Addicted to Her

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Addicted to Her Page 1

by Sam Crescent


  Copyright© 2017 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77339-309-4

  Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2017

  Chapter One

  Alfie Brown stared across the park at where the woman that belonged to him walked her dog. Her brown hair was pulled back into a long ponytail, and the blue summer dress she wore cupped her large tits, but flared out from her waist, not showing the world what was rightfully his. Sophia Cross had no idea that she was being watched, but he had been doing it for over a year now.

  The first time he’d seen her was in an upscale restaurant on a business meeting. She hadn’t even been serving his table, nor had she looked in his direction. He’d been served by an incompetent male. No, that was wrong. The waiter at the time had been more than fine. What Alfie hadn’t liked was how he got in the way of his view. Every time she was near, he couldn’t resist looking at her. His need had been so great that he’d forcibly moved the man just so he didn’t stand in his way.

  She was a curvy woman as well. Large tits, ass, and thighs, fuller, and he couldn’t wait to get his hands on her.

  Some men loved having a slender woman with all bones, but not him. The moment he saw Sophia he knew he had to have her. The meeting he’d been part of was one of the worst of his life, and yet it had been the best as well. He’d worked his ass off to get the contracts he wanted, and then he’d spent the rest of the evening watching the divine creature. She really was a beauty as well, all smiles and warmth.

  By the end of that first night, he had a sit down with the manager, found out her name, and then he went about making sure she was being paid a decent wage. He didn’t know why he did all of this. He never had before. There was something about Sophia that he couldn’t stop himself from making sure she was safe, she was protected.

  After he settled an arrangement with his manager, on the way out of the restaurant, he put a call through to his private investigator, Mitch. By the end of the night, he had everything he needed to know about the sweet little Sophia.

  She was working her way through college doing two jobs. At night she worked at the restaurant, and during the day she walked dogs in between classes and study. She was constantly on the move, doing something.

  From what he’d discovered about her, she wanted to be an author. It was an interesting career choice, and he’d even hacked into her computer, and read quite a bit of her work. She had an interesting mind, also a dirty one. From her doctors’ records, he’d discovered she was a virgin, but also that she was taking the pill to help with period pain. Yes, he’d gotten her medical records, which had cost him a really large donation. Still, it was well worth it.

  With his hands in his pockets, he saw a couple of his guys who he’d hired to keep an eye on her were blending in just fine, and looking like random strangers in a park. He only recognized them because, hey, he’d hired them. Every man and woman he got a detailed report every single day. None of them were to alert Sophia that someone was watching. Over the past year he’d taken her rather shitty life, and he hoped that he’d made it something for her to love, to enjoy.

  From the raise at the restaurant, she didn’t have to work as many long hours, leaving more time for study. She spent a great deal of her time at the library.

  Thinking about her stories, Alfie had already purchased a publishing company, and he intended to guide her toward sending one of her stories. After reading one of her stories from hacking into her computer, he’d gotten an editor to have a look, and then some agents to give their opinion.

  She had talent, but needed guidance.

  His woman was studying to be an author, and was also taking part time classes in business. The arrangements were already being made so that his company would offer her an opportunity. She wouldn’t be joining the other interns as he never intended for her to spend all that much time in his office doing work. He wanted her close to him.

  Alfie had hoped to encourage their very first meeting by introducing himself as her boss. That depended on her taking the job, which she’d not shown any interest in doing. Her guidance counselor at college had said she wasn’t interested in working for a big corporation, or being pulled into a nine to five job. She didn’t want to be trapped in a place that she couldn’t escape. That made sense.

  Looking at her now, he saw the smile on her face, the way she paused while the dogs sat, and how she tilted her head up toward the sunshine.

  Sophia didn’t always fall in line with his plans, but what made him a damn good businessman was the fact he could adapt. He changed with the times, and while twenty-three-year-old Sophia didn’t imagine life at a desk, he could find something else. He was thirty-seven years old, a good fourteen years older than she was.

  She was probably way too young for him, and yet, from everything he knew about her, he found her utterly charming and sweet. In a world that was all about corruption, he found her sweetness something to hold onto.

  One of the dogs gave a little tug, and she giggled as she followed after them. She never lost her temper, not that he saw. Her friends adored her, and she was loyal. All the traits he had seen, he wanted in his woman. The moment Sophia belonged to him, there would be no turning back.

  He intended to make her fall in love with him, and then he was going to fuck her, get her knocked up with his kid so she belonged to him completely. The plan was simple. Now he just had to hope that everything else fell in life to fit into his perfectly ordered plans.


  “Brown Enterprises has called again,” Freya said.

  Sophia looked at her best friend, and extended roommate, and shook her head. “I have no idea who that is, and I don’t know why they’re calling.”

  “Didn’t Mr. Coleman say he was going to present your resume to a couple of candidates, and you accepted?” Freya, the beautiful blonde siren, smirked. “Clearly, you’re wanted.”

  Sophia groaned and flopped onto the bed, and stared up at her best friend, shaking her head. “I don’t want to go to any corporation. They are what is wrong with our entire world. They’re a curse, a plague.”

  “Wow, Miss Doom-on-you. Technically, it’s an enterprise.”

  “Is it wrong that I don’t want to be head hunted? I’m a soon to be college graduate, and thought of being stuck at a desk all day drags.”

  “You are so not my friend right now, but I get it. The thought of being in the same old clothes all the time, and working for a company that sucks the fun out of fun, it will suck something major. The thing is, Sophia, you can’t walk dogs the rest of your life.”

  Moving to rest her head on her friend’s lap, she looked up at the ceiling. “I am in such a bad place right now. I can’t even think straight.” She placed a hand to her head, and groaned.

  “That is so not like you at all. Usually after you walked your precious pooches, you’re in a good mood.” Freya stroked her hair back.

  They had been friends forever, and had been so lucky to get this room on campus together. She couldn’t imagine going through college with anyone else.

  “I hate this, I really do. What do you think I s
hould do?” she asked.

  “Brown Enterprises is a really good company. A lot of college graduates fight for a chance to be on their programs. A lot of people who get selected, and go through their rigorous training often make a career out of it.”

  She stared at her friend. “You know I don’t want to be working on numbers.”

  “I know. You want to be bringing two lost souls together in a romantic, and somewhat steamy journey. You’ve always written. I get that.”

  “But it’s not always a guaranteed career choice.”

  “It’s really not. The market is really tough. You know that, sweetie. I just, I don’t want you to be sucked down by all that negativity, you know.”

  “I’m not negative. I’m optimistic.”

  “Well, you can still write that cookbook you always said you wanted to, or you can go into porn.”

  “Please, plus size porn?”

  “Why not? You’ve got a smoking bod,” Freya said, giggling.

  “I have jiggly bits, and I think to be a porn star you’ve got to, you know, have sex.” She sat up, pulling out of her ponytail, and gathering the things she would need to go and take a shower. It had been a really hot day, and she needed to freshen up. She stank really bad.

  “You’ve got to give some guys a chance,” Freya said.

  “Kind of hard to do when you discover that they were marking each other for points on who to bang. Did you know if they bagged a virgin and recorded it as proof, they got a thousand dollars?” Sophia said. “Guys are idiots, morons, and losers.” From the moment she had seen that notebook in freshman year, she had been sworn off every single guy on campus. She didn’t care who they were or what their parents did, she turned everyone down.

  It still made her shudder to see that if they bagged her, it would be extra points. Gross.

  Freya laughed. “They’re not all bad.”

  “You’re talking about Greg.”

  “Yep, I am. He’s being really sweet, which I have to say makes me nervous.”

  “How come?” Sophia asked.

  “Mom told me that if a guy ignores you for a period of time, and then all of a sudden starts with the compliments, and buying me gifts, then it means he’s probably cheated, or done something he’s not proud of.”

  Sophia winced. If anyone would see the signs of cheating it was Freya’s mom. Her best friend’s parent hadn’t done well in the guy department. Four marriages, all ending in divorce via adultery. Not pretty, and Sophia had once seen one of the explosions.

  One night they had gone to get ice cream after school, only the shop had been shut. They had gone to the store instead, returning home within minutes. There on the couch, Freya’s stepdad had been banging the neighbor, and at fourteen, she had seen all the goriness.

  She had gone home with Freya while the explosion went on.

  Her view of men hadn’t improved at all.

  Freya, however, was a hopeless romantic, who was determined to see the good in everyone and everything.

  “Why don’t you ask?”

  “He’ll lie.”

  “You’ll have to find out some way.” She stood up. “I’m going to take a shower. I think I smell like a dog.”

  Freya chuckled. “Just a little bit.” She got to the door before she was stopped. “What are you going to do about Brown? One little interview wouldn’t hurt, right?”

  Her shoulders slumped, and she glanced back at her friend. “I guess one interview won’t hurt, but I don’t know. Something doesn’t seem right. When they call again if I’m not here, arrange an interview, and I will go for you.” She blew her friend a kiss, and left to go and take a shower.

  “Excellent, I made one for you next week.”

  College was coming to an end, and life was changing. Freya already had a job lined up for some kind of advertising agency that meant she could put her art into some real action. For Sophia, she didn’t know what she wanted. Freya always had a plan, always knew what she wanted.

  Sophia had never been able to settle, always struggling with making that final leap. She loved writing, always had. When she had been in the library studying for lengths of time, she found herself typing away at a new story.

  Mr. Coleman had been really nice in directing her toward a company where her skills would be useful, even though she didn’t want to work for a large organization or enterprise, or company.

  Still, beggars couldn’t be choosers, and all of her tutors had warned her about this. If she didn’t make decisions herself, then others would make them for her. How could she decide what she wanted to do for the rest of her life?

  Chapter Two

  This was the day. Everything had fallen into place, and all it had taken was a few game tickets to Mr. Coleman to convince him to send Sophia Cross here. He checked how he looked in his full-length mirror, satisfied that there wasn’t a crease or speck of dust on his suit. His hair had been cut and slicked back into place. He was excited, and he’d not felt this much pleasure since the first day he saw her.

  Everything had been carefully organized, and the interview was for her to meet him.

  His phone rang, and he answered it. The receptionist had been alerted that Miss Cross had entered the building. He accessed the security feed on his computer and zoomed in. Sophia was standing off to the entrance, looking through her bag. Just that one look at her was enough to calm him. Soon, she was going to be all his.

  One year of careful managing, maneuvering, and she would be in his bed, with his ring on her finger, and his kid inside her.

  He just had to be patient, and everything would be okay. Leaving his office, he made his way toward the stairs, and quickly rushed down toward the ground floor. Timed perfectly, he stood beside Sophia as pressed the button for the elevator. She had a letter in her hand, and she was tapping her foot.

  The skirt she wore was rather conservative and went past her knees. The white blouse was tucked inside her skirt, and it showed off her curves to perfection. She was a size eighteen, with nice large tits, and he couldn’t wait to get his hands on her.

  She sighed, and looked down at her letter, her floral scent teasing his senses.

  “First day?” he asked.

  She turned those deep brown eyes toward him, and nodded. He tried not to frown as she looked at him. There was no assessment. She didn’t look down at his suit, or appraise him, which wasn’t what he was used to.

  “Yeah, it is. I’ve got an interview for something.”

  He couldn’t help but smile. “You’ve got an interview and don’t know what it’s for?”

  “Nope. My roommate and total best friend decided to arrange an interview. I know my student counselor arranged for my resume to come here. He’s worried that I will take my college degree and screw with it.” She shrugged. “Oh well.”

  Her voice was magic, and it took every effort not to close his eyes to enjoy her talking. “Well, Brown Enterprise is a great company.”

  “Yeah, I guess it is. Freya, my friend, she was raving about this place. I don’t know. I guess I’m just not ready to settle for a big company.”

  The elevator arrived, and he waited for her to enter before standing beside her.

  “Most students can’t wait to get a chance to work here.”

  She nodded. “I know. I know. I’m … I’m confused to be honest. I’ve been warned that if I’m not careful my career will pick me out of desperation. I just find it hard to pick a life from a few choices. You know? I guess you don’t. I’m sorry. I’m not trying to sound ungrateful. I’m not, but I sound like it. Ignore me. I talk a lot when I’m nervous.”

  Alfie smiled. Talking to her was a lot more enlightening than getting other people’s perspective of her. She was struggling with picking that one career she would have to do for a long time, the rest of her life. Other people didn’t see that. They just saw a way to survive, or their job was a way of getting a good house, a steady income, and the chance to play later in life.

was a hard worker, strong, and passionate. He’d read that in all of her books. The heroine just wanted to be free, yet everyone and everything always seemed intent on holding her down. Her parents were a good reason for her view on life. They’d married young, straight out of high school because they were pregnant with Sophia. Their work kept them close to town, they never vacationed, and only ever worked, taking vacations at their home town. She had a couple of brothers and sisters who she wasn’t close to. Freya, her best friend, was the only person she was close to.

  “I’m really sorry. I shouldn’t be talking to you about this. I promised my friend I would try really hard for this interview. It’ll be great to have a job. It’s close to where I’ll be living once we move off campus, and everything is working together. If I can, you know, get this job, I can start saving.”

  Even as she spoke, he heard the conformity in her voice, the way most students thought.

  “Wow, I sound all grown up,” she said, chuckling. “I’m really sorry. I tend to ramble, and talk a lot when I’m nervous, and I’m really nervous. I suck at interviews, and it’s really bad. I’m a waitress right now in a really posh restaurant, and I got the job because they were busy one night, and I just got stuck in proving my worth. I’m not great at all. I ramble, and I bet you’re totally bored.”

  Actually, he was totally charmed by her.

  The elevator opened, and they stepped out. She kept on talking, and he stopped at his desk.

  “You’re a charming woman, Sophia Cross.”

  “Wait, how do you know my name?”

  He held his hand out. “I’m Alfie Brown. I’ll be the one interviewing you.”


  Freya was going to kill her and dispose of the body.

  Sophia stared down at his hand, and tried not to show embarrassment even as heat started to work up her neck.


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