Mr. Whiskey

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Mr. Whiskey Page 5

by Tessa Layne

  My stomach sinks to my toes. I’m not about to let her out of my sight, which means she’s staying. And my dick is going to fall off from wanting but not having. Danny Pendergast — dickless wonder. Harrison and Stockton will never let me live it down if they get wind of it.

  I’m so screwed.

  Chapter Seven

  “Well, well, well, what have we here?” Vincent Ferrari’s voice calls from the entrance.

  On the other side of the bar, Roxi freezes, as if she recognizes Vince. But she recovers so quickly, most people wouldn’t have even noticed. But I’m not most people, and my spidey senses are already on high alert. It’s an effort to raise a hand in greeting. “Good to see you, Vince. What can I do for you?” I keep my voice even. “Roxi, this is one of our members, Vince Ferrari. Can you pour him a glass of the reserve? Top shelf on the left.”

  She nods, avoiding looking at either of us.

  Ferrari, on the other hand, can’t keep his eyes off Roxi. He looks like a big bad wolf ready to pounce on unsuspecting prey. For a second, I rethink telling Roxi she can’t carry in the bar. It takes all my self-control to play it cool, when what I want more than anything is to pound my chest and piss all over the bar, marking my territory.

  Roxi turns around, drink in hand and passes it to Ferrari. “Didn’t I see you at one of the poker tables at the Nelson a few weeks ago?”

  She shrugs noncommittally. “I was there.”

  “And you bartend, too,” he says in a voice laced with suspicion.

  I step closer to him, ushering him away from the bar. “My hire, my business.” I lead him to the far corner to a pair of leather wingbacks in front of a fireplace. “How long you back in town for?”

  Vince gives me an assessing look, but there’s something hard and calculating in it that makes my blood run cold. “Depends on the outcome of a few projects I’m working on.”

  I nod, wishing I had a tumbler myself. God knows I could use a hit of whiskey. But I don’t drink when I’m on the job. I make a point of being the sharpest mind in the room, otherwise people get hurt. I learned that the hard way, once upon a time. We make small talk until my skin crawls.

  “I should apologize for Ivo,” Vince says after a brief silence.

  I shake my head. “Nothing to apologize for.”

  “I don’t know what came over him.”

  “I don’t know either. But you know I don’t give second chances.” I look him straight in the eye. “I’m sure you can relate.”

  Vince’s jaw ticks, but he flashes a smile. “Of course, of course. In our line of work, one must take… precautions.”

  My stomach churns at the thought he considers my work to be remotely like his. But I don’t correct him. Money is money. Business is business.

  “I’d like to set up another poker game.”

  I nod. “Anytime.”

  “Thursday evening?”

  “Eleven okay?”

  He nods, tapping his finger against the side of the glass. “I have some special clients coming in. I’d like… her,” he nods toward Roxi. “Roxi is it? To deal?”

  I take a very slow breath and count to six, pushing aside the red that has clouded my vision. Every cell in my body screams danger. I want to boot him from the club, break his face. “I’m afraid I can’t do that,” I say evenly with a shake of my head.

  Vince’s eyes narrow. “Why not?”

  “My bartenders are off-limits. Overseeing private poker is outside of the job description.”

  “Lisa was never off-limits,” he accuses with a hint of a snarl.

  Lisa has dealt for me on the rare occasion I had a bigger fire to put out, and I trust her implicitly. But I don’t owe Vince any explanation. I do however, need to make it very clear that Roxi is off-limits. Permanently. “Lisa was never my girlfriend,” I state blandly, as if banging my employee is the most natural thing in the world.

  Vince’s eyes go wide, and he darts a glance to the bar, then back to me. “I’m surprised, Danny. It’s not like you to mix business and pleasure. In all the years I’ve known you…” His voice trails off as his mouth turns down into a scowl.

  I lift a shoulder, keeping my face neutral. “Things change.” I lean forward. “Your game will be ready. Back room like always. No players allowed in before ten-thirty or after ten-forty-five. And I’ll need the list by tomorrow so I can vet them.”

  He cocks his head. “Tightening control?”

  “Just want to make sure we don’t have a repeat of a few weeks ago. It’s bad for business.”

  He nods. “Yes. Of course.”

  I rise and extend my hand. “May I take your glass?”

  Vince is smart enough to recognize the cue that it’s time to leave. He hands me his glass and rises, following me to the bar. On the spur of the moment, I duck behind the counter, and sling an arm around Roxi’s waist. She turns startled, and I take her chin and kiss her very slowly. Thoroughly. She softens in my arms, relaxing immediately into the kiss. I break it and glance Vince’s direction.

  The cold, calculating expression has returned to his face, but he covers it with a smile. “You are a fortunate man, Danny.”

  “I am, aren’t I?” We both know I’ve won this round. “I’ll let you see yourself out. Until Thursday?”

  He nods once. “Until Thursday.”

  Roxi waits until the door clicks shut behind Vince before whirling on me. “What in the hell was that for?”

  “Thank you for playing along.”

  She narrows her eyes. “That didn’t answer my question. Before Vince What’shisface came in you had a stick up your ass about employee-boss relationships.” She uses air quotes. “And then next thing I know, you’re kissing me in front of one of your members?” She crosses her arms and leans a hip against the bar. “What’s going on?”

  How do I explain my gut-level reaction to Vince? Or how I think Vince wants to… acquire her? The whole thing has me spooked. “From here on out, if anyone asks, you’re my girlfriend.”

  Her eyebrows disappear into her hairline. “Are you fucking kidding me?” A flush creeps up her neck. “No. Way. It’s one thing for us to have sneaky time, but I am most definitely not your girlfriend.”

  “It’s for your own safety.”

  “I think we’ve already established I can handle myself.”

  “You have no idea who you’re dealing with here.”

  “Don’t I?” She steps into my space, poking a finger into my chest. “I don’t think you have an idea who you’re dealing with. Follow me.” She steps around me and rounds the end of the bar. “Well?”

  I remain put. “What’s this about?”

  “Me proving to you once and for all that I can handle it if things get hinky. Come. Here.”

  I let out an exasperated sigh. I’ve never met someone so stubborn. “Fine.”

  “Grab me from behind,” she says when I round the corner of the bar.

  “You gonna go all Crouching Tiger on me?”

  “Just grab me from behind.”

  I step behind her and wrap her in a bear hug from behind. The next thing I know I’m flat on my back staring at the ceiling with a knee in my sternum and a hand at my throat. “What the fuck?” I sputter. “How’d you do that?”

  “Just so we’re clear. I can handle myself, and I won’t hesitate to use any means at my disposal to stay safe.” Her voice is as sharp as a razor.

  “Someone hurt you, didn’t they?” I growl. “Give me a name. I swear, I will take him down, whoever he is.”

  Her face twists in agony, before she shakes her head. “Someone I love was… hurt.”

  Relief floods my body. “Say the word, Roxi. I have connections.”

  “That’s what I’m afraid of,” she says so softly, I almost miss it. But then her wide smile is back and she’s offering me a hand up. “See? I was right about you being a big teddy bear.”

  I shake my head with a guttural noise. “Never. And you don’t know the kinds of people you’l
l be dealing with here. Not all of them are… honorable. So as long as you’re working here, you’re going to let people think you’re my girlfriend.”

  “Or what?”

  I open my hands. “Or you don’t work here.”

  Chapter Eight

  Her indignant gasp is almost enough to make me laugh — if her safety wasn’t on the line.

  “Just so I’m clear. First, I couldn’t work here because we’ve fucked. Now I can’t work here if I’m not your girlfriend? You’re insane. Has anybody told you that?”

  I nod, completely at home with my hypocrisy. “Every day.”

  “And you don’t feel the need to be, er… consistent with your rules?”

  “My business, my rules.”

  “Rules are shit if you’re not consistent.”

  “My rules change based on circumstances. And… thanks to Vince, we have an unusual set of circumstances to deal with. So take it or leave it. You can stay here and pretend to be my girlfriend, or you can go back to the temp agency.”

  I swear a look of sheer panic flickers across her face, but it happens so fast, I can’t be sure, because in the next instant her gaze bores straight into me. “I’ll agree on one condition.”

  “Name it.”

  “No. Sex.”

  Now it’s my turn to be surprised. “That’s your condition?”

  “I don’t do relationships, and since this is a pretend relationship it needs to be fully pretend. And I trust you’ll only kiss me when absolutely necessary.”

  Her conditions take the wind out of my sails, but at least this way she’ll stay safe, and that’s my number one job where my employees are concerned — keeping them safe at all costs. I stick out my hand. “Deal.” We shake, and when our hands separate, I feel the loss of her touch all the way to my bones. “First things first, let me give you the tour.”

  Surprisingly, the day passes quickly. Roxi’s a quick study, and it’s obvious she’s experienced. By late afternoon, I’ve had three texts from Lisa with pictures of a scrunch-faced newborn with black eyes and hair peeking out from a blanket.

  It’s a girl!!!!

  I swipe to the next picture — of Lisa looking tired and happy, holding the little thing. The caption brings a lump to my throat.

  I named her Polly Danielle.

  I shoot back a text: Are you sure you want to do that?

  Dots appear, and in a few seconds she responds. Of course, silly. Don’t be a dumbass. She’s your goddaughter.

  I resolve to redouble my efforts to learn who the father is. Lisa has been uncharacteristically tight-lipped, and my research has turned up nothing. Maybe Roxi’s right, and I need to polish my vetting skills. I send off another text.

  I’ll stop by the hospital after work. I type more. Whoever he is, he doesn’t deserve the two of you. But I erase that part. Lisa knows how I feel about the douchebag who knocked her up, and I don’t want to diminish her happiness.

  It’s slow tonight, and I decide to close the Den at nine-thirty so I can get to the hospital at a decent hour. The benefit of owning a private club where I determine the hours. It’s not like I’m unreachable. If someone’s desperate for me to open, they have my number.

  I walk back to my office and take in the desk with not a little regret. But we’ve made our choices, and it’s for the best. I can’t afford the liability of feelings. I tuck my laptop into my satchel and grab Roxi’s holster from the drawer. I double check the door’s locked when I step into the hall. “I’ll drive you home,” I say as I hand over her weapon.

  She bends and attaches it to her left ankle. “No need. I drove myself.”

  “No can do. Oscar can drive it to your place and give you the keys tomorrow.”

  She purses her lips. “So now you’re holding me captive?”

  “Not at all. But everyone knows I’d never let my girlfriend drive herself home alone.”

  She rises, glaring daggers. “Fine. Whatever you say.”


  She digs in her purse and drops the car keys into my outstretched hand, and marches ahead of me toward the door.

  “Oscar, will you make sure Ms. Rickoli’s car gets delivered to her residence tonight? You can bring the keys with you tomorrow.”

  “Sure thing, boss.”

  “Thank you. I’ll text you the address.”

  Roxi bristles all the way to my car, but stands aside to let me open the door for her.

  “Where to?” I ask as I pull onto Gennessee.

  “West Side.” It’s an eclectic neighborhood, and not far from my condo in the Crossroads, which I like. “What time should I report tomorrow?” She asks when I pull up to the address.

  “Two. I can handle things before then.”

  “Great.” She brings a hand to the door.

  “Wait. Let me.” I hop out of my Lotus and race around the front to open her door. As she takes my hand, the hair on my neck stands up. I scan up and down the street but don’t see anything unusual. No cars idling or people loitering. Still, it feels like we’re being watched. I keep hold of her hand while I shut the car door. “I’m going to walk you to your door,” I say in a low voice. “And when we get to the porch, I’m going to put my arms around you and we’re going to kiss. Understand?”

  She picks up on the urgency in my voice. “Everything okay?”

  “I just want to make sure.”

  She gives my hand a squeeze and leans into my arm, clasping my bicep. “How does this look?”

  “Like you’re totally into me.”

  “Cocky bastard,” she mutters so only I can hear.


  “This your place?” I stop in front of a modern two-story house comprised of metal and cement. “Fancy digs,” I say when we land on the porch.

  “I’m housesitting.”

  “Ahh. Of course. So you’re not going to invite me in?”

  She shakes her head with an amused smile. “I promised my girlfriend I’d limit the shenanigans to the front porch.”

  A breeze dances through the porch, rustling the tree leaves between the houses. I tuck a stray lock behind her ear. She tilts up her face, eyes sparkling with expectation. I wrap an arm around the small of her back, pulling her close, and slide my hand underneath her hair to the base of her skull.

  She meets me halfway. At first the kiss is tentative, forced. I brush my mouth against hers, giving her space. She wraps an arm around my shoulder with a sigh, and instantly, she melts, her body becomes soft, lips pliant. I deepen the kiss, licking at the inside of her lip. Her tongue darts out to meet mine. It acts like a spark to a powder keg, and suddenly we’re a tangle of lips, tongues, teeth, little moans and licks, grinding through our clothes until we pull apart, breathless. She’s flushed, eyes bright with desire.

  “Are you sure I can’t come in?” I can’t help but ask, dropping another kiss to the corner of her mouth.

  “I’m sure,” she says firmly.

  I step back, not bothering to cover the bulge in my pants. Let her see what her kisses do to me. “Promise you’ll lock your door?”

  She rolls her eyes. “Of course. And—”

  “I know, I know. You can take care of yourself. Let me guess, you sleep with your pistol under your pillow, too,” I state rhetorically. Given what I’ve seen of her, I’d be surprised if she didn’t.

  She snorts. “Wouldn’t you love to find out?” She presses a last kiss on my mouth and slips inside.

  I stay put until I hear the lock snick into place. Back in the car, I wait to turn on the engine until I see the lights on the second story flick on. I can’t shake the feeling we were watched, but I can’t stay here all night, either. With a shake of my head, I turn the key and the engine roars to life. I make a quick stop at the twenty-four hour grocery in Westport for flowers and a pink plushie before heading to the maternity ward at St. Luke’s by the Plaza. The nurse waves me back, mentioning that Lisa had let them know I was on my way up.

  I knock on t
he door, then push it open. I’m surprised to see Harrison and Stockton lounging in the chairs, surrounded by an explosion of pink balloons, flowers and an enormous teddy bear. “I see someone’s beat me to the punch,” I say wryly as I enter and drop a kiss on Lisa’s cheek. “Congratulations. Can I see my little namesake?”

  “You’ll have to fight them,” she tilts her chin to Harrison and Stockton, and I spy a tiny bundle in Harrison’s massive arms. “They’ve been fighting over Polly since they got here two hours ago.”

  “For real?” I can’t imagine either of them baby crazy. Or myself, but my heart starts to pound erratically when I approach and stare down at the most perfect face I’ve ever seen. “Hand her over,” I say gruffly.

  “Are you sure you’re up for that?” teases Lisa.

  I nod, unable to speak for the sudden lump in my throat. Harrison lays her in my arms, she hardly weighs anything. Her eyes are shut, but dark lashes brush against cheeks, her nose is a little button, her mouth a perfect little bow, and she makes the tiniest cooing sigh as she settles into the crook of my elbow. Dark brows frame her face, and I can see a shock of black hair peeping out from underneath the little beanie on her head. My heart hurts with the beauty of this little being.

  “Don’t let them fool you,” Lisa calls over from where she’s propped up on the bed. “They bawled like babies when they first met her.”

  I flash her a grin, grateful for her understanding. “She’s perfect, Lisa.”

  Lisa returns my smile with such motherly pride that my chest pulls tight. “Isn’t she? I feel like the luckiest person alive.”

  “You’ll both have whatever you need,” I promise. I’m serious, too. All the things I had to scrap for? They’re little Polly’s. And she won’t even have to ask.

  “Hey, we’re helping too,” calls Stockton. He looks from me, to Harrison, and then to Lisa. “He doesn’t get to steal our thunder just because he got here late.”

  “I got here as fast as I could,” I protest. “I had to train Lisa’s replacement.”

  “My sub,” she corrects. “I’m planning on coming back.”

  “That’s right,” Harrison agrees with a nod of his head. “No one can replace you.”


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