The Sheikh's Forbidden Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 1)

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The Sheikh's Forbidden Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 1) Page 5

by Albany, Cara

  And Chloe had never forgotten a single thing about Zayed. Not his ravenous looks; not the sizzling touch of his hands on her body; not the feel of his body as it crushed her in a fierce, unstoppable embrace.

  Chloe drew in a deep breath and made her way to the balcony, desperate for some air to calm her turbulent mind. She wrapped her arms around herself and felt her racing heart.

  The soft, sibilant sound of the palm trees were a soothing whisper that temporarily calmed her soul. But it wasn't going to last. She knew that.

  Chloe went back inside the room and put on a dressing gown and slipped on her favorite beige pumps.

  She needed to move, needed to get out of the room and get a sense of just where she had agreed to come.

  Chloe opened the door and peered out into the corridor and stepped out.

  She closed the door to her room behind her. There was no-one in the corridor. Not that she'd expected to find anyone guarding the door. Although, knowing Zayed as she did, she wouldn't have been surprised if he had placed a guard at her door.

  Her footsteps were soft on the marble floor of the long hallway. She recalled how she had been led up to this level by Zayed's sister. A vague flashing memory of the sound of a fountain from somewhere toward the center of the palace guided her steps. She made her way down the wide staircase and paused in the main hall. Chloe recalled how Zayed had turned his back on her as he'd made his way hurriedly away from her. In spite of herself, the knot of disappointment she'd felt at his leaving still lingered.

  Chloe turned and made her way past the staircase and toward what she guessed was the central part of the palace. Still she met no-one. Not surprising, since it was so late. Zayed had swept her away from the party and Chloe had lost all sense of time since that moment. Perhaps it was even later than she imagined.

  Chloe was staggered by the beauty of the palace. The architecture was stunning. The details of the designs captivated her, forcing her to briefly adopt a professional eye, judging whether the palace would be a suitable location for some of the important scenes in the movie. Of course it would be ideal, she admonished herself. It was perfect.

  The only problem was that getting permission to film inside the palace wouldn't be easy to obtain. Chloe had already been told that Zayed's father had refused to grant such a permission. Maybe Chloe could persuade him.

  She was wondering just how she could do such a thing when she turned a corner in the corridor and was greeted with a beautiful scene.

  Chloe stopped in her tracks and gazed in wonder at the scene before her. She was in an open, square space with a high vaulted roof. Before her was a sumptuous mosaic marble fountain. The sound of the water that flowed from the fountain was gentle and soothing. Around the central fountain the water pooled inside an ornately carved center piece.

  Chloe went over to the fountain. She felt the coolness of the air around the tumbling water and immediately understood the necessity of such a thing in a hot climate. How welcome it must be for someone to come here and feel the cooling water.

  Chloe leaned against the marble fountain edge and reached a hand down into the water. She sighed when she felt the cool of the water against her skin. The sound of her own voice echoed slightly within the courtyard. Chloe smiled to herself and drew in a deep breath.

  There was an astonishing feeling of peace and tranquility in the courtyard. Chloe raised herself and sat on the cool marble edge of the pool.

  Chloe felt as if she could sit next to the fountain for the entire night. She was just beginning to imagine the actors playing out a romantic scene by the fountain when she heard the sound of footsteps. Chloe's head whirled and her eyes locked on the one person she least expected to find gazing at her.


  "Enjoying the cool water?" he asked. Zayed was leaning against the archway, his arms folded, his eyes locked on the scene by the fountain. The corner of his mouth had creased into a wry grin. Zayed was wearing a silk gown that stretched down to his knees and loose pants. Chloe felt her heart skip a beat when she saw Zayed's gown slip open, revealing his bare chest. Before he quickly tugged it closed, she saw the massed curls of dark hair across his tightly muscled torso. Chloe felt her throat tighten.

  Seeing her look of obvious approval, Zayed smiled at Chloe, but she quickly drew her gaze back to the fountain.

  Chloe wrenched her hand out of the water and stood up straight, leaning back against the fountain's edge. She reached up a hand and pulled some loose hair back into place, causing drops of water to spill down the front of her neck.

  Chloe looked at Zayed and saw his eyes widen upon seeing that simple sight.

  Chloe rolled her eyes and tried her best to sound casual, aware that she was failing miserably. "This is a beautiful fountain," she said.

  Zayed started to move toward Chloe. His movement seemed almost animal, his body coming toward her as if stalking her. Had he heard her in the corridor? Had he followed her from her room? She wouldn't have been surprised at anything Zayed would have done.

  "This has always been one of my favorite places. I used to play in this fountain as a child." Zayed laughed, his voice filling the cavernous space of the courtyard. "My mother used to scold me every time I went into the water. She was frightened I would drown."

  Chloe watched Zayed cover the final few feet separating them both. He came to her side and she was sure she could feel the heat of his body burning through the cool fountain air.

  "What are you doing up?" Chloe asked, her voice tight.

  "I was about to ask you the same question," Zayed replied.

  Zayed leaned in closer to Chloe. His eyes gazed deeply into Chloe's. For a moment her mind went utterly blank. Seeing Zayed so close to her, in a place that was so much his own, Chloe felt like an intruder.

  "I needed to get out of the room," she said.

  Zayed's eyes flashed with concern. "You do not like your room?"

  Chloe shook her head. "No, it's not like that at all. The room is perfect," she gasped. "In fact I've never been in a room like it before. It's beautiful."

  Chloe saw a flicker of satisfaction move across Zayed's features. "I'm glad. I want you to feel at home while you are here," he said.

  Chloe narrowed her eyes. "At home?"

  Zayed nodded. "You are my honored guest, Chloe. Did you not already know that? I want you to feel as if this is your home." He gestured toward the room and paused. Chloe felt his gaze penetrate her. "You do know what I mean, Chloe. Don't you?"

  Chloe felt the breath halt in her chest for a moment. What was he telling her? "I don't think I do, Zayed. I'm just a visitor here. I'm here to do a job. You know that. Don't you?"

  Zayed sighed and moved toward Chloe. She responded by leaning away from him and he froze, puzzlement filling his eyes.

  Chloe turned and started to move slowly along the side of the fountain's pool. She was aware that Zayed was following her, but she steadfastly resisted the urge to turn and look at him.

  Zayed was silent for a long moment, apparently content to follow Chloe around the edge of the pool. After a few more steps, Chloe halted and turned to Zayed.

  "This is just business, Zayed," she stated defiantly.

  Chloe saw him draw in a deep breath and glance down toward the water. He dipped his hand into the water and his gaze softened. Chloe thought Zayed's attention had suddenly gone a very long way away.

  "Is it, Chloe?" he said slowly. "Can it ever be simply business between us?"

  Chloe swallowed and tried to respond, but the words just wouldn't emerge from her tight lips. She saw Zayed's gaze drop down to her throat. She knew he was looking at the fountain water which had run from her hand across her skin. Chloe saw a brief moment of hunger in Zayed's eyes and then his eyes lifted to hers. He took a step closer to Chloe and she was suddenly aware that the last thing she wanted to do was step away from him. Zayed's shoulders seemed suddenly wider, his chest more powerful than she remembered.

  Seeing her rooted to the spot,
Zayed nodded imperceptibly. "I think you know the answer to that question already, Chloe," he growled. "Things can never be just business between us."

  Zayed was so close to her now that she felt the heat of his skin against her. She inhaled his scent, a mixture of spice and the aroma of his own body. For a moment, she felt unsteady on her feet, and she leaned back against the cool marble.

  Zayed reached out a hand and grasped her wrist, holding her gently, but firmly.

  "I don't know what you mean, Zayed," she managed to blurt out.

  "Of course you do, Chloe. It's why you agreed to come to my palace. You know you belong here. You always have."

  Chloe frowned at Zayed. "I'm here to do a job, Zayed. Nothing more."

  "What about the past, Chloe? Have you forgotten what we meant to each other?"

  Chloe sighed. "What we meant to each other? That's gone Zayed. It finished the day you walked out on me."

  Chloe saw Zayed visibly flinch at her words. It had hurt her to say those words, but she knew them to be true.

  "I didn't want to leave you, Chloe," Zayed said. She could hear the emotion fill his voice, a passionate pleading making his words shake.

  Chloe shook her head. "Then why did you, Zayed? Wasn't I good enough for you? Didn't I fit in with your plans?"

  Chloe heard Zayed exhale loudly and she saw a sudden tension in his shoulders. His fingers tightened on her wrist. "It had nothing to do with my plans," Zayed said.

  "Then why, Zayed? Don't you know how much you hurt me?"

  Chloe saw his face pale visibly.

  "I never meant for you to be hurt, Chloe. It wasn't all my doing. I had the wishes of others to consider."

  "Really?" Chloe ejaculated. "Whose wishes were you satisfying?"

  "I can't go into it. Not here," Zayed said glancing around the courtyard.

  Chloe tugged her wrist loose. Feeling Zayed's fingers slip away she felt a momentary loss, especially when she saw the brief hurt look in his eyes. Seeing that look, she suddenly wanted to tell him that she hadn't meant to hurt him by wrenching her arm away from him. But she could see that nothing she could say right now would take away that hurt. Maybe there was more to his leaving her than she knew. Perhaps she was being too harsh, too unforgiving. Because right now, looking at him so close to her, feeling his presence, she wanted nothing more than for him to reach out and draw her into his arms and take possession of her mouth with his full, moist lips.

  But, she realised with a burning regret that the moment for that had passed.

  Chloe sighed and moved toward Zayed. She saw his eyes widen with surprise and slight consternation. "I understand that your life is complicated, Zayed. I really do."

  Chloe saw him lock his gaze upon her features, intense focus etched on his face.

  "I suppose back in California, I always knew that one day you would just up and leave," Chloe continued. "You're the son of a King for goodness sake. You've no business courting someone like me. Your destiny is to marry someone else. Someone suitable to be a princess. Not me."

  Zayed's face filled with disbelief. "That's not true, Chloe." Zayed reached out and took Chloe's shoulders, drawing her close. Chloe liked the feel of his hands taking possession of her, pulling her close with a quivering desperation.

  When Zayed spoke, it was in a deep, vibrant voice that made Chloe's soul vibrate. "You are my princess," he declared.

  Chloe gasped and peered into Zayed's eyes searching for any hint of insincerity. Finding nothing but genuine feeling there, Chloe tried to take hold of herself, desperate to control the sudden torrent of emotions that had started racing through her body.

  "What!" Chloe exclaimed.

  Zayed quickly wrapped an arm around Chloe's waist, and once again she saw the familiar self-possession in his eyes, the desperate need for her. "You will be my princess. No-one is going to stop me from claiming you as mine. No-one will prevent me from possessing you, body and soul. You belong to me, Chloe. You always have and you always will."

  Chloe felt her legs weaken and her heart start to race. There was a roaring in her ears that drowned out the soft sound of the fountain.

  "How can you say that, Zayed?" she groaned.

  Zayed's lips tightened and she saw the muscle in his jaw twitch. After a moment, he leaned closer and placed his lips next to her ear. This close, she could feel his body pressing against her, feel the softness of his breath against her skin.

  "I can say it because it is true. You belong to me, Chloe."

  The simplicity of that statement almost threw Chloe off balance again. This time, though, Zayed drew her even closer. Suddenly his head dipped and before she knew it, his lips were upon hers, consuming her, claiming her once again, this time with his tender kiss. Chloe's body seemed to shiver as Zayed pulled her hard against him. His tongue probed and she opened her lips letting him explore, allowing him to taste her.

  His hand upon her back drew her against the hardness of his body. Chloe felt his robe loosen, and the heat of his exposed skin against her breasts. Her heart was thudding like an express train, her mind a whirl of confusing thoughts, her impulses fighting and submitting all at the same time.

  Finally, their lips parted and Chloe looked up into Zayed's eyes. She saw all the signs of a tender victory in his expression. There was triumph there, almost a look of exultation.

  For a moment, neither of them said a word, merely content to gaze into each others eyes.

  Finally, it was Zayed who broke the silence with a long, satisfied sigh. He smiled at Chloe and nodded slightly. "That was...amazing," he whispered. "You don't know how many times I have dreamt of doing just that to you, Chloe."

  She was speechless. Chloe reached up and shifted a stray lock of Zayed's dark hair away from his forehead.

  It felt so familiar to be held like this in his arms. Memories of their previous time together came flooding back.

  Chloe saw that Zayed had noticed the change in her. "What are you thinking about?" he asked.

  "I'm just remembering how good it felt to be with you," Chloe said.

  Once again she saw a flicker of triumph move across his face. "I never forgot how good it felt to hold you," he whispered. He drew her close and she allowed her body to soften against the firmness of him.

  Suddenly Chloe heard some distant footsteps. She felt Zayed's entire body stiffen. His head whirled and he looked toward the archway that led back to the entrance.

  "Someone's coming," Zayed grunted. He released Chloe with a suddenness which took her by surprise. She felt the loss of his touch keenly.

  Chloe quickly composed herself, aware that she and Zayed probably looked slightly disheveled.

  Chloe's gaze followed Zayed's and she stiffened involuntarily when she saw an elderly man dressed in loose fitting robes emerge from the shadow of the corridor.

  "Father," she heard Zayed exclaim. "What are you doing at this late hour? Shouldn't you be in your chambers?"

  The elderly man had piercing eyes that seemed to cut into Chloe, and she had the awful sensation that she was being judged and assessed.

  "Is this her?" the man said in a flat voice.

  Zayed glanced at Chloe and she saw panic on his face. For a moment, he seemed lost for words. The old man entered the courtyard and Zayed went to meet him. Chloe followed behind feeling so awkward that the only thing she could think of was how quickly she could make it back to the safety of her room.

  "Father, I'd like to introduce Chloe."

  The elderly man paused and Chloe was sure that for a moment his glance drifted up and down her figure. It was as if he were deciding whether she was fit enough to even be within the walls of this sumptuous palace.

  "Chloe, I'd like you to meet my father, King Kamal," Zayed said.

  Chloe had no idea how to behave, no clue as to what was appropriate conduct when being introduced to a King, let alone one who was the father of a man who had just kissed her with all the pent-up passion caused by years of separation. So, Chloe did th
e only thing she thought to do. She curtsied and bowed her head. "I'm honored to meet you," she said.

  When she raised her eyes, she was sure she saw a look of genuine surprise on the King's face. The eyes of Zayed and his father met in what looked like a moment of mutual consternation.

  "My son tells me you are making a brief visit to our kingdom to find locations for a moving picture production."

  Chloe tried to suppress a smile. She figured no-one had described a film as a "moving picture" for a very long time. "I suppose you could describe it like that," she said. "Although I don't know that it will be a brief visit," she added, immediately regretting her choice of words when she saw the King's brows furrow with obvious displeasure.

  The King glanced at Zayed. "I thought my son said it was to be merely a matter of days and then you would be returning to your home in Hollywood."

  Way to go for making her feel really at home, Chloe thought.

  Chloe saw Zayed glance nervously at her. "There is much to see, father," Zayed explained.

  Kamal looked at Chloe and she saw the same determination in the King's gaze as she had seen in Zayed's eyes earlier. Like father like son.

  Kamal sighed and looked at Zayed as if he were about to respond, but Chloe saw the King's lips tighten and she was sure he had taken firm control of any impulse to respond.

  Chloe turned to the fountain. "I was admiring the beautiful fountain, your highness," she said.

  Kamal looked sternly at Zayed. "I assume my son has already acquainted you with the delights of our humble home," he said.

  Zayed reached out and took Chloe's arm. "Perhaps I can escort you back to your quarters."

  Chloe looked at Kamal and nodded, trying to contain the eagerness she felt to be gone from the presence of Zayed's disapproving father. "That would be lovely," she said.

  And as Zayed led Chloe away from Kamal, she was sure that Zayed's father had taken particular displeasure from seeing his son touch the arm of an unwelcome guest.


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