2. The Grass Crown

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2. The Grass Crown Page 55

by Colleen McCullough

  VI (90 B.C.)

  When news of Lucius Caesar’s defeat of Mutilus at Acerrae had reached Rome, senatorial spirits had temporarily lifted. A proclamation was issued to the effect that it was no longer necessary for Roman citizens to wear the sagum. Then when news came of Lucius Caesar's defeat in the Melfa Gorge for the second time, together with casualty figures almost exactly equaling enemy losses at Acerrae, no one in the Senate had moved to order the proclamation reversed; that would have pointed up the new defeat. "Futile," Marcus Aemilius Princeps Senatus had said to the few senators who turned up to debate the issue. His lip trembled, was resolutely quelled. "What we have to face is a far more serious fact that we are losing this war." Philippus wasn't present to argue. Nor was Quintus Varius, still busy prosecuting minor lights for treason; now that he had abandoned quarry like Antonius Orator and Scaurus Princeps Senatus, the victims of his special court were mounting. Thus, deprived of the stimulus of opposition, Scaurus found himself without the will to go on, and sat down heavily upon his stool. I am too old, he thought how can Marius cope with a whole theater of war when he's the same age I am? That question was answered at the end of Sextilis, when a courier came to inform the Senate that Gaius Marius and his troops had beaten Herius Asinius with the loss of seven thousand Marrucine lives, including Herius Asinius's. But such was the depth of the depression within the city that no one thought it wise to celebrate; instead, the city waited for the next few days to bring news of an equivalent defeat. Sure enough, some days later another courier arrived and presented himself to the Senate, whose members sat, stony-faced and stiff-backed, to hear the bad tidings. Only Scaurus had come among the consulars.

  Gaius Marius takes great pleasure in informing the Senate and People of Rome that, on this day, he and his armies did inflict a crushing defeat upon Quintus Poppaedius Silo and the men of the Marsi. Fifteen thousand Marsians lie dead, and five thousand more are taken prisoner. Gaius Marius wishes to commend the invaluable contribution of Lucius Cornelius Sulla to this victory, and begs to be excused a full account of events until such time as he can inform the Senate and People of Rome that Alba Fucentia has been relieved. Long live Rome!

  At first reading, no one believed it. A stir passed along the thinned white ranks, too sparse upon the tiers to look impressive. Scaurus read the letter out again, voice shaking. And finally the cheers started. Within an hour, all of Rome was cheering. Gaius Marius had done it! Gaius Marius had reversed Rome's fortunes! Gaius Marius, Gaius Marius, Gaius Marius! "He's everybody's hero yet again," said Scaurus to the flamen Dialis, Lucius Cornelius Merula, who hadn't missed one meeting of the Senate since the war had begun, despite the huge number of taboos which hedged the flamen Dialis round. Alone among his peers, the flamen Dialis could never don a toga; instead, he was enveloped by a double-layered heavy woolen cape, the laena, which was cut on a full circle, and on his head he wore a close-fitting ivory helm adorned with the symbols of Jupiter and topped with a hard disc of wool pierced by an ivory spike. Alone among his peers he was hirsute, for this flamen Dialis had elected to leave his hair hanging down his back and his beard straggling down his chest rather than endure the torture of being barbered by bone or bronze. The flamen Dialis could not come into bodily contact with iron of any kind which meant he could have no contact with war. Thwarted in doing his military duty to his country, Lucius Cornelius Merula had taken to attending the Senate assiduously. Merula sighed. "Well, Marcus Aemilius, patricians though we may be, I think it's high time we admitted to ourselves that our bloodlines are so attenuated we can no longer produce a popular hero." "Nonsense!" snapped Scaurus. "Gaius Marius is a freak!" "Without him, where would we be?" "In Rome, and true Romans!" "You don't approve of his victory?" "Of course I approve! I just wish the name at the bottom of the letter had been Lucius Cornelius Sulla's!" "He was a good praetor urbanus, I know, but I never heard he was a Marius upon the battlefield," said Merula. "Until Gaius Marius quits the battlefield, how can we know? Lucius Cornelius Sulla has been with Gaius Marius since oh, the war against Jugurtha. And has always made a large contribution to Gaius Marius's victories. Marius takes the credit." "Be fair, Marcus Aemilius! Gaius Marius's letter made specific mention of Lucius Sulla! I for one thought the praise ungrudging. Nor can I hear a word of disparagement about the man who has finally answered my prayers," said Merula. "A man answers your prayers, flamen Dialis? That's an odd way of putting it, surely." "Our gods do not answer us directly, Princeps Senatus. If they are displeased they present us with some sort of phenomenon, and when they act they do so through the agency of men." "I am as aware of that as you are!" cried Scaurus, goaded. "I love Gaius Marius as much as I hate him. But I could still wish that the name on the bottom of the letter had been another's!" One of the Senate clerks entered the chamber, deserted now save for Scaurus and Merula, who had fallen behind. "Princeps Senatus, an urgent communication has just come from Lucius Cornelius Sulla." Merula giggled. "There you are, an answer to your prayers! A letter with Lucius Sulla's name on its bottom!" A scathing look was Merula's answer; Scaurus took the tiny roll and spread it between his hands. It contained, he saw in utter astonishment, two scant lines, carefully printed in big characters, and having dots between the words. Sulla wanted no misinterpretation.


  Bereft of speech, Scaurus Princeps Senatus gave the sheet to Merula and stumbled to a seat on the bare bottom tier. "Edepol!" Merula too sat down. "Oh, is nothing ever going to go right in this war? Is Gaius Marius dead, do you think? Is that what Lucius Sulla means?" "I think he lives but is incapable of command, and that his troops know it," said Scaurus. He drew a breath, bellowed, "Clerk!" Hovering in the doorway, the scribe returned immediately to stand before Scaurus; he was bursting with curiosity. "Call out the heralds. Have them proclaim the news that Gaius Marius has had a stroke, and is being returned to Rome by his legate Lucius Cornelius Sulla." The scribe gasped, blanched, hurried off. "Was that wise, Marcus Aemilius?" asked Merula. "Only the Great God knows, flamen Dialis. I do not. All I know is that if I called the Senate to discuss this first, they'd vote to suppress the news. And that I cannot condone," said Scaurus strongly. He got up. "Walk with me. I have to tell Julia before the heralds start braying from the rostra."

  Thus it was that when the five cohorts of troops escorting Gaius Marius's litter came through the Colline Gate, their spears wreathed in cypress, their swords and daggers reversed, they entered a marketplace festooned with garlands of flowers and thronged with silent people a feast and a funeral at one, it seemed. And so it was all the way to the Forum Romanum, where again flowers hung everywhere, but the crowds were still and voiceless. The flowers had been put out to celebrate Gaius Marius's great victory; his defeat by illness had caused the silence. When the closely curtained litter appeared behind the soldiers, a great whisper spread: "He must be alive! He must be alive!" Sulla and his cohorts halted in the lower Forum alongside the rostra, while Gaius Marius was carried up the Clivus Argentarius to his house. Marcus Aemilius Scaurus Princeps Senatus climbed alone to the top of the rostra. "The Third Founder of Rome lives, Quirites!" Scaurus thundered. "As always, he has turned the course of war in Rome's favor, and Rome cannot be grateful enough. Make offerings for his well-being, though it may be that it is time for Gaius Marius to leave us. His condition is grave. But thanks to him, Quirites, our condition has improved immeasurably." No one cheered. No one wept either. Weeping would be saved for his funeral, for a moment without hope. Then Scaurus came down off the rostra and the people began to disperse. "He won't die," said Sulla, looking very tired. Scaurus snorted. "I never thought he would. He hasn't been consul seven times yet, so he can't let himself die." "That is exactly how he put it." "What, he's still able to speak?" "A little. There's no lack of words, just clumsiness getting them out. Our army surgeon says it's because his left side bore the
blow, not his right though why that should be, I don't know. Nor does the army surgeon. He simply insists that's the usual pattern field surgeons see when heads are damaged. If the paralysis of the body is on the right, speech is obliterated. If the paralysis is on the left, speech is retained." "How extraordinary! Why doesn't one hear this from our city physicians?" asked Scaurus. "I suppose they don't see enough broken heads." "True." Scaurus took Sulla by the arm warmly. "Come home with me, Lucius Cornelius. Take a little wine and tell me absolutely everything that's happened. I had thought you still with Lucius Julius in Campania." Not with every ounce of will could Sulla suppress his complete withdrawal. "I'd rather we went to my house, Marcus Aemilius. I am still in armor, and it's hot." Scaurus sighed. "It is time we both forgot what happened so many years ago," he said sincerely. "My wife is older, more settled, and much occupied with her children." "Then your house it shall be." She was waiting in the atrium to receive them, as anxious to know the condition of Gaius Marius as everyone else in Rome. Now twenty-eight years of age, she knew the felicitude of an increasing rather than a fading beauty; a brown beauty as rich as a fur pelt, though the eyes she lifted to rest on Sulla's face were the grey of the sea on a cloudy day. It did not escape Sulla that, though Scaurus beamed upon her with genuine and obviously unquestioning affection, she was afraid of her husband, and did not see how he felt. "Welcome, Lucius Cornelius," she said colorlessly. "I thank you, Caecilia Dalmatica." "There are refreshments laid out in your study, husband," she said to Scaurus colorlessly. "Is Gaius Marius going to die?" Sulla answered her, smiling easily now the first moment was gone; this was very different from seeing her in Marius's house at a dinner party. "No, Caecilia Dalmatica. We haven't seen the last of Gaius Marius yet, so much I can promise you." She sighed in simple relief. "Then I will leave you." The two men stood in the atrium until she disappeared, after which Scaurus conducted Sulla to his tablinum. "Do you want command of the Marsic theater?" Scaurus asked, handing Sulla wine. "I doubt the Senate would give it to me, Princeps Senatus." "Frankly, so do I. But do you want it?" "No, I don't. My career throughout the year of this war has been based in Campania aside from this special exercise with Gaius Marius, and I'd prefer to stay in the theater I know. Lucius Julius is expecting me back," Sulla said, well aware what he intended to do when the new consuls were in office, but having no wish to make Scaurus a party to his plans. "Are they your troops in Marius's escort?" "Yes. The other fifteen cohorts I sent directly to Campania. I'll take the rest myself tomorrow." "Oh, I wish you were standing for consul!" said Scaurus. "It is the most miserable field in half a generation!" "I'm standing with Quintus Pompeius Rufus at the end of next year," said Sulla firmly. "So I had heard. A pity." "I couldn't win an election this year, Marcus Aemilius." "You could if I threw my weight behind you." Sulla grinned sourly. "The offer comes too late. I'll be too busy in Campania to don the toga Candida. Besides, I'd have to take pot luck with my colleague, whereas Quintus Pompeius and I will run as a team. My daughter is to marry his son." "Then I withdraw my offer. You are right. Rome will just have to muddle through this coming year. It will be a great pleasure to have relatives as consuls the following year. Harmony in the chair is a wonderful thing. And you'll dominate Quintus Pompeius as easily as he'll accept your domination." "So I think, Princeps Senatus. Election time is really the only time Lucius Julius can spare me, as he intends to wind hostilities down in order to return to Rome himself. I think I'll marry my daughter to Quintus Pompeius's son this December, even though she won't be eighteen. She's looking forward to it very much," lied Sulla blandly, knowing perfectly well that he still had a most unwilling child on his hands, but trusting to Fortune. His understanding of Cornelia Sulla's attitude was reinforced when he came home some two hours later. Aelia greeted him with the news that Cornelia Sulla had tried to run away from home. '' Luckily her girl was too frightened not to report to me,'' Aelia ended mournfully, for she loved her stepdaughter dearly, and for her stepdaughter's sake wished she could have the marriage of her heart a match with Young Marius. "Just what did she think she was going to do, wandering around the war-torn countryside?" asked Sulla. "I have no idea, Lucius Cornelius. I don't think she had either. It was an impulse, is my guess." "Then the sooner she's married to young Quintus Pompeius, the better," said Sulla grimly. "I'll see her now." "Here? In your study?" "Here, Aelia. In my study." Knowing he didn't appreciate her nor appreciate her sympathy for Cornelia Sulla Aelia gazed at her husband in mingled fear and pity. "Please, Lucius Cornelius, try not to be too hard on her!" A petition Sulla ignored by turning his back. Cornelia Sulla was brought to him looking much like a prisoner, placed as she was between two male household slaves. "You can go," he said curtly to her guardians, and let his cold gaze rest upon his daughter's mutinous face, so exquisite with its mixture of his coloring and her mother's beauty, save that her eyes were all her own, very large and vividly blue. "And what have you got to say for yourself, girl?" "I'm ready this time, Father. You can hit me until you kill me I don't care! Because I am not marrying Quintus Pompeius, and you can't make me!" "If I have to tie you and drug you, my girl, you will marry Quintus Pompeius," said Sulla in those soft tones which preceded maximum violence. But, for all her tears and tantrums, she was far more Sulla's child than she was Julilla's. Visibly she settled on her feet as if to ward off some frightful blow, and put sapphire glitters in her eyes. "I will not marry Quintus Pompeius!" "By all the gods, Cornelia, you will!" "I will not!" Normally so much defiance would have produced an uncontrollable rage in Sulla; but now, perhaps because he saw something belonging to his dead son in her face, he found himself unable to be truly angry. He blew through his nose ominously. "Daughter, do you know who Pietas is?" he asked. "Of course I know," said Cornelia Sulla warily. "She's Duty." "Enlarge on that definition, Cornelia." "She's the goddess of Duty." "What kind of duty?" "All kinds." "Including the duty children owe their parents, is that not so?" asked Sulla sweetly. "Yes," said Cornelia Sulla. "To defy the paterfamilias is a frightful thing, Cornelia. Not only does it offend Pietas, but under the law you must obey the head of your family. I am the paterfamilias,'' said Sulla sternly. "My first duty is to myself," she said heroically. Sulla's lips began to quiver. "It is not, daughter. Your first duty is to me. You are in my hand." "Hand or no hand, Father, I will not betray myself!" The lips stopped trembling, opened; Sulla burst into a huge roar of laughter. "Oh, go away!" he said when he could, and yelled after her, still laughing, "You'll do your duty or I'll sell you into slavery! I can, there's nothing to stop me!" "I'm already a slave!" she called back. What a soldier she would have made! When his amusement allowed it, Sulla sat down to write to that Greek citizen of Smyrna, Publius Rutilius Rufus.


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