Harlequin American Romance October 2013 Bundle: Twins Under the Christmas TreeBig Sky ChristmasHer Wyoming HeroA Rancher's Christmas

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Harlequin American Romance October 2013 Bundle: Twins Under the Christmas TreeBig Sky ChristmasHer Wyoming HeroA Rancher's Christmas Page 72

by Marin Thomas

  “I can think of several right here in Saddlers Prairie. Autumn and Cody Naylor, Jenny and Adam Dawson, Megan and Drew Dawson, Mark and Stacy Engle. Clay and Sarah—”

  “Yeah, I get it. Some people do have happy endings.”

  But not Zach. He was alone, just as he wanted to be.

  “You think I’m looking for a relationship with you,” she said.

  “Are you?”

  “Of course not! I’m leaving in a few days.” She tucked her hair behind her ears. “I’m not some naive girl, Zach. We kissed and you unfastened my bra. It was really nice, but that’s all.”

  There was a lot more between them than that, and they both knew it.

  And he needed space, needed to tamp his feelings down and keep them there. He stood. “I need to be up early. I’m going to turn in.”

  She nodded. “Who’s making breakfast tomorrow?”

  “I’ll fix myself something before I leave. I’ll be extra busy the next few days, clearing pathways around the ranch and catching up on chores I haven’t been able to do. I probably won’t see you again before you leave.”

  “Oh—okay.” She glanced at her hands and then offered a bright smile. “Good night, Zach, and thank you for everything.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  By Friday the airport had reopened and the roads were finally clear enough to drive. Gina wanted to leave the next morning, but due to the blizzard and a glut of passengers, she couldn’t get out until Sunday. As soon as she booked her ticket, she called her family.

  “Hi,” Gloria said.

  “Good morning, cookie,” Sophie chimed in from the extension phone. “I’ll bet you’re glad the roads are open.”

  “I am. I just got my ticket home. I leave Sunday morning. Let’s have one last dinner together tomorrow night.”

  “That sounds lovely, but you don’t want to cook on your last night in town.”

  “Actually, I’ve pretty much emptied the refrigerator,” Gina said. Zach could take whatever was left. “I was thinking we could eat at Barb’s Café.” It was the only restaurant in town besides fast-food places. “My treat. Tell Uncle Redd to meet us at your house. I’ll pick you up there and drive his car.”

  “You and Zach can sit in the front seat,” Gloria said, her voice coy.

  They all knew he’d stayed at the house during the blizzard. Gina wasn’t about to feed their speculation frenzy. “Zach and I haven’t seen each other in a few days.” Not since the night of those melting kisses.

  It was a relief not having to face him and having the house to herself again. At least that’s what she told herself.

  The truth was, she missed his company. She missed him.

  Which was why she wanted to hurry back to Chicago and immerse herself in work.

  “What do you mean, you haven’t seen each other?” Sophie asked.

  “I’ve been busy with my work and the house, and he’s had a lot of ranching chores. I’m sure he’s fine.”

  “After he stayed with you and made sure you were safe, that’s all you have to say?”

  “What do you expect me to say?”

  Gloria snorted. “For a smart woman, you sure are thick sometimes. Zach cares about you.”

  “Of course he does. I’m Lucky’s only niece. Now, what time should I pick you up?”

  “Tell me you invited him to dinner.”

  “No, I didn’t. This is a family dinner.”

  “And Zach is like family.”

  They were impossible. “You know what I mean,” Gina said.

  “I know what you sound like. You’re avoiding him.”

  Which was true, but then, Zach was avoiding her, too. He seemed to think she wanted more from him than she did. Gina did have feelings for him, but she wasn’t about to let them out. He wasn’t the right guy for her. “Why would I do that?”

  “I’m not in the mood for guessing games, Gina. What did you and Zach argue about?”

  Would they never quit? “Oops, gotta run. See you tomorrow night.”

  Uncle Redd’s line was busy when she tried to call him, so she called Carol Plett, the Realtor.

  “This is the slowest time of year,” Mrs. Plett said. “It’s best to wait until January.”

  “Could you at least come look at it?” Gina asked. “I’m flying back to Chicago Sunday and would like to settle things before I leave.”

  “Unfortunately, I’m just about to leave for Elk Ridge to see my new little granddaughter. The blizzard kept me away from her last weekend, and I miss her. I’ve been in Lucky’s house many times and I know the ranch well. I’ll draw up the listing papers and send them to you.”

  When Gina hung up, she tried Uncle Redd again. This time, she reached him. “Meet us at Gloria and Sophie’s at five-thirty,” she said after inviting him to dinner.

  “It’s a date. Gloria says you and Zach had a fight.”

  Her cousin hadn’t wasted any time passing on her suspicions. “That’s not true,” Gina said. “What’s wrong with wanting a meal alone with my family? Hey, will you drive me to the airport Sunday morning? My plane leaves at eight, and we’d have to leave around five-thirty.”

  “At that hour it’s still dark out, and you don’t want me driving all that way in the dark. Besides, I don’t get up as early as I used to. Why don’t you ask Zach—since you two aren’t in a fight? He gets up early, so he won’t mind.”

  Gina was sure he would. If only she could call a cab. Unfortunately there were none in Saddlers Prairie. She thought about asking Autumn or one of the other women she knew for a ride, but they all had families and she didn’t want to impose.

  She sighed. “I don’t have much choice, do I?”

  * * *

  DESPITE HAVING BEEN plowed, Saturday night the roads were coated with black ice. Returning from dinner at Barb’s, Gina piloted Uncle Redd’s sedan at well below the speed limit.

  In the passenger seat, Sophie smiled. “Tonight was wonderful fun—and so yummy. I’ve always enjoyed the food at Barb’s.”

  “Home cooked is better, though,” Gloria said from the backseat.

  Sophie sniffed. “I know that, Gloria, but eating out is about more than just the food. It’s nice to be waited on and let someone else cook. Best of all, there are no dishes.”

  “And Sugar and Bit get the bones—a real treat for them,” Uncle Redd added. He was sharing the back with Gloria.

  After working on the house all day and carting a truckload of donations to the school and church, Gina had needed to get out and had enjoyed the evening with her family—bickering and all. “You know you could eat there every week, if you wanted,” she said.

  “Waste all that money?” Uncle Redd snorted.

  Sophie nodded. “He’s right. We don’t have the kind of income you do, cookie. Living on Social Security and a small pension doesn’t leave much for extras.”

  “Sophie!” Gloria scolded. “We may not have Gina’s business smarts and financial resources, but we’re comfortable, and you know it. Thank you for treating us, Gina.”

  “Yes—thank you, cookie.”

  Gina would’ve died if they’d realized how broke she was. She smiled. “It was my pleasure.”

  Gloria leaned up and touched her shoulder. “We’re really going to miss you.”

  Uncle Redd and Sophie murmured agreement.

  “I’ll miss you, too,” Gina said. Along with everyone else in Saddlers Prairie—her friends and, most of all, Zach.

  “I wish you’d come back for Christmas,” Uncle Redd said.

  Lise had invited Gina over for brunch again, which was something to look forward to, but the rest of the day was bound to be lonely. “I’ve already been here for nearly a week longer than I planned,” she explained. “I can’t afford
to take any more time away. But I’ll be back in the spring, and I promise I’ll be here for Christmas next year.”

  With any luck, by then the Lucky A would be sold. Her heart wrenched at the thought, and not just because there would be no more Christmases there.

  She was beginning to think she should keep it. Which was ridiculous. The ranch would never be profitable, not without a large infusion of cash she didn’t have. She needed to sell and would put it on the market in January.

  “Someone ought to live in that house and take care of it until it sells,” Uncle Redd said. “Zach should move in.”

  Gina hadn’t thought of that, but it was a good idea.

  A block before she reached Gloria and Sophie’s house, she slowed way down. “It’s slippery out there. I’m going to walk you two inside. Uncle Redd, you can wait in the car.”

  Gloria waved off the suggestion. “Nonsense. Why, only a few hours ago Zach came by and cleared and salted our walk—just as he promised he would before the blizzard. I wasn’t going to tell you this because you said you didn’t want him to come tonight, but I invited him anyway, as a way of thanking him for all that he does. He couldn’t make it.”

  Gina was relieved about that. She wasn’t great at pretending to be relaxed and happy when she wasn’t. If Zach had come tonight, fooling her family wouldn’t have been easy. It was bad enough that she would see him tomorrow.

  “For the last time, we’re not fighting—he’s taking me to the airport in the morning, remember? I’ll ask him about moving into the house then.” As soon as he dropped her off and drove away, she would push him from her thoughts—and her heart. “Tonight I wanted to have dinner with just us,” she added.

  “Well, I missed him,” Sophie said. Gina pulled to a stop in front of the house. “What time is your flight?”

  “Eight a.m. We’ll leave the ranch at five-thirty.”

  Gloria opened her door. “Wait for me,” Gina ordered. Taking care not to slip, she headed around the car.

  “I don’t need any help.” Gloria’s mouth tightened, but she allowed Gina to take her arm. “Have a safe trip home, and call to let us know you made it.”

  “No matter what time you get in,” Sophie added, grasping hold of Gina’s other arm.

  As they made their way slowly toward their front door, Gloria shook her off. “The walkway is just fine, Gina. I’m not a doddering fool. I’m quite capable of—”

  Her words died as she lost her footing and slipped. Gina grabbed for her, but it was too late. Her cousin fell hard on the walkway.

  Gina covered her mouth with her hands. “Are you okay?”

  “I skinned my palm and twisted my ankle, but I’m all right.”

  As Gina extended her arms to help her cousin to her feet, Uncle Redd exited the car. “Let me give you a hand,” he called out.

  The last thing Gina needed was for him to slip and fall, too. “It’s okay,” she called out. “Please wait in the car.”

  “I’m fine,” Gloria insisted.

  Pulling a two-hundred-pound woman to her feet was no easy task, and Gina grunted with the effort. Gloria leaned heavily on her and limped slowly forward.

  Gina frowned. “You’re in pain.”

  “I’ll live.”

  “Maybe we should call Dr. Mark,” Sophia suggested, looking worried.

  “I’m not going to bother the poor doctor on a Saturday night. I’ll clean my palm, ice the ankle and take two aspirin, and everything will be fine. Go on now, Gina. Drive Redd home and drive yourself back to the house so you can get a decent night’s sleep.”

  “You’re sure?” Gina asked as Sophie opened the front door. “Let me come in and take a look at your ankle.”

  “You’re not a doctor, and I don’t need a nursemaid.”

  Her cousin set her jaw and Gina knew that arguing was pointless. “Okay.” She hugged both her cousins. “I’ll miss you both so much.”

  “Us, too, cookie,” Sophie said. “Don’t forget to call when you get home.”

  * * *

  ANTSY TO LEAVE, Gina was up and dressed early Sunday morning. As she sipped coffee and waited for Zach, she glanced around the kitchen. Without the clutter, it looked bigger. A couple of coats of paint and some new curtains would do wonders for it.

  Would she be able to stay there this spring, or would new owners already be living in the house?

  Saying goodbye to the place where she’d spent many happy weeks every summer of her childhood made her heart ache, and she half wished she could stay. Which was ridiculous. Her life was in Chicago, and she could hardly wait to get back to work. Back to the comforts of her own apartment. Wi-Fi, a great music system and a flat-screen TV. Entertainment and good restaurants within walking distance. She filled a Thermos with the coffee she’d made and washed out the pot. And really good coffee.

  Footsteps thudded on the back stoop, followed by a knock. Zach.

  He was freshly shaved, wide-awake and so handsome that her heart lifted at the sight of him.

  “Morning,” he said in a gruff voice, sounding as if they were his first words of the day. He wiped his feet on the welcome mat and stepped inside. “Ready to go?”

  “Almost. I want to ask you something.”

  That earned her a wary look.

  “Don’t worry, I wouldn’t dream of prying into your past.”

  His eyes narrowed a fraction. He didn’t like that. She hurried on. “I was talking with my family last night, and we think that you should move into the house until it sells. It’s not good for it to be empty.” But it was more than that. For reasons she couldn’t define, she needed Zach to stay here.

  “I cleaned out most of Uncle Lucky’s junk and the fridge is empty,” she went on, “but the towels, linens and kitchen things are still here.”

  She sucked in a breath and waited.

  “Sure, I’ll stay here.”

  Overcome with relief, she exhaled. “That’s great.”

  Her gaze collided with his. The warmth she saw there confused her and made her want to cry. Uncomfortable, she held out the Thermos. “This is for you to drink on the way to the airport.”

  “I could use more coffee. Why don’t you hold on to it while I load your bags into the truck?”

  When the last suitcase disappeared from the kitchen, Gina shut off the light. She thought about locking the door, but as far as she knew, Uncle Lucky had never locked up. She left it as he would have. It was still dark outside, and now the house was dark, too.

  After buckling up, she handed Zach the keys to the house.

  He pocketed them and pulled out of the driveway. “I’m ready for some of that coffee now.”

  “Sure.” Gina opened the Thermos and filled the cup.

  He was quiet for a while, sipping and keeping his eyes on the deserted highway.

  Tension filled the truck, not much different from the night they’d met. But so much had happened since then. She couldn’t leave things like that.

  “Zach, I—”

  “I don’t want—”

  They spoke at the same time.

  “Go ahead,” Zach said.

  “You first.”

  He nodded. “I left a little abruptly the other night. I... It wasn’t anything you did. I enjoyed being with you—all of it.”

  His eyes were warm again, and she all but melted. “Me, too.”

  The next stretch of silence was far more relaxed.

  “Shoot,” she said. “I left the hat you loaned me in the house. It’s in the coat closet.”

  “Okay. How was the dinner with your family last night?” he asked.

  “Fine, until the end of the evening. I was helping Gloria up the walk, but you know how independent she is. She shrugged me off and, of course, slipped on black ice. S
he twisted her ankle. I was able to get her inside, but she wouldn’t let me examine her ankle. She promised to take a couple of aspirin and ice it. I think she’ll be okay.”

  “She’s tough. What’s on your agenda when you get back?”

  “If my flights are on time—please, God—and I get home at a decent hour, I’ll probably stop at the office and get ready for Monday. I’ll be touching bases with all my clients and visiting a few in person.” Starting with Evelyn Grant. If she’d even see her. Gina had spoken with Lise several times. She and Ms. Grant seemed to be getting along well, but Gina wanted the woman to give her another chance.

  “I’ll bet the people you work with will be glad to see you back.”

  “I’ll be glad to see them, too.” Except for Carrie. According to Marsha, she’d been coming to work on time but leaving at five o’clock sharp. Employees at Andersen, Coats and Mueller rarely left at five, and it was obvious that her heart was no longer in the job. Either she was going to quit, or Gina would have to let her go.

  “I’ve been wondering, Zach. When the ranch sells, where will you go?”

  “Maybe you’ll keep it and I won’t have to go anywhere.”

  “Very funny. I can’t keep it. How many times do I have to tell you that?”

  “Hey, I’m just doing what I promised Lucky I’d do.”

  She couldn’t help admiring him for his persistence. “You should’ve been in sales,” she teased. “You’re great at refusing to take ‘no’ for an answer.”

  “But not so hot at closing the deal.”

  “Not this deal. So what are your plans for after the ranch sells?”

  “Haven’t thought much about that yet.”

  Of course he hadn’t. Which just underlined how different he was from Gina.

  Suddenly her cell phone rang. Before 6:00 a.m.? She pulled it from her purse and glanced at the screen. What she saw worried her.

  “It’s a call from Flagg Memorial Hospital.” She bit her lip. “Don’t tell me Redd had another attack of indigestion. He needs to get that physical.” Zach shot her a worried look before she answered. “Hello?”

  “It’s Sophie.”

  “Hi, Sophie. What are you doing at the hospital?” Gina asked. “Before you answer that, I’m putting you on speaker so Zach can hear.”


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