Heart of Texas Series Volume 1: Lonesome CowboyTexas Two-StepCaroline's Child

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Heart of Texas Series Volume 1: Lonesome CowboyTexas Two-StepCaroline's Child Page 19

by Debbie Macomber

  Until Laredo, her existence had been empty. Outwardly focused, with no regard for her own happiness, her own growth. Before Laredo. After Laredo. Savannah smiled to herself. It seemed her entire life would now be divided into two parts. Before he’d come and after he’d left.

  How odd that she’d find herself smiling like that. Just when she’d recognized her life for what it was. Shallow. Without a center.

  The restlessness she’d held at bay all this time felt as though it would crush her. Ignoring the unhappiness had done no good. Repressing it hadn’t worked. For weeks she’d been fighting headaches and listlessness. For weeks her body had tried to tell her what standing alone in the ghost town had finally made her understand.

  She saw a small corral across from the hotel, a large rock beside it. Savannah walked over and sat there, trying to assimilate what she’d learned about herself.

  A memory came to her. One she’d long forgotten. She’d been barely ten when her father had been tossed from his horse. He’d badly broken his leg but had somehow managed to crawl to safety and avoid further injury.

  Savannah remembered how her mother, frightened and ashen-faced, had run to his side and held his hand while she drove him to the clinic. Mel Weston had smiled and, between deep breaths, assured his wife that the pain told him he was still alive.

  That was what this pain told Savannah. She was alive. She could still feel and love and be. Laredo had taught her that, and so much more. For the first time in her adult life, she recognized how much love her heart could hold.

  No matter how much it hurt, she’d do it all again.

  She bowed her head against the wind as it blew sagebrush about her feet. Tears filled her eyes, but they weren’t the same tears that had burned her face in weeks past.

  Savannah had made peace with herself.


  Grady noticed a difference in Savannah the minute she got out of the truck. Her face radiated a serenity, an acceptance, one that had clearly been hard-won.

  His sister hadn’t told him where she was going, but Grady could guess and he hadn’t liked it. Not one damn bit. How she’d come away from Bitter End with any kind of tranquillity was beyond him. Half a dozen times he’d considered going after her and talked himself out of it, knowing Savannah wouldn’t appreciate his interference.

  She joined him in the kitchen and put on water for a pot of tea. “I’m going to be all right now,” she told him.

  Grady wasn’t sure what to say. He’d wanted to talk to her about the last conversation he’d had with Laredo, wanted to comfort her, but he feared he’d do more harm than good.

  “I won’t be going back,” she said next as she took the china teapot from the shelf above the stove. She didn’t say where and he didn’t ask.

  “Good,” was all Grady said, at a loss for words.

  “Would you care for a cup of tea?” she asked, sounding almost like her old self.

  Grady preferred dark strong coffee and Savannah knew it. The offer was more a gesture of reconciliation, an outstretched hand. “Tea sounds wonderful,” he said.

  Savannah smiled and brought down an extra cup and saucer.

  In the days that followed, the transformation in his sister became more apparent. Color returned to her pale cheeks and a radiance to her face. She started to sing and hum once again and baked his favorite chocolate-chip cookies. Savannah was back, and yet it wasn’t quite the same Savannah as before. These changes were very subtle.

  His sister had always been a fearless advocate for people she believed in. Now she believed in herself, too. Her fledgling mail-order business took off like gangbusters once she finished her catalog. Orders poured in from across the country—surprising even Savannah, who’d barely got her catalog mailed out when the responses started to arrive, at a fast and furious pace. The fax machine was in constant use. She soon became known as an expert on old roses and two awards came in quick succession. First she was honored with the grand prize by the Texas Rose Society for one of her premier roses, which she’d named Laredo’s Legacy. The following day, she was asked to speak at next year’s Rose Festival in Tyler, Texas, known as the rose capital of the world. Public speaking terrified Savannah, and Grady suspected she’d politely decline. To his amazement she accepted.

  Grady wasn’t the only one who noticed the changes in Savannah. Caroline did, too. Even Richard, self-centered as he was, commented on her new attitude. Grady was proud of her, exceptionally proud, and he wanted to let her know. He could think of only one way. He ordered her prize-winning rose, Laredo’s Legacy, and together with Savannah, planted it at their parents’ grave. Savannah had thanked him with tears shining in her eyes.

  His sister, Grady realized, was quite possibly the most incredible woman he’d ever known. How odd that it had taken him so long to realize it.


  Humming softly to herself, Savannah checked the living room one last time to be sure everything was in place. Laredo had been gone more than six weeks now, and she’d stopped waiting for him, stopped dreaming he’d return. Her life had settled back into a comfortable groove, and the happiness she’d found with him would forever be part of her. That happiness, that sense of possibility, was what she chose to remember, rather than the emptiness she’d felt at his leaving.

  It was Savannah’s turn to host the women’s group from church, and her nerves were fluttering. Within a couple of hours twenty women would crowd into the living room to plan a church dinner.

  Earlier in the day she’d baked apple pies, and because Grady had been such a good sport about everything lately, she’d made a lemon meringue pie for him, too. The scent that lingered in the house was an enticing mixture of cinnamon, nutmeg and lemon.

  “Is Caroline coming?” Grady asked, walking into the kitchen. Just as he was about to stick his finger into the lemon pie, she slapped his hand.

  “You can have a piece later,” she told him. “And, yes, Caroline’s coming.”

  “What about Maggie?”

  Savannah carried the pie to safety. “She’ll be with Dovie Boyd.”

  “Dovie?” He sounded almost disappointed. “She’s old enough to be Maggie’s...”

  “Grandmother,” Savannah supplied. “Caroline’s mother and Dovie were good friends, and Dovie likes to fill in as Grandma every now and again. Why are you so curious?”

  He shrugged and strolled out of the kitchen. Savannah didn’t have time to wonder about it. As soon as she finished the last of the dishes, she needed to shower and change clothes.

  Two hours later the living room was filled with the chatter and laughter of women. Savannah handed out copies of her apple-pie recipe and refilled coffee cups from her mother’s silver pot. She was joking with Millie Greenville from the flower shop when the room went strangely quiet. Everyone had turned to look behind Savannah. Certain Richard was up to one of his tricks, she turned around, too, ready to chastise him.

  She froze.

  Laredo stood in the doorway, his Stetson in his hand. He looked about as uncomfortable as a man could get—as though it was all he could do not to turn tail and run.

  “Hello, Savannah,” he said.

  She couldn’t have responded had her life depended on it. He looked travel-weary. His jacket was dusty and his face pale beneath his tan, but Savannah had never seen anyone more beautiful.

  He seemed to be thinking the same thing about her because for that long, unbroken moment he didn’t take his eyes off her.

  “I can see I’ve come at a bad time,” he said, glancing away from Savannah long enough to scan the room. All the women were openly curious about him; Savannah had never heard anything louder than this silence.

  “You couldn’t have come at a better time,” Caroline insisted, leaping to her feet. “It looks to me like you’d appreciate a slice of Savannah’s apple pie. Sit d
own and make yourself at home while I dish it up for you. Savannah’ll see to your coffee.”

  A space magically appeared between two women sitting on the sofa. Savannah remained frozen, unable to breathe or think. This was unfair. Just when she’d forged a new path for herself, accepted his absence, he was back.

  Unable to hide his discomfort, Laredo settled down between Nell Bishop and Ellie Frasier, looking as out of place as a junkyard dog sitting between toy poodles.

  Caroline served him a huge slice of apple pie. “Perhaps you’d like to tell Savannah why you’re here?” the postmistress asked pointedly.

  The room fell silent again, awaiting Laredo’s response. Every eye was on him. Including Savannah’s. His gaze darted about the room, and he swallowed noticeably. “I’ve come to ask Savannah to be my wife.”

  The silver coffeepot in Savannah’s hands suddenly weighed a hundred pounds, and she set it down on the silver platter with a clank. The buzz of voices surrounded her. Her heart raced and everything felt unreal.

  At that precise moment Grady burst into the room. “Is that Laredo’s truck parked in the yard with the horse trail—?” He came to an abrupt halt when he realized he’d walked into the middle of the church group.

  “I believe it is,” Caroline answered, gesturing toward Laredo.

  The wrangler sprang to his feet, looking at Grady with unmistakable relief.

  “What are you doing here?” Grady demanded.

  Savannah wanted to stop him, to explain that Laredo had already been through one inquisition and that was enough, but she wasn’t given the chance.

  “I’ve come to ask your sister to marry me.” Laredo answered as he had earlier, only this time there was a hint of challenge in his voice, as though he expected Grady to argue with him.

  Again a murmur arose.

  Edwina Moorhouse’s old bones creaked as she stood and motioned at Laredo. “All right, young man, tell me what makes you think Savannah should marry you.”

  Color surged into Laredo’s neck and crept upward. “I love her,” he answered simply.

  “So does everyone else in this room,” Lily put in, following her sister’s lead and standing up.

  “And we’re not about to let some stranger steal her away.” This from Millie Greenville.

  “That...that was one of the reasons I left,” Laredo explained haltingly. “I didn’t want to take Savannah from her home and family.”

  “How has that changed?”

  Laredo motioned with his head toward Grady. “I decided to take her brother up on his offer.”

  “What offer?” Savannah asked, turning to regard her brother.

  Grady had started to ease his way toward the kitchen. “Ah, perhaps we should talk about all this later. In private,” he added pointedly.

  “It’s time for us to go,” Caroline suggested. The ladies began to gather their purses, but Edwina called a stop to it.

  “Now just a minute. I’m seventy-five and too old to go without my sleep. I can tell I’m not going to rest until I hear Savannah’s answer. Do you love this man?” she asked, pointing at Laredo.

  Savannah nodded.

  “You’re willing to marry him?”

  Again she nodded, more forcefully this time.

  “It’s been a while since Wade performed a wedding ceremony,” Nell Bishop piped up. Her mother-in-law agreed, trying to remember whose wedding that was.

  “I always did love a summer wedding,” Lily Moorhouse said, glancing from Laredo to Savannah.

  “A wedding’s just what this town needs,” Louise Powell declared, as though that should be the last word on the subject.

  But it wasn’t. The group of delighted women became engaged in the conversation, exchanging ideas, offering suggestions. The level of noise and excitement rose perceptibly and wedding plans flew in all directions. Millie suggested white and pink roses for the bridal bouquet, but white calla lilies for the arrangement on the altar. Louise had strong opinions on the meal that should be served. Edwina recommended some musical selection.

  Through all this Laredo’s eyes remained locked with Savannah’s, and it seemed to them that only the two of them were present. She felt his love; it warmed her, even from halfway across the room. His expression told her how miserable he’d been without her, how lonely. She knew that, like her, he’d struggled with the pain. He’d also struggled with pride. But in the end his love, their love, was stronger. Laredo Smith needed her as badly as she needed him.

  “I do think we should leave now, don’t you, ladies?” Caroline tried again, gathering up empty plates and cups.

  A chorus of agreement followed this time, and everyone stood.

  “Well, that’s that,” said Edwina. “Come on, Lily, if we hurry home we’ll be in time for a game of cribbage before Jeopardy comes on.”

  The room emptied more quickly than Savannah would have thought possible. She happily forgave Caroline for abandoning the stack of dishes. In less than a minute the crowd was out the door, and the sound of cars starting replaced the chatter of twenty women.

  “You cut your hair,” Laredo said now that they were alone. He stood half a room away from her, his hat in his hands.

  Savannah raised her fingers to touch it.

  “It looks wonderful.” His voice dipped. “You look wonderful. You’re more beautiful now than ever. I didn’t think that was possible.”

  “You look wonderful, too.” She smiled. “What happened?” she asked suddenly, the words rushing from her lips. “Why’d you go?”

  “For all the wrong reasons. My pride, mainly, and my fear.”


  “My mother told me I was a fool to have listened to...my doubts. I sold my land in Oklahoma,” he said, “and brought Renegade with me. If you’re agreeable, I’ll accept Grady’s offer to become a partner in the ranch. Renegade will be my stake, and in time the Yellow Rose will have the finest quarter horses in the country. I promise you that. I don’t have a lot to offer you, not nearly as much as you deserve, but I love you, Savannah.” He took a step closer. “I didn’t realize how much until I reached Oklahoma. My land was there, my dream, and it meant nothing if you couldn’t share it with me.”

  “I thought my life was over when you left,” she whispered. “You didn’t even say goodbye.”

  “I couldn’t—but I swear I won’t leave you again. Mom’s right—I’m too much like her. I’ll only love once in my life, and if I let you go, there won’t be a second chance. I couldn’t ask you to wait, but I realize now that I couldn’t wait, either. I love you too much.”

  “I love you, too, so much... Why are you standing way over there when I’m right here?”

  Laredo covered the space between them in three strides. None too soon she was in his arms. It was heaven to feel his lips on hers, warm, moist, hungry. His kiss told her everything. How much he wanted her, needed her. How much he loved her.

  Savannah felt the steady beat of his heart beneath her palm and returned his kiss in full measure, clinging to him. Her heart was full enough to burst.

  “Children?” she managed the question between kisses.

  “As many as you want. Oh, Savannah, I can’t wait for you to meet my mother. She loves you already.” His arms tightened about her.

  From behind them Grady cleared his throat loudly. “I take it everything’s been decided?”

  Laredo tucked his arm around Savannah’s waist and held her close. “We’re getting married as soon as it can be arranged.”

  “Good. I assume that’s Renegade in the trailer?”

  Laredo nodded. “I’m taking you up on your offer, Grady, but I want it understood right now that I’ll pay my own way. I’m here because of Savannah, not because of anything you offered. Understand?”

  Grady held up both his h
ands and grinned widely. “Understood.”

  “Hot damn,” Richard said as he sauntered into the room, guitar slung over his shoulder. “You mean there’s going to be a wedding in the family? Well, all I can say is better late than never!”

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  Debbie Macomber is a number one New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author. Her books include 1225 Christmas Tree Lane, 1105 Yakima Street, A Turn in the Road, Hannah’s List and Debbie Macomber’s Christmas Cookbook, as well as Twenty Wishes, Summer on Blossom Street and Call Me Mrs. Miracle. She has become a leading voice in women’s fiction worldwide and her work has appeared on every major bestseller list, including those of the New York Times, USA TODAY, Publishers Weekly and Entertainment Weekly. She is a multiple award winner, and won the 2005 Quill Award for Best Romance. There are more than 100 million copies of her books in print. Two of her MIRA Christmas titles have been made into Hallmark Channel Original Movies, and the Hallmark Channel has recently launched a series based on her bestselling Cedar Cove series. For more information on Debbie and her books, visit her website, www.DebbieMacomber.com


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