The Sheikh's Forbidden Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 1)

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The Sheikh's Forbidden Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 1) Page 12

by Albany, Cara


  Inside him there was a terrifying purpose to possess.

  And the person he wanted to possess was Chloe.

  Chloe had always known that Zayed wanted her. She had never had any doubt of that. But, what she had seen last night had bordered on madness, an insane need that made Chloe feel almost frightened.

  However, she knew there was nothing to be truly frightened of when it came to Zayed. He was a strong man, a man of will and purpose, simply determined to have and claim what he believed was his.

  How could she possibly hold back the flood of Zayed's passion?

  When she had awakened this morning and seen the happiness on Zayed's sleeping face, Chloe had felt contentment, even something more than that.

  A thought had come to her as she sat by Zayed's side in the cave, with the early morning light spilling down from the roof.

  Could it be that she had fallen in love with Zayed?

  That one thought had sent Chloe racing out into the sunshine, desperate for something to distract her from such a dangerous thought. She had felt panic. Sheer panic at the thought that she had given her heart back to Zayed.

  What was she frightened of, anyway? Was she fearful of his love, his tenderness, his desperate desire to ensure her happiness?


  The truth was, Chloe was frightened of herself.

  Chloe was terrified that she couldn't give herself wholly and completely to Zayed. She had seen the strength of his desire for her. Zayed had gone to great lengths to convince Chloe just how much she meant to him.

  And she believed him.

  The past forty-eight hours had gone a long way to convince Chloe that Zayed would break down whatever barriers stood between him and Chloe.

  Chloe had no doubt he was sincere.

  The problem was, Chloe looked at the future for her and Zayed and saw one thing that terrified her.


  That one word sent shivers up her spine. The pain she had felt after Zayed had left the first time had made Chloe determined that no-one would get close to her, no-one would be allowed to interfere with Chloe determining her own destiny.

  So, when Zayed had used that word, the sound of it had been enough to force Chloe to once again lock her heart away.

  Chloe started to follow Zayed's horse down the gentle slope of the dune. Down in the encampment, she could see that their arrival had been noticed. She saw Raz standing by the side of the car that had brought them to the oasis. Chloe's mind suddenly filled with the image of Zayed stepping out of the oasis pool the previous morning, the sight of his nakedness, the impression of his primal strength quickening her heart to a frantic pace.

  Chloe sucked in a warm breath, trying desperately to calm herself.

  As she guided her horse into the encampment, she thought of the journey back to the palace, and what awaited her once she arrived there. She had gotten what she had come for. Andrew would be impressed with her work, as he always was. She had found a special place, and with the proper permissions, it would be the backdrop for a truly memorable scene in the upcoming movie.

  But, as they finally arrived in the camp, Chloe told herself she would never be able to watch that film after it was produced. Because, the cave had been the place where, in spite of finally realizing that she loved Zayed, she had made the decision, once and for all, that they could never be together.


  "How was your visit to the caves?" Aliyah asked Chloe.

  "Oh...It was fascinating," Chloe replied, aware that her cheeks felt suddenly very warm. The slight smile on Zayed's sister's face confirmed that the truth had revealed itself on Chloe's face, in spite of her best efforts to control herself.

  The two women were on the terrace of the palace, the same place where, what seemed like such a long time ago, Chloe had met Zayed's entire family.

  From beneath the protection of the overhanging branches of the trees, the early morning sun was cool. The luxuriant foliage and flowers of the garden were a blessed, colorful relief after the dry harshness of the desert. There was a welcome calm that made Chloe glad she was back in the safety of the palace.

  Chloe ate some figs and yogurt, trying to ignore the expectant look on Aliyah's pretty, even features. Zayed's sister was a true beauty in every sense of the word. She seemed to have an inner warmth that just filled every space she inhabited.

  Chloe thought about the previous days journey by car back from the camp. Nothing had been said about what had happened at the caves. Raz had been the soul of discretion and hadn't asked any awkward questions from the back seat of the car.

  Zayed had been silent for most of the drive. Chloe was sure that Raz had noticed the coldness between Zayed and Chloe, but Zayed's brother seemed to understand his brother well enough to keep his thoughts to himself.

  Arriving back at the palace, Chloe had retreated to her room and flopped down on the soft bed. It had felt like such a contrast to the hard floor she had slept on the previous night, and she had fallen into a deep sleep.

  Making her way to the terrace for breakfast, she had seen no sign of Zayed.

  Now, Chloe was enjoying a welcome quiet moment with Aliyah, even though she was also secretly dreading the possible appearance of Zayed and his father, King Kamal. Chloe hadn't forgotten the frostiness of Zayed's father toward her.

  "The caves were amazing," Chloe said to Aliyah. "I took lots of photographs. Andrew is going to be so astounded when he sees them."

  Aliyah nodded and smiled. "I'm glad you got something useful out of your visit," Aliyah said.

  Chloe glanced at Aliyah to see if there was any hint of a double meaning in the lovely woman's features. But, as usual, any hidden thoughts were held firmly behind the elegant mask of Aliyah's astonishing beauty.

  "How long are you planning to stay in the palace?" Aliyah asked.

  "I think I'll be leaving today," Chloe said.

  Aliyah's brows rose. "So soon?"

  Chloe nodded and scooped some figs into her mouth, eager for a moment of respite from thinking about leaving Zayed.

  "I've got so much work to do. And, I'm sure Andrew will be dying to know what I've found out.

  "And what have you found out, Chloe?"

  "What do you mean?"

  Aliyah shifted awkwardly. "In your professional capacity, I'm sure the visit has been very productive."

  "It has, Aliyah. Your family has been most kind in allowing me to visit, and give me access to places I wouldn't have seen during my time here. It's been an amazing experience."

  Aliyah nodded and her brows furrowed. There was a hint of a familiar determination on that face. Chloe had seen that same look on Zayed's face. Maybe it was a family trait; the drive to have their own way in everything. Chloe guessed not many people refused any member of this wonderful family.

  Aliyah placed her fork down slowly and looked straight into Chloe's eyes. "At the risk of seeming too forthright and personal, am I right in guessing that there is more to your experience here than you are telling me about?"

  Chloe's hand froze as she reached for her cup of coffee. She smiled defensively and tried to match Aliyah's penetrating gaze. "What are referring to, Aliyah?"

  Aliyah's eyes filled with a soft and generously compassionate expression. "I mean you and Zayed," Aliyah said gently.

  "What about your brother and me?" Chloe asked.

  The corner of Aliyah's mouth creased into a patient smile. "You do know how much you mean to him, don't you?"

  Chloe gasped and then quickly took a sip of coffee. Placing the cup down, she looked at Aliyah. "I...have noticed that he seems pleased to have me here," Chloe said hesitantly.

  Aliyah's brow rose. "I think he's more than pleased to have you here, Chloe," Aliyah said. "I'm under the impression that he is trying to woo you?"

  Chloe laughed. "Woo me?"

  "I believe that is the expression, is it not? Wooing seems to be quite common in the West."

  Chloe s
hook her head. "I suppose you could describe it like that. It's not a word I hear very often."

  "Nevertheless, that is what he has been trying to do." Aliyah rested her elbows on the table, leaned forward and peered earnestly at Chloe. "My brother is very much in love with you, Chloe."

  The directness of the statement took Chloe by surprise, especially coming out of the mouth of someone like Aliyah, who seemed so often to be diplomatic and indirect in everything she said. Chloe was beginning to get the distinct impression that Zayed's sister was a very perceptive young woman in her own right.

  Chloe turned her head and looked at the beautiful greenery of the garden. She felt suddenly dizzy, and she wasn't sure if was because of what Aliyah had said to her, or the intoxicating beauty of the surroundings.

  "Very much so," Aliyah added.

  Chloe turned back to Aliyah. "Why do you say that?"

  "Because Zayed himself told me."

  "He told you that!" Chloe exclaimed.

  Aliyah nodded without saying anything further. The eyes of the two women met, and a silent agreement seemed to pass between them. Because, Chloe knew that what Aliyah had said to her was the truth.

  Zayed loved Chloe.

  And, it seemed that everyone around them could see that.

  Chloe sighed slowly and looked at Aliyah. Zayed's sister was waiting patiently for a response, but Chloe didn't know what she could say. She could admit that Zayed was hardly ever from her thoughts; that every time he came near her she felt more alive than she had ever felt before; that no-one else made her feel like that.

  But, what was the point? Chloe knew she was about to exit Zayed's life forever. At least, that was the way it seemed right now.

  Aliyah raised a brow. "Chloe? Are you feeling alright?" she asked.

  Chloe dragged herself out of her reverie. "Sorry, Aliyah. It's just that what you said has thrown me for a loop."

  Aliyah's brows furrowed. "Loop?"

  "Sorry. It's an expression. It means you confused me a little."

  "I'm sorry if I did that. But, I feel that I owe it to you and to Zayed to tell you what I know to be the truth," Aliyah said.

  Chloe reached across and curled her fingers around Aliyah's arm. "I know you mean well. And, I'm glad you told me." Chloe sighed and shook her head. "It's just that Zayed and I live in such different worlds. We are separated by such huge distances."

  "Love conquers all differences and all distances, Chloe," Aliyah said.

  "You're right. But, Zayed and I have so much to come to terms with."

  Aliyah shook her head and furrowed her brows. "Are you telling me you do not love my brother?"

  Chloe felt her mouth open, and she was sure she had just lost the sensation in her legs. "I...uh...don't know how to answer that, Aliyah," Chloe stuttered.

  Aliyah shrugged. "I'm sure Zayed has made his feelings plain to you. So, I think it is a fair question," Aliyah said in a matter-of-fact tone.

  Chloe nodded and had to agree with Aliyah's ruthless logic. "I suppose you're right," Chloe said realizing that she would never win any argument with this amazing young woman. "It is a fair question."

  Aliyah leaned back on her chair. "I am being rude. Forgive me," she said. "My brothers amorous activities are none of my concern."

  Chloe frowned. "Is that what you really think? That I am just another one of his many lovers?"

  Aliyah sighed. "I have no illusions about Zayed. He has had his fair share of casual relationships. That is true. But, I thought, with you, things may have been very different."

  "Are you saying they aren't?"

  Aliyah shook her head. "I'm afraid I have already said too much. In any case, my father has already pronounced on the matter. I was merely trying to save Zayed from a fate he has already rejected."

  Chloe felt herself jolted, as if someone had hammered a hand against the front of her chest. "What do you mean?"

  Aliyah peered at Chloe. "I thought you knew."

  "Knew what?"

  Aliyah picked up a napkin and wiped the corner of her mouth. She placed the napkin down on the table and looked at Chloe. "I believe Zayed loves you Chloe. And that you love him."

  Chloe felt her throat tighten and she was sure she was going to start crying if this torture didn't stop. "What fate are you talking about, Aliyah?" Chloe pleaded.

  Aliyah breathed out a long sigh. "When you and Zayed were away at the caves my father issued a decree. And, like all such things, none of his children has the power to challenge or refuse the decree."

  "No-one has told me about this," Chloe said.

  "He did it only last night. My father was in a rage about what he saw as a betrayal by Zayed. He found out that Zayed had taken you off by himself, without honoring the instructions given to Raz."

  "But that was Zayed's doing. Raz did nothing wrong."

  "My father is a proud man. He has ruled this kingdom with a fair but firm hand. As he has done with all this children."

  Chloe's shoulders sagged. "I know he doesn't like me," she said softly.

  Aliyah shook her head. "He hardly knows you. I know he has been less than friendly to you. But, he is like that with almost everyone. He feels he has to show that he is the one who must be respected."

  Chloe looked at Aliyah sharply. "But, what about love? Doesn't that have to be respected?" she said her voice rising to an unnatural pitch in the quietness of the terrace.

  Aliyah smiled. "I knew it," she said triumphantly. "You do love Zayed!" she exclaimed.

  Chloe exhaled. "I do, Aliyah. But, I don't know what I can do about it. What fate are you talking about? What has your father done?"

  Aliyah looked suddenly concerned. She glanced at Chloe as if weighing what she was about to say. After a pause Aliyah seemed to have found the courage to say what she had to say. Looking at Aliyah's expression Chloe knew it wasn't going to be good news.

  Aliyah glanced behind her and then locked her gaze upon Chloe's eager features. "My father has decreed that Zayed must marry," Aliyah said slowly.

  "Marry!" Chloe exclaimed. "Who?"

  "There is a tribe my father has had connections with since he was a young man. Traditions count for everything in our country." Aliyah paused then declared with a note of finality. "The daughter of a family elder has been chosen as the bride for Zayed."

  Chloe felt a hole open up beneath her and she was sure she was going to fall all the way to the core of the earth.

  Zayed was going to marry?

  Chloe couldn't believe what she was hearing. All along he had been tricking her, lying to her with his sweet words and his passionate caresses. Had he taken Chloe to the caves so that he could have one last fling before he was lost to her forever?

  How dare he!

  Aliyah seemed to have faded a long way into the distance. The world was spinning and Chloe felt her stomach heave. There was a roaring in her ears and from somewhere in the distance she heard voices. People were arriving for breakfast. Chloe glanced back into the interior of the palace and saw King Kamal and his wife, Beatrice making their way toward the terrace.

  In an instant, Chloe knew she had to leave; had to get away from these cruel people who had no idea what they were doing to her. Chloe glanced at Aliyah who looked as if she were about to say something else, but there was nothing Chloe wanted to here, nothing that could take away the hurt that she was feeling right now.

  Chloe threw her napkin onto the table and stood up. "You have to excuse me, Aliyah. I feel rather unwell," Chloe blurted out.

  "But, Chloe, there is one more thing I have to tell you," Aliyah said urgently.

  Chloe glanced at the advancing figures of Zayed's parents. "You've told me everything I need to know, Aliyah. Thank you. I know you mean well, but I have to leave," Chloe stated.

  Chloe thrust the chair back, the wooden legs making a loud scraping noise on the marble floor of the terrace.

  She turned and raced toward the garden, thrusting the branches of the trees away from her, pushi
ng her way through the bushes.

  She was suddenly eager to be lost; desperate to put as much distance as possible between her and the man, King Kamal, who seemed hell-bent on ruining her chance of happiness with the only man she loved.


  Zayed had to find Chloe.

  He knew that now with absolute certainty.

  First thing in the morning he had raced to her room and found it empty. Chloe's things were still in the room, so he knew she hadn't left the palace.

  He had slammed the door to her room behind him and started down the corridor. He had to find her; had to tell her what he had resolved. There was no going back now. His father would have to understand, even if it meant giving up his destiny, rejecting everything that Zayed had been brought up to expect as his birthright.

  He had hardly slept the whole night. Visions of the woman he loved had tormented his mind. Memories of how stupid and insensitive he had been had driven him mad for most of the night. The emotion had sent him tossing and turning on the bed all night. One word echoed in his mind throughout the night.


  The truth was he did love Chloe. But, he had messed up once again, just as he had done all those years ago. It had taken many hours of thinking before he managed to regain his resolve. There was only one thing to do, and he knew just what it was.

  Finally, he had showered and dressed urgently. He raced through the palace to the breakfast table on the terrace, expecting to find the same scene he and Chloe had been a part of mere days before. But, instead of finding his entire family around the table laughing and joking with Chloe, he found his parents and Aliyah talking seriously and very quietly.

  His father looked up as Zayed stepped out onto the terrace. His mother, Beatrice, stood up and hugged her son. She smiled at Zayed, and there was a searching look in her eyes as she spoke to him. "Did your trip go as well as you hoped?"


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