Warranted Pleasures (A Warranted Series Book 1)

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Warranted Pleasures (A Warranted Series Book 1) Page 2

by Shannon Nemechek

  Chapter 2

  After a long, restless night, Raleigh dragged himself out of his bed and into the shower. Something had to wake him up; a cold shower was just the ticket.

  Most of the previous evening, Raleigh’s mind wandered not to the work that was ahead but to thoughts of Samantha. Multiple times he turned on his laptop only to end up daydreaming of him and Samantha intertwined—the warmth of her skin against his, feeling his arms wrapped around her, touching the softness of her skin, and staring into her eyes as he softly kissed her lips. The memory of her bright, hazel eyes and her piercing smile only enhanced the swelling of his manhood. He had to have her. All his senses were in overdrive and he could almost smell her scent as he stood in the cold shower, trying to get his mind right before he had to once again gaze into those beautiful green-brown eyes.

  Get your head on straight, he thought, realizing how cold the shower really was. He decided the best course of action was to get into gear, finish washing the important parts, and get his ass out of the shower, dressed, and out the door before 0840.

  He had twenty minutes to make it across town and to the company where he would once again see her. It was hard to contain himself or the pressure in his pants, especially as his truck got closer to Lake Forrest Drive. Damn it, Raleigh. Stop thinking with your cock and think with what God put on your shoulders. You and she cannot ever happen. Bottom line. It wasn’t until he heard his cell phone ring that his mind shifted from his own desire to reality.

  “Hello, this is Chief Fitzgerald.”

  “Hello, Chief, this is General Winfield. Just checking on your status. Have you made it to Twelve-Sixty-Sixth Trans yet?”

  “No Sir. I am actually just down the road from the gate. I should be there in the next few minutes, and hopefully I will have you a SITREP by this afternoon. Will that work for you, sir?” Raleigh was hoping it would, because at this moment he did not understand what was going on at that company, except that they had the sexiest supply sergeant he had ever seen…and he wanted to make her his.

  “Yes, yes, Raleigh, that’s fine. That is why I sent you there. You’re my best man, my right arm. Not sure what I would do without you, ole man.”

  “Well, Scott, I would venture to say you would be lost without me.” Raleigh chuckled as he joked with the general.

  Raleigh and Scott had known each other since high school. They played ball together, and in the South, football reigns supreme. Raleigh was Scott’s right arm then too, as Raleigh was wide receiver to Scott’s quarterback position, also known as “Big Man on Campus.” They were best friends; Scott went on to college and became an Army officer. Raleigh went to work, joined the Army as an enlisted soldier and later attended Warrant Officer Candidate School to became a warrant officer. Throughout both of their careers, they served together and went to war together. Raleigh was not only Scott’s best friend but his most trusted advisor. Whatever Raleigh came up with on this investigation would be law as far as Scott Winfield was concerned.

  “Ya Chief, that will work. I will talk to you later tonight, then.”

  “Ok sir, sounds like a plan. Have a good one, man, and try and keep your hands to yourself today. I heard complaints.” Raleigh laughed. He was teasing Scott and Scott knew it. It was their way.

  “I heard the complaints were about you, Big Chief.”

  Laughing, they both hung up. And it was back to daydreaming for Raleigh. Daydreams of Samantha is all you’re ever gonna get.

  Pulling into the parking lot, he jolted himself back to reality and to the job at hand. This is going to be one long, hard week, he thought to himself, hoping he could take something else long and hard and use it on Samantha. Man, I wanna make her moan and howl with desire.


  Samantha struggled to get all the paperwork together in her office, nervous that she might miss something. She shuffled thru the paperwork again, just to make sure she had everything before Chief Fitzgerald showed up to start his investigation. She couldn’t help but think about how he would look when he wasn’t in uniform—naked and wanton, standing in front of her. An image she couldn’t shake, she spent most of her evening the night before imagining him making love to her. Her hand, she imagined, was his hands exploring every inch of her body, touching her in ways no other man had. Her fingers had found their way to her wet folds and she had begun to slowly touch and caress her clitoris, inserting one, then two fingers inside. Feeling the wetness more and more, she rubbed faster and could feel her heart beat faster and her breath quicken. The images of Raleigh’s hard cock inside her edged her closer to climax. She imagined his tongue swirling inside her folds and the feel of his hands smoothing over her skin and gently squeezing her breasts. Her heart beat faster and her breath quickened more as her fingers acted as a surrogate to the feel of Raleigh’s thickness inside her. She could feel herself getting wetter and closer to climax. The closer she got, the more she wanted Raleigh inside her. She wanted to feel his tongue on her clit, feel him inside her as she climaxed. She wanted him to feel her as much as she wanted to feel him.

  Just as Samantha’s fantasy was intensifying, she was startled by the sound of the front door buzzer. Damn, he’s here already? Running to the front door, she opened it and the sound of her voice reverberated throughout the company. “Company…Attention.”

  “At ease,” Raleigh shot back and grinned as he held out his hand to shake hers.

  “Welcome, Chief, to the Twelve-Sixty-Sixth.” As she shook his hand, she made the introductions to the other members of the command staff. They stood for a few minutes, exchanging introductions, chatting about the weather and the latest gossip from the division.

  Sifting through the papers on her desk, Samantha let her mind wander. But she had work to do, and Chief Fitzgerald was standing right there in front of her, patiently waiting for her to gather her papers and move to a room where he could set up his computer. He needed to go through the paperwork, prepare to tour the facility and storage areas, and start interviews with the soldiers involved in the property loss.

  “Chief, I have a desk over there where you can set up your computer and work from this week. I hope it will serve your needs.”

  Raleigh smirked. No desk is gonna serve the need I have right now. The only one that can do that would be the beautiful, blonde sergeant here in this room. Raleigh pulled out his computer and sat down. The desk was just in front of Samantha’s, facing her.

  “This is gonna be a long week. Gonna be hard to concentrate with a view like that.” He was, of course, talking about Samantha and not the view of Lake Michigan just outside her window.

  Raising her head, Samantha responded, “Oh yes, Chief, it is a beautiful view. I was very lucky to get the long straw when we were drawing for offices.” Handing him a stack of papers, she added, “Here is some of the documentation I came up with during my investigation.”

  Pointing to her laptop, she said, “I was able to locate a lot of information on here, but it just seems out of place. I pulled up the internet history, and there are a lot of different pages linking to auction websites. But I can’t view the pages yet. I need to do a little more hacking, then I should be able to see what was bought and sold on these pages.”

  “Do you suspect it’s some of the missing property, Sergeant O’Hara?”

  “Chief, I would bet my life on it. I have heard of it before. There have been a lot of incidences of Army property being sold on the Internet on auction websites. Despite the government’s attempts to stop it, it will continue to be an issue.”

  “Well, it looks like we have a lot of work ahead of us.” Hoping his enthusiasm wasn’t as evident as he thought it might be, he turned his attention to the stack of paperwork Samantha had given him and started his hunt for the elusive smoking gun.

  Samantha began typing away on her laptop, hoping she could crack the code and gain access to the web pages, or anything for that matter, on the laptop but so far had no luck. She had picked up a hacking program from a
friend of hers and decided she would try it and see what happened. The former supply sergeant covered her tracks pretty well, but with a little hard work and time spent, Samantha was sure she could crack the code. As she typed away on the laptop, she glanced Raleigh’s way, hoping he wouldn’t catch her staring. He was the best-looking man she had ever seen in her entire life. He was tall, and those hazel eyes pierced right thru her. She could feel an unfamiliar stirring in her stomach and the heat between her thighs heightened with every glance she made his way. She could picture herself in his arms, wrapped in an embrace that only served one purpose—to join the two in what she figured would be hours of intimate and sweaty lovemaking. She knew it was against every regulation the Army published, but she couldn’t help the thoughts of being with him in that way, heck maybe even more. She was sure in just these few moments she had with him that he would be worth everything the Army might punish her with. All she could think of was making him hers.

  Her thoughts were jolted when the laptop began to beep louder and louder. “Fuck, I think it has a kill switch program.” Samantha typed frantically as Raleigh jumped from his desk and stood by her side as she tried to stop the laptop from completely erasing the hard drive and everything it contained. Samantha’s heart was pounding so hard she could feel it in her toes. She typed so fast she had no idea which buttons she was typing on. She just knew that she had to do something, anything to stop the laptop.

  Raleigh stood and watched as the ticker on the laptop moved ever so closer to 100%. Then something occurred to him. “Unplug the damn plug.” Raleigh grabbed the plug and the laptop turned off.

  “This just got real interesting, Sergeant. What the hell was that?”

  “That, Chief, was a kill switch program. It engages when an execution program is initiated. Interesting is the least of the issues. This may be a lot bigger than I first thought. Kill switch programs are expensive, and we may be dealing with something a little bit more sophisticated than I first thought.”

  “So, what you’re telling me, is when you put the program in to hack into the laptop, it initialized that kill switch program?”

  “Yes, Chief, it did. I think we need to take this laptop to the military intelligence unit down the street and see if they can recover what got dumped and what is still there on the hard drive. They will have the programs and expertise to recover what was lost. I am so sorry, Chief.”

  “It’s ok, Sergeant, you had no idea that program was on that laptop. No one could. It’s not a loss by any means. You found a lot of interesting papers I could use the help going through, so why don’t we do that for a little while? Then we will go grab dinner. How does that sound?”

  “Sounds like a plan, Chief.”

  “Sergeant, you can call me Raleigh when we are working alone.”

  “Ok, Raleigh, you can call me Sergeant.” They both laughed, and she said, “Call me Sam.”

  Chapter 3

  Sitting at the café down the street was a relief for Sam. She was glad to get out of the office. She didn’t leave it much except to grab a soda at the gas station down the street or to go to her apartment after work. The café was small but quaint. It had the look and feel of an old world Irish pub. Men and women of all shapes and sizes adorned the bar stools. Laughter and bouts of jubilant yells sprang from the crowd watching the flickering television screen as the Chicago Bears and the Minnesota Vikings clashed. Swarms of Bears fans flooded the small pub for Monday Night Football. The walls were adorned with various celebrities and sports figures, and the menu read much like that of any other small bar and grill.


  Raleigh could feel his heart in his stomach as he walked closer to the pub. It would be the first time he would see Samantha in something other than a uniform. He couldn’t wait to see what that uniform hid. He knew she was shapely and definitely desirable to him, but didn’t know if his heart could take a beating again. His last relationship killed him emotionally, and he wasn’t all that sure he could handle another breakup, especially after losing part of his team in a mortar attack just months ago. He lost good men in that attack, and he thought when he came home that everything would be ok. He would be with Kristen and things would work themselves out. But that wasn’t the case. He came back to find Kristen in bed with not one, but two men—men he knew personally, men who had betrayed him by sleeping with his fiancée.

  He couldn’t blame them entirely. Kristen was as much to blame. She accused Raleigh as much as she did anyone else. Telling him it was because he was always gone and she needed comfort. That he drove her to it and that by sleeping with his buddies she thought it would draw them closer together. At that instant Raleigh knew and threw her out of the apartment.

  Raleigh opened the door to O’Shea’s Pub and walked in. He scanned the bar—no Sam. He scanned the tables—no Sam. Then, out of the corner of his eye, he saw her as she emerged from the bathroom. Her long, blonde hair draped over her bare shoulders, and her legs were so long they could almost reach the sky. She was tanned from head to toe, and the dress she had on left nothing to the imagination. It melted into her skin like it was made for her. The heels she wore inched her almost as tall as him. WOW! She is amazing! He could lose himself in those eyes and that smile. He could forget about everything this world offered and just concentrate on making her every wish come true. Because right then, at that very moment, she was everything he had ever wished for and so much more. He wanted so badly to take her in his arms and whisk her away to a remote island and make her his forever. He could feel himself shake as he walked towards her. He knew he had to get it together or he would look like a fool.


  Sitting here with Raleigh was almost a dream come true. She could smell his musky scent from across the table; the smell enticed her senses. She could feel her skin get warm and beads of sweat made their way between her breasts. Thoughts crept into her mind of all the heavenly things she would do to him if she got him alone in a room. It had been too long since Sam had felt a man’s touch—a real man’s touch. She wanted to be taken—body, mind, heart, and soul. Her heart ached for the love and tenderness of a man; Raleigh reminded her of the emptiness she had been feeling for quite some time. Could a guy like Raleigh make all her hopes come true? Or for one night, make her forget all her troubles and be a woman again? She didn’t care either way. These were carnal, sexual needs that she wanted to follow.

  As she sat so close to the man of her dreams, the man who could fulfill her deepest desires and the fantasies she had yet to share, she had a feeling she could share any one of them with him and he would be more than willing to make them all come true.

  In his deep southern twang, he asked, “Have you ordered yet?”

  “Just a drink. I thought I would wait to order food once you got here.” Sam’s voice trailed off as she felt the distinct touch of Raleigh’s leg against hers. The heat she felt skyrocketed to pure pleasure. Is that by accident? Or is he playing with my emotions? She moved her leg just inches, testing the hypothesis that his touch was an accidental one. But his leg moved between hers and pressed them apart. Her heart quickened and her breath hitched. Without control, she allowed his leg in deeper and could feel her wetness envelop her. She had deliberately gone without panties to avoid panty lines; now she worried he would inch ever so close, feeling the wetness soak his jeans. The tablecloth hid what was going on under the table, so Sam was happy to oblige Raleigh’s advances. For one night only, she would put away her emotions and her inhibitions and just let the chips fall where they may. She already had a few drinks in her before Raleigh arrived. She was now relaxed enough to let herself go and enjoy where this went. If she ended up in his bed, she would count it as a notch and let it go. She couldn’t fight her feelings anymore. She needed to be taken, and she needed it now.

  Raleigh slid one hand on Sam’s leg and up the length of her thigh. The higher he moved up, the warmer it got. He hoped once he reached her spot she would be ready and willing to take his length
and the pleasure he had secretly sworn to give her the moment he laid eyes on her. He could feel her legs tighten as he inched closer and felt her breath quicken the closer he got to her folds. I pray she isn’t wearing panties. As he reached within centimeters of her warmth and folds, the waitress arrived.

  “May I take your order?”

  “Um, yes, an order for take-out, please. Two BBQ pulled pork sandwiches, fries, and a bottle of champagne. Don’t care what kind. Just make sure it’s good. We will be right here.”

  Sam’s face flushed pink with embarrassment, a shyness that Raleigh loved and relished. He enjoyed it. The flush of her cheeks, the brightness of her eyes as she sat and met his stare. As their eyes met, Raleigh’s hand reached her warmth and he slowly slid inside. She was slick and so wet; it was like nothing he had ever felt before. No woman had ever been so ready for him. He couldn’t wait to slide his thickness inside and make her his forever. Sam’s hips bucked toward the thrust of his fingers. She begged for release right there and Raleigh was more than willing to give it to her. As he slid his finger inside, his thumb brushed her little knob, sending waves of pleasure through her. Sam bit her bottom lip as Raleigh continued his slow, thrusting movements.

  “Can’t attract attention, baby. Keep it together, and I will bring you a pleasure tonight like you have never experienced before,” he whispered to her.

  Sam was more than ready. She wanted him more than anyone she had ever wanted before. Thank God the apartment is just two minutes away.

  As his fingers slid inside then out, Sam could feel herself getting closer to orgasm. She wanted Raleigh more than ever and she kept herself from going over the edge as much as she possibly could. As Raleigh leaned in closer to Sam, his words shot right to her lower extremities. “Baby, just let yourself go, let the feeling take you. This isn’t the last time you’re going to cum tonight, I promise you.” With his words and the desire Sam felt as his fingers danced inside her, she felt a release of pleasure and juices that coated his fingers as she arched hard against his hand. She bit her bottom lip and Raleigh stroked her hair and lightly kissed her neck. His words echoed in her head. “Baby, let it go and I’ll give you all you want and so much more.” Raleigh smiled as he felt waves of satisfaction course through her, and the feeling against his finger brought more pleasure to him than he could ever imagine. He was so ready for her, and if he had anything to say about it, she would be his forever.


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