Safeword: Davenport

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Safeword: Davenport Page 21

by Candace Blevins

  Max wasn't gentle last night, and Zach had been intentionally rough before dinner, so she felt every millimeter of the plug. Thankfully, he used a lot of lube and went slow, stopping when she made sounds of pain, giving her time to adjust. But he was relentless, insisting she would accept it into her ass before the fun could begin.

  When it was finally in he gave it two quick pumps, holding his hand on her back, keeping her down when she tried to rise. “It seems Jacob is trained to maintain position much better than you. Perhaps we should borrow Brent's training methods."

  "It hurts, Sir. I'm still sore from last night and earlier today, and it's big, and...” she heard herself and shut up. “I'm whining. Sorry, Sir."

  "Yes, you are; thanks for noticing.” He stood them both up, locking his eyes onto hers. “It hurts because I want it to, and it'll only get worse. You'll be receiving more pumps throughout the evening.” He looked behind her. “Brent and Jacob are ready for us. Climb on the bed, situate yourself over Jacob's face, with your back to Brent."

  Dana turned, seeing Jacob on his back, crossways on the mattress, and Brent standing beside the bed teasing his submissive's still-jailed cock.

  She crawled onto the bed, gasping a few times as the plug shifted. Brent caught her eyes before she turned, his voice all business. “I've connected his wrist cuffs to his collar by foot long ropes, and given him permission to touch you. If you feel him pushing you up it probably means he needs air; please rise up, oxygen is important. You'll note his right ankle cuff is attached to the ring holding the jailbird—his punishment for lifting his foot earlier. Bumping his leg could hurt him in a bad way, so be careful, as he'll likely cause himself enough accidental pain without us helping.” He glanced at Jacob and back to her. “I'll wait until you're finished with his mouth before I punish it for disobedience. I'd like you to witness it later, as well."

  His gaze returned to Jacob, his voice a tad bit frightening. “You're not to bring her to orgasm until you hear Zach grant permission to come."

  "Of course, Brent."

  Brent raised his eyebrows, delivering a look that would've had Dana quaking, but Jacob didn't sound frightened. “No disrespect meant, I was agreeing with you. I like her, and won't get her in trouble on purpose."

  The larger man's eyes softened; voice still Dom, but no longer scary. “Okay, I believe you.” He looked up at Dana. “Climb on, dear. I've already lubed my end and I'm ready to go once you're in position."

  The second she lowered herself to Jacob's mouth, his warm tongue laving all the right places, her eyes rolled back in her head as a rambling moan escaped her lips. Zach chuckled from beside the bed, “I take it he's good with his tongue?"

  All she could manage was a long, drawn out, “Mmmmmmmmmmmm."

  The sound of Zach unzipping had her eyes flying open, and she watched as he pulled his very erect cock into view. He climbed onto the bed and kneeled above Jacob's head. “Come here, pet. Open wide. I'll let you know if and when you can come."

  Dana leaned forward, surprised the spacing worked out so well as her lips lined up with Zach's cock. His hand forced her head down farther, driving past the back of her mouth and into her throat, and she gagged, her pussy clenching around Jacob's tongue.

  He let her up, allowed her to catch her breath, and pushed again, triggering her gag reflex but not backing off this time, thrusting until her nose was touching his pubic bone, and he held her there. She heard Jacob moan, felt him being jarred under her, the bed moving in rhythm, and figured Brent was reaming his already tender asshole. Jacob's tongue faltered beneath her, then picked up speed as Dana fought to rise, needing oxygen. Zach finally let her up, let her breathe, fucking her mouth in shallower thrusts while she gasped for air around the intrusion. He leaned forward and the plug in her ass shifted and then grew larger. Twice. She squealed in anguish around his cock, frantic to relieve the burning in her ass. Jacob reached up to fondle her, trying to give her enough pleasure to help override the pain.

  "You can come anytime now, pet. As often as you like."

  Jacob doubled his efforts, one hand massaging the area around her clit, the other snaking fingers up inside of her while his tongue licked all around. Zach pushed her head down again, not relenting a tiny bit as he drove into her throat.

  She'd been holding her climax off for so long, it was so close, but wouldn't come the rest of the way. She wanted to growl in frustration, but couldn't with Zach's cock blocking her air. She heard Jacob yowl in agony, felt the vibrations of it in her pussy, and froze, worried she'd hurt him. She was moving her torso up, away from Jacob, when Brent said, “Stay put, dear. He forgot to keep his leg in place and yanked his balls. He's fine, settle back on his face."

  The idea of Jacob having to hold his foot in position, punishment for moving it when she spanked him, finally nudged her over. Once the orgasm started, it didn't stop, but went on and on and on. Every time the spasms slowed, Jacob finessed fingers or tongue and rocketed her over the edge again. She was still shuddering when Zach came in her mouth, still spasming after she'd swallowed it all down, still quivering when Brent made a few quiet climax sounds and finished up.

  Dana rolled sideways as she began to return from orbit, off Jacob's mouth before he had a chance to get her going once more. She forgot about her back and felt the bruises as they bore her weight, but didn't care about a little pain in that instant.

  "Oh, god."

  Brent and Zach both laughed. She rolled onto her side, off her back, and started to fold herself into Jacob's embrace, but hesitated, concerned she'd hurt Zach's feelings.

  She looked up at Zach. “I don't know who to go to. Jacob's right here, I'm gonna lay on him until ordered elsewhere.” She shifted focus to Brent. “Can I release his hands?"

  Brent nodded and she flicked the connectors open before stretching her body beside Jacob's, resting her head on his shoulder and settling in when he wrapped his arm around her.

  Zach had already zipped up and tucked his shirt in, and he sat on the bed beside them, still in full Dom mode. “The two of you look too comfortable to disturb, but you need a few more pumps. I'm giving you three this time."

  Her orgasm had relaxed her enough so the plug wasn't hurting anymore, but when he pumped it her entire body tightened in reflex at the sharp burn. “Oh, Sir. It's too much, please, back it off. Please."

  "Give it two minutes and we'll see how you're handling it. Breathe for me."

  Jacob massaged her sacrum as she'd rubbed him earlier, and Zach said, “That's good, let Jacob help you relax. Deep breaths, concentrate on his hand and not the plug."

  Damn, she wanted to smart off, tell him to cram it up his ass and relax; but she worked to do as he said, his voice sinking into her, making her want to please him. She focused on Jacob's hand, wiggled her toes, and the torment faded, the burn going from blaze to simmer.

  Dana looked over at the play-space; saw Brent cleaning up. Zach followed her gaze. “Lay still, I'll help wipe everything down since it seems the two of you are taking care of your own aftercare."

  He didn't sound upset, but she needed to be sure. “Zach? Sir?"

  He stopped, turning to look at her without speaking.

  "This is just how we ended up. I didn't mean to—"

  "It's okay.” His smile matched his words, and she relaxed inside. “I find myself turned on, watching him soothe you as I hurt you. We can't explore it much this weekend, but if Brent and Jacob can be persuaded to pay us a visit when you've fully healed, perhaps we can work something out."

  Brent looked at Zach, his face thoughtful. “I never allow other men to Top Jacob, only very select women. Your scenario would require your letting him know what he could and couldn't do.” He smiled. “That's not Topping, though—you'd draw those boundaries for anyone playing with your sub. We could work with the idea he's there to soothe his Lady, but can't take liberties he hasn't been given, and isn't obligated to follow your suggestions."

  "This is new for the two

of you, isn't it? Someone Topping him who's submissive to another?"

  "It is, but I'm interested in pursuing things if the two of you are. I promised Jacob when we negotiated his slave contract that I'd arrange for him to have time with women, or a woman, as I saw fit. I like Dana, and I trust her with him. I don't know you well yet, but so far I like you. Also, you seem emotionally secure enough to handle this type of relationship."

  "I can see us getting together for a weekend every couple of months. Not sure I'm up for more—not yet, anyway. I'd like to play host next time, invite the two of you to Chattanooga."

  Jacob's hand rubbed her lower back again, and she propped up on an elbow, looking down at him. He didn't have to say anything; his smile told her he was happy with what they were hearing.

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  Chapter Twenty-One

  * * * *

  Dana watched Zach and Jacob leave their little oasis in the middle of the labyrinth, both clothed and talking about classic cars, of all things. When they were gone, she turned to Brent.

  "I'm glad we're getting a chance to talk. You and Jacob are so in tune with each other; I'm in awe of your connection, and I'm thrilled for you."

  "Thanks. I love him very much, and work hard to assure he's happy with our relationship—even when he hates what I'm doing to him. He belongs to me, so I can make him unhappy and uncomfortable if I wish, but that's usually reserved for when I feel he needs our Owner and slave dynamic reinforced. Does that make me the slave, in a distorted sort of way?"

  "No, it just means you love him. I've no doubt you freely exercise your sadistic tendencies when you're in the mood. Taking his wants and needs into account just means you're responsible, that's all."

  "Is there anything about this weekend you'd have changed?"

  She hesitated, but assumed he wouldn't have asked if he didn't want an honest answer. “Yeah, I wish you'd taken the metal thing off, so I could've played with him more. I mean, it was hot realizing he couldn't... but it punished us as much as him."

  "I left it on because I wasn't sure how Zach would handle seeing you and Jacob together. I figured if we didn't make him watch Jacob fuck you the first time, it might give him a chance to get used the idea of the woman he cares about enjoying herself with another man. I'll leave it off if the two of you play again, unless he's in it for punishment, in which case it'll stay locked on."

  Her heart swelled at his thoughtfulness, but she worried about Jacob's feelings. “Did Jacob know why he was wearing it?"

  "Not during dinner, but I explained it while he was kneeling before me, when Zach got you ready for him. I don't always give reasons, but felt it called for in this situation."

  "I feel bad, in a way, that he's still got a punishment coming for flirting with me. What are you planning to do?"

  He laughed. “You feel bad, and you feel even worse that you're turned on by it?"

  She shifted, uncomfortable when she realized he was right. “Yeah. Maybe."

  "He'll spend ten minutes with a bar of soap stuffed almost all the way in his mouth, his hands restrained over his head while he holds a soapy enema, toes barely reaching the floor. That's for his mouth saying something it shouldn't. He also disobeyed a direct order, so when he's released the enema we'll do an hour of intense puppy training, with him in his doggie hood, mitts, weights pulling his balls down, and the butt plug tail he detests. An hour of sit, down, heel, come, stay, fetch, beg, roll over, barking on command... and a belt to the ass every time he doesn't react as fast as I think he should. He finds puppy training deeply humiliating and degrading; I find it an excellent reinforcement exercise to remind him all direct orders from me must be obeyed."

  Dana found herself squirming with the idea of one person having such profound power over another. “I'm conflicted—the concept of TPE turns me on, but I can't imagine agreeing to give anyone so much control over me. Garnet had it for periods of time, but it wasn't an everyday thing."

  "It doesn't have to be. We have many days where our power exchange is an undercurrent—he speaks respectfully, discusses instead of arguing, but otherwise we're a mostly normal couple. Then we may go several days where it's front and center, where I give him orders just to watch him follow them, where I need to hurt him, and I do."

  "But, even when it's in the background, it's still there. I don't know if I'm a submissive or a switch, how can I... and what if Zach can't hurt me like I need? A sub shouldn't be able to make those kinds of demands, should she?"

  "Don't underestimate how much power the submissive wields. There's no doubt in my mind that if I didn't fulfill my obligations in our contract, it could cause a rift, and may eventually break us up. For instance—I promised him sex with women, because it's a need he has. He loves me, and we'd likely be okay awhile if I stopped arranging it, but sooner or later he'd become resentful and I'd run the risk of damaging our trust, our foundation. My job is to make sure both of our needs are met. If I hadn't been comfortable with his needs I couldn't have agreed to a relationship with him, no matter how much I loved him."

  She was considering her response when he changed the subject. “You should know Zach asked me for Max's number and I gave it to him, as he wanted it for information and not to cause problems. He really does care about you.” He smiled. “I approve of him, very much. He's good for you."

  "I'm not sure it's fair to drag him through my issues right now. I thought I'd figured things out, and was ready to start dating again, but now I realize maybe I'm not."

  "I imagine you've figured out more than you think, and shutting him out now would be terribly unfair. Just be honest with him, and keep communication open."

  Dana was through with the deep conversation for now. “Jacob thinks you have secret passages."

  He smiled. “Yes, he's pretty smart, isn't he? Come, I'll show you—but you have to agree to not speak of them with him."

  "Okay, I loved his description of the games you play with him out here."

  Brent walked to the back of the room and opened a narrow door. “He assumes my shortcut is a straight path through the maze, he's never considered I had a tunnel put in."

  She followed him into a tiny closet with a hot water heater and electrical panel. He pushed on a seemingly unremarkable white wall and the entire section moved back a few inches. He turned to her, his eyes full of delightful mischief as he slid it sideways to reveal a flight of stairs leading down. Something about secret passageways could bring the boy out in the most mature of men.

  The staircase turned into a well-lit tunnel, the lights coming on a good twenty yards in front of them. They passed more stairs, which she discovered led to various places throughout the labyrinth, so he could reach just about any spot within moments.

  Something had been bugging her, and now seemed a good time to ask. She worried about overstepping, but it felt important enough to take the risk. “Sometimes, it feels as if Jacob's doing what I tell him so you won't punish him. Eventually, if he and I keep going, I'd like to know he's submitting because of what we are to each other. Am I out of line by wanting that, when he belongs to you?"

  "No dear, it just means you're coming into your own as a Domme. When you're ready to take control we'll need to have some extensive talks. You and I first, so we can discuss the rules you want to set up for him, and then the two of you."

  "I think maybe I need a couple more sessions with him the way things are, and then I'd like us to have that talk. Please."

  Nodding, he said, “He'll need it from you eventually, but you've got some time, so make sure you're ready before you take the step."

  They reached an apparent dead end, but Brent pushed a button and another door opened. Dana laughed when she looked around and saw an HVAC unit, water heater, breaker box, and tools hanging on a wall. “I take it Jacob isn't very mechanically inclined? But he was talking classic cars with Zach?"

  "He likes them for their looks, doesn't have a clue what makes them run. Let's get upstairs s
o we can be settled when they come in."

  When Dana and Zach finally headed off to her room, she was exhausted. Once Jacob's punishment was over, they'd all stayed up talking for hours—no power play, just four friends chatting. Now that she and Zach were alone she wanted to be his again, but was hesitant to ask.

  Zach's voice invaded her musings. “Penny for your thoughts?"

  Chickening out, she said, “I was hoping I made the right call, suggesting you and I sleep in here, instead of with them."

  "I'd have been okay either way, but I think you need time with me to reconnect and be assured what we have is real."

  "Why are you being so agreeable to all of this?"

  "If you'd described this situation six months ago, told me I'd be fine with it, I'd have called you crazy.” He smiled and sat sideways beside her, one leg curled between them and the other dangling off the bed. “But I find I care about you enough that I'm enjoying this journey with you; watching you figure things out and have new experiences. I won't agree to everything—there are some boundaries and stipulations I'll expect you to agree to, but I need to organize my thoughts before we begin that conversation."

  He leaned in, kissed her softly. “I can tell you one of my conditions now, and I'm afraid this one's not negotiable: If we're to consider ourselves a couple, I need to be included in your adventures from here on out. I'll do what I can to facilitate whatever you feel you have to experience, but I don't want you going off without me anymore."

  Dana shifted sideways, sitting with her legs crisscross, facing him. “Part of me isn't ready to give commitment promises, but the rest realizes it's time to define our relationship. I told Brent it's not fair to drag you into anything when I haven't put myself together enough to offer you a whole human being. I'm still... fractured. I thought I'd gotten beyond those feelings, but they're back."

  She dropped her head, looked back up, met his eyes, hoping to show him her inner conflict. “How can I offer myself to you if I'm not sure who I am?"


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