Storm (Bad Boys of X-Ops #3)

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Storm (Bad Boys of X-Ops #3) Page 23

by Rie Warren

  “Knocking boots.” Justice coughed behind his fist.

  So that might’ve been going too far because Blaize immediately looked like she wanted to rain fire down on each and every one of us.

  She stomped to the head of the table with that damning pointer finger raised—the one she used to teasingly trail up and down my cock.

  I sat back in my seat.

  Waaaay back.

  “Listen up. I am well aware you like to talk shit, bust each other’s balls, and bring the battlefield into my house—but make no mistake, men. This. Is. My. House. I own you. Your lives. Your missions. And I have enough shit to ruin all of you in a second with a press of my finger.”


  Why’d she have to make me hard like that?

  “When we’re in this room you will not act like this is a frat house.”

  Sweat broke out on my forehead, and I tried not to stare at her tits shaking against her blouse with each strident breath she took.

  “I am still in charge of each and every”—her mean stare—“one of you”—landed on me.

  I almost blew my wad in my pants.

  That shit had always and would always make my cock hard, and she knew it.

  Low whistles and yes ma’ams filtered out of us.

  And yes, sir, ma’am from Walker.


  Which of course earned him an extra fierce glare from Blaize.

  And I could tell the assholes were biting their tongues, trying to quell the comments about who might be the boss in the boudoir.

  “We have work to do, soldiers—”

  “I was a marine, ma’am.” Justice stared straight ahead.

  “I know that. I wasn’t insulting you, Justice. Think I can continue, or should I just give all you fuck-ups one more free day so you can go get laid and waste more of my time?” Blaize walked toward the door.

  “We’re mission-ready, Blaize.” Walker—wiseass numero uno—waved his hand for her to carry on.

  “I’m bringing someone else into play for the next op.” She pressed the door open and . . .

  Kiki fucking-Baby-Spy Damage stalked inside.

  Everyone reacted like a live grenade had been tossed into the center of the room.

  We jumped from our seats, a seething outburst of shouts reverbing from every corner. Blaize stationed herself in front of Damage, her arms crossed over her chest.

  Fuck. We were like a pack of wolves on the scent of a traitor, and Blaize was not impressed.

  “Are you serious?” She ranged forward. “Did I not just read you the riot act? Fucking loose guns. Get out of my face right now.”

  We backed up.

  Kiki stepped out from behind Blaize, her knee-high, black-leather, big buckled boots ringing on the floor. “Haze me much?”

  “More like hate you.” Walker snarled.

  “SETTLE THE FUCK DOWN. NOW.” Blaize marched to the head of the table.

  I seated myself.

  Justice dropped into a chair.

  Bane slouched in his, rubbing his chin, sneering at Damage.

  “You fucked up my op. Almost got my woman, my wife, killed. You are on my shit list.” It appeared Walker had no intentions of backing down.

  “I am not your damage, Walker.” Kiki pulled up a chair and lounged back like she suddenly owned the place.

  I sure as hell hoped Blaize knew what she was doing throwing us all together, because tempers were running high.

  “Funny. Pretty sure you have no true allegiance to T-Zone, Baby Spy.”

  I’d never seen Walker more pissed off or ready to kill.

  “And you have no allegiance to the United States, right?”

  “Shut up, girl,” Bane warned.

  Blaize dragged in several deep breaths while I watched her.

  She turned her back, flicking through her folder.

  Scanning across the table to Kiki, I wanted to kick the woman’s ass myself.

  She was either dressed ready to join the MX circuit . . . or assassinate someone. Black leather from her jacket to her pants to her boots, right down to her fingerless gloves. And that janky hair—half-shaved, light pink-streaked, blond faux-hawk. Her face was beautiful, but she masked her gorgeous features with a hard edge, starting with the heavy eyeliner and ending with the bad attitude.

  If we didn’t suspect her of ratting out Walker and Jade, she’d have fit right in. As it was, her first time in the war room with our elite team and she was nobody’s friendly.

  “If you all think you can behave now?” Blaize tugged at her sleeves then pressed a button on the table.

  All our computer screens rolled up and went live, showing the carnage at the New Orleans train depot from the night Blaize had been taken hostage. We got a good look at the action from a night I never wanted to relive again.

  “Things are heating up. We never figured out why the intel was wrong about your mission for Majedah Chehab, Walker. And we don’t know who sold you out. Storm and I were made, too, in New Orleans. That could’ve been our fault.” She pressed her knuckles down on the table. “I understand you don’t trust Kiki. That has to end now.”

  “What are you saying, Blaize?” Jus punched forward.

  “This stinking shit goes a lot deeper, and a lot higher up, than the Blood Legion. American gun smugglers, the Los Reyes drug dealers, and the terrorists—they’re all in bed together. We can’t let it escalate, and we have to find out why.”

  “I for one would like to know how the Feebs tracked Jade and me down in Hell’s Kitchen.” Walker still looked ready to pounce on Kiki.

  “And we’ll figure it out, Walker. But now is not the time for insider suspicion.” Blaize looked ready to blow a gasket.

  I should’ve been concerned, but when she got all riled up that always meant smoking hot sex.

  I almost wanted Walker to keep shooting off at the mouth.


  “I didn’t have jack shit to do with whatever went down on your op, Walker.” Kiki got in on the action with her own verbal warfare. “And all I heard about it was you screwed up big time.”

  Aaaand so much for being civil.

  I almost wished for the deadly days at the Blood Legion.


  A low growl reverberated from Walker’s chest as he sneered at Kiki.

  “This is how it’s going to happen.” Blaize’s strict tone commanded immediate attention. “We’re busting the Los Reyes de Guerra cartel. Bane. Kiki. You’re up next.”

  Aaaand cue the immediate rebellion.

  “You what?”

  “No way.”

  “Shit. I’d rather be teamed up with Storm.”

  “Thanks for the vote of confidence, brah.”

  “If I have to keep reminding you I’m the boss here”—Blaize’s sharp eyes snapped furiously—“I’ll just fire you all and start up with new recruits.” She stepped out from behind the table and cruised around it. “But I like you. I respect you. I don’t think you want go back to working for the CIA or the military . . . or the fighting cage, Bane. Am I correct?”

  Disgruntled mutters of yes, ma’am followed in her wake.

  “Full briefing tomorrow, 0700 sharp. And I expect everyone to be here.”

  Blaize turned her back, effectively dismissing us, but no one moved. Maybe Bane and Kiki were hoping she’d do a little jazz hands routine and shout Just Kidding!

  But we all knew Blaize, and when she was talking ops she never fucked around.

  Bane paired up with Kiki? Her with the crazy hair, him with the mismatched eyes—one brown, the other hazel—they were either a pair of misfits or a match made in heaven.

  “I want a new mission,” Walker grumbled. “I haven’t made my kill quota for the year yet.”

  Justice stared at him. “You have a kill quota? Do you get a bonus for that?”

  “Don’t know how you can keep track of the death count when you usually try to bomb whole countries.” Bane angled his face way, way, way away from K

  “Yeah. If anyone’s a loose cannon, it’s you, Walker.” Kiki tapped her fingers on the tabletop.

  Everyone ignored her.

  “What is this? The Boys Only Club?” Kiki muttered, “Fucking assholes.”

  I chuckled.

  “What are you laughing about? Assholes—plural—includes you, Storm,” she shot back.

  “I’m amused ’cause the betting pot on whether you or Bane make it home alive is gonna be huge.”

  “Fuck you.” Bane and Kiki growled together.

  “Look. They’re already getting along.” I winked at Walker.

  Double snarls. Come to think of it, they had a lot in common.

  “Aaanyway, you don’t need bonus pay, Jus, because you’ve got that book thing.” Walker poked fun.

  “Yeah, how’s the novel coming along, Justice?” I asked.

  “Porn.” Bane grunted.

  “Smut.” I barely held my grin in check.

  “Drivel even.” Walker leaned back and hooted loudly.

  “You’re all illiterate, and fuck you too.” Justice shoved back from the table. “At least I’m married.”

  “Me too!” Walker crowed.

  “At least my woman’s in the same room.” Beat that, fuckers.

  Well, my comment finally got Blaize’s attention from whatever she was messing with while she pretended to ignore the buffoonery in the background.

  “Storm.” She turned to face me.

  “Yeah?” I stood from my chair, striding to her.

  She slung her bag over her shoulder, nodding toward the door.

  “Right on.” I smiled.

  Tucking a hand at the small of her back, I ushered her to the exit.

  “Where the hell do you think you’re going?” Walker called out. “We have drinks to down, a bar to wreck, probably a prison to break Jus out of later . . .”

  “Taking my lady home.” I swept Blaize from the room, leaving the dudes—and Kiki—open-mouthed and gawking.

  Once outside in the bright fall day, Blaize hesitated. “Do you think they’re going to keep messing with Kiki? Maybe I should stay.”

  “You have to start trusting the toddlers sometime, cher. Besides, Kiki looks like she really can do some damage.”

  “She and Bane are going to kill each other, aren’t they?”

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Hot Zone

  SITREP: WITH MY WOMAN, and feeling mighty fine.

  At the upmarket brownstone in Georgetown, I unlocked the front door, cut off the alarm, guided Blaize inside.

  She continued where she’d left off outside of T-Z, gnawing away at the issue of Bane and Kiki. “I’m worried about Katherine.”


  “Agent Damage.”

  “Baby Spy you mean?” I hopped out of my boots, tossing them aside.

  When Blaize hurried to place my big scuffed boots on the low shelf beside the front door, I stopped her with a long, deep, tongue-diving kiss.

  Her fingers clutched against my leather jacket. “I forgot what I was saying.” Her voice was breathless, and her deep red hair shivered over my arms.

  I pressed my thumb against her pouty bottom lip. “Doubt that very much.”

  Drawing back, she shook off her jacket. I was right there to take it from her. That time I hung her coat up properly.

  “There’s talk above my head at T-Z.” She unbuttoned her blouse at the wrists.

  I licked my lips, performing a slow perusal of her body.

  “Bane’s assignment to Katherine. That wasn’t my decision.”

  “Bane’s a stone cold killer when he’s not doing the mending and patching up.” I unzipped my jacket and threw it toward the wooden bench.

  It skidded onto the floor with a thud.

  Blaize narrowed her eyes at the lump of leather cluttering the entryway. “That’s what I’m worried about. With him and her working together.”

  I dragged the thermal shirt up my torso, worked it off my arms and shoulders, and let it fall at my feet. “Why don’t we talk about that shit later?”

  Unlooping my belt from my jeans, I added it to the clothes pooling in the foyer. My muscles flexed and rippled when I popped the first button of my jeans.

  Blaize’s words petered out for a moment.

  Another button open . . . the line of black hair from my belly button down my lower abs became a thicker, coarser nest, just visible in the open V of my pants.

  “Trying to distract me?” she asked, her nipples budding beneath the blouse.

  “Depends. Is it working?” Another button . . . open.

  “Maybe.” She bit her bottom lip, a look of pure lust making her eyes darker, her cheekbones sharper.

  “Bien,” I husked in a low tone.

  She shivered.

  “Hungry?” I stroked the fat length of my cock that formed a long ridge in my jeans.


  “Horny?” I grinned.


  “Excellent.” Moving past her, I barely brushed the back of her hand with my fingertips.

  Her entire body shuddered in response.

  She trailed me to the bedroom.

  And I finished taking off my clothes while she watched.

  Blaize liked to watch.

  And I did not have a problem putting my body on display for her. I really fucking liked it when she whimpered the second my dick appeared. Or when I bent over to kick off my jeans. Or when I pulled my fist slowly up the throbbing shaft of my cock so the purplish head swelled even more.

  “You really don’t mind I’m in charge of you?” She stood propped against the doorframe, her pulse fluttering a mile a minute at the base of her throat.

  “Fuck no. It’s hot.” Advancing in slow purposeful strides, I leaned my entire naked body against her still-clothed, softer, smaller frame. “Long as I’m still the boss in the bedroom.”

  Her hands moved to my ass, which she grabbed and squeezed. She parted her legs, taking my heavily muscled thigh up high and in between. She licked and kissed and mouthed a moist hot trail up my neck to my ear.

  “I think I could come just like this, Storm.”

  “Yeah?” Peering down, I sneered. Taking two handfuls of her blouse, I shredded it right down the center, sending pretty little buttons flying.

  Ripping down the frail lace cups of her bra, I eyed her tits before bending to attach my lips and tongue and fingers and teeth to the hot, aroused tips of her nipples.

  “How ’bout like this?” I grunted around my feast of warm womanly flesh.

  “Yes!” She arched, tufting her fingers through my hair to yank me harder, closer, rougher.

  Grinding her cunt down on my leg, she thrashed between the wall and me, crying my name with singular need when she climaxed.

  I kept playing with her nipples, the sweet peaks cherry-red and engorged. “Gotta fuck these some day.”

  “Surprised you haven’t yet.” She grinded her hips against me, seeking closer, seething contact with my cock.

  “That a complaint?” Pulling her away from the wall, I sent a sharp swat to her rear end.


  I spun her around, caging her back against my torso. Licking her neck, I flipped the clasp of her bra. It fell forward and drizzled off. Reaching around, I flicked open the fasteners of her pants, my dick rubbing against the small of her spine. She took me in her hand, her head tilted against my shoulder.

  “You are so fucking big, Storm.” She fisted up to the engorged tip, trickling her fingertips in the run-off of precome.

  I rocked into her hold, come swelling my balls.

  With a vicious groan, I pulled free. Dropping to my haunches, I got rid of her high heels, skimmed pants and panties free of her legs.

  Running my hands up her legs, I pulled her hips back, her thighs open.

  Using my thumbs, I spread her puffed-out, slippery labia. “I love me your wet, swollen, pink pussy, cher, but I’m gonna love this ass tonight

  She sucked in a breath, thrusting her delicious backside out.

  I melded my mouth to her cunt, slurping wildly, eating loudly.

  Molding her ripe ass in my hands, I slapped and squeezed the bouncy flesh. My lips wet with her come, I kissed and licked and lapped to her narrow passage. Breaths chugged hard from my chest, and every muscle in my body stood out taut and tense.

  Bypassing the sexy little hole that would be a home for my cock tonight, I went at Blaize’s bottom she pushed into my face. Biting. Snarling. Licking. Locking my teeth on her.

  I knuckled three fingers inside her dripping pussy, and just as she came again, I set my mouth against her. Furious, fast, lashing, I teased her ass until the sweet ring pressed open.

  “Fuck. FUCK.” With both hands clasping her cheeks apart, I fell against her.

  Blaize shouted when I took my time tonguing into her. She shoved back onto me.

  Her fingers scraped along the wall.

  Her hips rolled.

  Her pussy clasped my fingers through another unstoppable orgasm.

  “Storm.” She gasped. “Storm!”

  Practically sitting on my face, she quivered all over. “I’m gonna collapse!”

  With a roar, I picked her up in my arms. Her body was flushed from top to bottom, and sweat made us slick all over. I tossed her onto the bed, and she pushed damp tendrils of red hair from her face.

  Animal-like, I crawled up on top of her.

  Braced above her, I was ready to take, fuck, own.

  Heated heavy breaths rushed from my lungs. My thighs clenched. My cock pulsed. My shoulders bulged.

  I reached across her for the bottle of lube. The underside of my arm caressed her breasts.

  She bowed back with a hiss, her heels hitting the bed.

  “Blaize.” I lowered on top of her. “Tell me you want this.”

  She cupped my balls with her hand, her nails skimming up along my bone-hard cock. “I want all of you. Want you everywhere. Every way.”

  With two hands full of clear oil, I funneled the liquid down the crease of her cunt and onto the cleft of her ass.

  “Yessss,” she hissed.

  Palming her open, I worked two fingers into the heat of her pussy, and one single digit into her little bud.


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