Fated Mate_Misty Woods Dragons)

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Fated Mate_Misty Woods Dragons) Page 43

by Juniper Hart

  Megan cried out, feeling him as he sat up to undo his pants. His thumb continued to work at her sensitive area, slipping between her two openings like he had been made to do so.

  A moment later, her cheeks were spread wider, and suddenly she felt the tip of his incredible erection pressing against her buttocks, gently prodding at her too-tight opening.

  “Oh, my God,” Megan breathed, realizing where he intended to take her. The head of his member rubbed the lips of her core, and when he finally slid inside her, Megan screamed, her body fighting the feeling while she tried to welcome it.

  Will grunted, falling forward to fully maneuver himself inside her, where he seemed to reach every inch of her insides.

  His fingers felt like claws as they gripped her waist, plunging wildly inside her as she tried to catch her breath. Strange noises emitted from his windpipe, and Megan jerked her blonde head back to catch his partial reflection in the glass of the partition.

  She gasped at the sight before her, unable to reconcile what she was seeing.

  Will seemed to have transformed into a beast, his long face a grey-black mask of scales and ridges. Primal grunts emerged in puffs of smoke from his mouth, but as Megan tried to turn her head to look back at him, a huge bird-like hand grasped her neck and pulled her upward.

  Her naked back against his chest, she could feel the roughness of his skin. She swore she could see an almost translucent wing through her peripheral vision, but the angle was too odd for her to be certain. The only thing she knew for sure was that the shaft driving into her was real, and it was causing her to orgasm again.

  Will’s claws folded around her neck once more, and Megan let out a strangled noise as she came, although her cries of pleasure were overshadowed by the feral screech released by Will as he exploded inside her.

  The juices he expelled almost burned her, they felt so hot, and Megan was a quivering pile by the time he had finished. She felt him withdraw from her, and she crawled out from under him, spinning around to stare at him, her body shaking.

  But despite what they had just done, Will was still her boss, a small smile toying on his lips as he slowly pulled up his pants.

  “You are every bit as sweet as I expected you to be,” he told her, and Megan felt her heart flutter again.

  I can’t believe he’s been attracted to me all this time, she thought to herself. But… what is he? I did not imagine what I saw, right?

  It was not a question she put into words, waiting to see if he would explain himself.

  He didn’t.

  After a few moments, Megan looked outside the window of the town car. She realized they were still driving.

  “Where are we?” she asked. “I didn’t think the police station was that far away from the hotel.”

  “It’s not,” Will answered.

  “Then why aren’t we back there yet? What are we doing?”

  “Circling the block,” he replied smoothly.

  “Why?” Megan questioned, perplexed.

  Will laughed. “I imagine that for decorum’s sake. I don’t think the driver wanted to drop us half-dressed and in the throes of fornication.” Then he turned back to her. “Unless you want him to, Meg?”

  She got chills when he called her “Meg.” He had never done it before that night, and she hoped he would continue to do it.

  Will tapped on the partition.

  “We’re ready to go back now,” he called to the driver.

  Soon, the driver had steered the town car in the front of the hotel. When the door opened, Megan nervously eyed Will.

  Now what? she wondered. Do we just pretend like this never happened? That I don’t know about his secret?

  They walked quietly into the hotel, and Megan struggled for the words to say. Before she could speak, however, he beat her to it.

  “Would you like to come to my suite?” he asked, turning to stare at her with stormy, black eyes.

  She gulped and nodded, not trusting her voice.

  “Sure,” she squeaked. “I would love a drink.”

  Will shook his head. “I don’t mean for a drink. I mean for the night.”

  Megan felt happiness like she had never known before swell her chest, and she nodded enthusiastically.

  “Yes!” she gasped. “I would love to!”

  Will smiled, appearing relieved, and she saw that he had been just as nervous that she would reject him as she was he would reject her.

  Just goes to show that you can never tell what a person’s feeling through only their appearance, she thought, biting on her lower lip as they got off on his floor, the anticipation building inside her again.

  “What are you thinking about?” Will asked her after they had been silent for a while, and Megan glanced at him.

  “Oh,” she replied nonchalantly. “I was just wondering if you’d ever heard of the Mile-High club.”

  He scoffed, and Megan looked at him in surprise.

  “What?” she demanded, suddenly embarrassed.

  “Everyone’s a member Mile-High Club,” he teased. He paused for a long moment, studying her face. “Now, the Dragon Tail Club,” he said, making a pause. “Well, that’s something we should try.”

  Megan almost fainted with excitement as her imagination went wild.

  Her foul mood was all but forgotten.

  The End

  Click Here to Read the Entire Shifter Pursuit Series


  Shifter Pursuit: Deserted

  Molly reached into the cooler, pulling out another beer.

  May as well, she thought. If Jess isn’t here by now, she’s not going to be here tonight, no matter what she’s claiming.

  The beer was helping her foul mood, but Molly should have been used to Jessica’s incessant propensity for lateness—which, in this case, was a full day behind.

  She’ll be here tomorrow, and we can meet up with the others like we planned. We’ll just drive through the night. Nothing we haven’t done before.

  She glanced wistfully at her Harley, wishing she had gone for a ride before she’d had too much to drink, but the time for that was gone. Evening had fallen, and Molly looked reluctantly at the unlit fire pit, slightly too comfortable in her folding chair to act. She hadn’t brought enough food for a two-night camping trip, anyway. There was no point in lighting a fire.

  I’ll have to find somewhere to eat, she realized, reluctantly standing up from her seat. She had seen a biker bar on her way into the Santa Fe Lake Camp Ground. It would be in their best interest to serve food. It would be bad business—not to mention madness—to serve beer to a bunch of men that size without anything else to counter it.

  Molly knew that the bar was within walking distance, and given her state of mind, it was best that she was in stumbling distance to her tent.

  Next year, I don’t come alone, she vowed, snatching her leather jacket from the back of her chair and grabbing her purse from the ground. The only problem was that she had no real way to secure her cooler, so she simply slipped it in the tent and hoped for the best. Not that she had anything to worry about in Williams, Arizona.

  It wasn’t the danger Molly was afraid of; it was boredom.

  The campground near Santa Fe Lake was filled with families. There was not an unattached man over the age of eighteen in sight, let alone one who could possibly appeal to her.

  If Molly had known she would be waiting two days for Jessica, she might have gone for a hotel, but it was too late now. She had already paid for her site, and her tent was set up. She wasn’t going anywhere, except to collect some food and maybe have another beer.

  She cast one last look around the quiet area and spun to walk away, eyeing her motorcycle.

  No one will dare touch it, Molly assured herself. Not if they know what’s good for them.

  As her father had always told her, “Molly Magee, the only two things you should pay for in life are your education and your wheels. Take pride in both.”

  Molly had heeded the advice lik
e gospel, and she had only spent her own money in her education and in her Hog.

  Whenever she was home for the summer, she ensured she got as much use as she could out of the vehicle. Or, at least, she tried to.

  Molly cast aside her negative thoughts.

  Tomorrow is another day, she thought, decided not to curse Jessica for her lateness anymore. We still have time to catch up with the rest of the crew in Phoenix… if Jess ever gets here.

  They had communicated via text, and her childhood friend had assured her that she would be there the following day, if not that same night, come hell or high water.

  More likely hell will claim her before the great flood, Molly thought, giggling to herself.

  Her black Dr. Martens kicked up the dirt as she strolled purposefully from the campground. Although it was nearly eighty-five degrees, she slipped on her leather jacket over her plain black t-shirt and reached for a packet of gum from the inside pocket. Popping a piece in her mouth, Molly continued toward the bar she had seen on the edge of town.

  She quickly found the run-down roadhouse, and Molly’s heart skipped a beat in anticipation. More than a dozen people stood outside the establishment, smoking cigarettes and laughing as she approached.

  Loud country music was twanging through the open windows, and Molly could hear more chuckling from inside the walls.

  A smile broke out over her pixie-like face, and she nodded to herself.

  Now this is more like it, she thought happily.

  “Well, hot damn!” one drunken fool catcalled Molly as she sauntered toward the building. “What’s your name, baby?”

  Molly flashed him a dry smile as he nudged his friends, licking his lips.

  “They got food in this joint?” she asked instead.

  The man broke away from the crowd and stumbled toward her, grinning charmingly. “Baby, I’ll take you somewhere real classy to eat.”

  His friends laughed as Molly rolled her eyes and left him in the parking lot.

  “Hey, wait!” he bellowed after her, but Molly paid him no mind. She wasn’t looking forward to making friends that evening.

  Inside, the din was almost deafening, between the boisterous conversation and the music piping through a beat-up juke box in the corner. Not many people were inside, though the noise indicated otherwise.

  Molly made her way up to the bar and slid onto a stool, catching the bartender’s attention right away.

  “You’re not from around here, are ya, kid?” the older man growled.

  Molly grinned disarmingly. “Do I seem that out of place?” she asked innocently, but the bartender did not return her smile.

  “This is no place for a little girl,” he told her flatly. “There are more places up the road. You’ll have more luck there.”

  A combination of indignation and concern coursed through Molly. Before she could protest, the man from outside slid beside her on the stool.

  “Get the lady a drink, Mario!” he yelled, drunkenly slapping the counter.

  Mario seemed taken aback by the order, and Molly stared at him to see what he would do.

  “What are you waiting for?” the young man shouted. “I said, get her a drink!”

  “Sure, Caden,” muttered the barkeep, and Molly’s dark eyebrows rose in surprise. “What’ll it be?” the bartender asked begrudgingly.

  “A Bud, if you have it,” she answered.

  Mario grunted and turned away to oblige, leaving Molly somewhat stunned by the exchange.

  Why would that guy take orders from this inebriated ass? she wondered, turning to offer Caden an appreciative smile.

  “What’s your name, sweetie?” Caden slurred. “You sure are beautiful!”

  “Thank you,” she said, offering her hand for a shake. “I’m Molly.”

  Maybe I didn’t come here to make friends, she thought, but it looks like I shouldn’t be too hasty. Mario would have thrown me out of here if it wasn’t for this guy.

  “Caden,” he introduced himself, although Molly already knew that. “Wow. I cannot believe how beautiful you are!”

  Molly stifled a sigh. She was starting to reconsider her own advice.

  He’s already starting to annoy me, she thought. I hope he’s on his way home.

  But she had a bad feeling she was going to be stuck with him for a while. Maybe she should’ve listened to Mario and gotten the hell out of there while she could have.

  The bartender dropped a bottle in front of her, turning leave.

  “Hey! You got any food here?” she demanded.

  Mario sneered at her. “Does this look like a McDonald’s, girl? I told you, there are better places up the road.”

  “Don’t talk to her that way!” Caden cried, jumping from his stool and waving his fist at the server. “She’s staying here with me as my guest!”

  “Caden,” Mario said in a low voice. “There is no need to get upset…”

  But Caden seemed incensed.

  Molly was immediately on guard. “I’m just gonna go,” she said, rising from her stool.

  “No!” Caden objected. He turned back to Mario. “See what you’ve done? You’ve upset the beautiful girl! Say you’re sorry to her, Mario!”

  Molly had heard enough, and she fumbled through her purse for a five to drop on the bar. She was painfully aware that all eyes were on her as she turned to leave.

  Well, this is awkward, she thought grimly, annoyed at Caden and his overreacting.

  “Where are you going now?” the guy howled, and Molly was becoming nonplussed. When she tried to smile, the gesture came across as a grimace of disgust.

  “I’m going to find something to eat,” she informed him, walking toward the door, hoping he wouldn’t follow her. Of course, her silent wish went unanswered, and as she walked into the parking lot, she felt Caden grab her arm.

  “I told you, baby,” he growled, “I’ll take you somewhere to eat.”

  Molly wretched her arm away from him. “No, thanks,” she said tightly.

  The people outside paused to watch the scene unfolding, but, to Molly’s surprise, no one interceded as Caden tightened his grip on her.

  “Hey!” he snapped. “No one walks away from me!”

  Nervousness filled Molly.

  “Let go of me!” she cried, trying to wrest herself free. His hold only seemed to grow tighter. Molly knew there was going to be a bruise despite the leather jacket between his hand and her flesh.

  She looked helplessly around at the group, but everyone seemed to simultaneously look away.

  Molly was shocked. Are they seriously just going to let him grab at me like this?

  It seemed unlike the bikers she had known, but still, no one made any move to assist her.

  “Come on!” Caden insisted. “My bike is right here.” He gestured at his Harley. Despite Molly’s apprehension, she let out a stunned laugh.

  “I’m not getting on a bike with you!” she snapped. “You’re drunk!”

  Caden’s hazel eyes narrowed dangerously. “What did you say?” he spat.

  Molly heard the group of bikers around them collectively inhale, as if she had just spouted blasphemy.

  What the hell is wrong with these people? she asked herself. Why are they acting like this kid is king?

  “Caden, let her go.”

  Molly’s head whipped around, and she slowly exhaled the breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding as a man stood behind her, glowering at Caden.

  “Mind your own damned business, Victor,” Caden rasped, pulling Molly closer. She was surprised at the strength he possessed, considering his seemingly small size.

  The stranger stepped forward, his dark eyes flashing with anger. “Let her go,” he said again, but there was a stoic tone to his voice, almost as if he was bored with the situation. “You’re making an ass out of yourself—again.”

  Caden’s mouth dropped open.

  The door to the bar opened, and Molly watched most of the men who had been inside spill out, whisperin
g in hushed tones as they watched on.

  “What did you just say to me?” Caden hissed, suddenly dropping Molly’s arm.

  She stumbled back, sensing something dark was about to unfold right in front of her.

  They men stared each other down, eyes locking in an unspoken power struggle, but Molly’s money was on Victor. He was twice as big as Caden, and despite his seemingly calm exterior, she could feel the animus radiating from of him.

  “You heard me,” Victor retorted. Molly could not tear her eyes away from his face, and he appeared to grow larger before her eyes.

  “Victor!” someone hissed from the group. “Get back! What are you doing?”

  But the larger man ignored him and advanced toward Caden.

  “Go home and sleep it off,” Victor continued.

  His almost black eyes shifted toward Molly. His gaze was so intense that it was like he was trying to tell her something. Like he was trying to send her a message: move away as far as you can.

  Inherently, Molly understood his silent words, and she scurried backward, her eyes still fixated on what seemed to be an impending fight.

  Suddenly, Caden released a feral, terrifying howl, and he dropped onto all fours and raised his head towards the night sky.

  What the hell…?

  A hand flew to Molly’s mouth as she watched, in horrified fascination, how Caden transformed into a wolf-like beast: claws emerging from his fingers, fur covering his body, and his gleaming canines bared, advancing towards Victor.

  Molly wanted to scream, but no sound came out.

  “You don’t want to do this,” Victor calmly told him, but the words were barely out of his mouth when Caden pounced.

  Victor seemed ready for the assault, and just as Molly thought things could not get more bizarre, the bigger man also transformed into an animal, the exact same way Caden had suddenly gone from being a human man to a wolf-like creature.

  Victor ducked out of the way, and amusement lit his brown eyes as he stared at Caden stumbling drunkenly into the group.

  “Victor, no!” someone else yelled. “Get out of here before it gets worse!”


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