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The Quisling Covenant

Page 18

by Jerry Ahern

  “The scientists will examine them immediately; if in their opinion we have found what we are hoping to find, we’ll transport them back here. Centuries under the ice and what that has done to the records is a big concern. We’re hoping it won’t be necessary to use extraordinary conservation techniques but we are equipped for that eventuality. On the short side, once the ice is gone, in less than twenty-four hours, we’ll be back in the air headed home. Worse case, if heavy conservation is required before transport... an additional twenty-four to thirty-six hours.”

  “Okay Wes, you know my next question...” Rourke said.

  “Yes sir, I do,” Sanderson said, looking at Kuriname. “These men are ready and my men are ready.”

  “You both realize we’re not sure what condition Mount Rushmore is in or the artifacts stored there. Of primary interest is the recovery of the documents and artifacts. My biggest concern is the condition of any paper documentation. The acid paper commonly used before the Night of the War is notorious for disintegrating over time; especially this length of time. We’ll have several paper conservators assigned to assess its condition at the site. I hate to say this but Mount Rushmore has not been seen in several hundred years. While I want us to do everything in our power to restore it, don’t forget the mission.”

  “John, we understand,” Kuriname assured. “Chief Sanderson and I are in agreement. Especially since our cover story is we are on an archeological expedition, we have to successfully remove the ice and snow. That, in and of itself, will restore the monument.”

  Rourke nodded, “I hope so but the mission comes first; the restoration is a secondary concern.”

  Chapter Seventy

  Michael stood tall as he addressed the joint chambers of Congress. “President Theodore Roosevelt talked about war. He said, ‘War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war, is much worse. A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing he cares for more than his personal safety is a miserable creature who has no chance of being free unless made and kept that way by the exertions of better men than himself. ’”

  “There is a plan to bring down societies of free people; in a variety of forms it has existed for quite some time. It is the same plan that was established to give socialists the opportunity to take a society into communism. You can see for yourself how many of these have already been accomplished. First was the control of healthcare; if you control healthcare you control the people.”

  “The second was to increase the poverty level as high as possible; poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live. Next is to increase the debt to an unsustainable level; that way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty. Gun control efforts are not truly based in safety and security concerns. Its goal is to remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state.”

  “Welfare had to increase; this would allow the government to take control of every aspect of citizens’ lives; their food, housing, and their income. If you control the education system you are able to take control of what people read and listen to. Take control of what children learn in school; over only one generation, the dream of a nation can change.”

  “It was essential to remove the name of God from the Government and schools. And finally, institute a policy of class warfare. You must divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take, through taxes, the wealthy with the support of the poor.”

  Sitting in the audience and somewhat distracted, John Rourke suddenly realized how proud he was of his son Michael; but he knew Michael was growing tired of the political... ‘bull shit’ was the only term that came to mind. John’s was a world that required more actions and fewer words. Michael had accomplished something amazing to Rourke; he thrived on the political nuisances. It seemed he had finally found his niche. He had also had the benefit of his stepfather, Wolfgang Mann, who had tutored Michael in some of those finer nuisances of politics. John thought to himself, it really paid off. Like Mann, Michael had successfully made the transformation from John’s world to those “hallowed halls.”

  Michael had wedded two distinct arenas—politics and patriotism—into one... his presidency. John on the other hand was ready for some action. Michael spoke again, “History is replete with incidents where the very same measures the Progressives promote have not only been ineffective, but have resulted in complete financial ruin for countless countries over the centuries. You can’t tax your way back from the precipice on which we stand. Help from the government... I agree we must help; we must help create jobs. We must give a hand up not a hand out; that plan throughout history has destroyed personal initiative and self-reliance.”

  “Cicero said, and I quote, ‘A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. ’”

  “The traitor is the culprit we must focus on. Otherwise, nothing else we do, nothing else we accomplish, will have any lasting effect,” Michael said with a steely gaze. “The traitor is who we are focusing on. Additionally, let me say that one of his tools has always been the need for more political correctness. I will tell you, this world had political correctness before the Night of the War and I experienced it. I have studied it and I find directions are creating a trend I find troubling. I understand why there are a lot of people who sincerely believe that changes were necessary and appropriate. However, as with the current political processes in this country, ‘change’ took on a life of its own while remaining surprisingly ill-defined and irresponsible with its own consequences.”

  Chapter Seventy-One

  Michael Rourke’s last visit to New Germany had been months ago. Now, yet again he saw that the season was changing; he had enjoyed the visit on the last night with his mother Sarah. Even though she had come to help with the kids after Natalia’s injuries, it seemed like it had been too long between visits.

  Michael and Wolfgang Mann, president of New Germany, had coordinated on this summit. The scientific leaders of the New World were gathered in the Rotunda at the New German Capital. Mann opened the meeting, “Gentlemen, we are gathered here to discuss a global crisis. We have evidence of a threat, actually coming at us from several directions that will potentially affect all of us. We have found evidence, an unsubstantiated report, that the aliens made contact with the German government in 1933. During the 1930’s, the Germans had been building rockets and there was even talk about a space program. Plans for weapons such as sound devices, lasers, neutron bombs, particle beam weapons, etc., were designed. Although many of these weapons were not created until much later in history, apparently there was an exchange of technology that was shared with the Germans such as anti-gravity and free energy.”

  “There is another, equally unconfirmed report, that the Roswell incident was supposedly not a crash but rather a shoot down. Supposedly the U.S. government, using a military radar system, targeted and brought down the craft. Another report says the United States Government made a formal agreement with an alien race in a meeting at Holliman Air Force Base in 1954. The terms of this agreement were the exchange of technology, of anti-gravity, metals, alloys, and environmental technologies to assist the earth with free energy, and medical application
regarding the human body.”

  He turned to Michael, “Mr. President...”

  Michael looked at the audience and said, “In exchange the aliens would be allowed to study the human development, both in the emotional consciousness makeup, and to reside here on earth. That particular document and original exchange material was supposedly stored in a NSA facility, called Blue Moon, under Kirkland Air Force Base in New Mexico. If that report was ever accurate information, proof has been lost. We can’t confirm any of it. The Night of the War destroyed a lot of documents and artifacts. If anything was ever stored in Blue Moon, it isn’t now. However, the alien agenda now is apparently to create a slave race that can mine this world for resources. We suspect that there has been extensive research on the human brain and its capabilities. For decades before the Night of the War, there were many people who claim to have been abducted and even implanted by the aliens.”

  “We now know the aliens are capable of monitoring the brain waves of those they have cloned, through the tattoos. The clones lost free will, they were little more than clone robots! Their souls were trapped and they were no longer considered compassionate human beings. They’re trapped mentally, emotionally, physically in a physical existence, therefore, that’s all they see. They literally disowned and fractionalized themselves away from their spiritual essence. That type of control is now no longer a part of them.”

  “Supposedly, in the late 1950’s, the aliens allegedly also approached the Russians regarding the signing of treaties and mutual exchange. The Russians, however, chose not to sign this independent treaty because they knew full well that the aliens would try to pit the United States against the Soviet Union. It is in fact the Soviet Union that informed President John F. Kennedy of the alien presence during the Cuban missile crisis.”

  Mann spoke again, “Apparently, after the Night of the War, whatever contact the aliens had with this planet was either stopped or simply went unnoticed. However, interviewing those rescued members of the clones from the Eden Project, we now know the threat is real.”

  David Hawk, the Minister of Science for England interrupted, “Mr. Rourke, you are saying we have indisputable facts that a global threat is imminent ?”

  “Yes Minister, we do. And at least part of that threat is not external to our atmosphere. We now believe the plan is to have us morally and spiritually compromise our free will—they let us create the destruction to ourselves. It really is a set-up. The power of belief systems can be used as fuel for the game of seducing people into believing that certain things are true. By the power created by the conscious thoughts, we can literally make these things occur and come true, whether they benefit us or not. There are real, spiritual dynamics at work here and they’re being used against us.”

  Michael continued, “Certainly, anything is possible. We have to focus on what we can do. We, of Earth, have evolved only in technical and material sciences. My fear is that there is a covert plan for a New World Order. It could be that the population of the Earth could be seduced. If a billion people come to the realization and a decision that it is safer, more reasonable, more politically correct to capitulate, it can literally change with the setting and the rising of the sun. I stress, this threat has many angles. We are not just dealing with an external enemy. We believe that the promise of a ‘shared domination’ of the world has already been made. Individual and collective greed on the part of traitors... traitors not only to our individual nations, but traitors to the human race are involved.”

  A dark man stood; he spoke with a heavy Spanish accent, “You are saying that if subtle manipulation does not work, force will be levied against us. If these evil powers are not able to manipulate our belief system level, there is also a plan in development to play out a staged second coming of the threat. This apparently has already begun with the arrival of the KI. Are they part of this?”

  Michael hesitated, “I don’t believe that all of the KI would be involved in this. However, evidence is being presented that some might be willing to change the course of human history in conjunction with a more militant segment of their population. We suspect some sort of an alliance is being, or has been, forged with a secret Russian facility and there appear to be elements of advancement being introduced that we cannot copy. Mankind has developed significantly from our early ancestors, particularly in the area of arms and armaments. In a direct confrontation, the militant KI can’t take over without risking their own safety.”

  David Hawk stood and turned to the rest of the scientific leaders. He slowly turned back to Rourke. “So... Mr. Rourke. What do you need from us?”

  “We need some serious brain power and coordination but, more than that, it is essential you understand the overall view. This meeting was called to review the apparent intent and the effects of the actions of the aliens and the traitorous humans. We now can confirm that after Earth’s climatic and geological calamity 40,000 years ago, members of the KI race were stranded here. They kept their identity secret and integrated with those cultures that survived. From all indications they DID form the basis for many, if not all, of our legends and heroic stories from every corner of the planet. Their race was longer lived than the proto-humans and their life span allowed them interaction for several generations. We think it is entirely possible that they, or the memories our proto-humans ancestors had of them, were the nugget of truth in our mythological gods and goddesses.”

  “What our ancestors did not have the technology to explain became the magic of the gods. For several generations of human development, the influence of the surviving KI guided and influenced the growth from barbaric hunter gathers through the development of agriculture and the establishment of villages. Eventually, those KI did die off. The memories of them became enshrouded in myths and legends. Almost all of these memories carried a similar message that one day, the ‘gods’ would return.”

  “As you know, they have,” Mann said. “However, now that the KI have returned, we have information there is a faction within them that has become... I guess militarized is the appropriate term; that faction wants to take the control of Earth away from present day humans and the other returnees. While there are elements of their sciences and technology we don’t yet understand, we know they have limits not exceptionally different from our own. First, the entire KI population of returnees is, by comparison to the population of Earth, small in numbers. Secondly, while there are elements of advancement we cannot copy, we are stronger than our earlier ancestors which they were familiar with.”

  David Hawks said, “But you said there is some type of alliance between humans and KI that could be successful?”

  Michael nodded. “Yes, but it is the wrong group of humans who have aligned. Specifically, a temporary alliance between them and a hidden Russian outpost appears to have already occurred. I believe the Russian plan is to gain knowledge of KI technology and use their sciences, their ships, and their people to assist the Russians in gaining dominance over the world. Then the Russians will turn on the KI and place them under their global fist of control.”

  “We now have reports of several incidents and activities we believe are evidence of such an alliance. And we have confirmation from within the KI themselves of the appearance of Russian weaponry on the KI ships. There have been several ‘suspicious’ events that have occurred in a general sequence and timeline that unfolded at several sites and locations around the globe. This operational plan we’re passing out will provide an overview of what happened at each location and when.”

  “I hope it will be useful to analyze the effectiveness of any anticipated responses we may have to take; especially the time-sensitive actions. We need to brainstorm a means of looking at the ramifications of one action not happening when expected, on actions taken by other players and on the overall response; otherwise... we won’t be successful.”

  Chapter Seventy-Two

  The team consisted of the ten scientists assigned to Dr. Cummings and Frank O’Conner, the member
s of Akiro Kuriname’s Dog Soldiers, Wes Sanderson’s special warfare unit, and John Rourke. Randall Walls and Paul Rubenstein tapped into surveillance satellites and were monitoring the entire northern part of North America for signs the mission had been compromised.

  Transport near to the site, formally known as Mount Rushmore, had been accomplished by the huge VTOL transport planes. From there it was a mile over land, more accurately an over glacier trip, in Vikings which was the snowmobile version of the All-Terrain Powered Armored Attack Vehicles. Camp was set up the first day and the scientists had set up the equipment they would need. Four hours later, the exact location of the faces of Mount Rushmore had been determined and sensors were deployed to determine the exact pattern of frequency modulation necessary to “de-ice” the monument and give them access to the Hall of Records.

  Chief Sanderson and Akiro Kuriname were in their tent. “Wes, I have an uneasy feeling about this mission,” Kuriname said.

  “Really Akiro, it seems to be a simple salvage operation,” Sanderson said.

  Kuriname nodded, “I agree but I can’t shake this feeling. Something is ‘out of sequence’ and I can’t figure out what it is.”

  “Look,” Sanderson said, “this is the first operation for your team. Heebie-jeebies are to be expected. Your guys will do fine and so will you.”

  “I need your help,” Kuriname said after a long silence. “I’m concerned about one of my men, Bennett Arnold. He just seems... I can’t put my finger on it. He seems different, distant somehow. Will you help me watch him? I really want this first mission to go well.”


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