Letters of Love (Green Division Series Book #3)

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Letters of Love (Green Division Series Book #3) Page 12

by Ashley Monahan

  “Thanks for the vote of confidence Mike.”

  “The fact is though Ben,” he leaned forward, “you’ll be in my division. You have my vote. You have two of the other two sergeants’ recommendations from my headquarters, and the Colonel already knows you well. I think you’re a shoe in.”

  “I guess we’ll see when I put in my application.”

  “Good plan.”

  “Green, 604.”

  “604 go ahead.”

  “Domestic dispute at 44 White Road in T5 R8, no weapons, no assault, parties separated.”

  “Time to go to work Trooper,” Mike said to him.

  “10-4, show me en route.”


  Aubrey had another stellar day at work. Another night spent crying on her way home from work. She’d nearly quit at the end of the day, her emotions exploded. If not for her co-worker Nancy, she would have. Nancy sent her home early. Aubrey already had 50 hours in for the week so she was covered. She’d been called in anyhow.

  “This is starting to become predictable.” She wiped the tears from her face as she saw a car pull a u-turn behind her. She knew what the vehicle was, it was now a question of who it was. She pulled over before the officer had a chance to turn on his lights, she didn’t want to deal with this added drama.

  Aubrey rolled down her window and held her license, registration, and insurance card at the ready. She dropped her head onto the steering wheel and sighed. Get it together. Hopefully it wouldn’t be Ben. She’d take a ticket over having him see her cry again. That’s all he’d seen was her balling. Cry, cry, cry. She was told by another nurse earlier she needed to not be so sensitive. She wished that she could be a cold hard bitch, it would be so much easier to deal with her job.

  “Old habits die hard,” he said lightly. “I had to give you a hard time.”

  Aubrey was relieved at the sound of the voice, but also embarrassed.

  “What’s wrong?” Ben leaned into the window. “What happened?”

  “I’m okay.”

  “Clearly you’re not. What’s going on?” Ben asked concerned.

  “You must think I’m a little girl, seeing me cry all the time.”

  “I don’t think that at all.”

  Aubrey wiped her eyes and leaned her head back against the rest. “God, I can’t do it anymore. I’m done.”

  Ben opened her door, reached across her, and unbuckled her seatbelt. “Come and talk to me.”

  “Do we have to do this here?”

  “Yes.” Ben took her hand and walked to the front of her truck.

  “What’s going on?”

  Aubrey looked down and bit her lip.

  “Leave it alone.” It was a desolate stretch of road, but traffic had been steady since he’d pulled her over.

  “I can’t, not when you’re this upset.”

  Aubrey wiped her eyes and tried to compose herself. Telling Ben why she was upset would only upset him.

  “I’ll be fine.”

  Ben crossed his arms, leaned back against her truck, and waited for an explanation.

  “I’m going home.” She tried to walk past him, but Ben stood in front of her blocking the way.

  “Not this upset you’re not. I thought I’d gotten you speeding pretty good before, but those times don’t hold a candle to tonight.” This time she was pretty close to driving like a Nascar driver. “Is it your work?”

  “Ben...stop...” She pleaded. “Let me go home. I’ll talk to you later.”

  “Green, 604.”

  “Shit.” Ben picked up the mic and held it to his mouth. “604, go ahead.”

  “Car deer 10-55 in West Ansen, no injuries, deer needs to be dispatched.”

  “10-4. I’m en route.” Ben put the mic back on his shoulder. “Promise me you’ll drive careful. I don’t want to be responding to an accident where it’s you.”

  “I promise.”

  “Text me when you get home so I know your lead foot made it okay.”

  “I will.”

  Ben tipped his hat and walked back to his cruiser.

  Aubrey got into the truck, took a few deep relaxing breaths, and continued her commute.


  “604, Green, I’ll be clear, 10-8.” Ben headed for home, but worried about Aubrey. She hadn’t texted him to tell him she’d made it home. She should have made it home more than forty minutes prior. He texted her to double check.

  Did you make it home okay? - Ben

  He waited for an answer, but didn’t get one. Aubrey’s house was on the way to his, so he would make a short detour.

  Aubrey’s driveway was too long to see if her truck was in the yard without pulling into it, but every light in her house was on. Strange that she didn’t return his text. Ben decided to check on her. His conscience wouldn’t let him sleep if he didn’t.

  He knocked on the door. She opened the door and looked a mess. Her nose was bright red, her eyes puffy. She’d been crying...a lot.

  “Don’t even try to tell me everything is okay.” Ben didn’t wait for her to invite him in.

  “I forgot to text you.”

  “I know, you have me doing a welfare check on you.”

  “I didn’t mean for you to come all the way out here to check on me. You didn’t have to do that.” She wiped her nose with a tissue.

  “Since you won’t tell me what’s going on, I’ll have to use my investigative skills.”

  “This should be good.” Aubrey laughed. She sat down on the couch and curled her legs under herself. Ben sat down on the opposite end and leaned forward.

  “You’re a pediatric nurse and work with kids some of whom have terminal illnesses. One of your patients passed away tonight and you didn’t want to talk me about it because you thought it would upset me, with Tiffy and all.”

  “Okay, I guess you’re investigative skills are pretty sharp.” She sniffed.

  “You must have been pretty close to him, or her.”

  “Do you remember the little girl you saw when you came over here after the bakery burned? Monica?”


  “I gave her lessons for two years. She was such a sweet girl.”

  “I’m sorry.” Ben couldn’t imagine doing her job. Working with children with terminal illnesses, getting close to them knowing how the situation would turn out.

  “Met too.” She looked over at Ben and attempted a smile. “You don’t have to stay. It’s late and you must be tired.”

  “I’m not in a hurry. You seem like you could use some company.”

  “I’m used to this.” She reached across and patted his leg. “Go home.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “I’m sure. I’m going to go to bed and pass out.”

  You can sleep on me again. “You’re sure?” Ben didn’t want to leave.

  “Go home, I’ll see you and Tiffy this weekend.”

  Ben stood up and Aubrey followed him to the door.

  “I’ll call you in the morning. You have me worried about you.”

  When Ben turned before opening the door, she leaned into him, taking him by surprise. Ben wrapped his arms around her back and held her in a secure embrace. Her crying was more pronounced.

  “Nope, not leaving you. You almost made it. If you’d held off the crying until I made it out the door you would have been in the clear. But you didn’t, now you’re stuck with me.”

  Aubrey laughed and cried at the same time. “Almost made it.”

  Ben walked her back to the couch.

  “I remember someone telling me how much they like cuddling with me. Would that help the situation?”

  “Plutonic cuddling?”

  “I’m not the type who would take advantage of a situation like this, but thanks for thinking I would be.”

  “You are a man. All men would do that.” Aubrey leaned against him. Ben instantly tensed at her body pressed against his. He wasn’t going to take advantage of the situation, but that didn’t mean not so innocent thought
s wouldn’t float through his mind.

  “Thanks for lumping me in with all men.”

  “You’re belt hurts my side...” Aubrey hinted.

  Ben took the cue that meant he could get comfortable. He stripped his gear from his waist and shed his bulletproof vest. By the time he was done, all his gear filled up her recliner and he was left with a pair of polyester pants and a white undershirt. He sat back down.

  “That’s better,” she said and laid against him like she had when she’d been slightly impaired.

  “Do you want to watch that Channing Tatum guy again? I know you said he was H-A-W-T. That’ll make you feel better.”

  “You weren’t supposed to bring up the things I said that night!” She winced. “But yes, Channing always makes me feel better.

  I guess that means I don’t.

  “You’re doing a good job too though. Thank you for being such a good friend to me.”

  Friend. Ben sighed.

  “Funny how things have changed between us.”

  Changed to friends and nothing more.


  Got called out at 4, check in with me later - Ben

  A quickly scribbled note read on her table. Aubrey stared at it and then moved onto making her coffee. She’d slept on Ben again. This time she didn’t have the alcohol to blame it on.

  “What are you doing?” She asked herself aloud.


  “We’re leaving for Disney in a few days.” Tiffy said as she skipped over to the barn. “And we’re going to swim with the dolphins and go to some big water park. Then we’re going to stay with Grammy and Grampy for a week and then I don’t know what we’re doing. They won’t tell me.”

  “You’re going to be a busy girl.”

  “Super busy.” Tiffy climbed onto Gunny’s gate. “Hiya Gunny.” Gunny came to the edge of the stall and leaned his head outside to let Tiffy love up with him.

  “He misses you.” Aubrey gave Tiffy a few apples to give to Gunny.

  “I miss him n’ Trixie too.”

  “Sorry about that, it was a business call.” Ben joined them.

  “Do we have to leave?” Tiffy asked obviously hoping the answer was no.

  “No, we don’t have to go anywhere.”

  “Good.” Tiffy turned and redirected her attention to Gunny. “Aubrey, what do you have planned today?”

  “Oh I have big plans, see that furniture over there? I’m going to sand it down and paint it. More exciting than your plans for the afternoon I’m sure.”

  “We’re supposed to go see the movie Little Princesses.”

  “That was my pick,” Ben lied.

  “You should come with us,” Tiffy said.

  “I can’t. Look at me, I’m all ready to paint.” Aubrey pointed to her plain white tank top, overall shorts, and tan construction style boots. She looked like a farmer.

  “Uncle Ben and me could stay and help you paint. I like painting.”

  “Uncle Bennie probably would rather take you to the movies. You guys already had plans for the day.”

  “Uncle Ben will understand.” Tiffy looked back at him. “Can we stay and help Aubrey instead?”

  “Ah, if Aubrey wants our help, sure.”

  Aubrey looked at Tiffy’s smiling pleading face.

  “If you guys want to help me that would be great.”

  “Good. It’s settled. We paint.” Tiffy hopped down from the stall. “Where’s the brushes?”

  “That outfit is far too cute to ruin. You hold on for a moment and I’ll get you something so you don’t get paint all over you.” Aubrey looked at Ben. “I might even have something that will fit you.”

  Ben shook his head.

  Aubrey disappeared inside and returned with clothing in hand.

  “This is for you.” Aubrey held a shirt up for Tiffy to put on over her clothes. “And this is for you.” Aubrey passed him a tee shirt that had the phrase “I Love My Little Ponies” across the chest.

  “Really, this is the only shirt you have that you could find for me?” Ben held it up. Tiffy giggled in the background.

  “The only shirt I don’t mind getting covered in paint.” Aubrey tried to keep a straight face. She may have picked that shirt out on purpose.

  “I think I’ll take my chances on getting paint on my favorite shirt.”

  “Uncle Ben, I think it will look cute.”

  “Very cute Tiffy, I agree.” God love Tiffy’s sense of humor.

  Ben looked at the shirt and scowled at her.

  “No pictures. I’d never live this down with the guys.” Ben stripped off his polo shirt.

  DAMN. That was underneath that polo? Aubrey gawked at the lean muscles. He looked like a Calvin Klein model, his chest and abs were delicious. Aubrey tilted her head to the side and stared shamelessly.

  “How does it look?” Ben looked down. “This is wrong, so wrong.”

  “I think it’s very flattering.” Aubrey joked but was very serious. It was snug against him and showed every muscle and ripple under the shirt. She audibly sighed.

  Ben gave her a knowing look.

  Aubrey cleared her throat. “This stack is already sanded down and ready to be painted.” Aubrey passed both of them paint brushes.

  “Let’s get to work.” Tiffy knelt down.

  For the next hour the three kept busy painting diligently.

  “Where are you from Aubrey?”

  “I’m from Fort Kent. Way up no’th.” Aubrey and Tiffy worked on painting the same chair together.

  “Do you have any brothers or sisters?”

  “I have an older brother named Mack. He’s in the Army. He just came home from deployment in Afghanistan.”

  “Where are your parents?”

  “They’re retired and live in Florida.”

  “You didn’t go with them?”

  “My life is here.” Aubrey took her paintbrush and dabbed a spot of paint on the tip of Tiffy’s nose.

  “Hey!” Tiffy took her brush and swiped a swatch of paint down her arm.

  “Oooo I just put a spot on you, you painted me!” Aubrey put another dab on her cheek.

  “You’re in for it now!” Tiffy swished her brush down the side of Aubrey’s jaw.

  “Children, behave.” Ben worked on his own chair.

  Tiffy and Aubrey looked at one another and had the same idea.

  “Let’s get him.” Tiffy whispered. They dipped their brushes in paint, stood up, and walked over to Ben nonchalantly.

  Ben was in a sitting position which immediately put him at a disadvantage.

  “What?” He looked at them suspiciously. “No, no...” He tried to get to his feet, but Tiffy and Aubrey jumped him. Aubrey got a swatch down his cheek to his neck, Tiffy covered his mostly exposed arm. Ben tried to grab at Tiffy, but she was quicker and darted away. Aubrey wasn’t quick enough. Ben grabbed her and wrapped one arm around her waist so she couldn’t run away.

  “No, no, don’t do it Ben. Don’t!”

  Ben freshened his brush with paint.

  “No!” Aubrey begged between laughs. She wiggled in his grasp.

  “It’s only fair.” Ben took his paint brush and brushed it down her exposed thigh, then painted the other one. Aubrey reached for his paint can and dipped her brush in again.

  “Game on!” Aubrey turned and wiped the brush down his other arm. When she went to dip her brush again, Ben pulled her back so she couldn’t reach the paint.

  “Oh no you don’t.”

  “Put me down!” Aubrey laughed. “Benjamin Anderson, you let go of me this minute!”

  “Put the brush down slowly and push it over to me. Keep your hands in sight at all times.”

  “No!” Aubrey swiped the brush over his hand.

  “I’ll get it from you one way or another.”

  “Oooo I’m scared now.”


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