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The Sheikh's Forbidden Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 1)

Page 4

by Albany, Cara

  In spite of herself, Chloe gasped. She looked toward Zayed and saw the corner of his mouth curl in gratification.

  "It's amazing," she exclaimed.

  He shrugged. "It's home," he said casually.

  Chloe smiled at Zayed. "It might be home to you, but to anyone else it's like something out of a dream."

  "Like I said," Zayed insisted. "Home."

  Chloe shook her head.

  The car slid to a halt. Chloe composed herself while Zayed prepared to exit the door. He glanced appreciatively at her. "I think my sister is waiting to greet us," he said.

  "Your sister?"

  "I thought it might be more appropriate for her to welcome you to our home."

  Chloe frowned at Zayed, noting the ambiguity in what he had said.

  "She can help you settle into the apartment we have set aside for you."

  "Apartment?" Chloe said.

  The door opened. "You'll see," Zayed said and stepped out.

  Chloe followed him and allowed herself the luxury of accepting the hand of assistance he offered.

  As she straightened, Chloe watched a beautiful young woman make her way down the steps. Chloe could see the family resemblance. There was the same piercing look in the eyes, the even features, the lustrous black hair.

  "Chloe. May I introduce my sister, Aliyah," Zayed said.

  Aliyah's eyes lit up and her smile was warm and immediately welcoming. "Chloe. It's a pleasure to meet you," Aliyah said brightly.

  Both women shook hands. Aliyah's fingers were delicate, but there was a firmness to the way she grasped Chloe's hand.

  Chloe glanced back at the limousine. "I feel as if I'm missing something," she said.

  "Don't worry," Aliyah said. "All your belongings are already in your apartment."

  Chloe glanced at Zayed. He smiled as if to say "I told you so."

  Chloe followed Aliyah as she was led up the stairs. They went through the high double doors and entered a grand hallway with tiled walls and mosaic floors. Chloe paused and tried to take in the riot of colors and scents that assaulted her senses. Colorful plants and flowers were strategically placed around the open hall area.

  With her practiced eye for detail, Chloe began to assess how the interior would look on film. As her eyes roamed around the incredible space she saw Zayed watching her closely.

  "I see you are always on the lookout for interesting locations," he observed.

  "Your job sounds so glamorous," Aliyah said excitedly. "You must see so many wonderful things in your travels."

  Chloe shrugged and gazed around the room. She shook her head slowly. "Nothing quite as wonderful as this," she said.

  Aliyah followed Chloe's gaze. "I guess since we live here, it doesn't seem so special."

  "Not special!" Chloe exclaimed. "It's wonderful. I can only imagine what the rest of the palace is like."

  "Why don't we see," Aliyah said.

  "I'll leave you to be looked after by Aliyah," Zayed said bowing regally.

  Chloe felt a sudden shift in her middle as she saw Zayed turn and start to walk away. It was almost as if he had successfully delivered her into his domain and now he could attend to other, more important matters.

  "I thought we were going to discuss scouting the locations," Chloe said quickly.

  Zayed turned and smiled. He looked as if he had already won a victory just by bringing Chloe to the palace. "Once you've settled in. We can discuss things tomorrow morning," he said glancing hesitantly toward Aliyah.

  Chloe suddenly realized that Zayed was trying to hide his attraction for her from his sister. From the moment they had arrived and stepped out of the car, his entire attitude had changed. The eager, attentive former lover had been replaced by a polite, diffident host. In spite of herself Chloe couldn't suppress a surge of mild annoyance at the change in Zayed.

  "Goodnight, sister," Zayed said formally. He glanced at Chloe and merely nodded wordlessly and, turning, made his way down the hall and out of sight.

  "You'll get used to my brother," Aliyah said quietly. "He can be a little formal at times."

  For a moment, Chloe didn't know what to say. Aliyah continued hooking an arm inside Chloe's. "Never mind about that. Let's get you to your room. It's upstairs."

  Chloe allowed Aliya to lead her up the stairs and along the wide, high-roofed corridor. They passed many rooms until eventually they came to the end of the corridor.

  Aliyah opened heavy, decorated double doors and revealed the interior, a luxurious feast for the eyes.

  Chloe stepped into the room. This wasn't just an apartment. It was a suite. She had only seen similar sized rooms, expensive furnishing, soft carpets in deluxe hotels during her travels to movie locations. But this put those hotel rooms into the shade.

  Chloe had never seen a room so beautifully appointed.

  She followed Aliyah into the main room which was obviously a sitting room. Aliyah went to a set of doors and pushed them open revealing a large bedroom. But, it was unlike any bedroom Chloe had ever seen. The massive bed was decked out in exotically embroidered bedclothes. Chloe looked at the bed and felt a sudden desire to lie down and try to come to terms with the whirl of activity which had consumed her in the last hours.

  Aliyah walked to panelled doors and opened them to reveal a balcony. Chloe went to the balcony and stepped out onto a cool marble surface. She leaned against the balustrade and drew in a deep breath. The view was majestic. Below her, the leaves of trees sighed softly in the cool night air. In the distance, she could see the shining, glimmering sea. The beach stretched all the way back to town in one direction, and into the darkness in the other.

  "This is amazing," Chloe said turning to Aliyah.

  "I hope you will be comfortable during your stay," Aliyah said warmly.

  There was a bustle of activity back in the sitting room. Chloe followed Aliyah and saw two servants holding her suitcases, awaiting instruction. Aliyah spoke to them in her own tongue and they immediately set the bags down in the corner of the sitting room.

  "I shall leave you to unpack your bags," Aliyah said. "Are you hungry?"

  Chloe shook her head and sighed. "I have no appetite at all. There was more than enough buffet food at the party."

  "In that case, I shall bid you goodnight," Aliyah said turning.

  As Aliyah started toward the door, Chloe called out. "Aliyah, can I ask you something?"

  Aliyah paused and smiled, a slightly puzzled expression on her face. "Of course you may."

  Chloe hesitated, unsure quite how to word her question. "You do know that Zayed and I used to be close friends. When he was in Hollywood three years ago."

  Aliyah smiled. "Indeed, I was aware of that, Chloe. I could hardly be unaware of it, since Zayed has hardly talked about anyone except you since he came back from there."

  Chloe felt as if she'd been struck a physical blow upon the chest. She was sure she even swayed slightly. She tried to pretend she hadn't been affected by Aliyah's words, but it was almost impossible. Zayed had been talking about Chloe all these years?

  "Goodnight, Chloe," Aliyah said and left the room.

  Chloe stood in the middle of the sitting room and gazed around. For the first time since she had set foot inside the palace, she had the distinct sensation that she had somehow been seized and placed in a very comfortable, private prison.


  Zayed stood on the balcony of his bedroom and gazed out across the tree tops toward the distant sea. He glanced along the length of the east wing of the palace and saw the light coming from Chloe's bedroom. It was only fifty metres away, but it might as well have been a million, as far as he was concerned.

  Chloe was in his palace, and that was exactly where he had always wanted her.

  She was there. Almost within touching distance, and the very thought was driving Zayed close to a point that closely resembled insanity. Or so it seemed to him.

  Walking away from Chloe and leaving her in Aliyah's safe hands ha
d been the hardest thing he'd done in a long while. It had taken reserves of strength he hadn't known he'd possessed. But he had done it.

  Coming to his suite, he had removed the tight fitting suit, relieved to be set loose from its confinement, and dressed in more comfortable robe and pants. He wore no shirt, preferring the feel of the cool air on his chest.

  Zayed leaned on the balustrade and drew in a deep breath. He felt the cool marble beneath his bare feet. She was back in his life, and he could still hardly believe it. He had been sure that she had disappeared from his life, but now she had come to him. Just as he had ensured, she would.

  But, it would be best she knew nothing about that, not until Zayed had seen through his final chance at claiming her.

  Because, when it came down to it, that was what he intended to do. To those in Chloe's world, the idea that Zayed could set out to claim Chloe would probably seem primitive, even primal. But, Zayed had had long enough to think about that, and had long ago come to the conclusion that it was entirely correct for him to seek to win Chloe back.

  The years they had been apart had been the worst he had known. None of the women who had been his companions during that time had come even close to softening the pain he'd felt at losing Chloe. And pain it had been. Real and visceral.

  From the day he had left Hollywood after having been called back by his father to face the censure he had been sure would come, he hadn't stopped feeling the pain of losing Chloe.

  And, to make matters worse Zayed had had no opportunity to explain to her why he had left. The only thing he had been sure of was that she would have assumed the worst. That he had been nothing more than the spoiled scion of a rich family; that he had used Chloe just as he had undoubtedly used so many others.

  If she had thought that, how wrong she had been.

  When he had tried to contact Chloe it had been impossible. Like so many people who had been betrayed by a lover Chloe had taken refuge in work, travelling the world, impossible to reach.

  And then the idea had come to him.

  Behind him, he heard the door opening. Zayed turned and saw his father, King Kamal enter the room. In spite of his years, Zayed's father walked with an upright bearing, his regal posture declaring a defiant spirit, something which he had passed on to all his children. Dressed in traditional robes, Kamal's bright eyes were fixed firmly on his son. By the look in those eyes, Zayed could see there might be trouble in the next few moments.

  "Zayed, your sister told me you had returned home."

  Zayed bowed before his father. "I left the reception early. You know I don't care for those kind of events."

  Kamal sat down on the sofa and gestured for Zayed to join him.

  "Aliyah also tells me you have brought a guest to the palace," Kamal said. There was a sharp tone in his voice which put Zayed immediately on the defensive.

  "It is just a courtesy, father. One of the people involved in the film project we are considering."

  Kamal sighed. "You know what I think of that, my son," he said sharply.

  Zayed knew the conversation could head into difficult territory and tried to prevent that happening. "It will only be a brief courtesy visit. Once the preliminaries are over the producer and his assistant will be heading back to America."

  "The assistant?" Kamal asked slowly. His eyes narrowed and Zayed shifted in his seat.

  Zayed looked his father straight in the eye. "Chloe Stirling," he said in a firm voice.

  Kamal nodded but said nothing upon hearing the name.

  Zayed watched his father gaze across the room. He was obviously lost in thought, considering what to say. Finally, he spoke. "When you returned from America, I thought we had an understanding."

  This was what Zayed had dreaded. He did not want to open old wounds, especially ones that had temporarily halted his pursuit of his destiny.

  "We did have an understanding, father."

  "Remind me," Kamal said in a flat voice.

  Zayed hesitated then spoke. "I would devote my energies to promoting the interests of the kingdom. And I have done so," Zayed said defiantly. "Have I not kept my side of the bargain?"

  Kamal nodded and shrugged. "You have been a dutiful son. And I have been pleased with the changes you have made to the cultural image of our country abroad. But, you know that I have no time for these..." Kamal paused, searching for a word. "These movie people," he said, almost spitting out the words.

  "This film will build upon the work we have done. It may transform how the rest of the world views our nation."

  Kamal peered at Zayed. "Is that what we truly want?"

  "Is it not what our people want, father?" Zayed asked imploringly.

  At the mention of the people Kamal seemed to try to contain his irritation.

  "Aren't the interests of our people our paramount concern?" Zayed asked.

  "And this woman. She is the same one you knew while you were in America?" Kamal asked.

  Zayed knew that if he showed too much emotion, too much of the desperate passion he felt for Chloe, that Kamal would not approve. In fact, Kamal might possibly act to prevent Zayed from pursuing Chloe's love.

  Zayed had never lied about material facts to his father, and he wasn't about to start doing so now. "She is the woman I knew three years ago. She and I were friends. Until you called me home so suddenly," Zayed stated, knowing that his father would not like to be reminded of his demand that Zayed return to the kingdom.

  Kamal frowned. "Is it not a coincidence that she, of all women, has come to our kingdom?"

  "The movie business is a small world," Zayed replied knowing that he didn't sound too convincing.

  Kamal huffed. "A small business with an unnaturally large influence," he said.

  "And that is why it is important that we pursue this project," Zayed said.

  Kamal peered into Zayed's eyes. "I presume you are referring to the movie?" he asked raising his brows.

  Zayed met the challenging look in his father's eyes. "Of course. What else would I be referring to?"

  Kamal shook his head and paused. Finally, he stood and looked down at Zayed. "You know that I will be meeting with the father of Zahra very soon, don't you?"

  Zayed did not respond. There would be no sense in trying to argue with his father over the subject of Zahra. They had had that conversation too many times.

  "A decision will have to be made," Kamal said. "Sooner rather than later."

  Zayed merely nodded.

  Kamal started toward the door. He turned before leaving. "Please try to make sure these movie people are gone quickly. I only agreed to have them here because you have finally seen what Zahra means to the situation we find ourselves in."

  Zayed watched Kamal leave the room. As the door closed behind his father, Zayed leaped up off the sofa.

  What was he going to do? He knew that his father had not approved of his involvement with Chloe. That was one reason why Zayed had left her so suddenly. But, was that really the only reason? Had it only been devotion to his father that had compelled Zayed to flee? Because, in the end, that was what he had done.

  He had deserted Chloe right at the moment when their relationship had been at its most intense and most pleasurable.

  Zayed strode to the balcony and sucked in a deep breath of cool evening air. His nerves were shaken by the conversation with his father.

  Zayed recalled receiving the message from Kamal that it was time he returned from his "escapades" amongst people Zayed knew his father despised. Kamal had often railed against the decadence of the men and women who worked in the movie business. However, Kamal was also a pragmatist. It was how he had guided his kingdom into the modern age, improving living standards for all, extending influence to neighbouring kingdoms and enriching the family in the process.

  And now Kamal wanted to draw back from all that progress?

  Did Chloe represent something repellent to Zayed's father? Did she represent everything Kamal hated about the modern world? Was that why
Kamal was so determined that Zayed follow his guidance? Was his father so determined to be a barrier between Zayed and Chloe?

  Zayed sighed and leaned once again on the balustrade. He glanced along the palace exterior toward Chloe's room. Still, she hadn't emerged from her room. What he would have given to have seen her standing there, looking at him, smiling.

  Zayed shook his head and was pleased that he was alone. He wouldn't want anyone to see him like this. He felt a sudden urge to roar like a lion, yelling his displeasure to the stars and sea. Anything to get these feelings out of his body, to cleanse himself of the doubt and desire coursing through him.

  Then he slammed the side of his hand against the marble balustrade, ignoring the pain that shot through his arm. He had to speak about this to someone. And the only person he would speak to would be the very woman his father wanted out of Zayed's life.



  Chloe had unpacked her bags and placed what clothes and personal items she had brought with her into the huge wardrobe and ornately carved sideboards. A servant woman, dressed in traditional plain robes had knocked gently on the suite door and asked whether there was anything that Chloe needed. Too embarrassed to ask even for drink or food, Chloe had politely declined and been grateful for the opportunity to settle quietly into the sumptuous suite.

  How could people live like this? There was so much wealth on display in even the smallest piece of furniture that Chloe struggled to comprehend what it could mean to live permanently with such privilege. Because that was what it was.


  Chloe had known some of the Hollywood elite. She had seen how they lived. But, their gaudy trappings of success paled into insignificance next to what she had seen since arriving at the palace.

  When she and Zayed had been together in America, Chloe had understood that he came from a wealthy oil rich family. But, now that she was actually present in the place where Zayed had been born and grown up, she realized just how naive she had been three years before.

  This was wealth beyond imagining. And with that wealth came power and influence. She could feel it in the way Zayed looked at her. His eyes were filled with a familiar possessive look that had burned its way into her soul. Once seen, Zayed's hungry, predatory gaze could never be forgotten.


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