The Hidden Two

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The Hidden Two Page 16

by Kimberlee R. Mendoza

  Laura’s joy sunk into her chest. The mention of Bryce’s name stung. “Bryce is dead.” Those words dropped heavy in the room. Shock was evident on Deshawn’s face. It quickly turned to sadness. He bent down to the ground, hovering on his haunches. “How?”

  Emotion grasped Laura’s throat as she tried to respond. “Helena murdered him.”

  “Man! That’s… I can’t even… There are no words.” Deshawn closed his eyes and exhaled through his nose. “I wondered what happened when I saw her. She didn’t say hi and was saying things about being loyal to S.I.U. I thought she was tripping, like they had her on something.” Deshawn stood and put out his arms for a hug. “I’m so sorry, Laura. We all loved that guy.”

  Laura hugged him and nodded. “Thank you.”

  The sound of running water sounded in the other room.

  “I hope they can’t hear that,” Laura said in some hopes of changing the subject.

  “I don’t think so. It’s pretty solid steel in here.” Deshawn slapped the wall. “My guess it was built to withstand blowing this place up.”

  That sounded like Harding. Get all the agents rushing around, and he hides in here while they are annihilated. Laura walked to the shelf and grabbed a yellow can marked “water” and popped it open. The water was sweet and cool. It didn’t take but a minute to down the entire thing.

  Myers walked back in, drying his head, wearing an olive drab T-shirt and black shorts.

  “So, you found a shower.” Laura grinned.

  Myers shot a towel at her thigh.

  It snapped but didn’t hurt. “Hmm, you’ll pay for that.”

  “Just go shower. You stink.”

  Laura narrowed her eyes, playfully. “Fine. Only because you’re right.” She ducked around the corner. A small stand-up shower only big enough for one thin body stood on the left, only inches away from a super short toilet. It reminded her of the toilets in elementary school. There was no sink. So, all the water must come from the shower. She flipped on the handle and water poured down. It was lukewarm. After a minute, it seemed it would not get any warmer, so she underdressed and stepped inside.

  The water streamed down her body, stinging against the open scratches and sores. But it soothed her. She closed her eyes and breathed in. Symbolically, it was like washing away all the bad from the past few days. They needed their strength if they were to fight their way out. Right now, they would be taken—most likely killed. For some reason, Laura was supposed to live. And that was before Harding knew of her pregnancy. So, that wasn’t enough. Myers and Deshawn could not die; that was not an option. She would not lose another friend in this fight.

  She glanced down at her naked abdomen. It had started to swell. Lately, she had felt twinges in her stomach, like bubbles. Through all the trauma of the last month, she hoped the baby was okay. It appeared he or she still grew.

  She shut off the water and stepped out. A towel lay on the toilet seat, along with some clothes. Funny, she didn’t remember that there before. Myers must have put it there. She smiled as she pulled on the olive drab T-shirt and gray sweat pants. Luckily, they had a string, as they were a bit big. She probably looked like a girl playing dress up in her father’s clothes. She started to walk around the corner, when she overheard her name.

  “So, you and Laura, huh?” Deshawn asked.

  “No, man, it isn’t like that.”

  “Yeah, right. You just keep telling yourself that. I see the way you two look at each other.”

  Myers sighed. “I can’t hurt her, man. She means too much for me to make that mistake.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, her heart belongs to Bryce. I could never replace that. I wouldn’t want to try.”

  Deshawn chuckled. “Man, you have it bad.”

  “Did you just hear what I said?”

  “Oh, I hear you. But body language says way more. I get it. You don’t want to move in on Bryce’s wife, but he’s gone. You’ve lost someone, and she’s lost someone. It’s really okay. No one in this family would fault either of you for liking each other.” The sound of a slap happened, likely on Myer’s back. “Follow your heart. You two are going to need each other, especially with that kid on the way.”

  Laura closed her eyes. What did she think? In a way, she felt numb. Her stomach twisted and turned. Could she be falling for Myers? It was true; they had been through a lot together. It was possible that was all this was—a bond formed due to vile conditions. Of course, they would always love each other. But could they love each other. She didn’t know. Nor did she want to figure that out just now. Laura took a deep breath, stepped back a few steps, and started forward with hard steps that would be heard. “That shower was amazing.”

  Myers peered at her over the top of a couch pillow and grinned. “I can’t smell you from here, so I would say it did its job. Nice clothes by the way.”

  “Thanks.” She punched him in the arm and dropped next to him. “So, what now?”

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Laura opened her eyes and realized she must have fallen asleep in Myers’ lap. His hand combed through her hair as he stared off in space. Slowly, she rose and began tilting her neck side to side to remove the kink. “How long was I out?”

  “About an hour.” Myers yawned. “I tried but couldn’t get comfortable.”

  “Apparently, you were the only one.” Laura pointed to Deshawn who snored on a cot in the corner. “I think he’s louder than you.”

  Myers tickled her.

  She grabbed his hand to stop him, laughing.

  Their hands intertwined. Her heart raced. Shivers shot through her system. There was more here than she would admit. It was apparent, and she knew he felt it, too. His stare grew serious. His lips parted and met hers. She didn’t push away. They were warm, inviting. Tears welled in her eyes. So much emotion overwhelmed her. He pulled back and touched her cheek with his thumb. “I’m sorry. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  She shook her head. “You didn’t. I’m just confused.”

  “Yeah, and that’s why I’m sorry.” He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “You mean the world to me. I don’t want to make things worse.”

  “I know there is something happening between us. I’m not going to deny it.” She pulled a couch pillow into her lap and began toying with its tag. “I’m just not ready to face it head on. Get me out of here. Let me grieve properly, and then we’ll see.”

  He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her into him. “Deal.”

  Now how to break the tension? “Is there reception in this place?” She nodded to the TV.

  “No, but there is an assortment of movies saved.” He reached for the remote and hit on. A menu popped on the screen. “So, action, sci-fi, or romance?”

  They both said, “Sci-fi” together, and laughed.

  Halfway through the horror of flesh-eating aliens, Myers touched her hand and faced her. “Bryce was like a brother to me, and you were his wife.”

  “I know.” Laura clicked the remote to pause the movie and faced him. “It’s okay if you and me…if we…well, don’t—”

  He held up a hand and half-smiled. “No, what I mean is. You’re stuck with me. I will forever have your back. You’re my responsibility now, no matter what.”

  Though sweet, that humored her. “How chivalrous, but you do know I can take care of myself.”

  His mouth stayed serious. “You know what I mean.”

  “Is that the reason you are drawn to me? Out of obligation?” she whispered.

  He reached for her hand and laced his fingers with hers. “If only it were that simple.”

  An overwhelming chemistry pooled between them again. Other than with Bryce, she had never felt this way about a guy before. This was different. And she was glad. She didn’t want to compare Myers to Bryce. They were different. The relationship should be too. But nothing would happen if they stayed here. A newfound adrenaline pumped through her body. It could be the five sports coolers
she drank to restore electrolytes, or it could be the man next to her, but she was ready.

  “Us against the world, Myers.” She brushed her lips against his cheek and then looked him square in the eye. “I’m tired of running, of hiding, of mourning. That is my whole life, and I am ready to make a change.”

  A huge smile slipped across his face. “What do you have in mind?”

  “There is no way Harding would have this bunker without a docking station, right? Find the computer, and we clue in our allies.” Laura walked to Deshawn’s side and shook him.

  Yawning, he rolled over, rubbing his eyes. “Yeah. What’s up?”

  “Help us find the computer.”

  “Yeah, okay.” Deshawn pointed to an upholstered storage bench. “I saw one in there.”

  Myers walked to it and opened it. Sure enough, a laptop lay inside. Myers lifted it out and grinned. Charlie was often used as the computer geek in their family, but Myers could hold his own around technology. Laura knew about his cyber crimes; after all, she plucked him from jail all those years ago.

  Myers rubbed his hands together before hitting a few keys. “I’m in. What should I type?”

  “Let Charlie know exactly where we are. Also, he should know we are able to withstand anything where we are at.” Laura paced a few steps and then turned back. “And find a channel we can chat on securely.”

  Myers typed in their coded message on the fake dating site and pushed send. His eyes met hers. “Now we wait.”

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Teddy stared at the metal gate. It appeared the exterior was completely surrounded by an electric fence. Already, Charlie had disabled two cameras. “So, please tell me we can get in there.”

  “With a little luck,” Charlie sighed, taping ferociously on his laptop on top of the car’s hood.

  “We really need a new car,” Eri said, pacing next to it. The entire side was riddled with bullet holes.

  “Rescue my partner in crime, Myers, and I’ll get you whatever you want.” Charlie winked.

  “Get me inside, and I’ll get you whatever you want.” Eri smiled back.

  The gate rolled back, revealing two guards. Teddy shot both before they could react. “Well, not the most stealth entrance, but we’re in. Shall we?” Teddy held out his looped arm for Eri. She laughed and grabbed it. “Keep us safe, Charlie.”

  “Get me eyes inside, and I will.”

  The two of them ran for the entrance, ducking for cover behind a clump of trees. The building in front of them was an enormous mansion surrounded by trees and bushes. Smaller houses sat on the left and right of it. Most likely, they would be housed in the main center.

  “Do you hear that?” Eri stopped and cupped her ear.

  Teddy did the same. “A siren inside.”

  “They’ve escaped. Come on.” Eri ran from cover to cover, rolling, jumping, leaping, and running from tree to bush until she was against the wall. Without warning, she disappeared on the roof and out of sight. If only Teddy could be as smooth. He could climb, but not like her. He touched his earpiece. “So, I take it we’re not going in the front door.”

  Eri laughed. “Hardly. Try and keep up.”

  Teddy ran at the wall, kicked off, and leapt up to a small ledge just above. Using that, he swung his body to a small side roof. He jogged forward and stopped. An agent cocked his gun. Teddy raised his hands, just as Eri round-kicked the man in the back of the head. He slid down to the ground into a mound of bushes.


  “I try.” She ran forward and onto the next level.

  Teddy followed.

  “I’m in,” came Charlie’s voice through the earpiece. “I’ve taken control of the camera in the room next to where you are. Do you see the window?”

  “Yes.” Eri tried to open it, but it wouldn’t budge. She pulled out a device to open it, when gunfire whizzed by Teddy’s head, just missing Eri.

  Teddy flipped around and fired. The man dropped. “We have to hurry.”

  “I can’t get it.”

  Teddy peeked in the window. It looked like an office. Red strobe lights flickered in the distance. “They are on lock down. We’ll never get in.”

  “And do we want to? Obviously, they are trying to get out.” Eri touched her earpiece. “What do you think, Charlie? Do we keep trying to get in, or just wait for them to come out?”

  “Come back for now. I think we need more recon.”

  “Sounds good.” Eri shoved her tools back in her black cargo pants and nodded. “Let’s go.”


  Teddy was discouraged, but he was trying not to be a nuisance. Though he was a chatterbox, he was also quite self-aware. Often, he felt the frustration when his nerves got the better of him. How much longer would they have to wait to rescue their friends? Charlie’s way was not working. Enough! He had to go back. Without asking, Teddy began packing gear on his body.

  “What are you doing?” Eri asked, looking over her shoulder from the passenger seat of their vehicle.

  “We can’t just sit here all day. The longer we wait, the more likely it is they are dead.” He pulled a bulletproof vest over his head and fastened the two Velcro sides.

  “Look, I know you’re anxious. We all are, but—”

  “I have them,” Charlie said from the front.

  Teddy stopped and leaned forward. “What? Where?”

  “The dating site.” Charlie shifted around to see each of them. “They are holed up in some kind of bunker, completely safe, but trapped.”

  “So, we need to create a distraction?” Teddy smiled.

  Willow returned the grin. “Anything else?”

  “One sec.” Charlie tapped a few keys and hit return. “Yes!”

  “What?” everyone said in unison.

  “We are connected via chat.”

  “Is it secure?” Eri asked.

  Charlie rolled his eyes. “Please, woman. After all these years—”

  She punched his arm. “Fine. Do your thing…with a little less sass.”

  He laughed. “I’ll try.” Charlie turned on the text speech, so everyone could hear. Then he said as he typed, “Hey, Myers and Laura. Are you okay?”

  “Yes, we are good,” the computer translated. “We are trapped, but safe.”

  “We’re glad to hear that. Here with Willow, Teddy, and Eri.”

  The computer said, “Here with Deshawn.”

  Everyone exchanged glances. Charlie typed, “Deshawn?”

  “Yes, he was kidnapped and brought here. Has been helping us. Need to break him out with us.”

  “Do you trust him?” Charlie said as he typed.

  “You know we trust only you, but at this point, we are placing blind faith. We think he’s cool.”

  Charlie nodded, as if Myers could see him.

  “Ask him, what now?” Teddy asked.

  Charlie typed.

  “Distraction,” the computer answered.

  “What we thought. Do you know what end of the building you are at?”

  “Guessing northwest corner.”

  The group turned to each other, each obviously contemplating a plan. Several lame ideas were tossed out but were easily shaken off. Teddy started to open his mouth, when the computer spoke again.

  “Explosion possible. Bunker will withstand.”

  “What? No!” Teddy shook his head. “There are good people in there. That doesn’t sound like Myers. Are we sure that’s Myers? I’m not. Ask him something only he or Laura would know.”

  Charlie nodded and turned to the keyboard. “Last year, where did we stay the night with just you, me, and Eri?”

  There was a long pause, then the computer said, “The Petrova Estate.”

  Teddy breathed loudly through his nose. “That was a long pause. Why was that a long pause? Did he or she have to go torture someone to get that answer?”

  “Why the long pause?” Charlie shrugged, obviously giving into Teddy’s anxiety attack.

  “Laura was
on keyboard.”

  “Sorry, need to establish it’s you. One for Laura. What was the first thing Laura did when she met Charlie?”

  “Shoot his keyboard.”

  “Is that true?” Eri asked.

  “Yes.” Charlie laughed. “We will figure out a plan and get back to you shortly.” He snapped the laptop closed and faced the group. “Okay, any ideas that do not include blowing up this mansion?”

  An eerie smile played across Willow’s face. “What if we make the fire and police departments come here?”

  “What is the protocol for S.I.U. if we do that?” Charlie looked at Willow, since she was obviously the highest ranking and the longest in service for the agency.

  “They are obviously on lockdown, so they would know it was a ruse. I don’t know, to tell you the truth. But it is worth a shot, right?” Willow reached for Teddy’s hand. “How should we do it?”

  Eri slid her finger across the screen of her cell phone and dialed 9-1-1. It rang through the speaker, so each one of them could hear.

  “9-1-1 operator. What is your emergency?”

  “Hurry.” Cough, cough. “The entire building is going to explode.” Cough, cough. “They’ve trapped us inside. Hundreds of teenagers will die. Lots of fire.”

  “Where are you calling from?”

  Eri rattled off the address and then said, “Please, hurry, there are hundreds trapped and some really bad…” She ended the call and then looked at them and smiled. “It’s more dramatic that way.”

  “Let’s get ready. When they arrive, we need to be inside. I’ll stay here at the computer and vehicle, the rest of you—” Charlie looked to every eye. “Bring them back.”

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Helena’s cell phone buzzed in her pocket. She pulled it out and read the display. It was Harding. Meet in my office. That could go either way. Maybe he found them, or maybe he would punish her. There was never any indication of what his plan was. After he had placed that gun under her chin, she was now frightened of him.

  The office was about a minute from her position. She pushed past the various soldiers and made her way down the corridor. The outside door was ajar. She peeked in. Harding sat at his desk. She rapped on the door. “Hi. It’s me, Helena.”


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