Harlequin American Romance October 2013 Bundle: Twins Under the Christmas TreeBig Sky ChristmasHer Wyoming HeroA Rancher's Christmas

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Harlequin American Romance October 2013 Bundle: Twins Under the Christmas TreeBig Sky ChristmasHer Wyoming HeroA Rancher's Christmas Page 52

by Marin Thomas

  “Let’s go.”

  “Everybody, pile in the truck!” Ross helped Jenny before he started the engine. Kit put on a good front, but he knew she was quaking inside over what had happened and would never be the same again. Neither would he.

  Chapter Eight

  “Nila? Is this a bad time to call you?” It was nine o’clock at night. Kit and Andy had just gotten back from the ranch house.

  “It’s a great time. What’s going on?”

  After Kit had finished the first chapter of the Jack London book for the children, she and Andy had said good-night to everyone and come straight home. While he was in the living room watching TV in his pajamas, she paced the bedroom floor.

  “For one thing, the local sheriff paid a visit to my cabin earlier today. Guess who got a court order to make sure I hadn’t left Wyoming yet?” She kept no secrets from Nila.

  “I’m not surprised. The sooner you get here, the better I’m going to feel.”

  She gripped the phone tighter. “That’s why I’m calling. Ross has arranged an overnight camping trip for tomorrow with the children and—”

  “Ross?” Nila broke in.

  “Mr. Livingston, one of the partners here on the dude ranch. He’s been the one in charge of us.”

  “Hmm. A retired marine. How old is he?”

  “Early thirties I think.”

  “Tall, dark and handsome?”

  “You got it in one.”

  “You’re kidding.”

  “No. The cliché fits him down to his well-worn cowboy boots.”

  “Oh, boy.”

  “Oh, boy is right, but I don’t dare talk about him at the moment. Because of this overnight outing, we’ll be away from the ranch where Charles won’t be able to find us if that’s on his agenda. That’s a good thing. We’ll get back sometime Wednesday.

  “Since my father-in-law knows my original flight arrangements, which have us flying back to Maine on Saturday, I’m thinking of leaving the ranch on Friday just to throw him off. That is if Andy can handle it. The children he’s gotten to know here start school on Thursday and will be in class on Friday, as well. Knowing that, Andy might not mind leaving a day early.” Kit knew she was avoiding how Andy would feel about leaving Ross. Never mind her own feelings.

  “I’ve looked at the airline schedules and have booked a flight out to Salt Lake. From there we’ll get a connection and be in Galveston at 5:30. I know it’s a day earlier than we planned, but I think it’s for the best.” It was best for Kit. Ross had her so bewitched, she couldn’t think clearly. “Don’t worry about picking us up. We’ll take a taxi to your house.”

  Andy wouldn’t like it, but seeing the writing on the wall with Ross, she realized she needed to get away from him before she broke down and made a mistake she’d never recover from. While they were on the campout, the children would be her buffer. After that she would make certain they did safe activities with Ross until it was time to leave.

  “I’m going to pick you up, Kit. Just let me know the time.”

  “All right. You’re the best friend in the world.”

  “Ditto. How’s Andy?”

  “As you know, he didn’t want to come out here at first, but now he’s loving it.”

  “Something tells me Ross Livingston has a lot to do with his turnaround.”

  He had everything to do with it.

  “Ross and his partners. They and their families have shown Andy such a great time already. He’s never had this kind of attention and doesn’t want to leave. But he doesn’t want to live with his grandparents anymore, so he’s willing to see what Galveston is like.”

  “He’s a little trooper. We’ll do everything we can here to make him happy. Kim’s looking forward to it.”

  “I am, too. It’ll be great seeing you again. Until Friday night, then.”

  Kit hung up and went back to the living room. Andy was munching on a granola bar. “Aren’t you too full from dinner to eat that?”

  “No. I just felt like one. They’re really good. Do you want a bite?”

  “Thank you, but I don’t dare eat any more snacks or I’m going to gain weight.” Needing to do something with her nervous energy, she sat down at the table to keep working on the puzzle.

  With each day Kit noticed more changes in him. A new confidence had taken hold, one she was grateful to see. The shadows and furtive looks seemed to be disappearing. She wanted him to stay like this and dreaded telling him they were leaving Friday. But that could wait until Wednesday evening after they’d returned from their overnight trip.

  “Mom? Do you like Ross?”

  His question didn’t exactly surprise her. She’d known it would come up at some point, just not this soon. “Who wouldn’t like him?”

  He wandered over to the table to watch her. “Do you think you’ll ever get married again?”

  She felt a sudden burst of adrenaline. “Where did that question come from?”

  “Johnny and Jenny were talking about it while we were playing Ping-Pong after dinner.”

  “I see.” Kit had to force herself not to overreact. “That’s because their mothers both got married recently.”

  “They wish you would marry Ross.”

  She couldn’t help smiling. “They do?”

  “Yes. They love Ross and think you are really nice.”

  “Well, that’s nice to hear.” Kit believed what her son was telling her, but she also believed Andy was projecting some of his own feelings where Ross was concerned. “You like him a lot, don’t you?”

  “Will you get mad at me if I tell you the truth?”

  She reached out to hug him. “I could never get mad at you for being honest. Not ever.”

  “Now that my dad is gone, I wish Ross could be my new dad.”

  Oh, no, Andy.

  Kit got up from the table and walked over to the minifridge for a can of cola.

  “See? You are mad.”

  “No, honey.”

  “Yes, you are. You don’t want me to like him because of Dad.”

  She spun around, almost spilling her drink. “That’s not true. I know how much you loved your father and always will, but now that he’s gone, it doesn’t mean you can’t learn to love someone else. Ross is a wonderful man, and any boy would be blessed to have him for a father. But in order for that to happen—”

  “I know,” he broke in before she could finish. “He’d have to love me the way Carson loves Johnny.” Sometimes Andy sounded wise beyond his years. Just now the wistfulness in his tone crept into her heart. His gray eyes squinted up at her. “If he asked you, would you marry him? Johnny says Ross really, really likes you.”

  “Andy—” She shouldn’t have taken that second swallow and choked on it. “We hardly know each other!” Insecurity was driving her son to say these things. “It’s too soon for me to think about getting married. I want to work and take care of you. That Johnny—he does way too much talking.”

  “He’s funny, Mom.”

  “I agree, but he sometimes says things he shouldn’t.”

  “That’s what Ross says. Did you know his parents got married five weeks after they came to the ranch? Jenny said her parents got married in private after ten days.”

  Kit put the can on the table. “I know their marriages happened fast.” Incredibly fast. It was hard to believe, and yet these retired marines were exceptional men. It was no wonder Alex and Tracy had fallen in love with them.

  But for those four people to marry so soon and be sure... Kit had been so sure when she’d married Winn, never realizing the nightmare that awaited her. The thought of going into another marriage where she could be dominated was frightening.

  When the house phone rang, she jumped.

  “I bet that�
�s Ross!” Andy ran in the bedroom.

  “Wait—” She followed, but he was too quick for her and picked up. “Hello?” After a pause, “Hi! Yeah! I’m in my pajamas. Hey, Mom? Can Ross come over and help us with the puzzle? He says he’s not tired yet and I’m not either.”

  Ross had a definite reason for wanting to come over, but she didn’t know what it was. As usual he knew how to handle Andy so he wouldn’t get alarmed. In fact, her son was thrilled. “If he’d really like to.”

  Andy repeated her message before he hung up. “He says he’s driving over now.”

  Right or wrong or unwise, he was coming and Kit couldn’t do anything about it. With her heart thudding in her chest, she hurried in the bathroom to brush her hair and put on some lipstick.

  Before long they heard the knock on the door, and Andy opened it. Ross’s gaze darted to her. “Thanks for letting me come. I have the whole top floor of the ranch house to myself. Sometimes it gets lonely.”

  “My grandparents’ mansion felt the same way to me when I had to go to bed.”

  Andy’s comment squeezed her heart. “Well, tonight nobody’s lonely.”

  Ross coughed. “Mind if I help with the puzzle?”

  “Be our guest.”

  The three of them sat down at the table.

  “I’m glad I don’t have to go away to that school.”

  “I didn’t like the boarding school I went to,” Ross interjected. He’d already found some puzzle pieces that fit. “I only got to go home once a month.”

  “Johnny and Jenny are lucky they get to go to school in Jackson.”

  “I agree, except they’re kind of scared.”


  “Well, Johnny went to school in Ohio before he came here, and Jenny was in school in California. They don’t have any friends yet except each other. It’s going to take them a little time to adjust at Snake River Elementary, but they’re tough.”

  Kit suspected Ross was trying to prepare Andy for when they went to Texas.

  “That’s a funny name for a school.”

  Ross chuckled. “Speaking of snakes, has Johnny told you about the pet snake he keeps in his room? His name is Fred.”

  “Fred?” Both of them broke into laughter.

  “No one knows why he picked that name. Last month Jenny gave him a T-shirt for his birthday that has a snake on the front. The writing above says ‘Fred’s Dad.’”

  Kit smiled. “That’s one shirt I’ve got to see. He’s such a character.”

  “So’s Jenny. She’s the one who thought it up and designed it.”

  “They’re both precious.”

  Andy looked at Ross. “Do you want to see a picture of my dad?”

  Kit was stunned. More and more he was opening up around Ross. Already she knew Andy wouldn’t want to leave here when the time came.

  “I was hoping you’d show one to me.”

  “I’ll get it.” He was back in a flash. “Here he is.”

  Ross took the five-by-seven framed photo from him. “I’ve seen other pictures of him, but this one is special. He’s one fine-looking marine you can be proud of. When you’re a man, you’re going to look a lot like him.”

  “Thanks. Did you like being a marine?”

  “I learned to like it a lot.”

  “I don’t want to be one. They get killed.”

  “You’re right. Some of them do.” His black brows lifted as he looked at Andy. “You know what? That’s the great thing about being your own person. You get to do what you want with your own life. What do you think you’d like to be?”

  “I’ve been thinking about that, but I don’t know yet.”

  Kit couldn’t believe what she’d just heard. Andy was talking like a grown-up.

  “Well, you’ve got years to find out.”

  “Do you like being a rancher?”

  “I love it, but I didn’t know I wanted to be one until Carson invited me to his ranch last March.”

  “What happened?”

  “Well, we got on horses, and he showed me the whole property. I felt like I was seeing country no other man had ever seen or walked on. Each time we came to a different spot, I marveled at the wild beauty of the land and the mountains. I felt like it was calling to me and I had to be a part of it.”

  Kit got gooseflesh while he described his feelings.

  “As we rode, he told me the stories about his ancestors and how they came to settle here. It was such a different world from the one I’d come from, it was like I’d been living on a different planet. I kept thinking a man could live here, put down roots and be happy.

  “The truth is, Andy, I’d never truly been happy because I had a dad who expected me to be a certain way all the time.”

  “Did he die?”

  “No. He and my mom live in Houston, Texas, the home of the big oil wells. I have a married brother Scott and a married sister Georgianna, but I call her Georgie Porgie. She doesn’t like that.” Andy laughed. “I love them a lot, but I have to do my own thing.”

  “My dad had to do what my grandfather said.”

  He cocked his head. “But from now on, you and your mom get to do what you want. Right?”

  “Yeah. Thanks for talking to me.”


  Afraid she’d break down bawling if she heard any more, Kit said, “With that settled, it’s getting late, honey. We’ve had a huge day. You need to brush your teeth and get to bed.”

  “Okay. Good night, Ross.”

  He handed the picture back to him. “Thanks for showing this to me. Get a good sleep. I’ll see you in the morning. We’ll pack up and head for Bluebell Lake.”


  Andy gave Kit a hug and left the room. No sooner had he shut the door to the hall than Kit’s cell phone rang. Ross shot her a glance.

  She reached for it, but for the first time she didn’t get that sick feeling inside. “It’s Charles. He never gives up. I’m going to turn off the ringer so I won’t be bothered for the rest of the night.”

  “That sounds like a good idea.”

  After fixing it, she said, “What’s the real reason you came over tonight?”

  He lounged back in the chair and extended his long legs. “I’m going to ask you a question, but you don’t have to answer it. In fact you can tell me to take a hike.”

  She chuckled. “I’d never do that.”

  “I guess we’re going to find out if that’s true. As I recall, you told me that when you get to Texas, your savings will only keep you for a while. That could mean any number of things. How much money do you really have on hand?”

  Kit clasped her hands beneath the table. “It’s enough.”

  “That’s what I thought.” He got to his feet.

  “Where are you going?” she asked jerkily.

  “To take that hike.”

  “I didn’t mean to be rude to you.”

  “I know that. I’ve asked you something that’s none of my business and took the risk because I care what happens to you and Andy. Get a good sleep.” He started for the door.

  “Don’t go yet. Please—”

  He stood there rubbing the back of his neck. “I only asked because after ten years of marriage, I would have assumed you had enough money saved to keep you going a lot longer than that.”

  She let out a small moan. “Nothing about my marriage was conventional. I wasn’t allowed to work. That was unheard of for a Wentworth. Since I earned no money, I was dependent on Winn and his father for everything.”

  Incredulous, he moved closer to her. “So what you’re saying is, you had no discretionary income if you wanted to buy something for you or Andy without their approval?”

  “That’s what I’m saying.”
  The silence that followed was deafening.

  Ross stared down at her, appalled by the revelation. “Where’s the money your husband made while he was in the service?”

  “Winn’s military pay was always funneled into a special investment I couldn’t touch.”

  His dark brown eyes searched hers. “So, how do you have any money at all?”

  “At my grandmother’s death, she willed me her books and the $3,000 she had in her savings account. I had it invested in a CD money account that grew interest before I met Winn. He didn’t know about it. Four days ago I drew out $10,000.”

  He hooked the leg of the chair and sat down. “Throughout your entire marriage, you had no money that you could actually handle yourself?”

  “That’s right.”

  “So without that CD, you’d have nothing?” She felt his quiet anger.

  “I know it sounds incredible. Winn and his father did it to prevent me from leaving with Andy. They never knew about my grandmother’s money. I never touched it because I knew that one day I’d need it. When your invitation from the ranch came, I decided it was our passport to a new life.”

  “How did you get access to the money? Wouldn’t they know if you went to Point Judith to get it?”

  “Yes. When Nila knew about my plans, she came to Bar Harbor on the pretext of visiting her mother and gave me some money to help me. After Andy and I flew from Norway, we landed in Providence, Rhode Island. I rented a car and we drove to the bank in Point Judith where I withdrew my money.

  “I asked the bank to write me a cashier’s check, then we returned to Providence for the rest of our flight out here. That’s one of the reasons Andy was extra tired. The poor guy had to endure too many plane trips in one day.”

  Her story was so unbelievable, she couldn’t have made it up. “You still have that check on you?”

  “Yes. I plan to deposit it in a bank in Galveston and pay Nila back.”

  Lines darkened his features so she hardly recognized him. “I’m still trying to get my head around the fact that you lived ten years at the mercy of your husband’s family. How did it work?”

  “Between Winn and Charles, they paid for everything I needed.”


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