crawled up beside her.

  “Shh, I know,” he said.

  They expressed their boundless affection for each other through their eyes alone as Mark stroked her soft blonde hair.

  - 17 -

  Mark awoke to Jezebel saying, “I can really keep it?” He cracked open his good eye and saw the stinging light of morning blasting him from the skylights. Sitting up, he found he was alone in Audra’s bed.

  He got up and squeezed past piles of paint supplies to peek down over a railing that looked out over the lower level.

  Sasha’s blue eyes were focused on an easel that faced away from him while the wolf-woman and the tan satyr stood near the kitchen. Audra wore her silk robe, but the belt was missing, and one of her ponderously large breasts were exposed. She sipped a cup of tea as she watched Jezebel adjust some new armor. It appeared that the satyr’s doe-like thighs were about as thick as a Vulpath’s, and the gear fit her perfectly.

  “Looking good,” Mark said from the balcony.

  All three of his Enthralled looked up and smiled. Audra’s tail even began to sway back and forth.

  “You have to come see this,” Sasha said, staring straight ahead at a painting he only saw from behind. Mark got dressed, wondering how he was continuously sleeping so long and then joined everyone downstairs.

  Curious to see the artwork resulting from Audra’s brilliant plan, Mark circled around until he stood next to Sasha as she sat on the ottoman. She wrapped her hand around his thigh as he was drawn into the enchanted work of art.

  Audra’s own bare chest was the first thing Mark noticed, and an eye-popping focal-point of her masterpiece. In a way, it was a self-portrait. The strikingly beautiful, cream-colored Vulpath was naked and tied to the prow of a ship. Constricting ropes wrapped tight around her breasts, narrow waist, and on her throat, but her claws had come out and began to shred the bindings holding her back. All around her were black iron anchors stylized to look like people holding the ropes. The voluptuous Vulpath in the painting held her deep-blue eyes on his, her pink tongue coming out to lick her muzzle with unmistakable desire. Raw sensual power oozed from the work of art, and Mark felt his penis growing hard just looking at it.

  A pair of soft furry breasts pushed into his back as he felt the real Audra wrap her arm around his chest.

  “Thank you, Lover,” she whispered as she delicately ran her clawed hand across his shaft through his silk pants.

  He turned to face her, and she quickly reached for his hand.

  “I don’t want to drag this part out and make it any harder,” his Vulpath said, her new mismatched eyes looking deep into his. “Please disavow me.”

  Mark looked around for help, not really knowing what to do, and Jezebel caught his eye.

  “You say her name and then repeat the words, ‘I hereby disavow you as my Enthralled’.”

  Mark nodded and took a deep breath. There was a moment of hesitation, but it was clear that she was done with the adventuring part of her life and looking forward to building a new one. The black smear blocking her heart was gone.

I hereby disavow you as my Enthralled.”

  The Vulpath gasped and closed her eyes as Mark felt her new and comforting space snap closed in his mind. When she opened them, her ability-enhanced eye was back to its striking cobalt blue.

  Audra’s robe fell open as she wrapped her arms around him, pulling him into her soft furry chest. He drew in one potentially last whiff of her sweet, mellow musk before they moved apart, and she was no longer his Enthralled.

  “Here,” she said, pulling out a plaster carving of a mountain from a silk pocket. “This charm should take you up the path and past the diamond gate.”

  Mark took it from her, and she continued.

  “I’ve given Jezebel a pouch of all the charms I have no use for as well. They could take you to many dangerous corners of this world- and only some are labeled.”

  She turned to hold her claws out toward Jezebel. “I’ve also given Jezebel some of my old armor. I think it suits her very well.”

  Mark looked up into the satyr’s giddy green eyes. She twisted her haunch outward, and he took her all in. The chest armor was thick plates on her stomach, shoulders, and back while her round breasts bulged outward through a more pliant leather material. Her hips and thighs were also wrapped in thicker plates held in place by straps up to her crotch, which was wrapped tightly in the same stretchy leather.

  “This is incredible, Audra,” he said. “Thank so much for everything.”

  “If my artistic license hadn’t been due for renewal on Irrudine 17th, we may never have met. I feel… good, Mark. Thank you.”

  He gave her a soft smile before turning to look at the erotically aggressive painting she’d created.

  “This really is uniquely beautiful,” he said, wondering at the magics pulling at his groin whenever he looked at it.

  “The Class was called a Conflict Artist, and had some interesting combat abilities further down the skill path that enhanced teammates or weakened enemies, all with magic paint. The Class would be extremely expensive- not to mention dangerous- to maintain, as nearly all the abilities require rare components. This last adventure is exactly what I needed to set me right.”

  “I know what it was that set you right,” Sasha said, standing up.

  “Indeed,” Audra said, then made shooing motions with her claws. “Now go get to whatever madness you intend. I need to sleep… but come visit any time you’re in Thomellia.”

  Mark pulled on his leather coat, and they packed their supplies into Jezebel’s backpack. They all hugged once more, before ending up outside under the shining morning sun on the streets of the Wind Level.

  Mark’s down-sized battle harem took a few steps away from her door before he pulled out the charm that would take them further up the mountain and closer to four more shards.

  “We ready to face this Dreamcatcher?” he asked, checking with Sasha and Jezebel.

  “Pick my growth, first,” his succubus said, stuffing her hands into the pockets of her red leather coat.

  “I went with more defense and basic stats,” Jezebel said, and Sasha nodded.

  “That’s probably smart at this point. Upgrading my strength and agility would boost my ass kicking.”

  “Do it,” he said. “We got this, ladies.”

  They both nodded confidently. Jezebel held herself differently and it was more than just the badass new armor. Sasha also had one of her fangs exposed in a lopsided grin.

  They all felt it. They were connecting better as a team and growing more powerful.

  His Enthralled rested their hands on his shoulders, and with a grin of his own, Mark broke the Charm.

  The wind blowing across the street instantly stopped and was replaced with muffled stillness. The three stood ankle-deep in snow and towering over them was an immense castle made of black-painted wood. The structure continued in either direction for much longer than seemed normal before pure and untouched snow took over. Fluffy white clumps fell from the gray sky silently crashing around them.

  Directly ahead lay a wide set of stairs leading to a pair of arched double doors. A pair of stone pillars flanked the stairs that seemed more primitive and out of place, clashing with the rest of the haunted house vibe.

  “Let’s see if anyone’s home,” Mark said, taking one step forward in the snow.

  The moment he moved, stone pillars began to glow a bright yellow and let out a troubling, growing hum.

  “I don’t like-” Jezebel said, before shifting into a bear and dashing forward.

  But she slipped in the snow and failed to intercept the attack she knew was coming. Mark, Jezebel, and Sasha all were struck by blazing orange beams of light.

  Then there was only darkness.

  “Ready to show me your secrets?” Mark was pulled back from unconsciousness by someone talking for the second time today. He was lying on a hard surface with a strange stone slab ceiling above him. He turned his head to see the iron bars of a jail cell.

  “You twisted sack, I will break you,” said the strangely gruff voice. It was coming from behind him, and as Mark turned to look, a gurgling, muffled cry echoed off the walls.

  A few flickering torches provided enough light to see that he was alone in a jail cell amongst a handful of other empty cells. He quickly discovered that he was completely naked, with everything gone, including his Lover-Class ring. It was absolutely freezing, and his cursed eye was throbbing more intensely than it ever had.

  Through the bars and in an open space near the only door out, Mark saw a man made of sand and rocks hold a glowing rod down on something green. He quietly stood to get a better look and discovered it was the demonic, green octopus thing responsible for scarring his face and stealing their shards. And this rocky creature appeared to be torturing it.

  Panic ran through his body like a bolt of lightning. Sasha and Jezebel were nowhere to be found, and this monster was currently doing horrible things to someone.

  “Still nothing?” the tormentor said. “Time to try another deep drill.”

  The thief creature whimpered once, and then everything was quiet.

  Mark looked around his cell and found nothing he could use to escape. There was only a disturbingly rusty drain hole in the middle of his cell. He quickly turned his mind away from all the reasons they would need a drain and focused on escaping instead.

  He risked summoning his club, hoping its soft glow wouldn’t pull the rock creature’s attention, but it seemed to be distracted and didn’t react. Mark moved to the door on his cell and looked for a weak point. Reaching around the other side, he searched for a latch or something that he could open, but there was nothing. The bars were far enough apart that Mark made an attempt to squeeze out, but there was no way he would fit. And there was no way this creature wouldn’t notice if he began to bash his club into the bars.

  Trying a different approach, he willed his summoned club to become thinner, but nothing happened.

  Mark took a deep breath and tried to push everything else out. He needed to control this power, now. He remembered how the Awysai chieftain was able to make a detailed key with his ability and almost let out an amused grunt.

  He wasn’t at key-level yet, but Mark held that reality in his mind as he forced his allotment of energy into a tighter, longer shape. The lumpy club vanished, and a smooth staff appeared in his hand.

  With no hesitation, Mark carefully slid the glowing pole through the bars and pulled back as hard as he could. The summoned energy always seemed more structurally sound than it should be, and Mark was able to pry apart two of the bars on his cell a precious few inches.

  He dismissed the weapon and crawled through the bars and onto the stone hallway between the row of empty cells. The only door out of this area was on the other side of this rock-monster torturer, and the wooden table where the thief was tied down. If Mark found them doing anything like this to Sasha or Jezebel, he believed he would snap and murder everything in this building. But now he needed to focus. If he lost his mind, everything would surely go
to shit much faster.

  As quietly as he could, Mark padded his bare feet against the freezing smoothness of the floor. Reshaping his energy into a two-handed club, Mark focused on the glowing weak point his throbbing eye revealed. It was right in the center of this rock thing’s head, and he felt the need to hit it hard enough to break through its stony exterior.

  The painful throb in his cursed eye was becoming more excruciating with every step and mostly confirmed it was reacting to the proximity of the tentacled thief. Mark forced the blinding headache into the background as he wound up his transparent caveman club. As he drew closer, he saw that the rock-monster was sending a beam of orange light into the lime-green octopus from its head, and from the tears leaking out of the thief’s many squinting eyes, Mark could tell the experience was not pleasant.

  Keeping his eye on the red sphere, he slammed his weapon of solid light right through the rock creature’s skull. A luminous, burnt orange gem about the size of a softball blew out the other side and as its light faded, the rock-monster slumped to the floor in a pile of loose stone and sand.

  The demonic octopus tied to the table opened all its many eyes and moaned in pain. Mark could see cuts, punctures and one of its tentacles appeared to be violently ripped or burned off. The pathetic creature was lost in its own private world of terrible constant agony and didn’t even seem to notice him.

  He shook his head. It was not in him to leave anything suffering like this. Besides, he would take all the help he could find. If they couldn’t be allies, turning this thing loose on its tormentors sounded like the beginnings of a possible plan.

  With a deep breath, Mark looked into the creature that had blinded him and searched for the worst damage. With a furrowing brow, his eyes bounced around and found countless horrible wounds that would require many applications of his healing. Making his choice, Mark dumped a potent heal into the entire lime-green sack of tentacles.

  With a moan, all its many eyes turned up to look at him.

  “Hello,” he whispered with a smile. “I’m Mark. We’ve met before. I am going to untie you and carry you out of here. Do you understand?”


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