The Complete Gargoyle and Sorceress Boxset (Books 1-9)

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The Complete Gargoyle and Sorceress Boxset (Books 1-9) Page 109

by Lisa Blackwood

  Anna was almost used to the way the demigoddess labeled them, like they were two halves of the same creature, instead of two separate persons. She wondered if that was the plan, to train them to work as such a tightknit unit that she and the kid eventually lost their individuality and just became killing machines ready to carry out all the demigoddess’s orders.

  It wasn’t the most reassuring thought, but it made sense. Gryton had commented more than once that she wanted to create her own version of the Avatars to lead her armies.

  On the surface, Anna obeyed and allowed herself to be labeled like an inanimate object, but it didn’t mean she was just going to roll over and become whatever the Battle Goddess wished.

  With that in mind, a week and a half ago she’d attempted to exert her will over her gargoyle heritage, controlling it, instead of being controlled by it. So far Anna thought she had some success going by how annoyed Captain Taryin had become.

  “Tell me, little hybrid,” the demigoddess said, “Have you been holding back?”

  Anna kept her lips sealed. If she lied, they’d know and punish the kid. If she told the truth, they’d probably punish her disobedience by punishing the kid.

  “Are you defying your goddess?” Gryton snapped.

  “No,” Anna answered when Gryton drew a knife and stepped toward Shadowlight. “At least not with malicious intent. I don’t want to lose who I am. But I can feel it happening.”

  The Lady of Battles settled cross-legged on the top landing. “Your concerns are understandable. However, they are unfounded. You will not become less than you are, nor will you lose your sense of self. You will still be Anna Mackenzie, born to human parents, but you will become more - an immortal, a powerful creature of magic. Whether you wish it or not.”

  “I’ll do better,” Anna said a little desperately, sensing her plan was about to go sideways.

  “I’m sorry.” The deity waved at Gryton and then Shadowlight. Gryton nodded. “I can’t allow your fear to hold you back.”

  “I can overcome this.” Anna tugged at her chains.

  “Yes. You will, with some help.” She looked toward Gryton a second time. “I’ve changed my mind. Have Captain Ninara summoned here. I’m sure Honnan’s twin can help us with this problem.”

  Commander Gryton relayed the order to have Ninara come to the altar room. Anna hadn’t worked with Ninara much, but she hadn’t liked what she’d seen either. Worse, Captain Vaspara had a mildly horrified look on her face before she’d mastered her expression.

  Not reassuring. Not in the least.

  Anna stared up at the dark ceiling high above, forcing herself to calm as she summoned tendrils of shadow magic. In the first week, she’d learned that the others were unable to sense shadow magic unless she drew on a large outpouring of power. This was just a tiny bit sent to study and infiltrate the links of the chain and the locking mechanism spell on each cuff. Hopefully, it wasn’t enough to draw their attention.

  All too soon Captain Ninara came striding down the stairs and joined Gryton, Vaspara, Honnan and the other guards circling the altars.

  “My Goddess, how may I serve you?”

  “The human has reached a plateau in her development, but I think we can force her past it if the young gargoyle’s blood becomes more potent. I want you to see if your power can trigger him into the next level of his development.”

  “I can only try. He may not be old enough for my power to affect him.”

  “Do not fear, Captain, I will not punish you for something even my magic hasn’t yet managed to accomplish.”

  Ninara nodded and then moved forward to where Shadowlight was chained to the altar.

  “Hey!” Anna shouted and pulled at her chains. “Let’s all leave the kid out of this. I’ll embrace my inner gargoyle or whatever the fuck you want from me. Just leave the kid alone.”

  “You should’ve thought of that before trying to resist the transformation.” Gryton laid a finger on her lips and then stroked it over her chin and along the vulnerable skin of her throat. “This will teach you to swallow your stubborn pride and do as you’re told.”

  Anna stared into Gryton’s brown, amber-ringed eyes and promised herself she’d see him dead one day for his part in this.

  Shadowlight snarled a warning. Anna looked at him and rage rose within her. Ninara was leaning over him, magic rising from her skin and cascading down upon him. He twisted, trying to prevent the foreign power from touching him, but his chains only allowed for a minimal amount of movement.

  He snarled louder and lashed out with his tail. The blade-tipped end came within a few inches of impaling the succubus. Only her twin brother’s swift reflexes deflected the blow.

  A louder, fiercer growl echoed through the vast chamber, and Ninara jerked her head up and glanced over at Anna. There was a look of surprise and a hint of fear in the Captain’s eyes.

  It fed the wild, chaotic ball of magic and rage in Anna’s chest. The power reached some kind of flashpoint, expanding outward beyond her ability to control. Icy power raced down her every limb, covering her skin with gooseflesh and a dusting of frost.

  Seeking out the weakness she’d already hunted out in the metal of her chains, she unleashed a savage wave of shadow magic upon that point. Even as she shattered the chains holding her down, the power within continued to rise.

  Snarling in victory, Anna rolled off the altar and lunged toward her prey. Talons lengthened from her fingertips and wings shredded her tunic as they burst from her back. She snapped her new wings open to their maximum expanse, instinctively blocking her prey from breaking either left or right.

  Kicking out at the succubus with the intent to gut her, Anna was somewhat dumbfounded to see her feet encased in boots instead of ending in long clawed toes. The kick still landed with enough force to lift the other woman off her feet and toss her back from Shadowlight.

  Anna leaped to follow. Beating her wings powerfully, she caught the other female and then wrapped her talons around the other’s throat. She tried to drag her struggling prey up into the air with her, but she couldn’t get lift.

  Guards were hauling on the trailing ends of her chains. She snarled at them, then leaped into the air a second time and beat her wings harder. This time she dragged them across the polished floor and smashed them against the altar stone she’d been chained down to only moments ago.

  All the while, Ninara twisted and fought, trying to break Anna’s hold. Snarling, she buffeted the other woman with shards of shadow magic propelled forward by powerful slaps of her wings. She didn’t stop until the succubus was bleeding from her ears, mouth and nose.

  Other guards were rushing forward, but they wouldn’t be in time to save her.

  “Stop,” Gryton shouted. “It was a test. Stop now.”

  Anna snarled at him. He could shout all he wanted. It wouldn’t do any good. She didn’t have a control collar around her neck.

  Her fingers tightened farther around Ninara’s slender throat, her talons digging into the soft flesh drawing a flood of rich copper scent and warm blood. The succubus twisted and fought, but her blows bounced off an impregnable shield of Anna’s shadow magic.

  Gryton and the Battle Goddess both bellowed for order.

  Even Captain Honnan was shouting Anna’s name. Growling, she tracked his voice, sensing some new danger. She found him poised over Shadowlight with the deadly tip of his sword pressed against Shadowlight’s neck. The young gargoyle snarled and broke his chains, deflecting Hannon’s sword.

  Seeing her opening, Anna tossed the smaller succubus higher up into the air and then kicked out with all the force in her lower body. Ninara flipped through the air and then crashed into her twin brother, and both demons slid across the floor ten feet away. Honnan’s sword spun through the air before landing on the floor and skidding until Captain Sorac’s foot slammed down upon it.

  Sorac wasn’t fighting. He was laughing, deep body-shaking chuckles.

  “Anna, stop.” There was a c
ommand there, one so deep and pure she couldn’t fight it.

  Anna’s muscles tensed. She wanted to finish off her prey, but with a soft snarl, she landed and dropped to all fours. Stalking over to the one who’d issued the order, she inhaled deeply, scenting the air. She shoved her muzzle against his side and on up to his shoulders and face, where she gave him a quick lick. She tasted no taint and found no injuries.

  The most powerful scent wafting from his skin was nothing more concerning than his surprise, so she relaxed marginally and dropped back down to crouch at his side. Though her tail still flicked in a slow warning to the others in the room, telling them if anyone attempted to harm her Rasoren, she’d tear them apart.

  “Easy, Anna,” Shadowlight said with another reassuring pat to her head.

  “It was a test,” Gryton added, “Shadowlight was never in danger.”

  Anna growled at Gryton. He stood unmoving with his sword out, blade bare.

  “Don’t be foolish,” he warned.

  The other guards she’d used to mop the floor had fallen back. Only Captains Vaspara and Sorac were still within striking distance, but they weren’t presently threatening Shadowlight, so she ignored them and leaned into Shadowlight’s fingers while he gave her a good head scratch. Her tail still lashed back and forth in warning.

  Sorac held his hands out, showing them empty of weapons. “I’m not a threat.” He said with another laugh, “but I’d pay dearly to see that again.”

  Anna growled when he took a step forward, but he ignored her. “Told you, you’d be breathtaking in battle if you learned to tame that berserker rage into something more constructive. Though, this wasn’t what I had in mind.”

  “Spectacular!” Loud clapping accompanied the words. The Lady of Battles was standing on her customary landing. “You sliced through Ninara’s protective magic like it wasn’t even there. What a breathtaking show of raw, untrained power. And Shadowlight has begun to master his control over you. Once you’re both fully trained, you will bring great honor to my kingdom.”

  Anna growled softly, but the Lady of Battles didn’t seem concerned. She merely turned and vanished through the darkened archway behind the landing.

  The sound of the Battle Goddess’s chains hadn’t even faded entirely before more guards arrived, hauling ass down the opposite set of stairs.

  Eyes narrowing, Anna decided if anyone threatened her Rasoren again, she would kill them, test or no.

  She was so focused on the squad of approaching enemy, she wasn’t expecting the weight of Shadowlight’s restraining hand on her shoulder. “Anna, you need to calm yourself.”

  The touch of his mind startled her out of her murderous, predatory state.

  Blinking, she shook her head. “What the fuck just happened?”

  Shadowlight rubbed at his muzzle, looking somewhat guilty. “You shifted to gargoyle form and lost your mind for a little while. Gryton told me to order you to stop before someone got killed.”


  “I commanded you.” He glanced sidelong at her. “I’m sorry.”

  Anna huffed. “Well, don’t be. It’s better than us both landing back in the dungeon. Shit, I can’t believe I’m a gargoyle.”

  Events were still a little blurry, but the weight of wings dragging on her back was solid proof of her new gargoyle body. She touched her face and nearly went cross-eyed staring at her muzzle.

  Wings? Check. Muzzle? Check.

  She half turned to get a look at her wings. As she did, something dragged on the floor and bumped against her legs.

  She spun in a circle to get a better look at it. “Holy fuck, I’ve got a tail.” But of course she did.

  Tail? Check.


  Reaching up she slammed her hand into one and then was more careful at exploring the other. Yep. Horns.

  “You have gargoyle ears, too,” Shadowlight said and touched one. She flicked them back and forth trying to evade the kid’s ticklish touch.

  “Hey, stop that.” He did and then moved to her two horns. All the while his expression said he was delighted by the changes.

  “You’re nearly full-grown.” He moved to her wings next, stretching them out and comparing them to his. His were bigger, but overall, so was he, so it made sense his wings would be larger. Anna tried not to feel competitive about it.

  “It was as I expected,” Captain Taryin said, having returned from wherever she’d vanished to when Anna had first taken on gargoyle form.

  Had the blood witch been present when Anna was going berserk, she would have been her primary target.

  “Your own insecurities were holding you back from your new potential,” Taryin continued, not knowing she was in danger of still becoming a target. “All you needed was the proper incentive.”

  Gryton stepped between them and looked Anna up and down. She realized she’d shredded her tunic and pants. Plus, there was a draft on her hind end where she now had a brand-new tail. At least the tunic’s long top covered the necessary bits. Anna would look into getting the magic, shapeshifting clothing the gargoyles wore as soon as she could talk with Lanya.

  Unconcerned by Anna’s wardrobe malfunction, Gryton continued his conversation with the blood witch. “You are correct. I’ll remember this while planning her future training.”

  Gryton’s squirrely little mind was already proposing ways to use Anna’s new gargoyle strength and subsequent instincts against her.


  Shadowlight sat and leaned against her. Anna was reminded of another time she’d seen the kid do this to another gargoyle. That time it had been Gregory.

  The kid might not even realize it, but he was looking for a protector. She just wished Gregory was here because Anna knew she was nowhere near good enough to protect the kid from all the enemies here.

  “Anna needs rest,” Shadowlight barked out.

  “No doubt she does,” Gryton agreed. “Shifting for the first time is wearying. Go. Take the rest of the night off. I’ll adjust Anna’s future training to include her new form. In the meantime, I’ll have a meal sent to your chambers.”

  Anna barely listened, too distracted by the feel of her new wings being tugged on. She would’ve slapped the hands away except it was Shadowlight examining them again.

  He seemed to be exercising them. Physiotherapy for wings?

  “You don’t want your wings to get a chill. You worked up a sweat and the muscles aren’t used to work yet. If you don’t cool them down slowly, they’ll cramp.” He released his hold on her wing and stepped back.

  Well, he’d know what he was talking about. She gave them a few experimental stretches and could feel what he was referring too, so she beat her wings slowly every minute or so. Now that the show was over, the other captains were leaving.

  Dismissed, she and Shadowlight started away but didn’t get more than twenty feet before the blood witch called out. “The hybrid might need rest, but the gargoyle is perfectly capable of attending his lessons.”

  “Nope.” Anna spun around. Facing Commander Gryton, she stared him down.

  She didn’t know which way the silent battle of wills would go until he opened his mouth and broke the silence with a profoundly male chuckle.

  “As the Kyrsu commands.”

  The blood witch appeared furious, but swallowed her complaints and stormed away.

  Anna and Shadowlight continued up the steps, eager to escape under the archway and into the hall before Gryton changed his mind.

  Chapter 23

  BY THE TIME THEY MADE it halfway back to their chambers, Anna was shaking from the effects of adrenaline and her shift to gargoyle form. She walked on two legs because that was still more natural and presently, she wasn’t sure if she could coordinate four limbs at once.

  Shadowlight paced alongside her on all fours, his tail flicking with concern. Every few steps he would gaze up at her. The small wrinkles around his eyes also confirmed his worry.

  “I’ll be fine once I get back
to my room and sit for a bit,” Anna told him, nearly tripping over the words. Speaking now that she had a muzzle was freaking strange, but she could still talk, so that was a plus. Her voice even sounded similar. Maybe a touch deeper.

  “I’ll share power with you once we’re there,” he said, sounding far too adult and decisive.

  Anna knew gargoyles could strengthen and heal each other by sharing power, but a part of her didn’t want his help. Obviously, he was growing stronger and his power was changing, Anna thought sourly as she looked down at her new gargoyle body. It wasn’t just his power that was changing.

  In the last few days, she had noted he was more forthright and prone to making decisions for them. He still sought her opinion, but he was forming his own now too. Which would be fine under normal circumstances, but she was now worried something darker was going on. He’d ordered her to stop during the fight and she’d been forced to obey. No, not forced. She’d wanted to obey with every fiber of her being.

  They were changing faster than even Gryton had thought they would.

  That was bad. So, very fucking bad.

  Yep, drawing on more of his power wasn’t going to be beneficial.

  “I’ll be fine,” Anna told him. “Promise. I just need time to get used to the new me.”

  He made a grumpy little sound but didn’t contradict her. “I’ll send a servant to fetch you something to eat and drink if the news of your change hasn’t already reached them.”

  “Fine.” She wasn’t going to refuse food because she was already starting to feel hungry.

  They reached their assigned chambers and Anna made straight for a large chair. Shadowlight grabbed her arm before she could throw herself down. “Careful of your wings.”

  Crap. The last thing she needed was a trip to the doctors, or menders as they called them here. Anna unfurled her wings and fought for balance as their weight screwed up her center of gravity. With an annoyed huff, she eyed the chair again. “I’ve seen you and Gregory rest on your wings from time to time without coming to harm.”

  “Yours are new, and though large enough to carry your weight in the air, aren’t fully grown yet. The bones, joints, and tissues will be soft and prone to damage.” Shadowlight poked and prodded at her joints as he spoke.


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