The Coven's Secret: A Paranormal Academy Witch Romance (Hidden Legends: College of Witchcraft Book 1)

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The Coven's Secret: A Paranormal Academy Witch Romance (Hidden Legends: College of Witchcraft Book 1) Page 39

by Alicia Rades

“Woohoo!” Grant cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted. “Nadine is on the floor! Let’s get this party started!”

  “Get in here, girl!” Amy cried, gesturing her forward.

  “Shake it!” Mandy added. She spun around and started twerking in Nadine’s direction.

  Nadine giggled as Grant swirled an imaginary lasso above his head. He threw it over her and reeled her to the center of the dancefloor.

  “Hey there, buddy,” I cut in, stepping between them. “I’m gonna have to take that from you. She’s mine tonight.”

  Grant shrugged and stepped aside, then pretended to place the invisible lasso rope in my hands. “Go wild.”

  Nadine threw her head back in laughter as I pretended to reel her in. She ended up so close to me that I grabbed her around the waist. She kept dancing, so I just went along with it, moving my body to the beat. I probably looked like a total fool, but I didn’t care. I had Nadine Evers in my arms. My attention was so laser-focused on her that we could’ve been the only two people in the room for all I knew. When she laughed and danced, it was like my whole dark world lit up, but there was only one thing to see—her.

  “You’re dancing!” she exclaimed.

  “Don’t go teasing me, now,” I warned. “I might stop.”

  “I’m not teasing,” she countered. “I’m enjoying it.”

  “Well, enjoy it while it lasts,” I said, though something told me Nadine and I would be sharing many dances in years to come.

  “Heeey!” Talia shouted as she came onto the dancefloor, dragging Cody behind her.

  “Talia!” Mandy squealed. She reached out for Talia’s hand, then spun her around.

  Talia giggled, then returned to Cody’s side. The two started grinding like they were animals. Good Goddess, I did not expect that out of Talia.

  Nadine noticed me watching them, but she must not have noticed the look of disgust on my face. “You want to dance like that?” she teased.

  I shot a glance around the crowded dancefloor. “With all these people around?”

  She shrugged. “Yeah, what could it hurt? All you have to do is stand there.”

  I liked the sound of that. Nadine started to demonstrate. She turned around and pressed her backside against my front, then dipped down a little before coming back up.

  I gasped. If she kept this up any longer, it was going to be pretty obvious to everyone just how much I liked it. But I didn’t want her to stop, either.

  “You okay back there?” she asked as she continued rubbing herself against me.

  “Peachy,” I said. I wanted to slap myself. Was that really the best I could come up with?

  “Good,” she teased. “Because there’s more where that came from.”

  To my surprise, Nadine bent at the waist, pressing her ass against my dick. And no, that wasn’t a roll of quarters in my pocket. I was very happy to see her. Damn, I just wanted to reach out and grab her ass, but I couldn’t with all the people around. She flipped her hair, then shoved her hands into it, letting it flip around in a really sexy way.

  “Woo!” Talia cheered. “Nadine’s got moves.”

  Nadine turned back toward me, blushing. She placed her arms around my neck and continued swaying her hips to the music. “I should maybe save that for when we’re alone, huh?”

  My eyebrows shot up. “Are you offering me a lap dance?”

  Her lips twitched at the corners. “Depends. Are you accepting?”

  Once this fucking curse was gone, she could give me all the lap dances she wanted. Nadine and I started dancing like normal again, and my eyes scanned the crowd. I realized for the first time that Grant had practically stopped dancing. His eyes were locked on Talia and Cody. He looked about ready to bare his teeth and growl.

  I cocked my head to Nadine, and we danced a few paces over toward Grant. He didn’t notice us until I nudged him with my elbow. Finally, he snapped back to reality.

  “What?” he asked.

  “Chill,” I warned. “No one wants to see a fist fight tonight.”

  Grant scoffed. “Then let’s pray he doesn’t give me a reason.”

  Just then, Cody reached down and squeezed Talia’s ass. It wasn’t cute and sweet, either. It was a very obvious, full-on ass grab for the whole dancefloor to see.

  Talia squealed and jumped away from him. She looked shocked at first, but a smile came across her face. “Cody, what’d we talk about?”

  She made it sound like she was joking, but the whole thing made me uneasy. It definitely riled up Grant, because he stomped over to them.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing, man?” Grant snapped.

  Cody scowled. “Me? I don’t even know who the fuck you are. Get out of here.”

  “You get out of here!” Grant countered. He shoved Cody in the shoulders, and he stumbled back into another couple.

  “Grant, don’t!” Talia shouted.

  Cody’s nostrils flared, and he looked ready to punch Grant in the face.

  Talia threw herself between them. “Cody, forget about Grant. He’s just a friend. Grant, it’s fine. It was harmless.”

  “Didn’t look that way to me,” Grant sneered without taking his eyes off Cody.

  “The girl says she’s fine,” Cody snapped. “Now back off.”

  Nadine went to Talia’s side. “You okay?”

  The two exchanged a few words in whispers.

  Grant looked to Talia, as if expecting her to call Cody out. “Tal, come on. Don’t tell me you’re okay with that.”

  “I’m fine,” she insisted. “Let’s not ruin the night with a fight, okay?”

  Cody scoffed as Talia turned back to him. They started dancing again, though Cody dragged her further away from us. “What a loser,” he said to her, though it was loud enough for us all to hear. “You’re really friends with that guy?”

  “Is she really okay?” I asked Nadine as she returned to my side.

  She shot a glance at Talia. “She says she is. She thinks Grant’s overreacting.”

  “Do you think he is?” I asked.

  “I don’t know.” She frowned in contemplation. “She looks okay now.”

  Talia twirled on the dancefloor in Cody’s arms, beaming up at him. Grant still hadn’t backed down. He stood there, his hands curled into fists.

  Mandy stepped in front of him and raised an eyebrow. “Are Amy and I going to have to drag you off the dancefloor? Let Talia have fun with her date.”

  Grant narrowed his eyes at Cody. “Do I have to?”

  “Yes,” she insisted.

  Grant groaned, and Mandy shot him a pointed look. “Do you want Amy and me to dance around you and try to make her jealous?” she suggested.

  Grant’s eyes lit up at that. “Mandy, I think you just became my new best friend.”

  Nadine gasped dramatically. “I lost top spot?”

  “Don’t worry,” Grant played along. “You’re top five for sure.”

  She laughed as Grant turned to dance with Mandy and Amy. Just as they were getting into it, the song changed to a slow melody. Now this, I could do.

  I stepped back and offered Nadine my hand. “May I have this dance?”

  She curtsied. “Why yes, kind sir.”

  I couldn’t help but beam as Nadine took my hand and I wrapped my arms around her waist. We swayed on the dancefloor, and my heart swelled. I loved holding her in my arms.

  “I’m glad we still get dances in college,” Nadine said. “I’m having lots of fun.”

  “Good,” I replied. “I am, too.”

  “Even though you’re dancing?” she asked playfully.

  I nodded. “I mean, you basically twisted my arm, but it’ll heal.”

  She snickered, but she went quiet a few moments later and rested her head on my chest. This moment was incredible. I wanted a million more like it, and then some.

  My eyes roamed the ballroom again. Across the room, I noticed Chloe dancing with Finn, one of the Treacherous Tarantulas. She kept throwin
g glances toward Ryan, who sat slumped in one of the chairs and looked out at the crowd like he was too good to be there. His bowtie was already undone, like he was totally wasted already.

  Fucking loser.

  At least all Chloe’s attention was on him and not on my precious Nadine. If she ever tried hurting her again, she was going to have to deal with me. The consequences be damned, I’d curse that bitch’s ass to protect my girl.

  I continued to look around the room and noticed Lena dancing with Gregory. She really had to be desperate for a date if she’d come with him. The poor guy looked at her like he was a lost puppy, but she kept pulling her head away, like she couldn’t stand him breathing on her.

  She shot a glance my way, but I ignored her. If she was trying to make me jealous or something, it wasn’t going to work.

  Finally, my eyes landed on Professor Warren and Headmistress Verla standing in the corner. We didn’t need chaperones, but they were there no doubt to make sure no one spiked the punch bowl or started any fights. It wouldn’t be the first time.

  Verla sipped her drink slowly while Professor Warren talked to her. Whatever he was saying must’ve been pissing her off, because she didn’t look him in the eyes. She kept her gaze on the students and pursed her lips. I couldn’t tell what he was saying, but he looked somewhat annoyed with her. I hadn’t realized the two were on less than friendly terms.

  “What’s wrong?” Nadine asked.

  “Nothing,” I said, turning my gaze back to her. “Professor Warren and Headmistress Verla look mad at each other.”

  She looked toward them and frowned. “It definitely looks like something’s going on. I saw her twice this week for make-up sessions, and she seemed fine then.”

  I spun Nadine around, then pulled her back into my arms. “What day is your ceremony again?”

  She gasped playfully. “You don’t remember my birthday?”

  “I don’t think you ever told me,” I pointed out. “I know it’s next week.”

  She snickered lightly. “It’s the thirteenth. You’re coming to my Evoking Ceremony, right?”

  My whole body stilled. I must’ve looked like a statue as it hit me. That would make the eve of her birthday, and her ceremony… the same night as the Reaper Moon.

  “I know what you’re thinking,” she said, pushing her hair behind her ear. “Friday the thirteenth is really not the best time for a ceremony.”

  She chuckled nervously, but I didn’t respond.

  “Lucas?” Nadine asked.

  I snapped out of it. I couldn’t miss the Reaper Moon, but I couldn’t ditch her ceremony, either.

  “I’ll be there,” I promised.

  I had to be. As for the Reaper Moon, I’d be in, out, and done before the witching hour. I’d make it to her ceremony…

  I hoped.

  After the slow song ended, Nadine announced that she was going to sit out the next song. I started to follow her, before Grant grabbed me by the elbow and dragged me away from her.

  “Sorry,” Grant said to Nadine. “I’ve got to steal him for a second.”

  “Dude, what the hell—?” I started.

  Grant dragged me out the doors and turned on me as soon as we were in the hallway. He pointed a finger in my direction. “I saw that look!”

  “What? What look?”

  “Nadine told you the night of her ceremony, and you totally froze up,” he accused. “You ditched us the night of your birthday, too. And don’t think I haven’t noticed you sneaking off campus. What’s up with you lately?”

  “Nothing,” I lied, but my voice rose several pitches.

  Grant gave me a stern look. “Don’t lie to me. We’ve lived together long enough that I know your tells.”

  “My tells?” I asked.

  “Your eyes narrow when you lie,” Grant pointed out.

  “They do not!” I defended, but I suddenly realized they were narrowed just a bit. I consciously widened them.

  “Don’t tell me you’ve gotten wrapped up in something bad,” Grant said.

  “Goddess, no,” I hissed. “It’s not like that at all.”

  He crossed his arms. “Then tell me what’s up.”

  “Nothing,” I lied again. “I swear.”

  Grant tapped his foot. “I’m not letting you go back in there until you tell me.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Then you’re going to be waiting here a while.”

  He shrugged. “I don’t have a date waiting for me. I’ve got all night.”

  I groaned. He had me there. I couldn’t let Nadine think I ditched her.

  “What is this? Some sort of blackmail?” I asked.

  Grant pursed his lips. “It’s a threat for sure.”

  “Come on, Grant,” I complained. “Is this for real?”

  “You’re hiding something,” he accused. “Am I going to have to save you from yourself?”

  “No,” I promised. “I have it handled.”

  He sighed and dropped his arms. “Then let me help.”

  I shook my head. “I don’t think you’re going to want to help on this one.”

  Grant frowned. “That’s what friends do, Lucas.”

  I pressed my lips together. They were officially sealed. If I said any more, he’d know what I was up to.

  But I didn’t have to say any more. Apparently, my silence was enough.

  Grant’s eyes widened. “That’s the night of the Reaper Moon, isn’t it? You’re going to do it.”

  “Yes,” I snapped. “And you’re not going to talk me out of it.”

  Grant gaped at me. “You’re talking about the Abyss. If you give up your powers, you’ll be condemned by the Goddess forever. You’ll never be able to enter Alora.”

  I shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal, but to be honest, the thought of going to Hell scared me.

  But not as much as being with Nadine for the rest of my life thrilled me.

  Not to mention getting rid of all these thoughts—ditching the responsibility of the Reaper’s Apprentice. Carrying these thoughts around was too much. I’d risk the Abyss if it meant I didn’t have to carry around these secrets anymore.

  “You said I had to make a decision,” I reminded him. “I decided.”

  “Well, you’re deciding wrong!” Grant exploded.

  A few people at the ballroom entrance looked our way. I grabbed Grant by the shoulder and dragged him further down the hall, where we couldn’t be heard.

  “In all fairness, this isn’t your decision to make,” I snapped at him. “As soon as I figure out how to do the ritual, I’m doing this. All I need is to find the grave of some guy named Caesar Peppertrine—where there’s supposed to be scroll waiting for me.”

  Grant raked his fingers through his hair. “Are you shitting me, Lucas? You’re doing this all for… what? A girl.”

  His words were like a slap to the face.

  “Nadine’s not just any girl,” I growled. “She’s the girl.”

  “Then shouldn’t you want to spend the rest of eternity with her?” he argued. “You’re trading your soul to… to get laid!”

  Was he fucking kidding me?

  “That’s not what this is about,” I argued. “I hate my gift, and you know that. This is my one chance to get rid of it.”

  “So that’s the real reason?” he mocked, crossing his arms. “You’re not just upset about this sex curse?”

  “It’s not a sex curse,” I shot back, fuming.

  “It sure sounds like your dick’s making the decisions right now,” Grant snapped.

  A couple walked by just then and shot us an odd look.

  My teeth gritted as I exploded on Grant. “This curse isn’t about my dick! It’s the whole fucking package! As long as I’m the Reaper’s Apprentice, I don’t get to be in a relationship. I never get married; I never have kids. Nadine deserves all that.”

  Grant looked disgusted with me. “That’s noble and all, but you’re talking about eternity. Our lives here are just a blip on the map.”r />
  “Then what are we doing here?” I countered. “Our lives matter, Grant. I’m going to make mine count. Nadine actually wants to be with me. She deserves the fucking world. So yeah, I’d gladly trade my soul to give her that. You wouldn’t know what that feels like because the girl you’re pining for doesn’t want you back!”

  Grant’s jaw dropped. He stood there for a moment in total silence. To be honest, I was pretty pissed at him. I didn’t care.

  Finally, he found his voice again. “Fine,” he snapped, opening his arms wide. “You want to do this, be my guest. Just don’t expect me to supply the sledgehammer when you’re fucking up this asshole’s grave marker.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Very mature.”

  Grant started to walk away, but he paused and turned back to me. He got up in my face and pointed a finger at me. “You know what? I hope the mausoleum is haunted! Maybe the spirits will make you think twice about stealing that scroll.”

  With that, Grant stormed off. I paced back and forth, raking my fingers through my hair. What the fuck just happened?

  I ran the conversation back in my mind, wondering where everything turned to shit. Then something Grant said hit me.

  The mausoleum.

  He knew where Caesar Peppertrine’s grave was. And he had no idea he’d just helped me find it.

  It must’ve been three in the morning before Nadine and I finally left the dance. I walked her back to her room, since she looked exhausted. I wanted to make sure she got back all right.

  When I made it back to my room, Grant still wasn’t back yet. He was probably off somewhere being pissed at me for what I said. I changed back into my street clothes and left campus. It didn’t matter how late it was; I wasn’t going to sleep anyway until I found that scroll.

  I had an eerie sense of déjà vu as I broke into the cemetery using my magic. I formed an orb in my hand and used it to light my path. I must’ve passed a thousand headstones before I reached the trees at the back of the property. Snow coated the ground, and it was really chilly out, but I barely noticed. My heart was pounding so hard at the thought of being so close.

  I entered the trees and pushed through the brush until I came upon the abandoned mausoleum where I’d had my Evoking Ceremony. I climbed over broken bricks and stepped inside. Nothing had changed since the last time I’d been here, except there was a light dusting of snow covering the ground.


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