The Complete Gargoyle and Sorceress Boxset (Books 1-9)

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The Complete Gargoyle and Sorceress Boxset (Books 1-9) Page 103

by Lisa Blackwood

  She was so screwed.

  Anna would have closed her eyes, but they already were, so she settled for fisting her hands and fought to calm her thoughts and to keep the fear from leaking through to Lord Death.

  “You are gargoyle. You know me. You belong to me,” he continued in that tenacious way of his.

  “I belong to only myself.”

  “Young one, even you know that is not true. The cub already has a firm hold on you, your magic, and your soul, one that is almost greater than mine.”

  “That’s not his fault. He didn’t mean to.”

  “Yes, he did. He just didn’t know it was wrong. You are correct. He is innocent of any willful intent to harm you.” The melodious voice in her mind fell silent for a moment before continuing. “But if you stay, he will be corrupted until his intentions are no longer pure.”

  Anna already knew this stranger’s words were true. It’s what she’d feared would happen if she was unable to escape with Shadowlight. “You’re not telling me anything I don’t already know.”

  “Perhaps not, but if that is the case, you should also know deep in your soul that all gargoyles have the ability to return to me anytime they need.”

  Anna frowned unhappily in her waking dream. “I think the thousand or so guards between me and the gate would disagree with you.”

  “It doesn’t matter what the guards think or do. It won’t prevent you and the cub from returning to me. You simply have to will it.”

  “And if I was to believe you, just how do I ‘will’ my way to you.” Anna had no intention of going. She distinctly remembered Gregory had feared that Lord Death might kill Lillian and her brother for what the Battle Goddess had done to them.

  Sure, as gargoyles they might be able to somehow magically ‘will’ themselves to Lord Death’s side, but then what? Die? No thanks. There was no way she was ready to just roll over and give up.

  “All you have to do is reach for me in your mind and surrender everything.”

  Yep. Nope. Not going to happen. Anna strove for calm even though her heart was pounding, and a chilled sweat now coated her body.

  “And just like that, we what? Magically transport ourselves to your realm?”

  “My magic calls you home. It’s a spell built into your very soul. No other magic can prevent it.”

  Wondering if he’d be truthful, she asked, “What happens to the cub and me once we reach your land?”

  “I will judge you and try to cure you of my sister’s taint.”

  “And if you can’t? What will you do then?”

  “What I have forever been tasked with: ridding the three realms of the taint that does not belong. You understand?”

  “Yes.” All too well. If she wanted to live and protect the kid, she was on her own.

  “There are many fates worse than allowing me to end suffering and return a soul to the Spirit Realm.”

  “I actually agree with you there. But I’m not that desperate yet. I think I’ll trust to my own survival skills to get the kid and me out of this mess.”

  “Only you can make this choice but remember I’m always here. Simply open your mind and call. Do not allow yourself to become what my sister wants.”

  “I’ll remember that.”

  Now go away. I’m tired, she thought to herself.

  To her surprise, the other consciousness retreated from her mind.

  She blinked up into the darkness. A minute or two crawled by while she wrestled with the rush of adrenaline that was demanding she get ready for battle.

  If she wasn’t sleep deprived, or been startled into full, jittery wakefulness, she might have realized something sooner.

  Oh my god!

  “Shadowlight!” She tossed back the covers and lunged out of bed. She made it to the door, her hand on the latch when the door jerked open and Shadowlight nearly impaled her on one of his horns as he ran into the room.

  “Anna, what’s wrong?” He shoved her aside and paced around the room on all fours. When he didn’t find a threat, he turned back to her.

  She couldn’t see much of his expression in the dark, even her gargoyle-enhanced eyesight wasn’t helping. But she didn’t need to see. She felt his presence as he searched through her thoughts.

  Rushing to his side, she hugged his head and just rocked back and forth. He was here. He was safe. The Lord of the Underworld hadn’t succeeded in calling him home.

  “Promise never to go to him.”

  “Him?” Shadowlight licked her fingers. “Anna, are you crying?”

  Damn. Was she?

  “No,” she answered gruffly. “I just had a scare.”

  “What scared you? Lord Death?” He whispered into her thoughts as he glanced around the room looking for threats again.

  “Yes,” she said truthfully.

  Shadowlight sighed a breath across her fingers as he continued to lick them. “Silly human, Lord Death doesn’t mean us harm.”

  “You’ve talked to him?”

  “Well, no. But my father’s memories...”

  “Don’t apply to us. We are the product of the Lady of Battle’s manipulations.”

  “Yes. But Gregory says we’re not to blame for that.”

  God. What did she tell the kid?

  “Just...if the Lord of the Underworld tries to communicate with you, promise me you will contact me. Don’t do anything he says without consulting me first.”

  “Very well. I still think you are being silly, though.” Shadowlight growled unhappily, but he soon curled his tail around her waist and leaned in for more scratches.

  Slowly Anna’s fears faded, and she felt foolish for panicking. And then she just felt tired. Bone weary and ready to sleep for a year.

  “I’ll take the first watch,” Shadowlight said. “You stood watch all last night while I slept. It’s my turn.”

  Anna would have protested but knew she needed rest if she was going to be useful at all tomorrow.

  Chapter 12

  SIX HOURS LATER THE servants returned. Shadowlight barely had time to warn Anna, but she rolled out of bed and was standing at his shoulder by the time a servant girl pushed the door open.

  “Lady Anna, Lord Shadowlight,” the girl bowed, making her brown curls bounce. “I’ve brought clean clothes for you both.”

  Anna shook herself awake and then thanked the girl. Once the servant bowed and left, Anna chased Shadowlight out of her room. He stalked away to change into his own new garments, but also to see if there was any food in the main room. A deep sniff told him the disappointing truth. Sighing, he plodded into his own room.

  Not long after they’d dressed in their new clothing, Gryton returned as he’d promised.

  “Good, you’re ready. Come,” Gryton barked out the order and then exited the room as quickly as he’d come. Shadowlight stumbled before he regained his balance. He really hated the collar’s compulsion; he briefly debated fighting it.

  Not because he or Anna were in immediate danger, but because he hated Tin Man.

  Gran had once told him he was too young to hate, but every time Gryton appeared, something hot and ugly rose up within his soul.

  Though, perhaps it was only his gargoyle nature responding to the presence of evil or simple deceit. Gryton certainly excelled at both those things. Whatever it was, he would listen. Besides, Anna hated the commander, too. The scent of her dislike rose from her skin every time she set eyes on the Battle Goddess’s top soldier.

  The bitter musk scented the air around him even now as Gryton and a large group of soldiers marched them back to the room with the strange mirror-like floor.

  Gryton hadn’t enlightened them on what to expect, so when they finally arrived at the top of the first set of stairs, Shadowlight froze. Unlike yesterday, the polished black floor was no longer empty. Two altar slabs made of inky-black stone sat in the middle of the floor. Surrounding them were four large pillars topped with shallow metal cauldrons filled with burning oil.

  Then he noticed th
e chains hanging down from the sides of the altars.

  “What the actual fuck.” Anna’s voice echoed his thoughts perfectly.

  When he looked at her, it was to see her glancing between the altar and him and back again.

  “Kid, whatever they do, don’t fight. We can’t escape if we’re dead. Remember that.”

  “I won’t fight,” he replied along their mental link.

  When Gryton ordered him forward, he wanted to resist, but the collar merely reached into his nervous system and forced him to follow.

  “Get off me,” Anna snarled at one of her guards. “I’m going.”

  She soon caught up to his longer strides, and they reached the polished floor at the same time. They walked the rest of the way to the altar slabs together. With her chin up and shoulders squared, Anna refused to be cowed by the Battle Goddess’s soldiers, but she didn’t do a good enough job shielding her thoughts, and her dread bled across the link to him.

  It made him less ashamed of his own fear.

  “Lie down,” Gryton ordered and pointed at the nearest slab of stone. Shadowlight didn’t resist.

  Anna’s movements were stiff, but she didn’t fight either.

  “Whatever this is, the sooner it’s over, the better,” Anna whispered into his thoughts.

  He silently agreed.

  They didn’t have long to wait, which was a blessing. Shortly after the altar chains were secured to their wrists and ankles, Shadowlight heard the rattle of a different set of chains as the demigoddess walked down the second set of stairs, her chains trailing behind her. She halted a few steps from the altars and stared down at them, but she didn’t say a word.

  When the demigoddess raised her hands and summoned magic, Shadowlight’s heart began to pound. His growing fear was warranted. She stepped closer to him.

  “Hey,” Anna shouted. “Start with me. Leave the kid alone.”

  No emotions showed on the demigoddess’s face. Anna’s words went unheeded as power fell from the Battle Goddess’s bare palms as if she was pouring water upon Shadowlight. Where the magic splashed against his skin, it glowed brightly for several moments before seeping into the pores.

  The strange, radiating warmth came as a surprise. Gargoyle hide was impervious to most magic, but it barely slowed this demigoddess’s power.

  At first, it was just a strange heat beneath his skin, and then it dug deeper, burrowing through his flesh and into his bones as if it searched for something. A panicked growl escaped, and he fought the chains as the power continued to increase.

  “Shadowlight, reach for me with your mind.”


  “Yes, kid. Just do it. I think I can help.”

  Instinct urged him to listen to her, so he did, obeying with a mindless kind of desperation. Their link flared strongly and suddenly it was like he was no longer in his own body. He blinked in surprise. The pain was gone entirely. Even though he could still see magic flowing down onto him from the Battle Goddess’s open palms, there was no more heat or oppressive power trying to squeeze past his skin and into his body.

  He clung to the link Anna had helped create and just waited for her next command. When it didn’t come, he realized she was now sheltering him from something.


  “It’s fine, kid. I’ve got this.”

  And he realized she did. Somehow, she’d figured out how to pull his pain into herself. He shouldn’t have allowed her to do it, but he didn’t fight to regain control, either. “Anna, I’m sorry.”

  “No worries. You can return the favor when you’re older. I’ll hold you to it.”

  Anna paused, and he sensed pain was clouding her thoughts, but she kept talking because it allowed her to distract herself. “We’re going to survive this. I promise.”

  Anna might be as much a prisoner as him, but he believed her. She’d never failed him yet. He wouldn’t fail her either. With that thought fortifying him, he reached and took command of their link.

  “What are you doing?”

  “We’ll share whatever punishment they toss at us.”

  He sensed she wasn’t happy with his statement, but she didn’t fight.

  Eventually, the power flowing into his body subsided, and he released her from his mental hold and his consciousness return to his own body. He was weak, shaking, and covered in sweat, but the pain was just a dull, phantom ache in his joints.

  He blinked sweat out of his eyes and turned his head to find the Battle Goddess now stepping away from him.

  Shakily, he fought his chains but was brought up short by a command from Gryton.

  “Easy, youngling. You did well.” Gryton was standing at his shoulder, a silver bowl held in his right hand while his left gripped a knife. “Don’t fight. I only need to make a small nick on your arm.”

  He obeyed, holding still while Gryton made a cut and positioned the bowl below it. Once he’d collected enough blood, he turned from Shadowlight and approached Anna.

  Shadowlight snarled, but there was nothing he could do when Gryton reached to pry open Anna’s locked jaws and pour the blood into her mouth. He was swift to slap a hand over her mouth and nose, so she couldn’t spit out the blood.

  Struggling against his chains, Shadowlight growled and cursed at Gryton.

  After a few seconds Anna started to struggle, but Gryton just held her fast.

  “Swallow and I’ll let you breathe,” he said in a calm voice.

  Anna continued to fight and Shadowlight snarled and fought alongside her. But even as his struggles were ineffective to free him, so too were Anna’s. Eventually, Anna’s need for oxygen won out and she swallowed. Shadowlight could see her throat working, but she continued to glower at Gryton in a silent battle of wills.

  Gryton released her and Anna choked, gasping until her lungs stopped spasming.

  “Anna, are you okay?” he asked using their mental link.

  “Been better, but I’ll live. You?”

  “Yes,” he said and realized it was true. While his joints still ached and his muscles twitched and quivered, the pain was receding. He should be well enough to move in a few minutes if they unlocked his chains.

  The Battle Goddess, who had retreated a few paces to allow Gryton to carry out the last ritual, now stepped forward to study them both with an assessing gaze. She seemed to like what she saw because a mesmerizing smile brightened her expression.

  “Younglings, you’ve done well. I am most pleased with this first session.” She nodded at them like a mentor pleased by a promising new apprentice. “Already, I can feel the new strength of your magic. Soon your physical bodies will grow into that power, and you will be ready to lead my armies.”

  Was that what this was all about? She was trying to force his body to finish maturing? He glanced down at himself, but besides the ache in his joints, everything seemed as it should. Lowering his head back to the stone, he waited to be set free.

  The Battle Goddess turned and mounted the steps, swiftly striding away. Shadowlight listened until he could no longer hear her footfalls or the scrape of chains against stone.

  When some of Gryton’s soldiers came and unlocked Shadowlight from his shackles, he didn’t fight them, more interested in getting to Anna to see what his blood had done to her.

  Gryton was at her side. Once the manacles were off, he held out a hand to help her rise from the altar. She snarled and brushed away his offer of help. When Gryton moved to the side, Shadowlight saw she looked the same as she had before. At least he couldn’t detect any more physical gargoyle enhancements. Then again, the changes might be internal, or his blood might still be working modifications upon her body.

  Whatever the case, he was just happy she seemed mostly unharmed.

  “How are you?” He asked.

  “I’d be better if I could sink a knife into Gryton’s smug face. Since that’s not going to happen, I suppose I’m well enough, considering what just happened. You?”

  “Well enough.”
br />   “Good,” Anna hopped off the altar and took a couple of stumbling steps before she found her footing. “Because we’re still going to find a way to escape.”


  Gryton surveyed them for a moment before speaking, “If you can walk without falling down, I am to take you to the hall where you will meet some of the twelve captains who lead the Battle Goddess’s armies.”

  “Pass,” Anna said with a sour look aimed at Gryton.

  “This is not a request. You will meet the other captains, and I will determine which ones will be the best mentors for you.”

  “You’re not going to beat on us yourself? I feel slighted,” Anna said.

  “Oh, fear not. Once the mentors deem you worthy to be tested, they will bring you before me so that I can test your newly developed skills.”

  “Can’t wait,” Anna growled and then hobbled over to Shadowlight.

  He sniffed at her cheek. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  She batted his muzzle away. “I’m alive and plan on staying that way.”

  “Come,” Gryton barked.

  The collar around Shadowlight’s neck flared a warning, but before it could force him into motion, he padded after Gryton.

  Anna stayed as close as his own shadow.

  Chapter 13

  STILL FEELING LIKE she had danced with a wrecking ball, Anna doggedly followed close at Shadowlight’s heels. From what she could tell, he’d fared a bit better than she had, for which she was grateful.

  If the kid had been seriously hurt...

  It only hardened her resolve. She needed to find a way to escape. She had to for Shadowlight’s sake.

  While Anna’s mind churned, Commander Gryton led them through the twisted path of corridors until they arrived at what could only be the hall he’d mentioned. The low rumble of conversation, the rattle of dishes and the scent of food confirmed it.

  Shadowlight’s ears perked with interest. At least he still had an appetite. Anna wasn’t sure if she could eat yet. The coppery taste of the young gargoyle’s blood still coated her tongue.

  Gryton marched them under the tall archway, Shadowlight and Anna following close behind. The troop of guards that normally followed them around stayed outside in the hall, strangely enough.


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