Partners - Book 1

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Partners - Book 1 Page 55

by Melissa Good

  The woman sighed. “You’re a hard bargainer, shippy.”

  “We work very hard for our chits,” Dev said. “So we don’t like to give them up.”

  “And well you’re known for it. All right.” Two bottles were marked off, and Dev handed over the card. She waited for it to be recorded, and then she took it back. “Delivery’s first bell.”

  “Thanks.” Jess spoke for the first time. “We’ll see you then.”

  The woman nodded briefly at her. “Agent.”

  Jess smiled at her, and they moved on. This ring seemed to be mostly edible and drinkable items, and they moved further in stopping here and there to taste. “Haven’t seen most of this stuff in a long time,” Jess said, after they tried some small crackers with fish eggs on them. “See that? It’s made from octopus.” She sampled a bit of the meat and watched Dev try some. “See if you can get a couple packages of that, and some of the snails.”

  Dev wasn’t sure about the snails, but the octopus tasted nice, slightly briny with a chewy texture she liked. They had stacks of cryopacked product, and she met the eye of the man selling them, giving him a little smile that drew him over at once.

  So far things seemed to be going well. She glanced up at Jess, who was searching for more things to nibble on. She was also sweeping the area every few steps looking for trouble. Her insignia flashed briefly in the light and Dev wished she’d been allowed to put hers on as well.

  Octopus secured, they continued further on toward the center of the ring, where it seemed it was busier, the narrow path they were on crowded with other shoppers. These shelters were full of more exotic things, and Dev found herself pressing closer to Jess as they had to slow way down.

  Jess put her hand on her shoulder, keeping herself between Dev and most of the crowd. So far she hadn’t seen anyone she knew in a bad way, though she had spotted a few people who she had a slight acquaintance of and many more who recognized her collar bug and kept their distance.

  That was fine. When she’d decided to wear it she knew she was going to be advertising what she was, and though they were peace bonded everyone knew that didn’t make it safe. Didn’t make them safe, either her, or her counterpoints on the other side.

  “Oh, Jess.” Dev stopped, and frowned. Her stomach turned at what she was looking at, and she felt a sense of muted horror fill her.

  What? Jess peered around her and spotted a stall with furry animal skins on it. White fur, and big. Had to be bear. “Bear skins,” she said, distracted by the distressed look on Dev’s face. “We should get a few. Great for some bigwig’s office.”

  Dev went over and peered at the skin, which had the bear’s head attached with its glassy eyes and lurid, poking tongue. She turned back to Jess and put a hand on her arm. “Do we have to?” she asked. “I don’t like this.”

  Jess studied her, intrigued by the fact that she had rolled over dead humans without a flinch but freaked out about a dead bear. “You’re wearing a shark skin,” Jess said.

  “I know. But...” Dev looked behind her.

  “But your jacket doesn’t have eyes.” Jess gave her a tolerant grin. “No problem. Let’s move on.” She guided Dev further, starting toward the stall she saw had golden jars prominently displayed.

  Halfway there, they heard a loud commotion ahead, and Jess felt her instincts prickle. She immediately got ahead of Dev and looked quickly forward, where an open space between the ring made a crossroads. There were shouts and laughter, and she flexed her hands, wishing not for the first time that she’d chanced the peace bond.

  They reached the edge of the crossroads and stopped, as the crowd closed in and made it impossible to go farther. Jess straightened to her full height and got a look at what the fuss was about, seeing two men in expensive looking clothing kicking a third man, who was dressed in a threadbare jumper.

  The man sprawled on the ground, covering his head with both arms.

  An older man, also in worn clothes darted into the opening, going over to the man on the floor and kneeling down next to him. “Leave him alone, you bastards,” he yelled at the two attackers. “He didn’t do nothing to you.”

  “Why are they harming that man?” Dev asked in a very low tone.

  “People are assholes,” Jess said. “They don’t really need a reason.”

  “Yeah? Shut your mouth!” One of the men kicked the older man in the side. “Your kind should go back where you came from. We don’t need you here.”

  “Are you going to assist him?” Dev asked

  Jess sighed. “I shouldn’t.”

  “I wish you would,” she said mournfully. “Doctor Dan always would do that for us.”

  “That’s not a bio alt. He’s just a scrub.”

  “Would they treat one of us any different?”

  Hm. Jess studied the two fancy pants, realizing why one of them seemed familiar to her.

  He kicked the man again, and then in a quiet flicker of motion Jess moved, bumping her way through the crowd, getting across the open space before he could try a third time. “Stop,” she said, in a quiet yet firm tone. “No place for this.”

  The man whirled and lifted a hand, then stopped, his eyes fastening on her neck, then darting away. “You’ve got no influence here,” he said, as the second man came over, watching Jess warily.

  “Neither do you.” Jess had her hands clasped behind her back and she merely looked at him. “But making noise in the middle of the market is never a good idea.” She stared him in the eye. “No one wants a bad rep, right?”

  Both men glowered at her, then the shorter of the two slapped the other on the arm. “Let’s go. It stinks around here.”

  Jess waited for them to leave, then she went over and extended a hand down to the older man. “I’d get out of here if I were you.”

  The man took her hand and let her pull him up. Then he squeezed her fingers. “Thanks, agent,” he said. “My son didn’t mean to cause trouble. He’s just a little clumsy.” He tapped the boy on the head. “Get up, Jeso.”

  The huddled figure got to his feet, blinking painfully. He kept his shoulders hunched, blood running from a cut on his head. The older man ducked his head in respect to Jess, then led the boy off down the crossroad away from the center as the crowd started milling around again, the entertainment seemingly over.

  Dev ducked between them and arrived at her side. “That was excellent.”

  “That was idiotic, since everyone in the place now knows I’m here, especially the two agents I just pissed off. C’mon. Let’s get some tea and honey and get out of here before someone decides to make trouble. She pulled Dev back into the side aisle in the direction they came from, aware now of all the whispers following her through the crowd.

  THEY WERE HALFWAY around the ring before Jess sensed the presence and turned, tucking Dev behind her in a single fluid motion. Facing her were two men in plain woven clothes made of sea plants. The only sign on them was the metal bracelet on their right wrists. “What?”

  “Man wants to see you,” the one nearer her said. “Says with his compliments, would you please come up the hill.”

  Jess sorted through the invitation and relaxed a little, realizing it was an invitation and not an order. “Sure,” she said. “Lead on.” She motioned Dev to go ahead of her.

  “Just you,” the man said, not moving.


  “The man just wants to see you,” he replied, still in a quiet and calm voice.

  “I don’t leave my partner behind,” Jess replied. “So you get us both, or neither, your choice.”

  The man reacted with some surprise, looking intently at Dev, and then tilting his head to one side. “Wasn’t indentified. That’s fine. Let’s go.” He turned and started down the aisle, turning at the next crossroads and heading up the hill with his companion and the two of them at his heels.

  Jess remained silent as they walked, one hand resting lightly on Dev’s shoulder. They quickly rose up out of the market and then were pas
sing through the circles of stone houses that spread out right and left.

  Dev wasn’t sure what was going on, but she was sure it wasn’t the time to ask about it. It was quieter up here, and she could hear the sound of the surf crashing gently up against the harbors down below.

  There was a gate up at the top, and it swung open as they approached. Dev glanced up at Jess’s face, but her expression was calm, so she walked obediently through it and only flinched a little as the gate closed behind them. They walked to a door, and paused.

  Jess took advantage of the pause and fished something out of her pocket, reaching over and fastening it to Dev’s high collar. “There.”

  Dev reached up and touched it, unsurprised to feel her tech’s insignia there. It made her feel a lot better to have it and she suppressed a grin as the door opened and they moved through it. They walked down a long stone hallway, passing several roughly cut doorways leading to rooms with people in them doing various things.

  They entered through a doorway and crossed a big, busy room until they came to a table that had a half dozen people around it, and one man sitting at the head.

  “Drake.” The man stood up and came around the table, extending his hand. “Good to see you.”

  Jess took his hand and exchanged grips. “Hello, Charles. Same back.” She half turned. “This is my partner, Dev.”

  “Tech.” The man ducked his head toward her in respect. “This was very unexpected.” He returned his attention to Jess. “I sure didn’t expect to see you in these parts after what we heard,” he said. “Josan told me what happened down the hill. I’m glad you kept it quiet.”

  “They complain?” Jess asked, as they moved a few steps away from the group.

  Charles shook his head. He was a tall man, with broad shoulders and tightly curled gray hair and a roughly weathered face. “And that in itself should be a warning.”

  Jess nodded. “I won’t be here long,” she said. “I don’t want any trouble.”

  “Nor do I,” Charles said. “So I would advise you to keep to your plan and leave as soon as possible. There are odd rumblings and I don’t want anything to disrupt the market, Jess. Times are hard and as you know, we don’t take sides.”

  “I know.”

  Charles turned and regarded Dev. “So this is your new partner,” he said. “Somehow we heard it was one of Sigurd’s pups.”

  “Intentionally since we borrowed his boat,” Jess said, straightforwardly. “We’re shopping.”

  “Using fisherman chits?” His eyebrows lifted. “Dangerous.”

  Jess shrugged lightly.

  “No, that wouldn’t matter to you would it.” Charles smiled briefly. “Don’t tell me anything. But I’m reasonably glad to see the rumors of your demise were somewhat exaggerated.” He lifted a hand. “As long as you’re spreading someone else’s credit around, don’t forget to stop at the spa. We’ve got some new treatments I think you’d like.”

  “Maybe we’ll go there now,” Jess said. “Seems like a good time for it.”

  “Excellent idea,” Charles said. “Miklos, will you guide our friends here to the private door? Enjoy.” He shook Jess’s hand, nodded at Dev, and went back to the table where he sat down and picked up a pad he’d been looking at.

  Miklos, the taller of the two men who had sought her out, gestured in a different direction than the one they’d entered from. “Please to come with me.”

  “Lead on.” Jess put her hand on Dev’s back and they followed Miklos. After a minute or two of even walking, they started downward again and passed dozens and dozens of closed doors on either side.

  A door opened and a man started to emerge, then he spotted them and ducked back inside, shutting the portal as they came even with them. Miklos didn’t say anything, and when Dev looked up at Jess, she put a finger up to her lips and then let it drop.

  It was all very strange. Dev felt that there was danger there, and that Jess was unsettled, but she just kept walking with a calm look on her face.

  They reached another door, and Miklos opened it, then stepped back and indicated they should go through. “Enjoy,” he said, waiting for them to move past and then closing the door behind them.

  They were in yet another hallway, but this one was round, and there was light coming in from the ceiling. Dev glanced up to see slanted holes going up through the rock. She looked at Jess, who was frowning.

  Was it okay to talk? She watched her partner’s face, and after a moment, Jess looked back at her.

  “Okay,” Jess said. “Let’s go see what they have.” She pointed toward an opening that showed a larger room behind it, and they walked through.

  It was a big space, with a high, arched ceiling and there were quite a lot of people inside. Dev looked around and stuck close to Jess, following her across the space to a rock desk with three or four women behind it. She paused, and almost jerked when she saw the collars around their necks, not expecting at all to find fellow bio alts here.

  “Good day,” one of the women greeted them. “What do you wish?”

  It wasn’t a set she knew well, Dev realized. They were perhaps ten standard years older than she was, slim and tall with uniformly pretty faces. They reminded her just a little of Gigi.

  “Private bath,” Jess said. “With the works.” She pulled out two big chits and set them down.

  “This way.” The girl picked up two large, folded pieces of fabric and bowed in their direction then walked behind the desk to one of a set of doors behind it. They followed her, and she opened the door to one of the rooms and offered them the fabric. “Enjoy.”

  “Thanks.” Jess ducked inside, and waited for Dev to join her, then straightened up as the door closed behind them leaving them alone.

  Dev wasn’t sure where to look first. The initial thing she realized was that the air was very warm, and moist. It bathed her face and she blinked into it, smelling a rich, mineral scent as it entered her lungs. “Um.”

  “Um.” Jess went over to one of the four stone beds and put the towel down on it. Across from them was a big misshapen pool with steps cut into it, full of water that had steam rising off the top. “Wasn’t going to indulge in this, but what the hell.”

  “What is it?” Dev went over to a second couch and put her own wrap down, jerking back as she touched the top. “Oh. It’s hot.”

  “Yeah.” Jess sat down on hers, then lay back letting out a small groan as the heat penetrated her body. “Good a place as any to hide for a little while.”

  “Are we doing that?” Dev sat down on the stone, pleasantly surprised when the warmth penetrated the pants she was wearing.

  “Uh huh. When Charles gives you advice, it’s a good idea to take it,” Jess said. “I’m not really sure what he was trying to tell me but it’s clear he doesn’t want trouble.”

  “I see.” Dev got up and went to the pool, kneeling down and putting her hand in it. “This is really warm.”

  “I sure hope so, given what I just paid them for it,” her partner remarked dryly. “At least we can enjoy ourselves before we go outside and probably have to fight our way to the boat and escape.

  Dev came over and sat down on the edge of her stone bed. “Is that what’s going to happen?”

  “Probably.” Jess let her hand rest on Dev’s thigh. “Someone’s hunting me. That’s why Charles sent us down here. He doesn’t want trouble and he knows if whoever’s hunting me finds me, there’ll be lots of that.”

  “I see.”

  “So he’s got local info, but not current intel from our side, since he didn’t know about you,” Jess said. “So we’ll get our splurge and then get back to the boat. With what you ordered so far, we can get into the science center.” She studied Dev’s concerned expression. “Don’t worry, Dev. We’ll get out of this.”

  “I didn’t expect to find those of my kind here,” Dev said. “Doctor Dan said the people over here didn’t have them, but I know that set.”

  Jess looked at her. “This place
is different. A lot of cred comes through here, most of it out of spec for both sides. You got enough cred, you can have anything you want.” Her hand warmed suddenly as Dev’s dropped on top of it. “It’s the old story of humanity, Dev. The haves and the have nots. Charles and his family have plenty. They’ve run this place for generations.”

  “I don’t think I understand.”

  “Your bio station is on our side,” Jess said. “But Charles offered them enough to get them to give him what he wants.”

  “He’s not on our side.” Dev said.

  “He’s not really on any side. He’s glad to suck in all of us ready to spend money on stuff we can’t get anywhere but here, legally.”

  Dev frowned. “I don’t think I really understand.”

  “Don’t worry about it.” Jess stretched herself out, savoring the feel of the heated stone leeching into her body. “Just enjoy yourself, Dev. We don’t get this kind of treatment often. I’m going to warm these old bones and then we’ll go in the pool. After that we can get some steam, and a rub and get our hair cut.”

  That all sounded very strange. Not unpleasant, but strange. Dev looked around. “It’s nice to be warm. Is that why the walls were hot?”

  “The walls are hot because we’re in a volcanic cone. Charles’s family led a bunch of renegades from the other side and found this place a long way back. They built it up. Word has it that they catered to pirates and outlaws first, then after the market built up, word got out and anyone with chits came here”

  “I see.”

  “We always thought it was funny, on our side. Perfect capitalism.” She patted the stone bench at her side. “Lay down. Enjoy the heat.”

  Dev did, settling on her back next to Jess, feeling the heat from the stone but also from Jess as her body relaxed. “That does feel good.” She regarded the lamps in the ceiling, which had come on and were bathing them. “Is that sunlight replacement?”


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