Magic Bite (Supernatural Bounty Hunter Series Book 1)

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Magic Bite (Supernatural Bounty Hunter Series Book 1) Page 16

by Leia Stone

  Kill me now.

  Yet, her smile was coy. “Shall we do this in the guest bedroom or here?”

  “Here,” Brock growled.

  She’d totally cockblocked him and he was mad. I would’ve laughed about it if I weren’t frustrated too.

  Sabine rolled the cart to the edge of Brock’s bed. “This is an internal ultrasound, so I’ll need you to take off your pants and underwear. You can get under the covers if you’re shy.”

  My eyes widened. I wasn’t shy in the least, but come on, this wasn’t just like walking around naked. This was… shit.

  Brock turned then, giving me his back while Sabine fiddled with the screen on the machine. I quickly kicked off my boots, peeled off my jeans and panties, and jumped under the covers.

  “You can turn around,” I squeaked. Yeah, I was all shades of uncomfortable.

  When Brock turned, his eyes were molten lava, and I forgot about being uncomfortable. All I could think about was that I wanted Sabine gone, so I could have the wolf to myself.

  ‘I knew I’d get you naked in my bed again,’ he purred into my mind.

  My eyes bugged. It was just like when I spoke with Cass. ‘Hey, get out of my head,’ I shot back, which only succeeded in making him grin.

  He sat in the reading chair next to the bed when Sabine pulled out a huge, fourteen-inch long, uh, vibrator-looking thing. My eyes got so big, they were in danger of popping out of my head.

  She chuckled at my reaction. “The internal ultrasound wand resembles a male appendage, but I promise I won’t stick it in that far.”

  My gaze flew to Brock, who was tomato red, and it brought me some comfort that he was as mortified by this as I was. Only he wasn’t the one who was about to have that shoved up her hoohah.

  After some finagling under the sheets, during which I was careful to make sure Brock couldn’t see a thing, Sabine slowly inserted the wand until gray and black blobs sprang to life across the screen.

  I panicked.

  The blobs didn’t look like anything I recognized. What if the pregnancy wasn’t viable? Would Brock still want me in his pack? In his bed? I wondered then how much of his attraction to me was because I was carrying his baby.

  He reached over then and grasped my hand, giving it a hard squeeze.

  “That right there”—Sabine pointed to a black, flickering blob on the screen—“is a viable pregnancy. That’s the baby’s heartbeat, and it’s strong.”

  The breath I hadn’t realized I was holding tumbled out of me in a rush.

  Brock leaned closer, squinting at our little blob. “Is it a boy?”

  Both Sabine and I laughed. I would’ve laughed at anything just then after hearing our baby was okay.

  “You can’t tell for another six to eight weeks or so. As with typical shifter pregnancies this one is slightly accelerated, which will bring Evie full term at six months.” Sabine explained. “But I can tell you now that the lining of the uterus is thick and healthy, and the fetus is well implanted.”

  Six months. I gulped. I’d forgotten that shifters had faster pregnancies. That meant I had less time than usual to bring down this Siren before I blew up like a blimp.

  She paused, looking between the two of us. “Every marker is strong, and just as I’d hope it to be. There’s no reason this child shouldn’t come to term.”

  I started to cry. Way to go, badass Evie Black. Tears leaked from my eyes even as I tried to stop, and I dropped Brock’s hand to brush them away.

  “Are you okay?” Brock’s voice was laced with concern.

  I nodded. “I just… I didn’t realize how worried I’d been.”

  Sabine pulled the ginormous wand out of me, while a few blob pictures printed from the machine. Immediately, I fussed to pull the covers back over my legs, and hide my embarrassment both at crying, and having a giant dildo pulled out of me in front of the alpha wolf.

  “Well, I’m happy with this,” Sabine said, ignoring my mortification. “I’ll continue to monitor the pregnancy, of course, but I don’t think we have anything to worry about. We’ll keep up with the blood transfusions, and everything should be fine.”

  I nodded, naked and vulnerable under the covers.

  “Can I shower?” I blurted out then. I was soaked, and covered in grime from killing that giant demon—yeah, I wished I’d thought of that before jumping into Brock’s bed—and I needed time to think.

  Brock stood. “Use mine.” He pointed to the attached bathroom.

  “Brock, follow me out,” Sabine asked, already pushing her cart toward the door. “I need to check your wound.”

  As they both left the room, shutting the door behind them to give me privacy, I yanked the covers off of me and streaked across the space, closing myself in his bathroom. It was nice, with clean gray tiles and a huge glass, walled-in shower. I let the water warm up as I started to overthink everything humanly and inhumanly possible.

  Did the siren kill Gran? Did she summon the giant demon? And where the hell was she? Where was this damn gate, and how was I supposed to close it? What were those powers that activated when I used my katana? Was Brock as into me as I was into him? Or did he only want me because I was his baby mama, and if so, was I okay with that? I still had some pride left. Was joining his pack the right thing to do?

  The hot water drummed on my back while I mentally fucked myself up, and I did a thorough job of it too. It took me forever to talk myself off the proverbial ledge, but when I finally managed it, and was as calm as wild Evie got, I wrapped myself in a towel. I couldn’t even see myself in the mirror; I’d taken so long that the entire bathroom was one big cloud of condensation.

  But I’d decided. I’d sneak into Brock’s room, borrow some of his clothes, because there was no way I was putting my nasty ones back on, and I’d sneak right on out to Gran’s. I was going straight to my bed where it was uncomplicated.

  Then I opened the door.

  Brock was standing there. In nothing but a towel.

  Water droplets dripped down his chest, across his flat, muscled stomach. They rolled all the way down to his—

  “Uh, sorry,” he offered, and I struggled to aim my gaze at his face. “I took a shower in the other room and came here to get some clothes.” His voice was like ten octaves lower than usual.

  Heat burst inside me. There was nothing I could do to stop it. My plan to go to Gran’s fled so quickly that I didn’t even notice it go.

  I wanted Brock. Now. I’d never wanted anything more in my life.

  My fingers untangled the towel, and let it fall to the floor.

  Fuck it. I was choosing complicated. Caution had never suited me anyway.

  22 Werewolves Are Yummy

  Brock didn’t visibly react much to my towel dropping for several seconds, long enough for me to doubt what I’d done, to wonder whether I’d misinterpreted the signals. Maybe I was the only one to feel this fire. Maybe I was just some chick who happened to be carrying his baby. He’d only come in here to get clothes, and here I was throwing myself at him.

  Then his eyes, after languorously trailing the length of my body, reached my face, and all additional maybes left the building.

  This wolf wanted me. Wanted me badly.

  The fact was plain as day in the way his eyes glowed, and his face was set in hard angles that screamed that the alpha was about to pounce. My gaze fell to the place his wound once was. Gone was the gaping flesh, pink healing skin in its stead. Sabine had patched him up, or bringing me into the pack had helped him heal. Either way, he looked fit enough to spring on me.

  Shivers ran the length of my body and I knew I was done. The alpha held me captive in his stare as if I were his prey. Only I was pretty sure I’d enjoy every single thing this predator was about to do to me.

  My mouth opened to say something, but discovered I couldn’t string coherent thoughts together anymore, and shut it.

  The alpha’s stare alone was searing my bare skin. I couldn’t look away from the fiery amber,
not even to take in the perfect planes of his body, or the way the tent in his towel betrayed how much he wanted me too.

  I stared. And he stared. The air between us sizzled.

  For a second, I wondered if he’d ask permission as he had last time, when he’d worried that I was too drunk to give proper consent. But a lot had gone down since that one-night-stand in the bar, and my nipples were taut, speaking for me.

  I bit my bottom lip and sighed. The wait was torturous. I wanted—But he didn’t make me wait a moment longer.

  A gasp escaped me as he strode toward me. With firm, strong strides, he closed the distance between us in a thunderous heartbeat. His hand ripped the towel from his body and flung it to the side, where it mingled with mine.

  I didn’t have the chance to process what was about to happen before his lips crashed against mine. Right away, I parted my lips for him, losing myself to the pleasure of his hot tongue as it tangled with my own.

  A moan escaped me, and he pressed the length of his body against mine. Oh, he was ready for me all right. The hard length of him pushed against my stomach, and I squirmed with anticipation—no longer interested in hiding how much I wanted him.

  My fingers tangled in his wet hair, and pushed his mouth more tightly against mine. His hands trailed my back, squeezing, caressing, touching me everywhere. They trailed to my ass, and I raked my nails across his back as he squeezed and pressed me against his body. The hard length of him pulsed against my abdomen, and I wanted him with tangible desperation.

  Our kiss grew fervent, crazed, as if we were starving in a desolate wilderness, and only connecting with each other could save us. His fingers tangled in my long, wet strands of hair, and he gave a gentle tug, eliciting a prolonged groan from me, enough to make me wonder if any of his wolves could hear us, and then rapidly deciding I didn’t give a flying fuck.

  He tilted my face upward, exposing my neck. His lips traveled along my jaw and then to the curve of my collarbone, where he licked the length of it. When he suckled my earlobe, I panted.


  Yeah, I didn’t care if my desperation was blatant. I needed him, and if he made me wait any longer I was liable to implode.

  He chuckled hoarsely, a sound both playful and coy. “Not yet, my little fox.”

  I growled, pushing my fingers back into his hair, and shoved his mouth against mine. This time, he was the one to moan, the one whose tongue danced against mine.

  Cupping my ass, he pressed me closer against his hardness, pulsing against my heated flesh, and I understood that waiting was just as difficult for him.

  Then why...?


  His tongue slid across my lips, and he dragged it down my chin, across my neck, and in between my breasts, where he stopped. The man was trying to kill me, obviously.

  But then his eyes met mine, already hooded and dreamy, and I knew I soon wouldn’t mind waiting for him. His feral look promised pure pleasure, and this man knew how to deliver it, I remembered. I’d likely never forget.

  He flicked his tongue over one hard nipple, then immediately traveled to the other breast, where his tongue swirled around it. When he sucked the bud into his mouth, my legs wobbled. Immediately, his hands wrapped around my lower back to hold me up. I softened in his hold and he returned to the other nipple, lapping at it first, before pulling it into the heat of his mouth. I was pretty sure my eyes rolled into the back of my head. I was putty already, and I only wanted more.

  He nudged me against the wall, pressing me back slowly, guiding me with his hands, his mouth back on my own. My lips opened to him like a blossom. I was beyond wanting to guide him to do anything. I wanted whatever he was willing to give.

  I squirmed, trying to push myself against him again.

  “Hmm, not yet,” he whispered. “You taste too good.”

  “I…” But who knew what I’d been about to say? Not me.

  He lowered to his knees and I looked down at him, my mind a fog. My gaze skirted his strong shoulders, chiseled chest, and stomach dusted with dark hair, signaling the promised land.

  But then his fingers squeezed my breasts, sensitive from the pregnancy, and I couldn’t focus on him anymore, only on what he was doing. His fingers slid across my wet nipples. It was too fast at first, too much pleasure all at once. I danced, pressing my legs together, sending pressure to my heated core. Then I started to really like the speed, and I wondered if I might orgasm from this sensation alone.

  Every time he flicked my nipples, a ping of pure arousal shot through my body, and settled between my legs. I was whimpering, groaning, and moaning. If there was a wolf left in this house, they could hear me.

  Brock didn’t seem to mind. In fact, I suspected he liked it. He liked his wolves knowing how well he could pleasure his woman.

  His woman. No, I couldn’t let myself go there. That was the road to hurt. I was just his baby mama… with benefits.

  But hadn’t he told me I was his? Yeah, Evie, as in a member of his pack. Get it together.

  Yeah, getting it together wasn’t going to happen. I was coming undone.

  And that was before...

  “Oh, holy hell,” I murmured, and he chuckled, but didn’t say a word. His mouth was busy.

  He kissed across the apex of my thighs, and I licked my lips greedily, probably looking like a deranged woman and not caring a bit. When he brought both hands down to guide my legs apart, I was only too eager to comply.

  Dipping the fingers of one hand into his mouth, he watched me as he sucked on them, making me whimper. He moved the wet fingers of that hand up to my nipples, where they glided across my tender flesh. And I lost my mind.

  With his other hand, he spread the wetness between my thighs, giving me a look that announced that he was about to enjoy this as much as I was. His tongue snaked out of his mouth as he leaned in, and flicked my most sensitive spot.

  Yeah, if I thought I’d lost my mind before, I was wrong. I really lost it now. Warmth sped across my limbs.

  His tongue flicked across that holy grail spot that led to heaven, while working my nipples at the same time. He licked my arousal again, and my legs gave out on me.

  “I can’t,” I tried, but my lips were tingling, well on their way to being numb, and my eyeballs felt funny.

  But my alpha knew what to do with me. He worked his tongue like a magician, and just as the pleasure began to build inside my body like a ticking bomb, he whisked his hands away from me, rocketed to stand, and pulled me into his arms.

  I couldn’t voice my thanks, could only stare at him as if I were drugged, as he led me over to his bed, and set me gently upon the comforter.

  He wove his forearms around my thighs, gripped my hips with his strong hands, and tugged, dragging me down the bed until my knees bent and my feet landed on the carpet.

  Kneeling over me, his hardness drew all my attention. That was, until he licked my breasts again, squeezing them so their peaks filled his mouth.

  “Brock…” My hips swayed back and forth, tilting up toward him. He was so close to filling me. I just wanted him. Or I wanted him to drive me over the edge. Whatever he did, I wanted it right then. I couldn’t wait any longer. I’d explode all on my own if he didn’t hurry.

  “Eve…” was all Brock said, and in that one word I could tell he was coming undone just as much as I was.

  That was all it took. A shudder ran through my body at the reminder that the sexiest man I’d ever met was straddling me, throbbing with his need to fill me up.

  Our lips met with a crash like thunder, and we were all tongues and hands until I was out of breath and desperate again.

  ‘I want you,’ I confessed through our pack link, finding it easier to communicate that way.

  ‘I know,’ he answered. ‘I need you too,’ he added before I could bristle, or wonder if it was arrogance.

  Need? The alpha needed me?

  My brain was firing off wonky, and I had a hot man positioned between my thighs. I surre

  It was enough to read the passion in his eyes, the gentle way he touched me when he wasn’t trying to send me over the edge of reason, the way he restrained himself so I could experience pleasure.

  He sprinkled kisses on my collarbone, then pulled back to meet my eyes. His blazed as they bored into mine, and my heart thudded loudly in my chest.

  Holy hell was this man what I wanted.

  In fact, my thumping heart suggested that I was in trouble, big trouble. I could love a man like this, even if there was no guarantee that he’d love me back. I was falling for him, and it didn’t seem as if there was a damn thing I could do to stop it.

  He lowered his lips toward my mouth at the same time as he lowered his body fully over me. When his thighs were parallel to mine, and his hips positioned right where I wanted them, he kissed me. This time, his kiss was gentle and soft, filled with something I longed for but didn’t dare give name to yet.

  His kiss deepened, but didn’t ask for more than the openness I was already giving him. He didn’t prod; he met me halfway. And as my heart swelled, I didn’t bother to worry about what that might mean, we came together.

  His first thrust was slow and gentle, gliding as if we had all the time in the world to share. He continued to kiss me while sustaining our rocking motion, our bodies slick and fitting together perfectly.

  When he finally broke our kiss, it was only to hold my gaze. He was completely opening himself to me in a way I’d never experienced before. This was something new. For me. But maybe also for him judging by the way his face was soft, his eyebrows dancing along with his eyes.

  Don’t cry, Evie. Don’t cry, dammit. But I couldn’t seem to help it.

  ‘Those are good tears, right?’ he asked, and I didn’t even feel embarrassed to be crying. He was right here with me. He must sense at least some of what I felt. Maybe it was the pregnancy, but maybe it was more.

  Nodding, I didn’t bother to staunch the tears that rolled gently down my cheeks. Since I’d met the alpha, I’d been one big mess.

  My neck stretched up as my head lifted to claim his mouth. His kiss continued to be gentle, and just what I needed—all that I’d needed without realizing it, or perhaps more accurately, without letting myself think I needed someone like him.


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