His Beautiful Revenge: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

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His Beautiful Revenge: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance Page 121

by Michelle Love

  Kyle looks up at the car. “Yeah, but, Al, tell him you’re coming with me.”

  Stopping at my car, the nurse gives me a look that tells me to take this elsewhere. Which I plan to do, but the jackass just took my mate’s hand in his, lifting her up. And now he’s hugging her, whispering something in her ear.

  She’s mine!

  I want to yell it at the top of my lungs. Instead, I wrap my arm around her and pry her away from him. “Her father knows I’m taking her home. He wouldn’t be pleased if I allowed her to go with anyone else,” I say as I open the door and help her into my car. “I suggest you take it up with him if you’d like to see her once she’s home.” I strap her seat belt, then stand back up, facing the boy.

  “See you at home, Kyle.” Alyssa smiles and waves. Before I turn and close the door, I hear her say, “This car smells magnificent. Is this real leather?”

  I move around the car as the boy gives me an extremely confused look. “Who the hell are you, dude?” he asks.

  I don’t bother to answer him. Once in the car, I drive away. Alyssa watches him through the rear-view mirror.

  “That went poorly,” she says. “Why did you snatch me away from him? I told you who he was. I know dad wanted me to ride home with you. It wasn’t like I was going to go with him. A minute or two to explain things to him would’ve been nice.”

  Pure anger flows through my veins. I grip the steering wheel. “Alyssa, have you no anger towards him? His lack of communication made you so distracted you nearly got yourself killed.”

  Alyssa’s head leans on the leather headrest. She turns her head to look at me. “It isn’t his fault I let myself get into such a tizzy over not hearing from him for a while. Not even a whole day had passed, and I was all upset like a crazy person. Don’t be mad at him.”

  “Well, I am. If you were mine, I’d never go somewhere without letting you know,” I say. “If it was important, I would want you with me. He left you alone and neglected to call or leave a damned text message. That’s inexcusable in my book.”

  Her arms cross over her chest, a clear sign she’s not happy with me right now. “Well, I’m not yours. I’m his. So you’ll have to get over it if you want to be my friend, Eden. Kyle and I are a package deal.”

  I have to put this anger away. It’s pushing her from me. Her words are like stones being thrown at my head. The idea of telling her who she really is does battle with the idea of bringing her around to that reality slowly. She’s in no condition to receive the information.

  Much calmer now, I reach over, dragging my knuckles across her cheek. “I’m sorry, Alyssa. I don’t know what got into me. I want us to get along. Anything to make my princess happy.” I smile over at her. Her arms uncross and she lays her head back.

  “Good,” she says, closing her eyes. “This is the softest leather I’ve ever felt. Does the top come down?”

  Good, she’s loving my car. I knew she would. “It does, but I’m not dropping the top today. Once you’re better, I’ll take you for a ride with the top down.”

  Blinking back visions of her sitting in the passenger side, her silky hair flowing around her gorgeous face, I’m hard in places I’m supposed to be steering clear of with her for now.

  The thump in my chest is back. I look at her in the bright sunlight. She’s here with me. It’s reality, not a dream. Her hand looks so inviting lying in her lap. I take it in mine, stroking her knuckles with my thumb. It does little to ease the tightness in my pants, but I don’t mind.

  Without opening her eyes, she says, “When Kyle comes over, none of this, okay?”

  When Kyle comes over. That’ll be never!

  “Agreed, baby.”



  After all the theatrics, Kyle hasn’t even shown up. Mom refuses to give me my cell because I need to be resting. It’s Saturday night, and I was supposed to get to go watch his band play for a while, but now I can’t.

  With no cell, I can’t even call him to let him know I won’t be there. He’ll be crushed, I guess.

  My bedroom serves as my new prison, albeit a nice one. But still I’m held against my will. Mom helped me bathe, which was embarrassing. I couldn’t do it myself, though. And I overheard her tell Eden the strangest thing. She asked him if she should help me, as if it was up to him.

  What they have going on is mind numbing, and my mind is already a bit on the bad side anyway. Thanks to the magic pills they sent home with me, I have no pain, but man, am I out of it.

  Eden either carries me or holds me so tight to his side that I’m almost a part of him. Which ain’t so bad. Except I’m not proud of myself for liking it.

  I hear footsteps in the hallway. “Hey!” I shout, wanting some company.

  Scotty pops open my door, sticking his head in. “Hey, sis, what’s up?”

  “I’m bored and lonely.”

  “Cool. I’ll get my Xbox and you can play games with me. That ought to un-bore you,” he says, taking off before I can tell him I’d rather be covered in chocolate and left on an ant hill.

  Mom must have seen him coming back up the stairs with his idiot box. “Where are you going with that? You know you’re not allowed to have that thing in your room. You’ll never sleep if we allow it.”

  “Mom, chill, I’m taking to Al’s. She’s bored and lonely. She told me to.”

  “Take that thing right back downstairs. She can’t have that kind of noise in her condition. It was nice of you to offer. I’ll tell her I sent you away.”

  I mouth a silent thank you to God for the intervention. My door opens and Mom comes in with a smile on her face. “Well, don’t you look lovely, all propped up in bed with your precious unicorn PJs on.”

  Yes, she’s dressed me in pajamas from seventh grade. She must’ve found them in the back of my drawer. The fact that they fit isn’t even plausible. I think she picked them for me just to make me look twelve in front of Eden.

  Plus, she put my hair in a braid after she washed it. Some braces and I’d look like a nerdy sixth grader at a sleepover. “Yeah Mom, I look like a million bucks. Can I please call Kyle and let him know I won’t be there tonight?”

  Her hands go to her hips and her head lolls to one side. “Now, dear, he knows you have a concussion. I’m sure he doesn’t expect you to be there.”

  “Probably not, but I’d like to talk to him anyway. He and Eden had a little thing at the hospital and I want him to know it’s all cool.”

  “Do you realize what time it is, sweetie?”

  It’s dark, but I’ve no idea of the time. “Why?”

  Crossing the room, she grabs the remote to my television. “Because it’s nearly nine. I’m sure he’s already playing,” she says as she hands it to me.

  She’s right, damn it!

  “I’m still bored and lonely, Mom. Come watch a movie with me,” I plead.

  “No can do, sweetie. Your father and I have a hot date in the backyard. There’s a meteor shower tonight. I’ll send Eden up, He’ll be happy to watch a movie with you,” she says, then flounces out the door.

  She’s sending Eden into my bedroom now? What in the hell is going on?

  Flipping on the TV, I search the guide for a movie. I’ve woken up in the twilight zone, or perhaps aliens have invaded and my parents are now pod people. Not sure which, but something isn’t right.

  A slight rap on the frame of my bedroom door brings my attention to it. There he stands, waiting for me to allow him in. He’s showered and changed into loose-fitting, black pajama bottoms, a white T-shirt, and bare feet. My gaze rests on them.

  Yep, just like I thought. His feet are perfect, just like everything else on him.

  Eden’s velvet voice draws my attention back to his gorgeous face. “So are you going to invite me in, Alyssa? Your mother has informed me of your boredom. I’m here for your amusement, princess.”

  With open arms, I say, “Please enter my prison, Eden.”

  His chuckle is cute as he
moves fluidly across the room, taking a seat on the bed, facing me. In an instant, his knuckles drag across my cheek, making my breath catch in my throat.

  Why does his touch do this to me?

  “How do you feel, baby?”

  Princess and baby in a matter of seconds. He knows how to say the sweet words. My smile is a product of them. “The same. Light headed and groggy.”

  His hand creeps up my arm, settling at the back of my neck. He pulls me forward, touching his lips to my forehead.

  God, his lips are soft!

  Moving his hands to my shoulders, with gentle pressure he eases me back to lay my head on the pile of pillows my mother has placed on my bed.

  “If your head is light you shouldn’t be sitting up,” he tells me.

  The emerald color of his eyes is the most beautiful color I’ve ever seen. Or is it my drug induced state which makes me see them this way?

  “Your eyes are gorgeous.”

  OMG! Did I just say that out loud?

  His velvet voice is but a whisper. “They are nothing compared to yours, precious.”

  Now I can add precious to the list of endearments this guy has in his vocabulary of loving words. Perhaps he’s a ladies’ man.

  His charm may have worked magic on my parents, but I’m savvier than they are. It will not work on me.

  “Stop messing with me, Eden.” I bat at his arms, which I find have been placed on either side of me, his face too close to mine.

  A sigh from him gives me enough information to know he wants to kiss me. I can’t let that happen. In slow motion, he pulls himself out of my personal space.

  “Do you have to accuse me of messing with you? I’m merely stating a fact. Your beauty is beyond compare. You should know that.”

  “Ha! What a line, Eden. Tell me do all the girls fall into your bed with that one?”

  The pained expression on his face makes me regret my words. “No one has ever fallen into my bed, Alyssa. I am made for one person and one person only.”

  No way! I’m not buying that. “Please lover-boy! Tell me more of your lines. They are priceless. And just who is this one person you’re made for? Do tell.”

  In haste, he moves off my bed. The bottle of pain pills sits on my nightstand. He opens it taking out one of them.

  Holding out the pill and a bottle of water, he looks at me with what appears like hurt in his eyes and says, “Your mother told me to make sure you take this. So please do that for her.”

  His face is blank, making me feel like an ass. I take what he’s offered and swallow the pill down. I’ve never talked to someone so meanly.

  Why did I just do that?

  “Eden, I’m sorry. I don’t know what got into me. I never talk to people like that. You get so close to me sometimes that I think you’re about to kiss me. Some things I can’t allow. I am taken. You need to remember that,” I say and find he’s placed his hand over his stomach.

  He seems as if he’s in physical pain. Why would that be?

  His expression softens as he takes a seat in a chair which has been placed next to my bed. A chair which has never been there before.

  “I remember, Alyssa. You belong to that boy. The one who plays with his band tonight instead of sitting with you and making sure you have everything you want. The one who is probably singing to some other girl while you lay in this bed with an aching head and body, because he left town with no mention of it to you.”

  Taking the remote to the television from the side of my bed, he presses a button on it, choosing a movie. The Notebook springs up on the screen.

  Incensed, I sit up and say, “How dare you, Eden! You don’t know him at all! He’s the best guy in this whole world. He has waited for me since we were ten years old. No one else has turned his head, not once in almost eight years. How it hasn’t happened, since I’ve been kept under lock and key with a plethora of over-the-top rules and regulations is a mystery to me. But he hasn’t, and he’s had every opportunity to find someone else. I will not let you or anyone else speak negatively about him.”

  Rising, he places his hands on my shoulders easing me back again. “Sorry, I upset you. That was not my intention. I shall keep my thoughts to myself. If it helps you to know, I was not trying to kiss you. I would never do that to you. Just rest, Let the pill do its job and watch this movie with me. It’s one of my favorites.”

  Tucking me in tightly before he takes a seat in the chair again, his eyes fall on the television screen. I feel shut out. My rant has made him tire of me.

  We’ll never be friends if I keep jumping to conclusions. For some reason, I would hate it if we couldn’t become friends.

  It’s a mystery to me why that is, but I want him in my life. Even though we’ve just met, I would miss him.

  The silence surrounds us for an hour as we watch the movie. It comes to my attention most men don’t care for romantic tear jerkers, like the movie we’re watching.

  As a matter of fact, most men wouldn’t be so attentive to a girl they’ve just met. He dresses like a fashion model and his hair is always immaculate.

  My parents trust him to spend time alone with me. Hell, he even told me he would never kiss me. That’s it! He’s gay!

  The click of the television breaks my train of thought. Eden rises, coming to my side, making sure I’m comfortable.

  “What a sweet way to pass on to the next world. Don’t you think?”

  Oh, the movie. He wants to talk about the movie. Yeah, straight guys never want to talk about a sappy love story.

  “I suppose it would be the best way to go,” I say. “If you were all in love like they were.”

  Turning off the lamp next to my bed, Eden kisses his fingers, then places them on my cheek. I find it a sweet thing to do.

  “One day, may that kind of love find you, princess.” He retreats to the bedroom door.

  “Goodnight, Eden,” I say as he closes the door behind him.

  I can’t see his face in the dark, but I bet he’s smiling. “See you in the morning, baby.”

  Too bad he’s not into girls. He’s a rare find. Laura might’ve liked him. If I wasn’t already spoken for, I’m sure I’d like him.

  He’d be hard to say no to, though. Crap, he’s hot. Such a shame for all the eligible girls in the world.



  Alone in the kitchen, I make a plate of scrambled eggs and toast for my mate. I’ve sent Toni and David out to buy some things for her. I’m making dinner for her this evening.

  Our chef taught me how to prepare a lobster dinner for her. It’s her favorite and should help me win her over. After all, what female doesn’t like a man who can cook, and her favorite meal, no less?

  Last night she gave me such a tongue lashing over how I spoke of that boy. I have to be careful what I say about him. She’s fiercely protective of him.

  Her love for him must be strong and it makes me incredibly imbalanced. I struggle between sorrow for her soon to be broken heart and anger at myself for letting this happen to her.

  Scotty is off at school and we’re alone this morning. As alone as we can be with the invisible boyfriend ever hovering at her side.

  How long will it take her not to hear from him before she gets mad about it?

  Taking the tray of food up the stairs, I tap at her bedroom door. “Come in,” her sweet voice answers.

  She sits up as I enter her bedroom. She looks radiant and seems to be making a swift recovery, as her color is much better. She couldn’t get any more beautiful, and yet she does.

  “I made you breakfast, princess. Your parents took Scotty to school, then they had to run some errands. You look as if you’re feeling better.”

  Placing the tray over her lap, I catch the smell of lavender as she shakes out her hair. “I must look a mess, but I do feel much better. Please excuse my appearance, Eden.”

  If this is a mess, I’m one lucky man.

  “You look as beautiful as you always do, baby. Y
ou eat while I run you a warm bath. You can bathe after breakfast. Should I find you something to wear?”

  Her eyes dance as she looks at me. “Why not? I should think you could pick me out a much better outfit than I could ever hope to come up with.”

  My taste in clothes has not been lost on her. How fun it’s going to be to introduce her to all the latest designers.

  Linda already has her closet at home and on the jet, filled with beautiful things. She’s going to be so surprised.

  “Good. I’ll make you look great.”

  Shaking a fork full of eggs my way, she says, “I’m sure you will. I trust your judgment, Eden. Thank you for doing all this. These eggs are cooked just right. As a good cook and fashion coordinator, plus easy on the eyes, you’ll make someone a very happy man.”

  What did she just say? I’ll make someone a happy ‘MAN?’

  No way, not her too. “Oh yeah, princess? Do you really think so?”

  Stuffing eggs into one of the pieces of toast, she looks at me. “Of course, I do. And I want you to know I’m cool with your lifestyle choice. No judgments here, guy.”

  My lifestyle choice! How could she think such a thing?

  I feel the need to get away from her and regroup. “Let me get the bath water going,” I say. “You’re nearly done with your breakfast.”

  Making her bath, I find her shampoo and take a quick whiff of it. How badly I want to bury my face in her lovely locks.

  Shit! She’s come in and caught me smelling her shampoo.

  “You can use it too if you like it, Eden.”

  She goes to brush her teeth, her pajama bottoms hanging askew on her narrow hips. The back of her hair is a bit messy, yet still gorgeous.

  She wipes her mouth after she rinses out the toothpaste and peers at her reflection in the mirror. I think it’s time to let her know without a doubt that I am not gay.

  Moving in behind her I put my hands at her waist and straighten her PJ bottoms. Her eyes catch mine in the mirror.

  She smiles at me. “Thanks, Eden.”

  A platonic gesture, she considers it. I need to step it up. I wrap my arms around her, laying my chin on her shoulder as I look at her in the mirror.

  “Beautiful, even in the morning after a tragic accident. Do you ever look bad?” I ask.


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