Surviving the Alpha : Part I: (A Paranormal College Vampire Werewolf Action Adventure Romance)

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Surviving the Alpha : Part I: (A Paranormal College Vampire Werewolf Action Adventure Romance) Page 5

by Jessica Caspian


  As she rang the bell for Felix’s apartment in the evening, Christina wondered if she had indeed lost her mind. What made her think she would be able to convince him to give her another chance? But she needed to try. She wasn’t the sort to just sit and accept defeat without fighting all the way through.

  Felix opened the door. His face registered surprise upon seeing her. “Christina, what are you doing here?”

  “I would like a moment of your time, please.” She was determined to not beg and plead, but instead be dignified and persistent.

  “Alright, come in.” He opened the door all the way through and gestured for her to come inside. She’d never been to his apartment. Since Felix was twenty years older, they had different social circles. The foyer opened into a rectangular, large living space. Done in all white, it was extremely clean and without character. Much like his personality, she decided with a pretty pout. “Please sit.”

  Dressed in navy pants and a white causal shirt, he looked very different from the man she was used to seeing in the concert hall. Christina made her way to the couch and sat. Now that she was here, she didn’t know what she would say and how she would begin.

  Thankfully, he took the choice out of her hands. “Wine?” he asked.

  “Sure.” A glass of wine would slide down well, and probably give her the courage to broach the subject with a little more ease. “Do you live alone?”

  He wasn’t married as far as she recalled, but there had been a girlfriend a few months ago. A tall brunette, with a wide smile and hazel eyes; what happened to her?

  Barefoot, he walked over to the bar that was set against one wall and poured wine in two glasses. He brought her a glass and stood watching her, the other glass in his hand. Unnerved by his steely gaze, she gulped half a glass down.

  “Yes, I live alone.” He sat next to her on the couch, turning so that his knees bumped hers. “May I ask what you’re doing here, Christina? Not that I mind having an unscheduled visit from a beautiful woman, of course.” His gaze drifted to the smooth skin of her cleavage.

  “I just needed…wanted to try and convince you to give me another audition, Felix. This is important to me. More important than anything else in my life. I’ve worked so hard, and I think if you give me another chance, I will be able to prove to you that I am good enough to be the first chair at the orchestra.”

  To her surprise, he reached forward and touched a lock of her curly hair. He pressed the lock between two fingers, gently smoothing the curl, almost as if he was making love to it. “You’re a talented and beautiful woman, Christina. There is no doubt that you will go far in this profession. But you’re young still, and there is plenty of time for you to take that step forward. Bide your time well. Another year and I think you’ll be ready.”

  “I’m ready now.” She gulped the rest of her wine. Too late, she realized that she had hardly had any lunch. The potent drink swirled in her stomach and gave her an immediate buzz. She stared at Felix’s face, noting the slight stubble on his cheeks and jaw, his soft, moist lips and the black eyes that seemed to penetrate right down to her soul. He wasn’t bad-looking. Of course, a head of thick hair and another foot in height would’ve served him better.

  “More wine?” He took the glass from her hand. She noticed his was barely touched.

  Christina leaned back, feeling relaxed. “It’s not that I don’t trust your judgment, but I really think I deserve another chance.”

  He handed her another glass. “Christina, you’re a mature, intelligent woman. I am sure it has occurred to you that I can’t keep changing my decisions. It would make every decision an ordeal. Although I must say that in your case, I am tilting towards making an exception.”

  Hope slammed into her heart. “Really!”

  He ran a finger down her cheek, her jaw and on to her throat. If she wasn’t so buzzed, she might have been alarmed by this over familiar gesture, but as it was, she found the touch slightly arousing. “Your eagerness for this job shows me that you would be deeply committed to the task.”

  “Oh, yes, I would be so dedicated, Felix. I promise you that I wouldn’t let you down.”

  His lips lifted in a smile. Why hadn’t she noticed that his teeth were so pearly white? “You’re asking me for a favor, Christina. May I be so bold as to ask what are you willing to give me in return?”

  Her mind was blank. Christina gulped half a glass of wine to give herself time to think of an appropriate answer. What did he want? The gleam in his eyes gave her some indication as to where this was going, but she couldn’t be sure. “What did you have in mind?”

  “I’m not sure you can give me what I have in mind.”

  She found that her breath was caught in her throat. “What?”

  He leaned closer, his face inches away from hers, his breath hot on her lips. “A night of depraved, crazed, and intense sex. Satisfy me well, and I will give you another audition.”

  For a moment, she could do nothing but stare at him, her gaze locked on his. It was almost as if she was drowning in the depths of his eyes. She should’ve been insulted, but the desire that coiled in his eyes made her feel wanted, appreciated. “You don’t mean that?”

  “Oh, yes, I do.” He put a hand on her thigh and rubbed with his thumb. “I know how to please a woman, Christina. You will not regret it. And think of the grand prize; a night of uninhabited passion for another chance at your dream. What do you say to that?”

  She was crazy. Mad. Foolish beyond measure. She shouldn’t have come here, put herself in this position, but now that she was here, and the opportunity dangled in front of her like a big, red, juicy carrot, Christina found herself saying, “Yes.”

  He beamed in delight, almost as if Christmas had come early.


  He held her hand and made her stand. Her legs were trembling, Christina realized. The entire thing was so surreal. It couldn’t be real. Perhaps, it was a dream. But as Felix led her towards the open door that stood at the far end of the living room, reality set in.

  She was going to have sex with Felix Yeomans.

  Why had she agreed to this? She could say no. All she had to do was to open her mouth and say that she’d changed her mind. But she hadn’t. Not really. She wanted to be first chair – and if this was the only way to get it, she simply couldn’t say no.

  His bedroom was simple; a huge, four posted bed with black, silk sheets and a couch in one corner. Christina realized that the wine glass was still in her hand. She gulped the nectar down, hoping it would give her sagging courage a boost. Felix made her sit on the bed. He took the wine glass out of her hand and placed it on a side table.

  “You’re one of the most ravishing women that I’ve ever seen.” He cupped her face with his hands, his fingers surprisingly gentle. “I’ve imagined myself with you, but never thought this day would one day come to pass.”

  She couldn’t muster a smile. As she gazed into his eyes, he bent and his lips touched hers in a kiss. As he nibbled at her bottom lip, she found herself getting aroused. Sex was after all one of her true passions. She enjoyed it, relished it. His tongue caressed her lips, slid into her mouth. He tasted of wine and something sweet. His mouth ravished hers. Need. Desire. Heat. She felt herself melting into a cauldron of mixed emotions.

  It didn’t feel right, and yet it did.

  His hands slid down, even as his mouth conquered hers, and removed her shirt. His fingers skimmed along the edge of her black lacy lingerie. Deftly, he opened the clasp on her back and removed the lacy garment. Placing her hands on the bed, she arched back. His eager hands cupped her breasts, kneaded and pressed, sending shivers of delight course through her body.

  He sure did know what to do with his hands.

  Suddenly, he stepped back. He licked his bottom lip as he gazed at her naked body. He removed his shirts, opened his belt, and took off his trousers, dropping them on the floor. His slight paunch sagged, but surprisingly she didn’t find it off putting. Fee
ling bold, she reached forward and cupped his balls. She rubbed them gently, noticing the way his eyes widened and his nostrils flared. He moved his feet apart, giving her a better access.

  He was hard already. She bent her head to lick the underside of his penis, the tip of his manhood. He groaned. With one swift flick, he opened her hair and plunged both his hands in the silky soft curls. Christina took him in her mouth, her tongue flicking, sucking, and tasting him with a sweet abandon. His hands pressed on her hand, freezing her into the position as if he was determined to never let her go. Wild cries of rupture escaped his lips, and suddenly, with a massive thrust, he came inside her mouth.

  Christina drank the sweet semen.

  She let go, and he dropped on the bed, pulling her along with him. For a long while, they both lay still, his arm thrown across her, pinning her down. Finally, he turned and opened the button of her pants. He slid it down her legs as she raised her hips to accommodate him. His face shone with sweat as his gaze lingered on the matching black panty. He slipped it down.

  He took a moment to rummage through his drawer. He pulled out and put on a condom.

  Putting his elbows on the bed, he straightened so that he was lying on top of her, his face above her breasts. He bent and took her right nipple in his mouth, suckling as a child would to his mother’s breast. Her body quivered as the gently sucking motion sent shivers of delight rupturing through her nerves. Her blood boiled with need, beads of moisture wet her thigh as she rubbed her legs together, feeling aroused. She felt his penis harden once more and spread her legs to ease him in. He didn’t seem to be in a hurry. Instead, he moved down her breasts, nibbling over her ribcage and her stomach.

  “Please,” she panted, wild with desire.

  He grabbed her hands, held them on the side as he plunged inside her. Christina arched her hips, moved with his rhythm, feeling herself going higher and higher as he plundered and devoured. Each thrust elicited a moan as she gave way to the waves of passionate hunger that rippled through her. Finally, she crested over the peak, squealing in delight as the orgasm ripped through her.

  He came inside her. And then dropped down on her, spent.

  Sex with Felix wasn’t bad, she decided as she rubbed a hand on his back. Not bad at all!


  Christina sipped hot, piping coffee as she waited for the orchestra crew to gather for the rehearsal. A mild headache brewed behind her eyes, a result of barely a couple of hours of sleep the night before. She’d left Felix’s house early at seven, but not before he’d coped another session. Four times, was it?

  Sex with Felix had been invigorating. For a middle-aged man, he sure had a lot of energy. Her cheeks flushed as she recalled the way he’d bent her over the bed, penetrated her from behind, making her squeal with each powerful thrust. His broad, stubby fingers stroked her until she was ready to explode. Every inch of her body had been caressed, touched, and used until she had absolutely no breath left.

  In return, he had promised to give her an audition later in the week. Perhaps, some people wouldn’t appreciate her granting a sexual favor in return for something, but Christina knew how competitive and ruthless the world was. If she didn’t do absolutely everything to grab her share of happiness, she would be left behind and have no one to blame for her predicament but herself.

  And it wasn’t as if she hadn’t enjoyed sex with Felix. And perhaps, they might actually end up in bed again. He’d been a satisfying partner. If he wanted to see her socially, she might consider it, despite their age difference. After all, they did have a lot in common.

  “We’re ready,” said one of the crew members as he poked his head into the waiting area.

  Christina drank the rest of her coffee, picked up her cello, and left the room. For a brief moment, she hesitated. Instead of turning right towards the stage, she turned towards Felix’s office. He hadn’t told her exactly when he would schedule the second audition. The sooner, the better, as far as she was concerned. She needed to pin him down and get the date and time.

  The door to Felix’s office was slightly ajar. She raised her hand to knock, but the voices coming from inside stopped her. She would rather not discuss this in front of company.

  “Alright, Roger, I will see you next Saturday. We’ll do a couple of rehearsals with the full orchestra so they can understand your style and method of working. I absolutely look forward to having you perform with us.”

  She heard him put down the phone. Who was he talking to? Roger? The guest cellist? The one he’d been planning to install as first chair? Why would he promise Roger the position when she’d an audition due this week?

  “I don’t understand what you’re doing, Felix,” she heard the orchestra manager say. “Why schedule an audition for Christina if you’ve already decided to hire Roger?”

  Felix chuckled. “Christina has spunk, talent. Not to mention a drive for success but she’s not ready yet. Still, I promised her another chance and I always keep my promises.”

  The manager sighed. “So when do you want me to schedule her audition?”

  “Tell her to come by on Wednesday at four in the afternoon.”

  “That girl is immensely talented,” mused the manager. “If she leaves the orchestra…”

  “She won’t leave, not after all the hard work she has put in. Another year of waiting is not going to harm her career. And it will teach her some valuable lessons.”

  Having heard all she wanted, Christina turned and went back to the stage where everyone was already assembled. She took her designated chair, put the cello down and sat still. The shock of what she heard made her break into a cold sweat. How dare he?

  How dare Felix use her and then betray her in such a manner? Had she spent the night with him for nothing? What would be the point of auditioning again if he didn’t even intend to give her a serious chance? Her eyes glazed as she recalled every moment of the time he’d spent making love to her. It had been a fair exchange, but he’d made it crass and treacherous by the cheap trick he intended to pull.

  “All ready!” Felix’s voice boomed across the orchestra hall as he climbed up the steps to take his position.

  She sent him a withering look. If he thought he was going to get away by pulling this stunt, he was sadly mistaken. Christina wasn’t willing to let him use and discard her in such a manner. She would think of something, even if it killed her, to get that job. She deserved it. She wanted it – and she was going to have it.

  As she straightened her cello and adjusted her grip on the strings, her gaze fell on Count Van Bower, the handsome and charming chairman of the Orchestra’s Foundation. He was standing at the far end of the hall. His presence in the hall was a big surprise because he hardly graced them with an audience.

  As before, Christina was enthralled by his devastatingly good looks. His midnight black hair perfectly complemented his lean, almost gaunt face. His skin was so pale that in comparison, his eyes, dark and bright, shone with an unholy gleam. Despite the distance, she could tell that his eyes were fixed on her, almost as if he could read her mind and glimpse her innermost thoughts.

  As her glaze locked with his, her body shivered, as if he had reached out to caress her. A movement to her right distracted her, and when she looked up, he was gone. She searched the shadows to seek him but he’d left. Still, she felt as if she was being watched.

  A heavy, superstitious feeling stabbed her heart as if heralding the beginning of something momentous and strange. Christina squared her shoulders as she fought the uneasy sensation and made an effort to focus on the task at hand.

  She’d a lot to do; the least of which was figure out a way to beat Felix at his own game.

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