Safeword: Davenport

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Safeword: Davenport Page 15

by Candace Blevins

  They walked and talked, keeping the conversation light, and everything hypothetical. Dana finally stopped and touched his arm, hoping he'd understand she was ready to leave the conjecture behind. He faced her, smiled. “Yes, it's time for us to have a more serious talk. Let's sit and get comfortable for this part, join me at a table?"

  She nodded and followed him to a quieter section of the club.

  "You're looking for someone to Top you?"

  "Yes, but not just anyone. I remember you, I've seen you with the bullwhip, watched you flog and whip others into subspace. Plus, Brent trusts you.” She glanced at her hands, raised her eyes back to his. “You've made me feel comfortable, and I think I trust you enough to let go and enjoy."

  "You realize I'm not a Dom? I won't give you orders. You tell me what you're looking for, and we'll see about making it happen. I'm not your sub, you can't order me around, but you aren't my submissive, either. We're equals. You want pain; I'll enjoy giving it to you. No power exchange."

  Smiling with relief, she said, “Exactly. I want Topped without having to submit. I want to go deep into subspace.” She leaned forward, her gaze intense, needing to make sure he understood. “I'm asking for serious pain. Not just the flogger, but maybe the cane, or something as demanding. If you're up to it, I'd love to reach the point of wanting the single tail—of needing the single tail. I crave that feeling."

  His eyes kindled with arousal as they focused on her, the corner of his mouth lifting as he said, “I love it when a woman knows what she needs and isn't afraid to ask for it. I have an idea, and if Brent agrees, I'd like to have him flog your back while I work on your front. Would that be okay?"

  "Ummm, Brent doesn't like girls. I don't think he'd be interested."

  "We've done it before, him flogging a girl's back while I work her front, and we trade off, so I work one side of a man while he does the other. I'm not attracted to men, but I find I can still enjoy the process of watching where they are and taking them farther. Brent's the only other Top here who can handle two floggers as expertly as, well, it sounds cocky and I don't mean it to, but he's the only one who can keep up with me in a Florentine. If you're comfortable with it, I think we can give you quite a ride."

  Dana looked around, saw Brent sitting at a table, Jacob kneeling at his feet, totally naked, collar attached to leash and loosely draped over Brent's leg, and she was struck again at how beautiful they were together. She turned back to Max. “We can ask him if he's up for it, but I think he's got plans for Jacob and I don't want to interfere."

  "I'm positive he's figured you into his plans for the evening as well as Jacob. From our conversation while you were handling paperwork, I believe he sees himself as your protector tonight, and he's taking the role quite seriously. Jacob will always be his priority, but he's happy to have you back in his life as his friend. Come, let's go talk to him."

  Max sat beside Brent, and Dana chose to sit across from Max and beside Jacob. She started to give his shoulder a caress and stopped, looking to Brent for permission, as she wasn't sure if he wanted Jacob touched at the moment. Brent nodded and said, “Thanks for checking, I appreciate it. You can touch him now, and throughout the evening as long as I don't have him restrained. He'll likely be on a leash all night, but if he's secured another way please check with me before interacting with him. Otherwise, feel free."

  Dana scooted to the edge of her chair and Jacob immediately understood the offer, leaning into her and laying his head in her lap. She ran her fingers through his silky blond hair, zoning out as Max and Brent talked about the timing for the evening. She didn't care about the logistics; she was enjoying Jacob's warmth beside her, the weight of his head on her thigh, and his soft hair in her hand as she stroked his head.

  A harsh voice directly above her jolted her to awareness.

  "This is why Garnet doesn't come back? His lovely submissive is now a Domme?"

  She looked up to see Sir Trent, one of Garnet's friends, standing over her with an ugly face. Before she could say anything Brent stood, draping the leash over Dana's leg, and said, “Trent, could I convince you to step away with me a few minutes?"

  Brent walked him around the corner, and Jacob used his hand to caress her leg over her dress—supportive, not sexual.

  Max spoke from across the table. “You know, you do look like quite the Domme. I can usually tell the posers from the ones who're comfortable with their power. You look like you have nothing to prove—it fits you like a favorite pair of jeans.” His eyes turned thoughtful. “Sure you aren't a switch?"

  She dropped her eyes to Jacob, his head sideways on her leg, eyes closed; and realized she was comfortable topping him only because he so freely gave his submission.

  Lifting her gaze to Max, she said, “I've never wanted to Top anyone else, but it's natural with Jacob. Plus, I know how he's feeling, on the floor at his Master's feet.” She ran her hands through Jacob's hair, taking comfort in the gentle strength he was offering. “I can't look too far ahead yet, I'm still taking everything day by day, doing what feels good now, and not worrying about the future too much until I figure out the present."

  "You've got a good head on your shoulders, and a healthy outlook. You'll get it figured out. As for the present—Brent has some ideas for the evening that'll include all of us.” He shrugged. “I'm not bisexual, but I'm not opposed to group sex with the four of us as long as I'm not doing it with either of the guys. Whether you and I have sex is entirely up to you. I play safe, use condoms, and I've had a vasectomy. Don't answer now; we'll see how things go. No pressure."

  He tilted his head. “I'm looking forward to exploring how far I can take you. Do you want me to build the endorphins slowly, or would you prefer I do it quickly, so your feel-good chemicals have a hard time keeping up?"

  "Not slow, please. Not too hasty, but I'd rather you erred on the fast side, if you have to decide."

  Brent walked back to the table by himself, without Sir Trent. He leaned down and didn't so much kiss Jacob as use his lips to caress his forehead. He stood, giving Dana the same treatment before taking his seat.

  "Sir Trent wanted to apologize in person, but I suggested you were mine for the evening and I didn't wish you be further upset. I hope you're not angry with my claim, I should've checked with you first before...” He drummed his fingers absently on the table as he considered his words. “But I don't believe you're up to the conversation he'll want to have after he apologizes. If you'd prefer to speak with him you can, I'm not trying to imply I can dictate your—"

  She interrupted him. “Thank you, Brent. I probably owe him a discussion, but not tonight. I'd like to get his contact information and get in touch with him in the next couple of weeks, but thanks for shielding me."

  He breathed out, obviously relieved he hadn't overstepped. “I can get that for you.” His gaze flicked to Max, returned to Dana. “Max would like me to assist him. Do you object to my using floggers on your back while he flogs your front? Florentine? Four floggers striking you at once?"

  "The bigger question is how you feel about it. I didn't think you did girls?"

  "Not sexually, but I can enjoy assisting another Dom as long as I'm only dealing with the back, ass, and thighs. Those are the same for both sexes.” His smile turned wry. “I don't know how breasts work, best I leave them alone. I appreciate the female form; it just doesn't do anything for me."

  He lifted a shoulder and slowly let it drop. “BDSM doesn't have to be about gender, it's about control and endorphins. I'm not explaining it right, so I hope you'll take my word for it—I'll enjoy the experience, and when I let loose on Jacob afterwards, he'll benefit from it, too."

  "If you're good with it then so am I, but I don't want Jacob alone while you're with me."

  His eyes narrowed, but his voice stayed level. “I'm Jacob's master; he's my responsibility. Don't ever doubt I've already considered his needs before reaching a decision."

  She'd irritated him. Worse, she'd question

ed his role as caretaker. “I'm sorry. You're right, of course. I guess I was just trying to make sure...” She stopped, realizing that would tick him off more. “Please don't be upset with me; I said it out of concern for his feelings, not thinking I was questioning your responsibility to him—it wasn't the way I meant it to sound."

  "Apology accepted. I'll take it in the spirit you intended, concern for Jacob.” He turned to Max. “If you want to prepare the poles and get set up, I'll take Dana with me so she can see where Jacob will be while we're working on her."

  Max nodded and looked at Dana. “No pressure. We'll talk again before I tie you up. You asked for the single tail so I'm assuming poles, do you have a preference for another piece of equipment?"

  "No, the poles are fine.” She touched Brent's arm and said, “Are you sure you don't want some time alone with Jacob? I can go with Max now if you'd rather?"

  "If I'd wanted time alone with him I'd have arranged for it. Jacob will be much hornier if you're watching, and I believe it'll be a turn on for you, too.” He stood and reached for the leash. “Up, Jacob."

  Jacob curled his toes under and gracefully rose, slowing just before his knees straightened all the way, giving them time to adjust after being bent for so long. His face showed no pain, only adoration for his Master.

  Brent offered his arm to Dana and they walked together, Jacob behind them on the leash.

  She'd noticed the statues with the large phalluses on her tour with Max, but hadn't realized what they were for until she saw a woman mounted on one. Brent walked to a statue inside of a cage not too far from the poles, and pulled a small bottle of hand sanitizer from his pocket, handing it to Jacob and disconnecting the leash from his collar.

  Jacob silently stepped to the statue and liberally applied the gel to the entire front, not just to the monster cock. She wasn't sure which of the gods had been so endowed, but from the face and posture she'd guess Zeus or Thor, or maybe Odin or Jupiter. The figure began just below the god's knees, so his cock was relatively low. His fists were raised as if to strike, his arm and ab muscles all well-defined, and his long bronze hair appeared to blow in the wind.

  While Jacob worked, Brent moved to the door and quietly spoke to Dana. “This experience is challenging for him, it's something he wants to conquer, but also dreads and fears. The first time he was on it, he barely lasted ten minutes before safewording. He begged me to bring him back the next week, give him another chance. He can last most of the evening, but still fights it. The challenge now is in gracefully getting into position, and then in handling whatever tortures I bestow once he surrenders. It can take him an hour or more to stop fighting the cold metal and give into it, and that's when I'll be working with Max on you. So don't worry when we leave him in here, we can see him from the poles, and I'll be sure others are keeping an eye out as well. He'll be fine."

  When Jacob finished with the sanitizer, Brent exchanged it for a condom and lube. Dana thought making Jacob prepare the statue for his own invasion was especially sadistic, but it was apparently doing something for him, as Jacob was hard as a rock. Dana was secretly glad she didn't have a neon sign broadcasting how much this was turning her on, too.

  Brent stepped forward and took the empty condom wrapper and lube. “Turn around and bend over. Legs spread, grab your ankles."

  Brent had put larger plugs into Jacob as the day progressed, and Dana realized he'd intended this all along—planning to mount Jacob on a statue while he spent time with her. He'd even told Jacob things would be rough for him later tonight, to reassure him he wouldn't be ignored all evening.

  Brent motioned for her to step into the cage with them, and she moved into a corner of the cell, wanting to stay out of the way.

  "Impale yourself Jacob, and don't take all day about it."

  Jacob leaned against the statue and slid to the top of the huge veined cock, positioning himself and pushing, his entire body straining as he bore down hard, forcing his ass over the thick metal head.

  Dana could see the pain on Jacob's face as he impaled himself, slowing when it hurt, speeding up when Brent showed annoyance. When his ass finally touched the base, Brent attached chains hanging from the top corners of the cell to his wrist cuffs. They were very long, allowing Jacob free range of movement.

  Brent said, “Arms behind his neck, brace yourself,” and walked to the door of the cage, pushing a silver button and turning to watch as the statue slowly rose out of the floor, more of its legs showing as it grew taller. Jacob had been in a seated position, and he straightened his knees and stepped his feet in as long as he could, until he was lifted away from the ground.

  Brent released the button when the statue was at full height, and he attached short chains hanging from the figure's side to Jacob's thigh-cuffs, pulling his legs up so his cock and balls showed obscenely. Dana winced as she got a view of Jacob's stretched asshole, but her wince turned to a shiver as a thrill shot through her.

  Touching Dana's arm, Brent said. “This next part's quite painful, maybe you could give him five or ten seconds of your mouth first?"

  Jacob's arms were bent backwards, wrapped around the statue's neck, desperately trying to hold his weight off the phallus, and Dana trailed her hand down his stomach to his clean-shaven cock, caressed his balls. She leaned forward and licked, as if it were a lollipop, and abruptly took him completely into her mouth, pushing hard so he descended into her throat. His groan was like music to her pussy, she was so horny, and her back was craving the lash something terrible. Odd, how she could feel Dominant while hungering for pain.

  She stopped when Brent's hand touched her shoulder, sucking her cheeks in hard and pulling away with a pop.

  "Please, no. This is enough. Please Brent.” It was the first she'd heard Jacob beg, and his appeal for mercy sent a jolt of fire through her even as she felt sorry for him.

  "I want the full effect. Count to fifteen and you'll be able to hold yourself up by the chains, it won't last forever."

  "Please don't."

  Brent's voice was soft—no anger, just curiosity. “Do you wish to deny my pleasure of seeing you spread in every way? Arms, legs, ass, mouth? You think you can handle this all night with your arms bent backwards?"

  Jacob closed his eyes, and when they opened, she could see the apology in them before he spoke, his voice coming out in pained gasps. “I'm sorry Brent, I shouldn't have asked. Please, put me the way you want.” His voice tore at her heart because she knew where he was—the urge to please his Master stronger than the fear of pain.

  Without turning Brent said, “Dana, will you please push and hold the small silver button beside the larger one? You can let up when the mechanism stops moving."

  The chains attached to his wrist-cuffs drew up until he was forced to let go of the statue, his arms pulled towards the outside corners of the cell. His weight now on his asshole, she could see him fighting the pain, a look close to panic on his face. When the motion stopped he grabbed the chains and lifted himself—his arms, shoulders, chest, and abs showing the strain as he pulled up, trying to take the weight of his body off his rectum.

  Brent stepped forward and wrapped his hand around Jacob's balls. His eyes flew wide open, focused on Brent's face. Silently Pleading.

  "This is for arguing. Count of five."

  Jacob gasped as Brent's fist slowly compressed them. Dana couldn't believe how far he squeezed, and his count didn't start until he'd reached the desired pressure; she could've made it to twenty by the time Brent made it from one to five. At three, Jacob's eyes filled with water, and at five, one of them spilled over—a tear slowly making its way down his face. Jacob didn't make a sound. She wasn't even sure he was breathing.

  When Brent finally released his balls he said, “Breathe, Jacob,” and skimmed his fingers over Jacob's now flagging cock. “I realize this ordeal will be made more difficult without a hard-on. I suggest you find a way to bring it back, you'll be here awhile."

  He pulled a sandwich bag from his
pocket, and retrieved a ring-gag from the plastic as he climbed the steps behind the statue, inserting the gag from behind and buckling it. He caressed Jacob's chest and stomach before leaving the cell, pulling Dana with him, closing the door with an audible click.

  A dungeon master was observing, and Brent nodded to him. “Mark, I'm glad you're on duty tonight. I'll be at the poles and will keep an eye on him. However, I'll be focused on Dana, so if you feel he needs my attention, please let me know. Unless there's an emergency or safeword, no one enters this cell but me or Dana here."

  "Understood.” He turned to Dana. “I don't believe we've met. Do you use a safeword other than Red? I assume you're getting the Max and Brent treatment, and I saw Max throw a few practice tosses of the single tail. Sure you're up to it?"

  "I'm sure. I'll use Red if there's a problem, but my back's itching for the whip, so I don't think you'll hear any colors coming from me. I was once a member, and Brent's my friend, not some random stranger. We'll be fine, but I appreciate you checking in with me."

  He opened his mouth to respond but Brent interrupted. “I know it's your personal policy to interrupt edge play for a safeword check when you don't know the submissive, and I understand and appreciate it, but I'd rather not deal with interruptions tonight. I noticed Dave on duty earlier, if you talk to him, he'll assure you she can handle what we'll be doing."

  Dana left the two of them to talk, taking her dress off without thinking as she reached the poles. She'd been nude in the club before, and was looking forward to the whip. It didn't take long for Max to string her up, arms straight out from her shoulders at a ninety-degree angle, attached to suspension cuffs, since the pressure would have been rough on her wrists with normal restraints.

  Narrow thigh cuffs were secured a few inches above her knees, marking the lowest spot she'd be hit tonight. They were snug but not tight, their only purpose to hold the short spreader bar forcing her knees apart. A longer spreader bar was connected to ankle cuffs, which were also tied off to the poles.


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